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Bimanual coordination dynamics have been conceived as the outcome of a global coordinative system, and coordination stability properties and theories of underlying processes have often been generalized over various bimanual tasks. In unimanual timing tasks it has been shown that different timing processes are involved according to tasks, yielding distinctive correlation properties in the within-hand temporal patterns. In this study we compare unimanual with bimanual, tapping with oscillation, and self-paced with externally paced tasks, and we analyze the correlation properties of temporal patterns at both the component level and the coordinative level. Results show that the distinctive signatures of event-based versus emergent, and self-paced versus synchronization timing control known from unimanual tasks persist in the corresponding bimanual coordination tasks. Accordingly, we argue that these different timing processes, and related temporal patterns at the component level, constitute a task-dependent background on which coordination builds. One direct implication of these results is that the bimanual coordination paradigm should be considered multifaceted and not governed by some unitary generic principle. We discuss the need to assess the relationship between temporal patterns at the component level and the collective level, and to integrate serial (long-range) correlation properties into bimanual coordination models. Finally, we test whether the architectures of current bimanual coordination models can account for the experimentally observed serial correlations.  相似文献   

The authors studied pattern stability and error correction during in-phase and antiphase 4-ball fountain juggling. To obtain ball trajectories, they made and digitized high-speed film recordings of 4 highly skilled participants juggling at 3 different heights (and thus different frequencies). From those ball trajectories, the authors determined and analyzed critical events (i.e., toss, zenith, catch, and toss onset) in terms of variability of point estimates of relative phase and temporal correlations. Contrary to common findings on basic instances of rhythmic interlimb coordination, in-phase and antiphase patterns were equally variable (i.e., stable). Consistent with previous findings, however, pattern stability decreased with increasing frequency. In contrast to previous results for 3-ball cascade juggling, negative lag-one correlations for catch-catch intervals were absent, but the authors obtained evidence for error corrections between catches and toss onsets. That finding may have reflected participants' high skill level, which yielded smaller errors that allowed for corrections later in the hand cycle.  相似文献   

The authors studied pattern stability and error correction during in-phase and antiphase 4-ball fountain juggling. To obtain ball trajectories, they made and digitized high-speed film recordings of 4 highly skilled participants juggling at 3 different heights (and thus different frequencies). From those ball trajectories, the authors determined and analyzed critical events (i.e., toss, zenith, catch, and toss onset) in terms of variability of point estimates of relative phase and temporal correlations. Contrary to common findings on basic instances of rhythmic interlimb coordination, in-phase and antiphase patterns were equally variable (i.e., stable). Consistent with previous findings, however, pattern stability decreased with increasing frequency. In contrast to previous results for 3-ball cascade juggling, negative lag-one correlations for catch-catch intervals were absent, but the authors obtained evidence for error corrections between catches and toss onsets. That finding may have reflected participants' high skill level, which yielded smaller errors that allowed for corrections later in the hand cycle.  相似文献   

In gait research it has often been assumed that variability and stability are negatively correlated, where increases in variability are assumed to equate with increases in instability. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate that variability does not always equate with stability. To proof this point, a method was developed to directly assess stability and variability during the application of a visual perturbation at different walking speeds. Walking variability was measured by using the average standard deviation of the knee joint angle across the gait cycle. Walking stability was measured by the recovery time of the knee joint angle trajectory from the distortion induced by a visual perturbation that was delivered at the beginning of the stance phase. Five participants were required to walk at six different velocities on a treadmill (0.67, 0.80, 0.94, 1.07, 1.21, and 1.34 m/s). The coefficients of intraclass correlations for the experiment were 83% and 80% for the calculated stability and variability, respectively. The calculated stabilities were not sensitive to changes in walking speed (p>0.98). The calculated variability however decreased with increases in walking speed (p=0.004). No significant correlation between variability and stability was observed (r=-0.002). We suggest that gait stability is independent of variability during locomotion and should thus be measured independently.  相似文献   

This study, following a dynamic pattern approach, examines age-related differences in the stability of unimanual rhythmic perception-action patterns. Thirty-six children, aged 7, 9, and 11 years, attempted to synchronize their finger tapping to the beats of an auditory metronome, either “on the beat” (i.e., in-phase coordination), or “off the beat” (i.e., antiphase coordination). The temporal stability of these perception- action patterns was measured by the variability of the relative phase between taps and auditory events and by the critical frequency, that is, the frequency at which a loss of stability was observed when the metronome frequency was increased. Age-related differences in stability were found for both relative phase variability and critical frequency. These findings suggest that the relative phase dynamics underlying perception-action coordination patterns change with age in the direction of an increased temporal stability. Received: 29 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 December 1998  相似文献   

