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This study assessed the efficiency of the Haine and Koppitz scoring systems used with the Bender-Gestalt Test (B-G) in terms of their ability to differentiate between adolescents with and without central nervous system (CNS) impairment who were achieving below age-expectations. Utilizing a population of 84 adolescents enrolled in a residential treatment center, both the Haine and Koppitz systems with the Bender-Gestalt differentiated 25 Ss with CNS impairment from 59 Ss wihout such impairment. The results indicated, however, that neither scoring system was useful in individual classification when the B-G was used alone or in combination with intelligence test results.  相似文献   

A large body of literature has examined the relationship between working memory and arithmetic achievement, but results are still ambiguous. To examine this relationship, we compared the performance of third and fifth graders with arithmetic difficulties (AD) and controls of the same age, grade, and verbal intelligence on a battery of working memory tasks, differentiating between different aspects of working memory. Children with AD scored significantly lower on active working memory tasks requiring manipulation of the to-be-recalled information (Listening Completion task, Corsi Span Backwards, Digit Backwards), but not in passive working memory tasks, requiring the recall of information in the same format in which it had been presented (Digit, Word, and Corsi Forwards Span tasks), nor in tasks involving word processing (word articulation rate, forwards and backwards word spans). A regression analysis showed that the best predictors of differences between AD children and the control group were the Corsi Span Backwards, the Listening Completion task, and the rate of articulation of pseudowords. The analysis of strategies used by children in mental calculation revealed the greater tendency of children with AD to rely on more primitive strategies: finger use never appeared as the most frequent strategy in skilled children, whereas it was the most used strategy in children with AD. Verbal and visual strategies appeared associated with successful performance in third graders, but in fifth grade, the most successful strategy was verbalization.  相似文献   

Working memory impairments in children with difficulties in arithmetic have previously been investigated using questionable selection techniques and control groups, leading to problems concluding where deficits may occur. The present study attempted to overcome these criticisms by assessing 9-year-old children with difficulties specific to arithmetic, as indicated by normal reading, and comparing them with both age-matched and ability-matched controls. A battery of 10 tasks was used to assess different aspects of working memory, including subtypes of executive function. Relative to age-matched controls, children with poor arithmetic had normal phonological working memory but were impaired on spatial working memory and some aspects of executive processing. Compared to ability-matched controls, they were impaired only on one task designed to assess executive processes for holding and manipulating information in long-term memory. These deficits in executive and spatial aspects of working memory seem likely to be important factors in poor arithmetical attainment.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated whether the greater Stroop interference reported in children with reading difficulties compared to typical readers of the same age represents a generalized deficit in interference control or a consequence of their reading problems. In Study 1, a color-word Stroop task and a nonverbal task involving responses to locations associated with pictures were administered to 23 children with single word reading difficulties and 22 typically developing children matched for age and nonverbal ability. Children with reading difficulties showed disproportionate interference effects in the color-word Stroop but not the nonverbal task. In Study 2, groups of poor and typical readers completed a spatial Stroop task with printed input that did not require a verbal response and a nonverbal analogue. Both groups showed comparable interference in these two tasks. Thus, the reported problems in the color-word Stroop task in children with reading difficulties do not appear to entail general impairments in interference control.  相似文献   

