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Measurements of gaze movements while driving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, gaze movements of drivers driving through an intersection were investigated. Gaze movements of drivers in large vehicles were compared with those in small vehicles. There were both similarities and differences in the visual search behaviors of drivers of large and small vehicles. The two groups were similar in that, when approaching an intersection, drivers made repeated saccadic gaze movements; after entering the intersection, saccadic gaze movements were directed ahead in the direction of turning. Differences arose in the frequency and distribution of gaze movements. The number of gaze movements was significantly greater in drivers of large vehicles. The distribution of gaze movements in driving a large vehicle showed a peak at the point 50 to 60 degrees to the right and left of the median plane of the driver. The distribution of gaze movements of drivers of small vehicles showed no peak across the visual field.  相似文献   

On a winding open road, a driver consistently looks to the inside of each bend before turning the steering wheel. When researchers disrupt this coordination by instructing drivers not to move their eyes, drivers' performance is impaired and their completion time during racing increases. The present authors examined whether changing internal states in a way that also restricts eye movements reduces coordination and affects performance. Participants (N = 24) completed a simulated rally stage under manipulation of their anxiety state through ego threat. Performance decreased under pressure, and the decrement was associated with a narrowing of the range of eye movements and a reduced correlation of eye movements with steering. The authors discuss the possibility that the deterioration in performance is a cost of maintaining steering when eye-movement driving input to the steering controller is reduced.  相似文献   

A single experiment is reported in which we provide a novel analysis of eye movements during visual search to disentangle the contributions of unattended guidance and focal target processing to visual search performance. This technique is used to examine the controversial claim that unattended affective faces can guide attention during search. Results indicated that facial expression influences how efficiently the target was fixated for the first time as a function of set size. However, affective faces did not influence how efficiently the target was identified as a function of set size after it was first fixated. These findings suggest that, in the present context, facial expression can influence search before the target is attended and that the present measures are able to distinguish between the guidance of attention by targets and the processing of targets within the focus of attention.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a driver’s hand position on the steering wheel can reflect the perceived risk of the road context (Walton, D., & Thomas, J. A. (2005). Naturalistic observations of driver hand positions. Transportation Research Part F, 8, 229–238, Thomas, J. A., & Walton, D. (2007). Measuring perceived risk: Self-reported and actual hand positions of SUV and car drivers. Transportation Research Part F, 10, 201–207). These original studies were based on field observations where only a part of the steering wheel could be viewed. In the present study hand positions were observed in a driving simulator during the performance of a demanding task; merging into motorway traffic. In the current study the whole steering wheel could be observed and hand positions were classified in three categories: high control, medium control, and low control. Differences in hand position between different traffic conditions were limited, and hand position did not correlate with self-reported risk or self-reported mental effort, but changes in hand positions do seem to be associated with changes in workload demand. It is therefore concluded that hand position can give some information about mental workload.  相似文献   

Paved shoulders have long been used to create “forgiving” roads where drivers can maintain control of their vehicles even when as they drift out of the lane. While the safety benefits of shoulders have been well documented, their effects on driver behavior around curves have scarcely been examined. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by assessing whether the addition of shoulders affects driver behavior differently as a function of bend direction. Driver behavior in a driving simulator was analyzed on left and right curves of two-lane rural roads in the presence and absence of 0.75-m and 1.25-m shoulders. The results demonstrated significant changes in drivers’ lateral control when shoulders were provided. In the absence of oncoming traffic, the shoulders caused participants to deviate more toward the inner lane edge at curve entry, at the apex and at the innermost position on right bends but not left ones. In the presence of oncoming traffic, this also occurred at the apex and the innermost position, leading participants to spend more time off the lane on right curves. Participants did not slow down in either traffic condition to compensate for steering farther inside, thereby increasing the risk of lane departure on right curves equipped with shoulders. These findings highlight the direction-specific influence of shoulders on a driver’s steering control when driving around bends. They provide arguments supporting the idea that drivers view paved shoulders as a new field of safe travel on right curves. Recommendations are made to encourage drivers to keep their vehicle within the lane on right bends and to prevent potential interference with cyclists when a shoulder is present.  相似文献   

Eye movements of young and older adults while reading with distraction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors used eye-tracking technology to examine young and older adults' online performance in the reading in distraction paradigm. Participants read target sentences and answered comprehension questions following each sentence. In some sentences, single-word distracters were presented in either italic or red font. Distracters could be related or unrelated to the target text. Online measures, including probability of fixation, fixation duration, and number of fixations to distracting text, revealed no age differences in text processing. However, young adults did have an advantage over older adults in overall reading time and text comprehension. These results provide no support for an inhibition deficit account of age differences in the reading in distraction paradigm, but are consistent with J. Dywan and W. E. Murphy's (1996) suggestion that older adults are less able than the young to distinguish target and distracter information held in working memory.  相似文献   

