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A review and critique of the literature pertaining to the use of cognitive remediation techniques in patients with schizophrenia is presented. The review is organized into three sections, according to the neuropsychological deficit targeted for remediation: 1) executive-function, 2) attention, and 3) memory. With regards to executive-function, despite an initial report suggesting that Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance cannot be remediated, subsequent studies suggest that performance can be improved on a variety of dependent measures including perseverative errors, categories achieved, and conceptual level responses. These observations were confirmed by a meta-analytic investigation that revealed large mean effects sizes (d + = 0.96) for these studies. Effect sizes were homogenous across discrepant remediation strategies and dependent measures. With regards to attention, serial scanning can be improved with instruction and reinforcement, whereas there is mixed evidence suggesting that practice-based attention drills can improve performance on measures of sustained attention in schizophrenia. With regards to memory, relatively simple semantic and affective elaborate encoding strategies elevates verbal list-learning memory in patients with schizophrenia to levels consistent with controls. A similar encoding procedure, combined with vigilance training, produces substantial improvement in social cue recognition. Avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We review 42 studies examining the effects of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) on memory and cognition in nondemented postmenopausal women. Although there are an appreciable number of nonsignificant findings, the number of significant findings favoring ERT users considerably outnumbers the rare findings of better performance in controls. Experimental studies demonstrate a consistent beneficial effect on verbal memory, but these are short-term studies of the more acute effects of ERT. The observational studies suggest that there may be a long-lasting effect of continued ERT on cognitive functioning, but these studies need to be interpreted with caution because of the lack of random assignment and a possible healthy user bias. We also summarize findings from studies on the effects of ERT on Alzheimer's disease (AD). ERT is associated with a decreased risk for dementia, but there is little evidence for a positive effect on cognition in women with AD. Definitive answers to questions about the long-term effects of ERT on cognitive aging and risk of developing AD should be provided by 3 ongoing clinical trials.  相似文献   

Cognitive and academic deficits have been identified in school-aged children with sickle cell disease (SCD). However, there have been very few identified studies that examine neuropsychological functioning in preschool-age children with SCD. It is important to understand effects of SCD from a developmental perspective and to consider the contribution of environmental factors in this at-risk population. Neuropsychological functioning of preschool-age children with SCD and no history of overt stroke (n = 26) was examined across several domains (language, immediate memory/brief attention, visuospatial/visuoconstructional, motor/visuomotor). The mean Full Scale IQ for the sample was 89.0. Performance on the Immediate Memory/ Brief Attention domain was significantly higher than the other domains, although the pattern of performance was relatively consistent, with mean standard scores ranging from 88.0 to 95.0. Disease severity was not significantly related to cognitive functioning in this group of young children with SCD. Socioeconomic status (SES) was significantly correlated with most domain scores and, based on regression analyses, accounted for 18% to 47% of the variance in functioning. Psychosocial factors, such as number of children living in the home and parental stress levels, were negatively associated with Motor/Visuomotor skills, and weekly hours in school/day care was positively associated with language-related skills. Results suggest that, at this young age, psychosocial risk factors appear to be appropriate targets for intervention, with the goal of improving long-term outcome in children with SCD. Further investigations should include comparison to a matched control group.  相似文献   

摘 要 目的 探讨精神分裂症患者记忆损害状况。方法 采用修正的加工分离记忆实验程序,分别测试精神分裂症患者和正常对照组的记忆能力。结果 (1)精神分裂症患者外显记忆功能存在广泛的缺陷,而内隐记忆功能缺陷只在概念驱动下的测验中出现。(2)以阳性症状为主的精神分裂症患者的外显记忆成绩均高于以阴性症状为主的精神分裂症患者。(3)阴性症状严重程度与外显记忆成绩呈显著负相关。结论 精神分裂症患者的内隐记忆功能相对完整,而外显记忆障碍在以阴性症状为主的精神分裂症患者尤为突出。  相似文献   

Lyme disease is currently the most common vector-borne illness in the United States. The disease is multisystemic, and chronic disease, in particular, may be associated with neuropsychological deficits. However, to date, only a few empirical studies exist, which examine the neuropsychological sequelae associated with chronic Lyme disease. A review of the literature shows that the deficits observed in adults with chronic Lyme disease are generally consistent with the deficits that can be seen in processes with primarily frontal systems involvement. These observations are generally consistent with neuroradiologic findings. The clinical presentation in chronic Lyme disease and the nature of the neuropsychological deficits are discussed, as are several central issues in understanding neuropsychological functioning in chronic Lyme disease, such as the impact of chronic illness, response to treatment, and the relationship between neuropsychological performance and depression, fatigue, and neurological indicators of disease.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - This study compared neuropsychological test performance of individuals (n = 18) with an occupational history of pesticide exposure to individuals (n = 35) with no such...  相似文献   

