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This paper examined the joint predictive effects of trait emotional intelligence (trait-EI), Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism on 2 facets of general well-being and job satisfaction. An employed community sample of 123 individuals from the Indian subcontinent participated in the study, and completed measures of the five-factor model of personality, trait-EI, job satisfaction, and general well-being facets worn-out and up-tight . Trait-EI was related but distinct from the 3 personality variables. Trait-EI demonstrated the strongest correlation with job satisfaction, but predicted general well-being no better than Neuroticism. In regression analyses, trait-EI predicted between 6% and 9% additional variance in the well-being criteria, beyond the 3 personality traits. It was concluded that trait-EI may be useful in examining dispositional influences on psychological well-being.  相似文献   

One factor that can influence the magnitude of predictive validity of personality tests for selection is the bandwidth of the constructs measured (Ashton, Jackson, Paunonen, Helmes, & Rothstein, Journal of Research in Personality, 29, 432–442 (1995)). In addition, certain personality characteristics have been shown to be more prevalent in an occupational category (Barrick & Mount, Personnel Psychology, 44, 1–26 (1991)). The results of this study suggest the necessity to perform personality based job analysis within a specific occupational category to properly select a personality measure. Criterion validity coefficients of broad constructs were non significant. However, specific facets identified in a personality based job analysis demonstrated moderate significant correlations. In addition, applicants prefer a more narrowly defined selection test.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the predictive validities of different hierarchical levels of personality for sales performance. The General Factor of Personality was expected to be most effective at predicting general sales performance, whereas the Big Five factors and its underlying narrow traits were expected to be most effective at predicting the specific sales performance criteria to which they are conceptually aligned. Six different sales performance measures were used in an international study involving 405 sales employees. The results suggest that General Factor of Personality is a valid predictor of general job performance but that some of the aligned narrow personality traits predict specific sales performance above and beyond the Big Five factors. The narrow trait Social Boldness has a negative relation with rated sales performance and sales results.  相似文献   

It has been argued that approximations of narrow traits can be made through linear combinations of broad traits such as the Big Five personality traits. Indeed, Hough and Ones (2001 Hough, L. M., &; Ones, D. S. (2001). The structure, measurement, validity, &; use of personality variables in industrial, work, and organizational psychology. In N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil, &; C Viswesvaran (Eds.), Handbook of industrial, work, and organizational psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 233277). London, UK: Sage.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) used a qualitative analysis of scale content to arrive at a taxonomy of how Big Five traits might be combined to approximate various narrow traits. However, the utility of such compound trait approximations has yet to be established beyond specific cases such as integrity and customer service orientation. Using data from the Eugene-Springfield Community Sample (Goldberg, 2008 Goldberg, L. R. (2008). The Eugene-Springfield community sample: Information available from the research participants. Eugene: Oregon Research Institute. [Google Scholar]), we explore the ability of linear composites of scores on Big Five traits to approximate scores on 127 narrow trait measures from 5 well-known non-Big-Five omnibus measures of personality. Our findings indicate that individuals' standing on more than 30 narrow traits can be well estimated from 3 different types of linear composites of scores on Big Five traits without a substantial sacrifice in criterion validity. We discuss theoretical accounts for why such relationships exist as well as the theoretical and practical implications of these findings for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Research in the area of personality traits and academic performance has been supported by consistent meta‐analytic evidence demonstrating positive relationships between Conscientiousness and grade point average (GPA). However, academic performance is not solely a function of GPA but also a number of other important intellectual, interpersonal and intrapersonal behaviours. This wider criterion space opens up the possibility for many personality factors and their underlying facets to relate to academic performance. Using bifactor latent variable modelling, the current study investigates the six‐factor HEXACO model of personality, along with their 24 underlying facets, for predicting students' academic performance. Model results reveal interpretable and meaningful relationships between both broad factors and narrow personality facets in predicting college student outcomes. Implications for measurement, modelling and prediction are discussed. Copyright © 2014 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Based on decades-old reviews, many negotiation researchers have expressed doubts about the effect of personality on negotiation outcomes. More recent reviews have found significant associations between traits and outcome measures. Existing research has primarily used laboratory experiments; field studies are rare. In this study, we aim to fill that important gap. Traits measured using the Hogan Personality Inventory were correlated with supervisor ratings of negotiation performance across three occupations: marketing managers, lawyers, and construction supervisors. Ambition and likability independently predicted greater negotiation performance. Results generalized across these three samples with evidence for an interaction effect in the lawyer sample. For attorneys, greater ambition was not additionally helpful for those who were relatively more likable. Results establish the importance of negotiation effectiveness as a distinct component of overall job performance. Practical implications are considered in terms of division of labor, person–job fit, and the state-trait distinction.  相似文献   

