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Faubert J  Herbert AM 《Perception》1999,28(5):617-621
Circularly repeating patches containing sawtooth luminance gradients produce a sensation of motion when viewed in the periphery. Illusory motion is perceived in a dark-to-light direction, but only when one's gaze is directed to different locations around the stimulus, a point outside the display is fixated and the observer blinks, or when the stimulus is sequentially displayed at different locations whilst the observer fixates one point. We propose that the illusion is produced by the interaction of three factors: (i) introducing transients as a result of eye movements or blinks; (ii) differing latencies in the processing of luminance; and (iii) spatiotemporal integration of the differing luminance signals in the periphery.  相似文献   

Suppose an observer views a distant object through a window in the far wall of a room or corridor--a visual scene constituting a vista. If the observer moves toward the window, then the distant object will shrink in apparent size and appear farther away. These effects are paradoxical, because the distant object appears smaller as its visual angle increases. The vista paradox occurs under many other real-world conditions, such as viewing a distant object while moving out of the mouth of a valley, or driving across a topographic crest. In the present study, framing effects and the equidistance tendency are considered as possible factors. However, an explanation based on the dynamic relationship between the visual angle of the framing portion of a vista and the visual angle of a distant object appears more promising.  相似文献   

A new illusory effect is described which consists of a conspicuous perceptual overestimation of the speed at which a wheel rolling across an observer's visual field appears to be rotating. Wheels appear to revolve much faster than is compatible with their linear displacement. Experimental verification of the genuineness and magnitude of the effect is reported, along with a discussion of some of the variables upon which it may depend.  相似文献   

A previous version of this paper was read at the universities of Glasgow, Munich, Oxford and St. Andrews; the penultimate version was presented at the universities of Bologna, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Minnesota, Puerto Rico and at University College, London. I am grateful to Verena Mayer, Eva Picardi, Peter Clark, Michael Dummett, Bill Hart, Andreas Kemmerling, Brian McGuinness, Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock, Joachim Schulte, Leslie Stevenson and especially to Christian Thiel and Crispin Wright for helpful comments.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - A white hourglass moving laterally across a black surface appears to bend in such a way that the narrow portion lags behind its true position, but only...  相似文献   

Individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) often have problems in recognizing common objects. This visual agnosia may stem from difficulties in establishing appropriate visual boundaries between visually similar objects. In support of this hypothesis, showed that AD subjects have difficulties in establishing visual category boundaries between continuously graded shapes. In an attempt to investigate the neural basis of these impairments, the current study required a group of neurologically healthy elderly participants to categorically classify a series of ellipses varying in width while regional blood flow changes were measured using positron emission tomography (PET). Two categorization conditions were compared in order to isolate changes in cortical activity that dissociated the categorization of shapes situated either near or far from a category boundary that divided the width continuum. The participants produced a discontinuity in the probability and speed of categorizing the shapes at some point along the continuum, suggesting that the objects were classified into distinct categories. Moreover, a comparison of the PET scans obtained while the subjects were categorizing the shapes situated near vs. far form the category boundary revealed significant differences in cortical activity in the parietal and frontal brain areas. These findings suggest that both visuo-spatial and decision making mechanisms may be involved in establishing categorical distinctions between continuously graded stimuli. It is proposed that the functional role of the parietal and frontal cortical regions in establishing visual boundaries between categories of objects may be relevant for understanding object recognition impairments in AD.  相似文献   

A rebound illusion in visual tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Participants viewed video clips of a left or right-handed reach toward an object that was orientated with a handle to the left or right. They were required to classify the object by making a left or right-handed key-press and ignore the reach. These responses were, never-the-less, affected by the observed reach in ways which largely reflected the opportunities for complementary actions in the viewed scenes, given the simultaneous constraints of the object orientation combined with the direction and hand of reach. These influences are claimed to reflect the interdependency of the action possibilities that arise from a set of objects and agents in three-dimensional space that together determine behaviour.  相似文献   