Background. Children with fluent and accurate word reading in the presence of poor text comprehension are impaired on a wide range of reading‐related tasks. Aims. This study investigated the consistency of skill impairment in a sample of poor comprehenders to identify any fundamental skill weakness that (i) might be associated with poor text comprehension, and (ii) might lead to depressed reading development. An additional aim was to determine whether reading comprehension difficulties are associated with more general educational difficulties. Sample. Twenty‐three poor comprehenders and 23 good comprehenders with age‐appropriate word reading accuracy were assessed when aged 8 years. Concurrent reading and language performance and reading, educational attainment and reasoning skills 3 years later are reported. Methods. The following skills were assessed when aged 8 years: word reading, text comprehension, vocabulary, syntax, cognitive ability, working memory, comprehension subskills. Listening comprehension, SAT scores and reasoning scores at 11 years are also reported. Results. There was no evidence for any fundamental skill weaknesses in the population of poor comprehenders at Time 1. However, poor vocabulary skills led to impaired growth in word reading ability and poor general cognitive ability led to impaired growth in comprehension. Poor comprehenders obtained lower SAT scores than did the good comprehenders at 11 years. Conclusions. These findings indicate that a single underlying source of poor comprehension is unlikely. Poor comprehenders are at risk of generally poor educational attainment, although weak verbal or cognitive skills appear to affect the reading development of poor comprehenders in different ways.  相似文献   

Children and young people exhibiting behavioural difficulties present a major challenge not only to parents but also to education and health professionals and to society as a whole. In this paper, I shall address some key issues regarding these parenting programmes, based particularly on a programme of research over 13 years in the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research at the University of Warwick. This has comprised large‐scale studies across all areas of England, both programmes targeted at parents whose children are presenting or at risk of developing behavioural difficulties: the Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder and Parenting Early Intervention Programme; and universal programmes aimed at all parents, as a positive contribution to behavioural development across the population: the CANparent trial. All were funded by the Department for Education plus the continuation of the CANparent trial was funded by the Department of Health. In addition, I consider studies that have built on this research to examine the use of parenting programmes with parents of children and young people with special educational needs; and also the effectiveness of programmes during sustained implementation, beyond formal trials and similar research initiatives, that is, as day‐to‐day practice. I show that well‐constructed parenting programmes that are acceptable to parents are effective, that these positive effects on parents can remain over time, and also that the positive effects found in well‐organised trials can be maintained when programmes are delivered by community services as part of their normal practice.  相似文献   

Children with reading comprehension difficulties display impaired performance on semantic processing tasks. These impairments are assumed to reflect weaker knowledge about abstract semantic associations between words in poor comprehenders [Nation, K., and Snowling, M. (1999). Developmental differences in sensitivity to semantic relations among good and poor comprehenders: evidence from semantic priming. Cognition, 19, B1-B13.]. We examined the performance of poor comprehenders on the Deese/Roediger/McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Children studied spoken words that were semantic associates (e.g., bed, rest, and awake) or phonological associates (e.g., pole, bowl, and hole) followed by free recall and a recognition test containing nonstudied critical words (e.g., sleep and roll). Results showed reduced recall and recognition of critical words in the semantic condition but not in the phonological condition for poor comprehenders. We argue that poor comprehenders are less sensitive to abstract semantic associations between words because of reduced gist memory.  相似文献   

This study examined how four domain-specific skills (arithmetic procedural skills, number fact retrieval, place value concept, and number sense) and two domain-general processing skills (working memory and processing speed) may account for Chinese children’s mathematics learning difficulties. Children with mathematics difficulties (MD) of two age groups (7-8 and 9-11 years) were compared with age-matched typically achieving children. For both age groups, children with MD performed significantly worse than their age-matched controls on all of the domain-specific and domain-general measures. Further analyses revealed that the MD children with literacy difficulties (MD/RD group) performed the worst on all of the measures, whereas the MD-only group was significantly outperformed by the controls on the four domain-specific measures and verbal working memory. Stepwise discriminant analyses showed that both number fact retrieval and place value concept were significant factors differentiating the MD and non-MD children. To conclude, deficits in domain-specific skills, especially those of number fact retrieval and place value understanding, characterize the profile of Chinese children with MD.  相似文献   