This article investigates three social network models of employee turnover: a structural equivalence model, a social influence model, and an erosion model. It was predicted that structurally equivalent individuals would be more likely to behave similarly (i.e., leave or stay at their position). The rocial influence model predicted that employees with a greater percentage of direct communication links with leavers would be more likely to leave their job. The erosion model posited that individuals located on the periphery of a social network would be more likely to leave their job or “fall off” the edges of the social network. A total of 170 employees, a census of an organization, were administered a communication network questionnaire asking them to identify the people with whom they communicate at work. Network self-report data were analyzed using NEGOPY and UCINET software. Results provided support for all three models of turnover, with the erosion model explaining more of the variance than the other two models. Future research examining communication networks and employee turnover is proposed, on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

This study examined students' usage of deep and surface approaches to learning as well as the relationship between students' personality attributes and their approaches to learning. Participants were 284 undergraduate education students registered with a South African regular university (females = 195, males = 89). They completed the Revised two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) (Biggs, Kember, & Leung (2001) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975, 1985). Data were analysed for differences in proportion endorsing learning approach type (deep, surface) and the association between learning approach and personality attributes. The students self-reported to use predominantly deep learning strategies and lower rather than high surface strategies. The personality attributes of Extraversion and Neuroticism were unrelated to self-reported primary learning strategy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The ability of personality traits to predict important life outcomes has traditionally been questioned because of the putative small effects of personality. In this article, we compare the predictive validity of personality traits with that of socioeconomic status (SES) and cognitive ability to test the relative contribution of personality traits to predictions of three critical outcomes: mortality, divorce, and occupational attainment. Only evidence from prospective longitudinal studies was considered. In addition, an attempt was made to limit the review to studies that controlled for important background factors. Results showed that the magnitude of the effects of personality traits on mortality, divorce, and occupational attainment was indistinguishable from the effects of SES and cognitive ability on these outcomes. These results demonstrate the influence of personality traits on important life outcomes, highlight the need to more routinely incorporate measures of personality into quality of life surveys, and encourage further research about the developmental origins of personality traits and the processes by which these traits influence diverse life outcomes.  相似文献   

Irrational beliefs are the focus of many psychological theories, since research has shown that holding irrational beliefs often leads to unhealthy emotions, dysfunctional behaviors, and psychological disturbances. The aim of such therapies as rational emotive behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy is to dispute irrational beliefs to promote more rational ways of thinking; however they do not take into account individual personality differences. The aim of this study was to determine whether personality traits predict rational and irrational beliefs in a mixed student and clinical sample. It was hypothesized that the domains of the five factor model of personality would predict rational beliefs as well as a range of irrational beliefs. Our findings supported the hypothesis, showing distinct associations between personality traits and each specific irrational belief. Neuroticism predicted rational beliefs as well as six out of the seven types of irrational beliefs measured. Additionally, extraversion predicted rationality and self-downing, openness predicted need for comfort and total irrationality, and conscientiousness predicted need for achievement and demand for fairness. Agreeableness did not predict any type of rational or irrational beliefs. Knowledge of these distinct relationships may increase a clinician’s ability to conceptualize a therapy case and determine the best approach to treatment.  相似文献   

The present study investigates to what degree individual differences can predict frequency and duration of actual behaviour, manifested in mobile application (app) usage on smartphones. In particular, this work focuses on the identification of stable associations between personality on the factor and facet level, fluid intelligence, demography and app usage in 16 distinct categories. A total of 137 subjects (87 women and 50 men), with an average age of 24 (SD = 4.72), participated in a 90‐min psychometric lab session as well as in a subsequent 60‐day data logging study in the field. Our data suggest that personality traits predict mobile application usage in several specific categories such as communication, photography, gaming, transportation and entertainment. Extraversion, conscientiousness and agreeableness are better predictors of mobile application usage than basic demographic variables in several distinct categories. Furthermore, predictive performance is slightly higher for single factor—in comparison with facet‐level personality scores. Fluid intelligence and demographics additionally show stable associations with categorical app usage. In sum, this study demonstrates how individual differences can be effectively related to actual behaviour and how this can assist in understanding the behavioural underpinnings of personality. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