Neuropsychological Functioning in Danish Gulf War Veterans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research has shown that Danish Gulf War (GW) veterans reported a significantly higher prevalence of neuropsychological symptoms than did military controls 6 years after GW deployment. To explore the possible central nervous system determinants of these complaints, neuropsychological tests were administered to stratified, random samples of the Danish cohort of 916 GW-deployed veterans and 236 non–GW-deployed participants. Multivariate analyses of covariance were used to analyze neuropsychological test outcomes among the 215 male participants (143 GW-deployed and 72 non–GW-deployed soldiers). No significant differences in neuropsychological test performances were found between the GW-deployed and non–GW-deployed groups. Troops deployed to the GW reported significantly more mood complaints (i.e., fatigue and confusion) than their nondeployed counterparts. Because they were assigned to the Gulf region during the postcombat phase, Danish GW soldiers differed from the majority of American GW-deployed troops in military assignments and possible toxicant exposures.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia: A Neurodevelopmental Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diverse lines of research suggest that schizophrenia is a genetically influenced neurodevelopmental disorder. Family, twin, and adoption studies suggest that most cases of schizophrenia involve a genetic diathesis that is necessary but not sufficient for development of the disorder. Histological, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological findings converge in providing evidence for medial-temporal and frontal lobe dysfunction that likely predates the onset of psychosis. Behavioral phenomenology and neurobiology suggest that dopamine plays a crucial moderating role between these structural abnormalities and functional impairment. Recently, investigators have used animal models and clinical syndromes to integrate these findings into neurodevelopmental models of schizophrenia that hold great potential for yielding etiological insight.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with deficits in the areas of verbal memory and learning, executive functioning, working memory, and attention in adults. Findings have been less consistent in the few studies examining neuropsychological functioning in childhood PTSD, which are often limited by comparing children with PTSD to children without trauma histories, making it unclear whether observed neuropsychological deficits are related to trauma exposure or to PTSD symptomatology. In an ethnically diverse sample of 62 children who witnessed intimate partner violence (n = 27 PTSD+ and 35 PTSD?), children with PTSD exhibited slower and less effective learning, heightened sensitivity to interference, and impaired effect of rehearsal on memory acquisition on the California Verbal Learning Test – Children's Version, a word list learning task. Both groups performed in the below average range on measures of executive functioning, attention, and intellectual ability.  相似文献   

Children with hydrocephalus have deficits in several neuropsychological domains. The most notable are motor, visuoperceptual, and visuomotor function. These deficits are multiply determined and depend on the etiology and severity of the hydrocephalus to a large extent. Corpus callosum abnormalities resulting from stretching of callosal fibers and other cortical white matter tracts are implicated as contributory to these deficits. Enlarged ventricles and associated compression of posterior cortical areas also correlate with cognitive impairment. Distinguishing which cognitive domain negatively impacts on the child’s functioning and which domains influence behavior in isolation or in combination has been the subject of numerous studies. Developmentally, we know little about the emergence of neuropsychological functioning in children with hydrocephalus. Study of the effects of hydrocephalus at different stages of development is useful to clinicians and researchers interested in the impact of diffuse neurophysiological damage on cognition in the developing brain. The medical and neuropsychological literature have begun to inform about these effects. The core deficits in hydrocephalus have yet to be explicated and a focus on investigations that answer these questions is required. This review summarizes the current knowledge about neurocognitive sequelae of hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

