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To foster a more in-depth understanding of the psychological processes leading to terrorism, the author conceptualizes the terrorist act as the final step on a narrowing staircase. Although the vast majority of people, even when feeling deprived and unfairly treated, remain on the ground floor, some individuals climb up and are eventually recruited into terrorist organizations. These individuals believe they have no effective voice in society, are encouraged by leaders to displace aggression onto out-groups, and become socialized to see terrorist organizations as legitimate and out-group members as evil. The current policy of focusing on individuals already at the top of the staircase brings only short-term gains. The best long-term policy against terrorism is prevention, which is made possible by nourishing contextualized democracy on the ground floor.  相似文献   

丙戌年冬至,我有幸来到道教祖庭江西龙虎山天师府,与来自全国近四十位箓生,共同参加神圣而庄严的授(升)箓传度仪典,使我深受教育和鼓舞。这不仅是一次十分难得的学习机会,而且也是我学道修仙人生道路上的一个重要的里程碑,使我终身受益。这次授箓传度也给了我诸多启示,引发了我更多的思考。现将有关启示与思考整理如下,与诸位道友共勉之。  相似文献   

Based on an artistic analysis of the construction of "impossible figures," their structure and the origin of the perceptual effects they induce are discussed, including the use of a basic indeterminate space of intersection, penetration of indeterminate solids, and symmetry. These and other points are illustrated by 17 progressively more complex figures constructed by the author.  相似文献   

The main object of counsellor training is to help trainees to offer an effective counselling relationship. It is suggested that this requires three main training elements: personal, practical, and academic. Ways in which the personal development of trainees may be fostered include individual support counselling and a weekly encounter group session. While constructive feedback is necessary, a minimum of evaluation is suggested so that the trainee can feel safe and free to explore himself. Pre-placement training focused on empathic understanding is considered essential before the trainee is allowed to embark upon supervised placement, and a programme of practical work training is outlined. Reasons for including academic work are also discussed, and appropriate academic content is suggested. Finally, the problem of obtaining suitably qualified trainers is considered, along with the desirability of trainers continuing to counsel, and the need for adequate administrative support for training programmes.  相似文献   

This paper examples several arguments from Simon Prosser's book Experiencing Time. His argument against the doctrine of the specious present is applauded. His argument that even if time passes, nothing can detect the passage of time, is questioned. Also challenged are his claims that our experience represents things as enduring, rather than perduring, and represents things as having contradictory properties.  相似文献   


This paper outlines an application of psychoanalysis in the tradition of Donald Winnicott in the clinical practice of paediatric diagnostic radiography. A practical way in which psychoanalytic theory may be employed in the care of essentially ‘normal’ children and their parents in the ‘abnormal’ setting of a district general hospital is demonstrated. The themes of holding and the effect of impingements, transitional phenomena and creative apperception and experiencing are addressed. A brief case study of one 15-month-old child is presented.  相似文献   

Many articles published in the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology describe the results obtained in studies that have used Likert-type scales. Such scales have advantages and disadvantages and in this article I comment on some of these. In particular I comment on the effects of using scales that start with the positive end and finish with the negative one, and on those that present high ratings on the left - as opposed to the right. I also consider that scores on negatively-worded items differ from those obtained on positively-worded ones and that it is not, therefore, appropriate to simply reverse the scores obtained on such items. Finally, I note that some items on these scales present more than one issue and it is hard to know whether when responding to these items, respondents are responding to all of the item or just one part.  相似文献   

This article develops ideas set out in a previous study on the "archaic matrix of the Oedipus complex" versus the fully developed Oedipus complex (their similarities and their differences), applying these to a study of the psychoanalytic situation. The central hypothesis is that there is a correspondence between the psychoanalytic situation and the structure of the mental apparatus. The author supposes that our perception of the world is intimately linked to the primary maternal relationship, to our wish to fuse with the mother once more, and to the accompanying fear such a wish inspires. To deal with this we create enclaves where the regressive wish can be satisfied without fear of ego dissolution. The author suggests that the psychoanalytic situation is one such enclave. She examines its specific features in the light of the structure of the mental apparatus as she defines it.  相似文献   

Education must be a central part of the building of Europe: because access to knowledge can overcome the dangers of exclusion, but also because education offers the key to citizenship and thereby to the future of Europe.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - The increasing willingness of people to agree that societies currently spend too much on health care is noted. It is argued that this is more an expression of...  相似文献   

Much of the effort put into discovering or defining the nature of technology has been along “party lines,” for example, either favoring technology or not. Although there is a clear divergence in the stand that various authors take with respect to this topic, I believe they share a common assumption, namely, that there is such a thing as “the essence” or “nature” of technology. My claim in this paper is that the broad use to which we put the term “technology” is better understood on the model of “family resemblance,” a model put forward by Ludwig Wittgenstein, than it is on models that utilize the notion of “essence” or “nature.” Not only does the family resemblance model serve us better in understanding the wide variety of uses of the term, but it also helps to ameliorate the antipathy between the parties that their discussions often invoke.  相似文献   

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