(Résumé) Un Test Expérimental de Deux Théories du Sourire Social Chez les Enfants en Bas Âge

On a supposé habituellement que la forme et la voix humaines sont des stimuli instinctifs au sourire chez les enfants en bas ǎge ou qu'il y a quelque stimulus instinctif, peut-ětre la satiété ou le contact, auquel la présence humaine devient conditionnée. On a élevé deux enfants de sorte que la voix de l'adulte n'a pas été associée au sourire causé par d'autres agents. Dans ces conditions, la voix humaine n'a jamais causé de sourire. Le sourire à la vue de l'adulte s'est développé cependant à un haut degré. On a constaté qu'à partir du commencement de l'étude actuelle nul stimulus n'a été plus efficace que la présence de l'adulte. Aussi est-il difficile de nommer un autre stimulus comme plus primaire. On a constaté que le sourire social s'est montré le plus souvent comme l'adulte s'est penché vers l'enfant pour donner quelque soin mais avant que le soin soit donné. Ces faits ont fait la formulation de la théorie que le sourire devient une réponse conditionnelle à n'importe quel stimulus qui cause une cessation de l'irritation, de l'inquiétude et des pleurs. Il n'a pas de stimulus non conditionnel. Le fait que le sourire chez le nouveau-né suit pas n'importe quel stimulus avec beaucoup de fréquence est à l'état incomplet du conditionnement.



Es wird allgemin angenommen, dass die menschliche Gestalt und Stimme entweder instinktive Reize zum Lächeln bei jungen Kindern seien, oder dass es irgendeinen instinktiven Reiz gebe, vielleicht Sättigung oder Berührung, zu welchem die menschliche Gegenwart bedingt werde. Zwei junge Kinder, wurden so erzogen, dass die erwachsene Stimme nicht mit dem durch andere Quellen verursachten Lächeln assoziiert wurde. Unter diesen Umständen verursachte die menschliche Stimme nie das Lächeln. Das Lächeln bei der Ansicht des Erwachsenen entwickelt sich doch zu einem bemerkbaren Grade. Es stellte sich heraus, dass vom Anfang des vorliegenden Studiums kein Reiz wirksamer war als die Gegenwart des Erwachsenen. Folglich ist es schwierig, irgendeinen anderen Reiz als ursprünglicher zu nennen. Es fand sich, dass das soziale Lächeln am häufigsten vorkam, wenn der Erwachsene sich über das Kind beugte, um ihm irgendeine Aufmerksamkeit zu erweisen, aber bevor die Aufmerksamkeit erwiesen wurde. Diese Tatsachen führen zur Formulierung der Theorie, dass das Lächeln eine bedingte Antwort auf irgendeinen Reiz wird, der ein Aufhören des Verdrusses, der Unruhe und des Weinens veranlässt. Es gibt keinen unbedingten Reiz. Die Tatsache, dass das Lächeln beim Neugeborenen nicht auf irgendeinen Reiz mit Häufigkeit folgt, ist die Folge der Unvollkommenheit des Bedingens.

Dennis  相似文献   

This paper reviews the needs and conceptual bases of school-based youth suicide prevention programs, summarizes their current status, and recommends objectives, processes, and evaluation strategies for focused educational programs in this area. In addition, a broad systemic approach is called for that reorganizes the school context to increase students' contributions to and involvement with the educational process. Such approaches appear to have been effective with a variety of youth deviant behaviors such as dropout and delinquency, and seem to be particularly appropriate to suicidal behavior that is characterized by alienation and withdrawal from social supports. A combination of these broad and narrow foci may be necessary to address suicidal behavior in the educational context.  相似文献   

Personality neuroscience involves the use of neuroscience methods to study individual differences in behavior, motivation, emotion, and cognition. Personality psychology has contributed much to identifying the important dimensions of personality, but relatively little to understanding the biological sources of those dimensions. However, the rapidly expanding field of personality neuroscience is increasingly shedding light on this topic. This article provides a survey of progress in the use of neuroscience to study personality traits, organized using a hierarchical model of traits based on the Big Five dimensions: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness/Intellect. Evidence is reviewed for hypotheses about the biological systems involved in each trait.  相似文献   