In car driving, hazard perception tests have revealed important differences in perceptual-cognitive skills between novice and experienced drivers. Although these insights have led to new educational programs for learner drivers, similar research has not yet been done for other road users such as bicyclists. In the current investigation, a first hazard perception test for bicyclists has been developed and tested on both adults and children of ±eight year old. The test consisted of three sections in which visual behaviour, environmental awareness, and risk perception were evaluated respectively. Although only few differences in visual behaviour and environmental awareness were found, adults were found to react earlier on hazards than children. These results suggest that children have difficulties to interpret the necessary information to react timely to hazardous traffic situations. Alternatively, the current set-up of the hazard perception test might not have been suitable to detect differences in visual behaviour between children and adults in traffic situations. Therefore the development and use of future hazard perception tests for bicyclists is discussed.  相似文献   

Several subjects with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) show communicative and pragmatic problems. In this study, we suggested that mentalistic comprehension tasks would help us to find a deteriorated pragmatic profile among the population with SLI. To achieve this goal, a group of participants with conventional SLI (n=11) was compared to a group of SLI with more pragmatic problems (n=9) and their respective control group with typically developed language (n=13), of ages between 4 and 7 years. Results revealed that all the groups were able to attribute mental states in tasks where the context was structured. However, the subjects with predominant pragmatic SLI showed poorer performance than those with conventional SLI when tasks were communicative-oriented and they needed to process non-explicit information from the context. These findings suggest that it is possible to isolate a SLI subtype with more pragmatic problems and also that we can use mentalistic tasks to assess these difficulties more accurately.  相似文献   

The presence and prevalence of mental health problems in young children ad well as therapeutic interventions is less well understood than the same problems in adults, Long-term consequences of childhood mental health problems have been noted, yet provision of services at the age appropriate level is ofter limited. This sudy presents a case note audit of 540 children attending an innovative programme for counselling and therapy in school-based centres based in 8 inner London Primary schools. This represented 22.4% of all children attending the schools, with an overage age at referral of 8.1 Years. 53.8% of boys compared to 46.2% girls ew referred emanating from varied backgrounds. The majority of the children spoke English at home (86%) and the only significant differences according to home language related to concern over social interactions. Comparisons between children cared for by both parents(48%) and those cardd for by a single parent (37.3%) showed the latter group to have higher distress and concerns affection school work, home situation, stress for significant life events and lowered coping. Atendance and defaulting rates were good, with no significant differences among those who attended regularly. Many of the conderns surrounded self-esteem and social/family factors. The level of distress was significantly lowered after counselling (t = 17.5 p_.001) 51.45 of the children experienced significant life events which preceded their referral, 30.9% triggered the referral and 45.6% during the course of counselling. Distress caused by life events was generally high with coping levels moving down after multiple exposure. The data is discussed in the light of future provision of care for children.  相似文献   

A paradign was tested for measuting the tendency of children to send accurate nonverbal signals to others via spontaneous facial expressions and gestures. This paradign was derived from studies on adults that suggest that women are more accurate nonverbal "sendres" than men in certain situations. Eighteeen male and 11 female preschoolers (aged 4 to 6 years) watched a series of emotionally loaded color slides while they were observed via a hidden television camera by their mothers. Results indicated that significant overall communciation occurred, with large individual differences in "sending ability" between children. There was no evidence of a large sex difference in sending ability in choldren, although on one measure girls were more accurate senders than boys when viewed by undergraduates. Sending ability was positively related to teacher's ratings of activity level, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, bossiness, sociability, etc., and negatively related ti shyness, cooperation, emotional inhibition and control, etc.  相似文献   

We tested whether the acquisition of grapheme-color synesthesia during childhood is related to difficulties in written language learning by measuring whether it is more frequent in 79 children receiving speech and language therapy for such difficulties than in the general population of children (1.3%). By using criteria as similar as possible to those used in the reference study (Simner et al., 2009), we did not identify any synesthete (Bayesian 95% credible interval [0, 4.5]% for a flat prior). The odds of the null model (no difference between 0/79 and 1.3%) over alternative models is 28 (Bayes Factor). A higher prevalence of grapheme-color synesthetes among children with learning difficulties is therefore very unlikely, questioning the hypothesis of a link between synesthesia and difficulties in language acquisition. We also describe the difficulty of diagnosing synesthesia in children and discuss the need for new approaches to do so.  相似文献   

