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The viability of self-assessment in the performance appraisal process has been the focus of recent work. Although some contend that self-appraisals can be beneficial, the consistent finding of lenient and inaccurate self-ratings has led others to discount and doubt their usefulness. Recent research (Farh & Dobbins, 1989a,b) has investigated the influence of a variety of factors in improving the accuracy of self-ratings. The present study was conducted to examine the effect of perceived system knowledge (PSK) on the discrepancy between self- and supervisor ratings. Seventy-three employees of two banking institutions participated by completing a questionnaire on their perceived knowledge of the performance appraisal system. The results of moderated regression analyses suggest that the level of knowledge did in fact influence the agreement among subordinates and supervisors. Self-ratings were more congruent with supervisors'ratings when the subordinates reported high levels of perceived system knowledge. Implications of these findings for organizations and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

主观幸福感及其与人格的关系综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主观幸福感,即人们对他们生活的情感性和认知性评价,包括大多数人所谓的幸福、平静、成就和生活满意度。人格特征,特别是外向性和神经质,被认为是影响主观幸福感水平的主要因素。虽然人格能解释相当数量的主观幸福感的变异,但是人格与主观幸福感之间的因果联系还没有取得显著的研究成果。  相似文献   

Based on mathematical probability theory, a model of the relationship between beliefs and behavioral intention was proposed and tested. In Experiment 1, subjects indicated their beliefs about the consequences of smoking cigarettes as well as their intention to smoke cigarettes. When combined according to the proposed model the average correlation between predicted and obtained behavioral intention was .78 (p<.01). In Experiment 2, implications of the model for changing behavioral intentions were examined. Subjects were presented a hypothetical election campaign between two candidates. Intentions to vote for a given candidate were measured prior to and after presentation of information about some of the candidates' political views. Using the proposed model of intention, the predicted and observed changes in voting intentions were correlated .72 (p<.01). Implications of the model for theories of social behavior and persuasion were discussed.  相似文献   

Thomas Jay Oord 《Zygon》2005,40(4):919-938
Abstract. Scholars of religion and science have generated remarkable scholarship in recent years in their explorations of love. Exactly how scholars involved in this budding field believe that love and science should relate and/or be integrated varies greatly. What they share in common is the belief that issues of love are of paramount importance and that the various scientific disciplines—whether natural, social, or religious—must be brought to bear upon how best to understand love. I briefly introduce the emergence of the love‐and‐science research program and note that scholars have not done well defining what they mean by love. I suggest that the present surge in love scholarship will fail to produce the positive results that it otherwise might if love is not defined well. I provide and defend a definition of love adequate for those doing love‐and‐science research: To love is to act intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including God), to promote well‐being. To explain better what this simple definition entails, I explore its three main phrases. Love is said to have many forms, but agape is the form to which the love‐and‐science literature most commonly refers. I comment briefly on the debates about how to best understand agape, noting sixteen different definitions proposed by major scholars. I identify weaknesses in many of them and then offer what I argue is a more adequate definition of agape as intentional response to promote well‐being when confronted by that which generates ill‐being. In short, agape repays evil with good. While research on love and science requires much more than adequate definitions, I believe that the definitions I proffer can prove useful in furthering the love‐and‐science research program.  相似文献   

唐自杰 《心理学报》1964,9(2):75-83
問題儿童在入小学以前,已經掌握了很多口头語言,入小学后在继續发展。但儿童如何才能把他們的口头語言变成书面語言(作文)呢?如何使他們的书面語言表达得更好呢?为了探索此问題,我們曾从小学实驗班和普通班二下級学生說和写的数量、貭量进行了比較  相似文献   

Abstract: A variety of strategies have been used to oppose the influential Humean thesis that all of an agent's reasons for action are provided by the agent's current wants. Among these strategies is the attempt to show that it is a conceptual truth that reasons for action are non‐relative. I introduce the notion of a basic reason‐giving consideration and show that the non‐relativity thesis can be understood as a corollary of the more fundamental thesis that basic reason‐giving considerations are generalizable. I then consider the relationship between the generalizability thesis and the Humean thesis that all of an agent's reasons for action are provided by the agent's current wants. I argue that, contrary to a common assumption, there is a subtle and clearly motivated version of the Humean thesis that does not deny, and so is not threatened by, the generalizability thesis.  相似文献   

In the Chinese tradition] any kind of romanticism, of idealization, or quasi-mystical ardor is excluded. Love, such as we understand it since our twelfth century does not even have a name in their language. In Chinese the nearest approach to our verb 'to love' is a word which denotes the relationship between a mother and her son.… From the viewpoint of the idea of love, there are really two worlds, the Oriental and the Occidental.  相似文献   

本研究设计了长度比较的实验,检查了5—11岁青海高原藏汉儿童长度概念的稳定性。研究结果表明:(1)5—11岁藏汉儿童长度概念稳定性是随年龄增长而发展的。藏汉儿童的成绩,10岁以前各年龄组均无显著差异,唯有11岁组差异显著,而其中了,9,10岁是几个值得注意的转折年龄。(2)儿童长度概念稳定性的发展大致有四个思惟水平,据此可以划分成几个年龄阶段,但各个阶段之间没有绝对的界限。儿童长度概念稳定性的发展,是各种认知成分相互交织、相互作用的结果。(3)概念“守恒”是一个复杂的变化过程。研究结果表明,直接认识与间接认识的矛盾关系是儿童认知结构形成和发展的重要因素。(4)不同文化背景和教育条件对藏汉儿童长度概念稳定性的发展有一定影响。  相似文献   

小学儿童数概念与运算能力发展的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林崇德 《心理学报》1981,14(3):43-52
我们曾对学龄前儿童和初入学儿童数概念与运算能力的发展作了研究。小学儿童的运算思惟是如何发展的呢?这也是儿童心理学重要研究领域之一。 我们围绕着小学儿童数概念与运算能力发展的研究,企图摸索一下小学儿童运算中  相似文献   

Jon W. Thompson 《Zygon》2021,56(1):188-208
Several scholars have claimed that the decline of revealed or Scriptural mysteries in the early Enlightenment was a consequence of the trajectories of Reformed theology in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Reformed theology's fideistic stance, it is claimed, undermined earlier frameworks for relating reason to revealed mysteries; consequently, rationalism emerged as an alternative to such fideism in figures like the Cambridge Platonists. This article argues that Reformed theologians of the seventeenth century were not fideists but re‐affirmed Medieval claims about the eschatological concord of reason and revealed mysteries. Furthermore, the article suggests that early Enlightenment attitudes to religious mysteries owe more to innovations in Socinianism and Cambridge Platonism than to mainstream Reformed theology.  相似文献   

Abstract: Interpreters of Locke's Essay are divided over whether to attribute to him a Representational Theory of Perception (RTP). Those who object to an RTP interpretation cite (among other things) Locke's Book IV account of sensitive knowledge, contending that the account is incompatible with RTP. The aim of this paper is to rebut this kind of objection – to defend an RTP reading of the relevant Book IV passages. Specifically, I address four influential assumptions (about sensitive knowledge) cited by opponents of an RTP interpretation and argue that in each case the assumption is false.  相似文献   

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