Personality dysfunction can influence the onset and maintenance of depressive symptoms. When both depression and personality dysfunction are present, it is important to develop an integrated treatment plan that addresses both conditions. A case example is used to illustrate how features of borderline personality disorder can influence the assessment and treatment of major depression. Specific challenges encountered by the therapist include: 1) differentiating borderline personality from depressive symptoms, 2) maintaining the therapeutic alliance, 3) managing impulsivity and self-destructive tendencies, 4) staying focused on long-term therapeutic goals, and 5) coping with noncompliance. Over the course of 27 sessions, the client was able to make positive changes in mood, self-image, and impulsive tendencies. Although the client's borderline personality traits complicated the course of treatment for depression, neglecting these personality problems would have left the client vulnerable to depressive relapse.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to determine when U.S. children begin to self-handicap, that is, to reduce preparation effort before evaluations rather than applying themselves to do their best. The personal variables examined for their impact on practice behavior were gender, grade level, and self-esteem. The situational variables were time of the self-esteem test (before or after the evaluation task) and importance of the evaluation task. The results showed that (a) the 6th-grade boys were more likely than the 6th-grade girls to self-handicap, (b) the 3rd-grade children were not as affected as the 6th-grade children by the self-evaluation implications of performance evaluations, (c) self-handicapping by low-self-esteem and high-self-esteem 6th graders depended on recent experiences, and (d) the self-affirming experience of a self-esteem test reduced the motivation to self-handicap among high-self-esteem 6th-grade boys.  相似文献   

采用大学生人际自立量表、人际信任量表、大五人格简式量表等工具对1345名大学生进行的调查和情境研究显示:控制大五人格后,人际开放仍能预测人际信任倾向,并能通过人际信任倾向的中介作用间接预测人际信任的认知和行为反应;人际责任仍能直接预测人际信任的认知与行为反应。这提示,在对人际信任的预测方面,人际责任和人际开放具有大五人格所不能解释的独特作用,并在一定程度上支持了人格与人际信任反应的人际信任倾向中介模型。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to determine the structure of values in the Spanish population and its relation to the Big Five personality traits. Using a psycholexical approach, 566 words were identified as values and administered to a sample of participants who were instructed to rate the extent to which they were guided by each value. Principal components analysis revealed seven factors: Social Recognition, Competence, Love and Happiness, Benevolence, Idealism, Equilibrium and Family. The results show that there is no complete equivalence between these factors and those obtained in previous studies. However, the results are congruent with those obtained in other studies as far as the relation between values and personality traits is concerned. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study aimed to distinguish personality traits that are widely associated with several types of externalizing behaviors from personality traits that are more selectively associated with one or only a few specific types of externalizing behavior. A wide range of externalizing behaviors (e.g. alcohol and drug use, risky driving, aggressive acts, sexual promiscuity and relationship infidelity, academic misconduct) typical among an undergraduate population (N?=?257) were examined along with a range of personality traits measured using the Section III personality model for the DSM-5. We found that externalizing behavior was best associated with the domain level trait Antagonism and, to a lesser degree, Disinhibition. Antagonism’s association with problematic behavior was primarily accounted for by the facet trait Deceitfulness. Deceitfulness was found to be associated with a wide range of behaviors including relationship infidelity, theft, aggressive acts, and drug and alcohol use. Associations between Disinhibition and problem behavior, especially risky driving and poor work or school performance, were best accounted for by the Irresponsibility facet, as opposed to the Impulsivity or Distractibility facet traits. This comprehensive multivariate approach is important for a more complete understanding of the complex relationship that exists between personality traits and externalizing behavior. A better understanding of factors precipitating externalizing behavior could ultimately lead to an increased ability to target interventions to individuals most susceptible to engage in problematic behavior.  相似文献   

This study provides psychometric data for a new self-report measure of borderline personality traits from the perspective of the Five-factor model (FFM) of general personality. Subscales were constructed in an undergraduate sample (n = 109) to assess maladaptive variants of 12 FFM traits (e.g., Affective Dysregulation as a maladaptive variant of FFM Vulnerability). On the basis of data from a second undergraduate sample (n = 111), the Five Factor Borderline Inventory (FFBI) subscales were shown to have good internal consistency, convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity. These psychometric results were replicated in a clinical sample of female residents at a substance abuse treatment facility (n = 94).  相似文献   

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