The number of joint motions available in the upper extremity provides for multiple solutions to the coordination of a motor task. Making use of these abundant joint motions provides for task flexibility. Controlling bimanual movements poses another level of complexity because of possible tradeoffs between coordination within a limb and coordination between the limbs. We examined how flexible patterns of joint coordination were used to stabilize the hand's path when drawing a circle independently compared to a bimanual pattern. Across-trial variance of joint motions was partitioned into two components: goal-equivalent variance (GEV), representing variance of joint motions consistent with a stable hand path and non-goal-equivalent variance (NGEV) representing variance of joint motions that led to deviations of the hand's path. GEV was higher than NGEV in both unimanual and bimanual drawing, with one exception. Both GEV and NGEV, related to control of the individual hands' motion, decreased when engaged in the bimanual compared to unimanual drawing. Moreover, NGEV, leading to variability in the vectorial distance between the hands, was higher when the two hands drew circles in a bimanually asymmetric vs. symmetric pattern, consistent with reported differences in the relative phasing of the two hands. Our results suggest that the nervous system controls the individual hands' motions by separate intra-limb synergies during both unimanual and bimanual drawing, and superimposes an additional synergy to achieve stable relative motion of the two hands during bimanual drawing.  相似文献   

Investigating an ecologically relevant upper limb task, such as manually transporting an object with a concurrent lateral change in support (sidestepping alongside a kitchen counter), may provide greater insight into potential deficits in postural stability, variability and motor coordination in older adults. Nine healthy young and eleven older, community dwelling adults executed an upper limb object transport task requiring a lateral change in support in two directions at two self-selected speeds, self-paced and fast-paced. Dynamic postural stability and movement variability was quantified via whole-body center of mass motion. The onset of lead lower limb movement in relation to object movement onset was quantified as a measure of motor coordination. Older adults demonstrated similar levels of stability and variability as their younger counterparts, but at slower peak movement velocity and increased task duration. Furthermore, older adults demonstrated asymmetrical motor coordination between left and right task directions, while younger adults remained consistent regardless of task direction. Thus, older adults significantly modulated movement speed and motor coordination to maintain similar levels of stability and variability compared to their younger counterparts.  相似文献   

We reexplored the relationship between new word learning and verbal short-term memory (STM) capacities, by distinguishing STM for serial order information, item recall, and item recognition. STM capacities for order information were estimated via a serial order reconstruction task. A rhyme probe recognition task assessed STM for item recognition. Item recall capacities were derived from the proportion of item errors in an immediate serial recall task. In Experiment 1, strong correlations were observed between item recall and item recognition, but not between the item STM tasks and the serial order task, supporting recent theoretical positions that consider that STM for item and serial order rely on distinct capacities. Experiment 2 showed that only the serial order reconstruction task predicted independent variance in a paired associate word–nonword learning task. Our results suggest that STM capacities for serial order play a specific and causal role in learning new phonological information.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify changes in segment/joint coordination and coordination variability in running with increasing head stability requirements. Fifteen strides from twelve recreational runners while running on a treadmill at their preferred speed were collected. Head stability demands were manipulated through real-time visual feedback that required head-gaze orientation to be contained within boxes of different sizes, ranging from 21 to 3 degrees of visual angle in 3-degree decrements. Coordination patterns and coordination variability were assessed between head and trunk segments, hip and knee joints, and knee and ankle joints in the three cardinal planes, respectively. Mean coupling angles and the standard deviation of the coupling angles at each individual point of the stance phase were calculated using a modified vector coding technique and circular statistics. As head stability demands increased, transverse plane head-trunk coordination was more anti-phase and showed increased head‑leading and decreased trunk‑leading patterns; for the lower extremity, there was increased in-phase and decreased anti-phase sagittal plane coordination. Increased head stability demands also resulted in an increase in coordination variability for both upper body and lower extremity couplings during the second half of the stance phase. Overall, the results provide evidence that coordinative adaptations to increasing head stability demands occur throughout the entire body: 1) through more independent control of the head relative to the trunk; 2) by increasing in-phase coordination between lower extremity joints, and 3) through increased coordination variability in the second half of stance in both upper body segmental and lower extremity joint couplings. These adaptations likely contribute to the reduction of the range of motion of the trunk in vertical direction.  相似文献   