Stroke individuals frequently have balance problems and impaired arm movements that affect their daily activities. We investigated the influence of target uncertainty and the side of the brain lesion on the performance of arm movements and postural adjustments during reaching in a standing position by stroke individuals. Participants stood on force plates and reached a target displayed on the center of a monitor screen under conditions differentiated by the prior knowledge of the target location at the beginning of the movement. Individuals who had a stroke in the right side of the brain performed the tasks with the ipsilesional, right upper limb while the individuals with a left stroke performed with the ipsilesional, left upper limb. Healthy individuals performed with right and left limbs, which data were later averaged for statistical analysis. Kinematic analysis of the arm and lower limb joints and displacements of the center of pressure of each lower limb were compared between target conditions and groups. Stroke individuals showed larger center of pressure displacements of the contralesional compared to the ipsilesional limb while these displacements were symmetrical between lower limbs for the healthy individuals, regardless of the target condition. The target uncertainty affected both the characteristics of the arm movements and postural adjustments before movement onset. Right stroke individuals used more ankle joint movements under the uncertain compared to the certain condition. The uncertainty in target location affects the arm reaching in upright standing, but the effects depend on the side of the brain lesion.  相似文献   

The onset of new motion has been shown to be a very robust cause of attentional capture, generating a processing advantage for the location of motion onset regardless of the observer's concurrent goal. The present study, motivated by the common-coding account of action and perception, examined whether the effect of motion onset on visual attention can be modulated by the observer's mode of action. Specifically, the common-coding account predicts that preparing an action can render the features that are used in the action plan less available for visual processes. Consistent with this hypothesis, in Experiment 1 the magnitude of attentional capture caused by a single motion onset was reduced when this motion was similar to the observer's response (i.e., along the same axis). Similarly, in Experiment 2 the onset of a response-different motion gained a processing advantage over the response-similar motion onset when the two were presented simultaneously. Since both types of motion were present in every trial, the results of Experiment 2 suggest that response similarity affected visual-attentional processes rather than motor processes. Together, these results suggest that the processes of attentional prioritization caused by motion onset can be modulated by the observer's concurrent action.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial manipulation on eye movement when subjects either read or searched through paragraphs were examined. Adults, third, and fifth graders were presented with paragraphs which were typed normally or in alternating case (upper and lower). The spacing between the words was either normal, filled, or absent. The results show that approximately twice as many character spaces are processed during search as during reading. Subjects made more fixations of shorter duration during search than reading. The data indicated that the ability to vary the size of the perceptual unit develops with experience. When spatial cues were unavailable, all subjects resorted to a letter-by-letter-like processing strategy in reading but not in search. Although reading and search were found to be sensitive to the same types of spatial manipulations, discrepancies of span and speed suggest qualitative differences; comprehension demands during reading can account for these differences. The data were interpreted to provide support for the two-stage model of Hochberg (1970).  相似文献   

Frequency graph types differ in the way how data are translated into visual representations. We compared 2 visualization methods, a traditional circular representation (pie chart) and a rectangular representation (constant column width tree map), which were hypothesized to differ regarding the cognitive ease of visual comparison processes. Performance was evaluated in tasks involving proportion and comparison judgments under both highly controlled and more realistic circumstances. The results showed performance benefits (in terms of reduced response times or error rates) for rectangular representations. Additional eye movement analyses revealed that this benefit was mainly due to a facilitation of scanning the graph for relevant information. The results suggest that facilitating comparison processes by representing the critical variable in less complex visual dimensions (i.e., straight length with constant orientation instead of surface area or curved length) eventually enhances the efficiency of integration processes during graph comprehension.  相似文献   

Reaction times (RTs) of aiming movements are typically shorter when responses are prepared by informative precues. Aside from RT facilitation, response preparation can also modify the velocity profile of the movement trajectory. In this study we assess the preparatory effects of advance information about direction and number of lanes in a lane change task. Consistent with the findings of previous studies with aiming movements, prior information reduced RT and affected the velocity profile of the steering angle. The velocity profile was mainly shortened around the first peak steering wheel angle, and this finding is in line with the movement integration hypothesis. The results suggest that the findings from basic research can be generalized to driving tasks.  相似文献   