Empirically, psychotherapy with a competent therapist is the optimal, but rarely offered treatment, for schizophrenia. Medication or ECT produces less disturbing, lifelong cripples. Within 25 years one-third spontaneously recover completely (unless they stay on medication), and another third socially recover. Nazi Germany sterilized and annihilated patients without decreasing mental disorders in the next generation. Schizophrenia is a terror syndrome. The therapist must create a therapeutic alliance by creating hope and tolerating not understanding. Hallucinations are waking dreams. Delusions are transferences, defenses against pseudohomosexuality, family-specific meanings, or attempts to make sense out of strange experiences.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to account for the confusion over the validity of the concept of schizophrenia in terms of two closely related aspects of conceptual indeterminacy. Firstly, it is identified on the basis of a breakdown in intelligibility, but what constitutes such a breakdown is indeterminate. Secondly, the concept sits between the categories of natural disease or illness on the one hand, and character trait or moral failing or gift on the other. This entails an indeterminacy in attempting to define the role that physiological explanation could have. Light may be thrown on the concept by exploring a distinction between a life story in which the schizophrenic condition emerges as the conclusion of the story and a causal process in which the condition is the end result or final consequence.  相似文献   

Children with medium chain acyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) have been reported to be at high risk for neurocognitive deficits. However this has not been systematically studied and little is known about the exact nature of neuropsychological sequelae or of the impact of early diagnosis and screening on outcome. We examined cognitive and adaptive outcome in children with MCADD (N?=?38, age range: 2 years, 2 months – 10 years, 3 months) diagnosed either through a newborn screening program (tandem mass spectrometry/MSMS) or upon clinical presentation. There was no evidence of overall intellectual impairment in either groups but there was some suggestion of poorer verbal and specific executive functioning (i.e., planning) abilities in the unscreened cohorts. Adaptive functioning was relatively intact with the exception of reduced Daily Living Skills in both our screened and unscreened groups. Early diagnosis and greater number of hospitalizations were related to higher verbal, communication, and socialization skills. Overall, our results highlight the importance of early diagnosis and management for children with MCADD.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of studies that have investigated the neuropsychological effects of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV-1 infection. It provides a brief overview of the era of monotherapy, dual-therapy, and an extended overview of the current era of combination antiretroviral therapy (CART). This review highlights that while CART has had a dramatic effect on the incidence and the severity of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND), HAND, in its mild form, still remains prevalent. New causes of this sustained prevalence are poor CNS penetration of some antiretroviral agents, drug resistance, poor adherence, potential neurotoxicity, co-morbidities such as the long-term CART side effects in relation to cardio-vascular disease, and chronic HIV brain infection that may facilitate the expression of new forms of neurodegenerative processes. The review emphasizes the need to address methodological limitations of published studies and the need for large and representative cross-disciplinary longitudinal investigations across the HIV illness span.  相似文献   

The neuropsychological effects of Parkinson's disease have gained wide recognition in recent literature. Effects have been documented in almost all areas of cognitive functioning, including general intellectual functioning, visual-spatial functioning, executive functions, attention and memory functions, language functions, and affective processes. Visual-spatial functions, memory functions, and executive functions have received particular interest. This review of the literature is an attempt to tie together the large number of studies in these cognitive areas and to present a suggestion for a comprehensive neuropsychological battery tailored to the patient with Parkinson's disease. Throughout the review, factors relevant to Parkinson's disease, e.g., dementia, motor symptoms, and hemiparkinsonism, are considered.  相似文献   

Because of the high rates of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder in individuals with psychotic disorders, there has been increasing emphasis on incorporating trauma treatment into comprehensive care for schizophrenia. Yet, despite heightened awareness of the need, limited information has been provided specifying an effective approach tailored to this population. Significant advances in trauma treatment have been made in recent years that can provide a general framework for guiding such interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. This article provides a brief review of the relationship between trauma and schizophrenia and offers a heuristic view of applications of current trauma treatment to psychotherapy for schizophrenia.  相似文献   

全世界约有1%的人患有精神分裂症,对患者及其家人造成了严重负担。由于此病影响因素很多,精神分裂症研究进展所取得的进步有限。精神分裂症产生的物质基础在脑,神经影像技术的进步为我们直接研究此病活体脑部结构及功能提供了良好的工具。本文主要从四个方面介绍了神经影像学在精神分裂症的研究及所贯彻的哲学思想。  相似文献   

Schizophrenia: An Update and Review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Schizophrenia is a common complex disorder characterized by psychosis, cognitive dysfunction and negative symptoms, whose etiology involves interactions between both genetic and environmental vulnerability factors. Recently, ongoing research attempting to elucidate the nature of these vulnerability factors has been generating exciting findings. The advances in understanding of environmental risk factors for mental illnesses and in genetic research into mental illnesses will be reviewed. Limitations of the findings and implications of these advances for genetic counseling practice will also be discussed.  相似文献   

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