Four subjects performed rhythmic movements of the ankle and the wrist in time with an auditory metronome, in two modes of coordination, antiphase and in-phase. The forearm was placed in either a prone or a supine position. When movements were prepared in the antiphase mode, spontaneous transitions to the in-phase mode, or to phase wandering were observed as metronome frequency was increased. When prepared in the in-phase mode, transitions between in-phase modes or to phase wandering were occasionally observed. Predicted signature features of nonequilbrium phase transitions were noted, including loss of stability and critical fluctuations. The stability of the movement patterns was determined by spatial (dependent upon the direction of movement) rather than anatomical (dependent on the coupling of specific muscle groups) constraints. The position of the forearm had no consistent bearing upon the variability of the phase relations between the limbs, the frequency of phase transitions, or the time of onset of transitions. These results are discussed with reference to the coordination dynamics (e.g., multistability, loss of stability) of multijoint movements.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the effect of fatigue of the knee extensors muscles on bilateral force control accuracy, variability, and coordination in the presence and absence of visual feedback. Twenty-two young physically active subjects (18 males, 4 females) were divided into two groups and performed 210 submaximal sustained bilateral isometric contractions of knee extensors muscles with and without visual feedback. One group performed a symmetrical task—both legs were set at identical positions (60° knee flexion)—while the other group performed an asymmetrical task (60° and 30° knee flexion). We used the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis to quantify two variance components: one of them did not change total force (VUCM), while the other did (VORT). Performance of bilateral isometric contractions reduced voluntary and electrically induced force without changes in bilateral force control variability and accuracy. Bilateral force production stability and accuracy were higher in both tasks with visual feedback. Synergistic (anti-phase) structure of force control between the lower limbs occurred and the values of synergy index were higher only during the performance of the asymmetrical task with visual feedback. In addition, greater bilateral force control accuracy was observed during the performance of the asymmetrical task (with and without visual feedback), despite no differences in within-trial variability of both tasks.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the coordination of a whole-body task (basketball free-throw) in which success in performance outcome can be achieved through a manifold of combinations of postural and movement trajectory configurations. Participants were healthy men (19–24 years) with a range of skill levels that were tested for the accuracy of 50 basketball free-throws with both their dominant and non-dominant hand. The trial-to-trial variance in release parameters as well as postural stability of the shooter and synchronization of postural movement and ball release were strong predictors of performance, with non-elite shooters having a higher mean and variability of center-of-mass (COM) speed at the time of ball release. The synchronization between the time of peak COM and the time of ball release increased as a function of skill level and hand dominance, with the better performers releasing the ball more closely to the time of COM peak height. These findings reveal how, in addition to successfully controlling the trial-to-trial variability along the solution manifold of release parameters, the relative importance of the coordination of postural control and ball release properties on shooting success changes as a function of skill level.  相似文献   

Sensorimotor timing behaviors typically exhibit an elusive phenomenon known as the negative asynchrony. When synchronizing movements (e.g. finger taps) with an external sequence (e.g. a metronome), people’s taps precede event onsets by a few tens of milliseconds. We recently reported that asynchrony is less negative in participants with lower asynchrony variability. This indicates an association between negative asynchrony and variability of timing. Here, in 24 metronome-synchronization data sets, we modeled asynchrony series using a sensorimotor synchronization model that accounts for serial dependence of asynchronies. The results showed that the modeling well captured the negative correlation between the mean and SD of asynchrony. The finding suggests that serial dependence in asynchronies is an essential mechanism of timing variability underlying the association between the mean and SD of asynchrony.  相似文献   

The contribution of geomagnetic variation to the occurrence of UFORs (reports of UFOs) within the New Madrid States during the 6-mo. increments before increases in the numbers of IV-V or less intensity earthquakes within the central USA was determined. Although statistically significant zero-order correlations existed between measures of earthquakes, UFORs and geomagnetic variability, the association between the latter two deteriorated markedly when their shared variance with earthquakes was held constant. These outcomes are compatible with the hypothesis that geomagnetic variability (or phenomena associated with it) may enhance UFORs but only if tectonic stress and strain are increasing within the region.  相似文献   



