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Preventing Misdiagnosis of Women: A Guide to Physical Disorders That Have Psychiatric Symptoms , E lizabeth A. K lonoff and H ope L andrine .
Treating People with Chronic Disease: A Psychological Guide , C arol D. G oodheart and M artha H. L ansing .
Working with Chronic Illness , J enny A ltschuler .
Toward a New Psychology of Gender , M ary M. G ergen and S ara N. D avis .
On Our Own Terms: Race, Class, and Gender in the Lives of African American Women , L eith M ullings . In J. A. Howard, B. Rismen, and M. Romero (Eds.), Gender Lens Series (vol. 1).
Asian American Women and Men: Labor, Laws, and Love , Y en L e E spiritu .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Career Education: What It Is and How to Do It by Kenneth B. Hoyt Human Resources and Labor Markets—Labor and Manpower in the American Economy by Sar A. Levitan, Garth L. Mangum, and Ray Marshall. Counseling: Theory and Process by James C. Hansen, Richard R. Stevic, and Richard W. Warner, Jr. Boston: Behavior Modification Procedures for School Personnel by Beth Sulzer and G. Roy Mayer. Hinsdale The Two-Career Family by Lynn Lythe Holmstrom. Psychology of Women—A Study in Bio-Cultural Conflicts by Judith M. Bardwick. Groups: Facilitating Individual Growth and Societal Change by Walter M. Lifton. Forensic Psychology in Disability Adjudication: A Decade of Experience—Vocational Experts in the Bureau of Hearings and Appeals edited by Robert B. Hannings, Philip Ash, and Daniel Sinick. The Interview: Research on Its Anatomy and Structure by Joseph D. Matarazzo and Arthur N. Wiens. Youth: Myths and Realities by Richard R. Stevic and Robert H. Rossberg. The Illusion of Equality by Murray Milner, Jr. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Education and the Rise of the Corporate State by Joel H. Spring. Emotional Intimacy—Overlooked Requirement for Survival by Alan M. Dahms.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1970,23(2):271-294
Books reviewed in this article:
M organ , J ohn S. Business Faces the Urban Crisis.
G urin , G erald . Inner-City Negro Youth in a Job Training Project: A Study of Factors Related to Attrition and Job Success.
C rosby , A ndrew . Creativity and Performance in Industrial Organization.
S iegel , L aurence . Industrial Psychology.
L evy , R onald B. Human Relations —A Conceptual Approach.
M iner , J ohn B. Personnel Psychology.
Managing Organizational Effectiveness.
E dwards , A llen L. Statistical Analysis.
K olasa , B lair J. Introduction to Behavioral Science for Business.
W ortman , M ax S., J r . Critical Issues in Labor: Text and Readings.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M akk R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 21, 1970.
S choonmaker , A lan N. Anxiety and the Executive.
K azmier , L eonard J. Principles of Management: A Program for Self-instruction.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1948,1(3):383-395
Book review in this Article
O tis , J. L., and L eukart , R. H. Job Evaluation
OSS A ssessment S taff . Assessment of Men.
R yan , T homas A. Work and Effort
P igors , P aul, and M yers , C. A. Personnel Administration. New York: M c
B urtt , H. E. Applied Psychology.
S elekman , B. M. Labor Relations and Human Relations. New York: M c
F isher , W. E. Conference Leader's Guide. (Bull. No. 15, Industrial Relations Section, California Institute of Technology.) Pasadena, Calif. Pp. 28.
F lanagan , J. C. (Ed.) The Aviation Psychology Program in the Army Air Forces.
G hiselli , E. E., and B rown , C. W. Personnel and Industrial Psychology.
K aufmann , F ritz . Your Job.
L ewin , K urt (Edited by Gertrude Weiss Lewin). Resolving Social Conflicts.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1935,3(3):252-261
Book review in this article
T he F rontiers of P sychology . By William McDougall. The Contemporary Library of Psychology.
C onation and our C onscious L ife : P rolegomena to a D octrine of U rge P sychology . By Helge Lundholm.
M ental H ygiene and E ducation . By M. Sherman.
Child Psychology. By George D. Stoddard and Beth L. Wellman.
T he M eaning and V arieties of L ove . By J. W. Bridges.
