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通过问卷调查和访谈,探寻社会医学与卫生事业管理学专业硕士研究生培养模式存在的问题,发现该专业存在着招生制度不利人才选拔、课程设置不合理、科研训练不足、导师指导不够、中期考核无法真正落实、个人期望不能完全通过研究生学习实现等问题.建议改革招生制度,开放办学,实施联合培养,培养适合社会需求的人才.  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷调查法,以自编"心理咨询和治疗伦理问题调查问卷(咨询师版)"对全国范围内1 000名心理咨询和治疗师进行调查,以了解心理咨询和治疗师的知情同意和保密情况.结果发现目前国内的心理咨询和治疗从业者知情同意和保密原则的伦理意识和行为比较欠缺.需要增加专业的训练、进行统一伦理规范.  相似文献   

英国心理咨询的专业化发展及其问题   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
由于英国咨询与治疗协会及其前身英国咨询协会的不懈努力,英国心理咨询业的专业化发展取得长足进步。表现在:在培训方面,统一课程要求;注重受训者的业务发展;培训对象、时间及费用上有灵活性。在督导方面,实施终身督导;尊重各种流派;坚持授权式和发展式督导,保证督导人员独立行使职责。在资格鉴定或注册方面,严格控制条件和标准。在伦理和投诉方面,出台了内容丰富、独具特色的关于咨询和治疗的伦理规范框架。英国心理咨询所面临的主要问题在于:学校心理咨询的不景气;咨询专业化要求与咨询实际不相吻合;在经济上面临挑战;资格鉴定注册及投诉上存有争议。了解他山之石,对于促进我国心理咨询专业化的健康发展不无裨益。  相似文献   

当代中国心理咨询和治疗师的知情同意与保密状况研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用问卷调查法,以自编“心理咨询和治疗伦理问题调查问卷(咨询师版)”对全国范围内1000名心理咨询和治疗师进行调查,以了解心理咨询和治疗师的知情同意和保密情况。结果发现目前国内的心理咨询和治疗从业者知情同意和保密原则的伦理意识和行为比较欠缺,需要增加专业的训练、进行统一伦理规范。  相似文献   

高校心理咨询工作在维护大学生心理健康方面发挥了重要的作用,也存在来访率低和咨询效果差两个突出的问题。这与整个社会对心理问题和心理咨询存在认识偏见有关,与咨询师咨询观念陈旧、专业伦理欠缺和混乱有关。后现代叙事心理疗法在心理问题、心理问题与人的关系、心理咨询任务、心理咨询效果的巩固、咨访伦理关系等方面,提出了新的理念。叙事心理疗法对当前高校心理咨询的专业化发展具有积极的启示。  相似文献   

了解护理本科生在实习过程中与患者存在的沟通障碍以及心理体验。采用目的抽样法,选取某高等院校护理专业10名有临床实习经历的本科生,针对实习中护患沟通的障碍进行半结构式访谈,并采用Colaizzi 7步分析法进行资料分析。整理出2大主题:护生与患者有效沟通的障碍和护生与患者沟通障碍的心理体验。护理本科生与患者沟通时存在困难,且护生因此会产生负性心理体验,护生本人、学校和医院应加强对此问题的重视,提升护理本科生的沟通交往能力。  相似文献   

优化研究生课程设置是提高研究生培养质量和创新能力的重要途径.社会发展对研究生培养提出的新要求,研究生课程设置应该与时俱进.通过对美国多所著名大学卫生事业管理专业的研究生课程设置进行比较分析,提出我国社会医学与卫生事业管理专业课程设置改革的建议.  相似文献   

心理学毕业生专业技能调查及其对专业改革的启示   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过对204名心理系历届本科毕业生的调查,结论如下:(1)毕业生对心理学专业教学总体满意度一般,其中对专业实践安排的满意度最低;(2)毕业生认为最重要的技能是“进行心理活动课程”和“心理咨询”,最欠缺的技能是“心理治疗”和“心理咨询”;(3)心理学应用技能课程包含“心理咨询及治疗”、“心理课程及教育”、“心理测评及应用”三个因素。在调查基础上,本文提出了心理学专业改革的设想。  相似文献   

<正>学校心理咨询伦理是指心理咨询师在学校开展心理咨询工作所必须遵循的行为规范与准则,包括咨询师应尽的责任与应禁止的行为。与大多数新手咨询师一样,在开始学习心理咨询的时候,我的关注力完全在咨询的技术上,比如说我应怎样去共情、怎样去运用一些影响性的技巧、怎样去分析他人的问题;而对于伦理从来都只有一个模糊的概念,只是单单了解从课本里面学习到的保密、价值中立等。  相似文献   

心理咨询与心理治疗效果的关键在于心理咨询与心理治疗师自身的特质,而非理论技巧。因此,心理咨询与心理治疗师在心理咨询与治疗的过程中,会非常直接、深刻和迅速地影响当事人的生活。通过对我国心理咨询师健康发展之要素的探讨,提出心理咨询师的培养应逐步走向正规专业教育和训练途径;同时关注心理咨询师自己的个人成长,健全督导制度是预防心理咨询师的职业耗竭,也是我国心理咨询业健康发展的根本保障。  相似文献   

Psychological treatments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Psychology has recently identified itself as a health care profession and codified this change in the bylaws of the American Psychological Association. Although psychologists make a number of contributions to the nation's health--and mental health--the most identifiable activity focuses on treating physical or psychological pathology with psychological interventions. Recently, health care policymakers have established that evidence supporting the efficacy of these interventions is more than sufficient for their inclusion in health care systems around the world. To promote faster and more widespread dissemination of these interventions specifically targeting problems severe enough to be included in health care systems and to solidify the identification of psychology as a health care profession, perhaps it is time for a change in terminology. It is proposed that psychologists label these procedures psychological treatments so as to differentiate them from more generic psychotherapy, which is often used outside of the scope of health care systems.  相似文献   


Current issues regarding the definition of psychological maltreatment and its impact on children are discussed. The argument is made that psychological maltreatment can be understood as parenting and socialization practices that leave a child's basic psychological needs unmet, and that children exposed to interparental violence should be viewed as victims of psychological maltreatment. A needs analysis based on developmental theory and research is presented as a context within which to view psychological maltreatment. Using that conceptualization, research findings concerning the behavioral, cognitive, and social-emotional difficulties of children exposed to marital violence are examined. Based on this developmental analysis, recommendations are made regarding research that is needed in the areas of these children and psychological maltreatment.  相似文献   

John McDowell claims that the propositional attitudes, and our conceptual abilities in general, are not appropriate topics for inquiry of the sort that is done in natural science. He characterizes the natural sciences as making phenomena intelligible in terms of their place in the realm of laws of nature. He claims that this way of making phenomena intelligible contrasts crucially with essential features of our understanding of propositional attitudes and conceptual abilities. In this article I show that scientific work of the sort McDowell claims cannot be done is in fact being done, and that this work presents strong evidence that there are psychological laws. The research I discuss is that by the psychologist Norman H. Anderson and his colleagues. I also argue that the considerations McDowell presents in defense of his claims do not constitute a significant challenge to the research that Anderson and his colleagues have done. It will be noted in the article that Anderson's work is relevant not just to McDowell's writings, but also to several much discussed issues in philosophy of cognitive science: the above two issues of whether there can be a science of ordinary psychological phenomena, higher cognition, comparable to that of the natural sciences and whether such a science would present laws, and also the issue of whether in such a science, and its laws, notions of folk psychology would play crucial constitutive roles. Anderson's work presents strong grounds for affirmative answers to all of these questions.  相似文献   

Psychological diagnostics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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