Auditory and visual objects   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Kubovy M  Van Valkenburg D 《Cognition》2001,80(1-2):97-126
Notions of objecthood have traditionally been cast in visuocentric terminology. As a result, theories of auditory and cross-modal perception have focused more on the differences between modalities than on the similarities. In this paper we re-examine the concept of an object in a way that overcomes the limitations of the traditional perspective. We propose a new, cross-modal conception of objecthood which focuses on the similarities between modalities instead of the differences. Further, we propose that the auditory system might consist of two parallel streams of processing (the 'what' and 'where' subsystems) in a manner analogous to current conceptions of the visual system. We suggest that the 'what' subsystems in each modality are concerned with objecthood. Finally, we present evidence for - and elaborate on - the hypothesis that the auditory 'where' subsystem is in the service of the visual-motor 'where' subsystem.  相似文献   

The nonvisual self-touch rubber hand paradigm elicits the compelling illusion that one is touching one’s own hand even though the two hands are not in contact. In four experiments, we investigated spatial limits of distance (15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm) and alignment (0°, 90° anti-clockwise) on the nonvisual self-touch illusion and the well-known visual rubber hand illusion. Common procedures (synchronous and asynchronous stimulation administered for 60 s with the prosthetic hand at body midline) and common assessment methods were used. Subjective experience of the illusion was assessed by agreement ratings for statements on a questionnaire and time of illusion onset. The nonvisual self-touch illusion was diminished though never abolished by distance and alignment manipulations, whereas the visual rubber hand illusion was more robust against these manipulations. We assessed proprioceptive drift, and implications of a double dissociation between subjective experience of the illusion and proprioceptive drift are discussed.  相似文献   

In the boundary extension illusion, subjects recollect more of a photographed scene than was originally shown. In this study, first- and fifth-grade children, young adult college students, and older adults studied 4 one-object or 4 two-object picture stimuli for 15 s each. Immediately after each visual scene was shown, the subjects drew it from memory inside a rectangle that was the same size as the previous picture. This study demonstrated that all age groups, from young children to older adults, were susceptible to the boundary extension illusion. This finding is discussed in terms of Intraub's perceptual schema hypothesis and Johnson's source-monitoring hypothesis.  相似文献   

Kitaoka A  Gyoba J  Kawabata H 《Perception》1999,28(7):825-834
An illusion similar to the stationary visual phantom illusion presented earlier by Gyoba (1983, Vision Research 23 205-211) is reported. This illusion is visible in photopic vision and we have tentatively named it the 'photopic phantom illusion'. A typical example of this illusion is a white and light-gray square-wave grating occluded by a black region. In this figure, a phantom grating running across the occluder with clear contours but less contrast, is seen. The critical spatial frequencies of photopic phantoms have been measured and compared with those of scotopic phantoms that have been reported previously, revealing a great resemblance between them. We discuss the characteristics of this illusion in terms of transparency, stereoscopic viewing, and perceptual completion.  相似文献   

The objects we see are not given in the images at the eyes, but must be constructed by the human visual system. Indeed, damage to specific brain regions often leads to specific impairments of visual abilities (for example, the perception of shape, color or motion). Human vision constructs the various properties of visual objects, not independently of each other, but in a highly coordinated fashion. The construction of one visual property strongly influences the constructions of other properties. Visual shape is an important construction for successfully recognizing objects. There is growing consensus that human vision represents shapes in terms of component parts and their spatial relationships. These parts and their spatial relationships provide a powerful first index into one's visual memory of shapes.  相似文献   

The effect of a visual stimulus on the auditory continuity illusion was examined. Observers judged whether a tone that was repeatedly alternated with a band-pass noise was continuous or discontinuous. In most observers, a transient visual stimulus that was synchronized with the onset of the noise increased the limit of illusory continuity in terms of maximum noise duration and maximum tone level. The smaller the asynchrony between the noise onset and the visual stimulus onset, the larger the visual effect on this illusion. On the other hand, detection of a tone added to the noise was not enhanced by the visual stimulus. These results cannot be fully explained by the conventional theory that illusory continuity is created by the decomposition of peripheral excitation produced by the occluding sound.  相似文献   

Humans prefer curved visual objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
People constantly make snap judgments about objects encountered in the environment. Such rapid judgments must be based on the physical properties of the targets, but the nature of these properties is yet unknown. We hypothesized that sharp transitions in contour might convey a sense of threat, and therefore trigger a negative bias. Our results were consistent with this hypothesis. The type of contour a visual object possesses--whether the contour is sharp angled or curved--has a critical influence on people's attitude toward that object.  相似文献   

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