Kim NG 《Perception》2006,35(7):895-909
A study is reported of the effect of dynamic occlusion that arises during locomotion over corrugated surfaces and its facilitating role on the control of locomotion, especially in cluttered environments. Surfaces varied in degree of corrugation and type of texture. Heading accuracy was assessed by having participants perform an active steering task. Results demonstrated the advantage of texture-mapped image surfaces over discrete element surfaces in the corrugated conditions. Observers appear to exploit accretion and deletion of optical texture at the occluding edge to extract and use information about heading direction for the control of movements in cluttered environments.  相似文献   

Subjects were asked to repeat verbally (shadow) English words which were presented to one ear. They were then tested for their memory of two-digit numbers which were presented to their other ear. It is demonstrated that subjects have no memory for these digits if they must continue to shadow for 20 sec. before being tested on their memory for the digits. However, if tested immediately after the digit presentation, they do remember some digits. Hence, verbal material presented on non-attended channels gets into a short-term memory, but is not transferred into long-term memory.  相似文献   

Subjects representing two different levels of skill in typewriting participated in an experiment concerning higher mental activities in connection with typewriting. Understanding and learning of the text typed was facilitated simply by the instruction: “Think of what you are typing!”. The improvement in learning was accompanied neither by increase in time nor in mean number of errors.  相似文献   

A two-point visual control model of steering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salvucci DD  Gray R 《Perception》2004,33(10):1233-1248
When steering down a winding road, drivers have been shown to use both near and far regions of the road for guidance during steering. We propose a model of steering that explicitly embodies this idea, using both a 'near point' to maintain a central lane position and a 'far point' to account for the upcoming roadway. Unlike control models that integrate near and far information to compute curvature or more complex features, our model relies solely on one perceptually plausible feature of the near and far points, namely the visual direction to each point. The resulting parsimonious model can be run in simulation within a realistic highway environment to facilitate direct comparison between model and human behavior. Using such simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed two-point model is able to account for four interesting aspects of steering behavior: curve negotiation with occluded visual regions, corrective steering after a lateral drift, lane changing, and individual differences.  相似文献   

The effects of gaze eccentricity on the steering of an automobile were studied. Drivers performed an attention task while attempting to drive down the middle of a straight road in a simulation. Steering was biased in the direction of fixation, and deviation from the center of the road was proportional to the gaze direction until saturation at approximately 15 degrees gaze-angle from straight ahead. This effect remains when the position of the head was controlled and a reverse-steering task was used. Furthermore, the effect was not dependent on speed but reversed when the forward movement of the driver was removed from the simulation. Thus, small deviations in a driver's gaze can lead to significant impairments of the ability to drive a straight course.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the extent of a driver’s mental model with irrevocable visual occlusion and analysing the distance to crash.BackgroundDrivers have a mental model of the immediate surroundings which allows them to predict their own as well as others’ travel paths. To navigate safely through traffic, this mental model has to be updated frequently to remain valid. In between information sampling events, the mental model will become outdated over time, as the traffic system is dynamic.MethodA simulator study with 22 participants was conducted to investigate the information decay in the mental model. This was implemented by extending visual occlusion until the driver collided with another vehicle or ran off the road, thus providing an estimate of how long it takes until the mental model becomes obsolete.ResultsAn analysis of variance with the factors curve direction, curve radius and traffic showed that curve radius did not influence the distance to crash. Without traffic, drivers veered off the road sooner in right curves. Adding traffic eliminated this difference. Traffic ahead led to a shortened distance to crash. Compared to a tangential travel path from the current lateral position at the time of the occlusion, drivers crashed on average 2.6 times later than they would have, had they not had any mental model of the situation.ConclusionsThe drivers’ mental representation of the future situation seems to include information on how to act, to alleviate deviations in yaw angle, including and considering the presence of other road users.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of attention‐guiding stimuli on 4‐month‐old infants' object processing. In the human head condition, infants saw a person turning her head and eye gaze towards or away from objects. When presented with the objects again, infants showed increased attention in terms of longer looking time measured by eye tracking and an increased Nc amplitude measured by event‐related potentials (ERP) for the previously uncued objects versus the cued objects. This suggests that the uncued objects were previously processed less effectively and appeared more novel to the infants. In a second condition, a car instead of a human head turned towards or away from objects. Eye‐tracking results did not reveal any significant difference in infants' looking time. ERPs indicated only a marginally significant effect in late slow‐wave activity associated with memory encoding for the uncued objects. We conclude that human head orientation and gaze direction affect infants' object‐directed attention, whereas movement and orientation of a car have only limited influence on infants' object processing.  相似文献   

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