In assessing financial risk tolerance it is common practice to compute an overall score but not the intraperson variability across test items (because the latter is believed to be just error variance). We analyzed (1) the stability of intraperson variability, (2) its correlation to the total score, (3) its moderating effect on validity coefficients, and (4) its relation to internal consistency reliability and test–retest reliability.  相似文献   

Relationships between two indices of response stability and item endorsement, social desirability, and seven ambiguity indices were investigated separately within the MMPI, the unique items of the CPI, and two subpools moderate in endorsement and social desirability. Within the two original pools, zero-order correlations and multiple regression analyses revealed that only extremeness of endorsement and social desirability were substantially related to response stability; within the moderate subpools, however, indices of ambiguity-especially item length and ratings of global ambiguity, behavioral reference, and estimated stability-accounted for important degrees of variance individually as well as in combination. Reasons for the moderating effects of endorsement and social desirability are discussed, as are the implications for scale construction.  相似文献   

Both shared and unique genetic risk factors underlie the two symptom domains of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. The developmental course and relationship to co-occurring disorders differs across the two symptom domains, highlighting the importance of their partially distinct etiologies. Familial cognitive impairment factors have been identified in ADHD, but whether they show specificity in relation to the two ADHD symptom domains remains poorly understood. We aimed to investigate whether different cognitive impairments are genetically linked to the ADHD symptom domains of inattention versus hyperactivity-impulsivity. We conducted multivariate genetic model fitting analyses on ADHD symptom scores and cognitive data, from go/no-go and fast tasks, collected on a population twin sample of 1,312 children aged 7–10. Reaction time variability (RTV) showed substantial genetic overlap with inattention, as observed in an additive genetic correlation of 0.64, compared to an additive genetic correlation of 0.31 with hyperactivity-impulsivity. Commission errors (CE) showed low additive genetic correlations with both hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention (genetic correlations of 0.17 and 0.11, respectively). The additive genetic correlation between RTV and CE was also low and non-significant at ?0.10, consistent with the etiological separation between the two indices of cognitive impairments. Overall, two key cognitive impairments phenotypically associated with ADHD symptoms, captured by RTV and CE, showed different genetic relationships to the two ADHD symptom domains. The findings extend a previous model of two familial cognitive impairment factors in combined subtype ADHD by separating pathways underlying inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms.  相似文献   

A model for the timing of repetitive discrete motor responses is proposed, and a prediction of negative dependency between successive interresponse intervals is confirmed by data from a Morse key tapping task. A method that makes use of the first-order serial correlation between interresponse intervals is used to distinguish between variance due to a timekeeping process and variance in motor response delays subsequent to the timekeeper. These two quantities are examined as a function of mean interresponse interval.  相似文献   

Children's negative characteristics are thought to be a factor in evoking hostile parenting responses. This can result in genotype/environment correlations (rGE) in which children's heritable traits influence the parenting they experience. We did genetic analyses on 292 mothers' self-reported hostile-reactive behaviors toward each of their twins at 5, 18 and 30 months. Finding heritability for a parenting behavior analyzed as a child phenotype is evidence of rGE correlation. The heritability of maternal behavior was modest (29% at 5 months, 0% at 18 months, and 25% at 30 months) and longitudinal analyses indicated that genetic factors at 5 and 30 months were uncorrelated. Common environment factors, probably reflecting characteristics of the mothers, were the main source of variance at the three ages and were highly correlated through time. We concluded that children's heritable characteristics evoked maternal negative response at specific times, but were not responsible for the stability of maternal hostility from infancy to toddlerhood.  相似文献   

We investigated Buss and Plomin’s Emotionality Activity Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey for Children, used to assess temperament. Temperament is believed to comprise stable traits that change little over time. We examined stability of EAS temperament in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, in which 7429 mothers completed the EAS when their children were 3, 5 and 6 years old. Factor analysis was conducted at each time point, and stability over time was assessed using correlation and mixed effects regression modelling, accounting for differences within and between individuals. A four-factor model provided the best fit, with 19–20 of the 20 items loading onto the dimensions predicted by Buss and Plomin. Test–retest correlations ranged from 0.52–0.64 (3–5 years), 0.59–0.74 (5–6 years) and 0.46–0.58 (3–6 years). Mixed effects regression modelling suggested good stability over time: differences between, rather than within, individuals accounted for between 69% and 82% of the variance. This study demonstrates the stability of temperament over time, a vital pre-requisite to investigating childhood temperament as a predictor of outcomes.  相似文献   

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