Cognitive assessments and behavioral ratings of attention were used to examine the relation of inattention to math performance in children. Third grade students with math difficulties (MD; n?=?17) and math and reading difficulties (MDRD; n?=?35) were administered the Attentional Network Test (ANT), as well as achievement and intelligence measures. Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD-Symptoms and Normal-Behavior-IV (SWAN-IV) Inattention ratings were collected from teachers. Two comparison groups were also recruited: a typically achieving group (n?=?23) and a group that responded to a math-tutoring intervention (responders; n?=?54). On the ANT, children with MD and MDRD did not perform significantly different than typically achieving children or responders on measures of alerting and orienting attention and executive control. All subgroups did demonstrate performance patterns that were expected on the ANT. However, performance across blocks of the task was inconsistent, suggesting poor reliability. There were no relations between ANT performance and SWAN-IV behavioral inattention scores, though behavioral ratings of inattention correlated significantly with math performance. Children with MD and MDRD may have more difficulty with distraction and attention to detail in contextual situations, as opposed to impulsive responding in these settings. The lack of relation between cognitive attention and math performance may suggest that either the ANT does not assess the relevant attention constructs associated with math difficulties or may parallel studies of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in which cognitive and behavioral assessments are weakly related.  相似文献   

Working memory resources in young children with mathematical difficulties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kyttälä, M., Aunio, P. & Hautamäki, J. (2010). Working memory resources in young children with mathematical difficulties. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51 , 1–15.
Working memory (WM) ( Baddeley, 1986, 1997 ) is argued to be one of the most important cognitive resources underlying mathematical competence ( Geary, 2004 ). Research has established close links between WM deficits and mathematical difficulties. This study investigated the possible deficits in WM, language and fluid intelligence that seem to characterize 4- to 6-year-old children with poor early mathematical skills before formal mathematics education. Children with early mathematical difficulties showed poor performance in both verbal and visuospatial WM tasks as well as on language tests and a fluid intelligence test indicating a thoroughly lower cognitive base. Poor WM performance was not moderated by fluid intelligence, but the extent of WM deficits was related to language skills. The educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by impairments in social and communication development, accompanied by stereotyped patterns of behavior and interest. The focus of this paper is on the early development of communication in autism, and early intervention for impairments in communication associated with this disorder. An overview of components of communication is provided. Communication characteristics that are diagnostic of autism are summarized, with consideration of the overlap between social and communication impairment, particularly for children with autism functioning at the prelinguistic level. Early communication development and predictors of communication functioning in autism are examined, based on a review of prospective and retrospective studies. The focus of the discussion then turns to intervention. Consideration is given to the rationale for beginning intervention as early in life as possible for children with autism. Implications of motor, imitation, and play deficits for communication-based intervention are examined. Finally, issues related to the design and delivery of intervention for young children with autism are presented, along with a review of the major early intervention approaches for autism.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that children with ADDH have specific difficulties in sustained attention. Despite some early studies supporting this position, many recent reports using continuous peformance tests (CPTs) have failed to confirm this hypothesis. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are outlined and an attempt to corroborate and extend an earlier study (Sykes, Douglas, & Morgenstern, 1973) was undertaken. CPT results in normal children indicated that changes in performance over time, although not affected by gender, were influenced by age. Data from ADDH subjects indicated that they performed significantly more poorly with time on task than did controls. These results suggest that the ability to sustain attention increases with age and does not vary by gender. Furthermore, difficultues in the ability to sustain attention can be demonstrated in children with ADDH. Finally, it is suggested that within-age-level comparisons between groups of ADDH and controls would be more clinically sensitive than across-age-group comparisons.This research was supported in part by a Sara Spencer Research Fellowship granted to the first author. Portions of this research were presented at the 17th annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Vancouver.  相似文献   

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