F acts and T heories of P sychoanalysis . By Ives Hendrick, M.D.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(1):113-139
Books reviewed in this article:
S tagner , R oss . The Psychology of Industrial Conflict
F riedmann , G eorges . Industrial Society
F ryer , D ouglas H., F einberg , M ortimer R., AND Z alkind , S heldon S. Developing People in Industry: Principles and Methods of Training
E dwards , J oseph D ean . Executives: Making Them Click
W alker , C harles R., G uest , R obert H., AND T urner , A rthur N. The Foreman on the Assembly Line
M c M urry , R obert N., et al. Tested Techniques of Personnel Selection
G oldwag , E lliott M. A Survey on the Use of Psychlogical Tests in Selecting Salesmen
P igors , P aul , AND M yers , C harles A. Personnel Administration: A Point of View and a Method
L eonhard , D ietz L. Consumer Research with Projective Techniques
C hapanis , A lphonse . The Design and Conduct of Human Engineering Studies
G ilmour , R obert W. Industrial Wage and Salary Control
P hillipson , H erbert . The Object Relations Technique
C ornell , F rancis G. The Essentials of Educational Statistics
K ornhauser , A rthur , M ayer , A lbert J., AND S heppard , H arold L. When Labor Votes: A Study of Auto Workers
K nox , J ohn B. The Sociology of Industrial Relations
B rown , M ilon . Effective Supervision  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(3):405-412
Book Reviewed in This Article:
G olembiewski , R obert T. Renewing Organizations: The Laboratory Approach to Planned Change.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1973 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
D yer , W illiam G. The Sensitive Manipulator: The Change Agent Who Builds with Others.
M arrow , A lfred J. (Editor) The Failure of Success.
V an C ott , H arold P. and K inkade , R obert G. (Editors) Human Engineering Grade to Equipment Design.
K ellogg , M arion S. Career Management.
H aney , W illiam V. Communication and Organizational Behavior: Text and Cases.
L uthans , F red . Organizational Behavior: A Modern Behavioral Approach to Management.
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industrial Organizations.
S chultz , D uane P. Psychology and Industry Today.
G orman , L iam and M olloy , E ddie . People, Jobs and Organizations.
Proceedings: Twelfth Human Relations Conference.
T orbert , W illiam R. with R ogers , M alcolm P. Being for the Most Part Puppets: Interactions Among Men's Labor, Leisure, and Politics.
T homas , J ohn M. and B ennis , W arreng . (Editors) Management of Change and Conflict. Baltimore. Penguin Books, Inc., 1972. Pp. 507. $4.50 (Paper)
M ackenzie , R. A lec . The Time Trap: Managing Your Way Out.
M iller , M artin R. Climbing the Corporate Pyramid.
M iller , E rnest C. (Editor) Conference Leadership.
K orman , A braham K. Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
H annings , R obert B., A sh , P hilip and S inick , D aniel . (Editors) Forensic Psychology in Disability Adjudication: A Decade of Experience.
B acon , J eremy . Corporate Directorship Practices: Membership and Committees of the Board.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1949,2(2):249-265
B urtt , H. E. Applied Psychology.
L ewin , K urt (Edited by Gertrude Weiss Lewin). Resolving Social Conflicts.
E vans , R alph M. An Introduction to Color.
B arbash , J ack . Labor Unions in Action. A Study of the Mainsprings of Unionism.
B artley , H. S. and C hute , E loise . Fatigue and Impairment in Man.
D ennis , W ayne (Ed.) Current Trends in Psychology.
Books and Materials Received1  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1948,1(2):257-263
Book review in this Article
H arriman , P. L. The New Dictionary of Psychology , New York: The Philosophical Library, 1947, Pp 364.
H arriman , P. L., Editor. Encyclopedia of Psychology , New York: The Philosophical Library, 1948, Pp vii and 897.
A dkins , D orothy C., with the assistance of P rimoff , E rnest S., M c A doo , H arold L., B ridges , C laude F. and F orer , B ertram . The Construction and Analysis of Achievement Tests.  相似文献   

C. G. J ung , Experimental researches , (translated by L. Stein and D. Riviere from the German papers) Collected works , Vol. 2
K irsch , J ames . The reluctant prophet
M eltzer , D. Sexual states of mind
B rowning , D on : Generative man
C onway , R onald : The great Australian stupor
The function and nature of imagery . ed. Peter W. Sheehan
A ronson , A lex : Psyche and symbol in Shakespeare
S pector , J ack J.: The aesthetics of Freud. A study in psychoanalysis and art
The child: structure and dynamics of the nascent personality
Support, innovation and autonomy . Tavistock Clinic Golden Jubilee Papers. Edited by Robert Gosling
M ichael F ordham , R osemary G ordon , J udith H ubback and K enneth L ambert (co-Eds.) Technique in Jungian analysis The Library of Analytical Psychology. Volume 2
M ichael F ordham , R osemary G ordon , J udith H ubback and K enneth L ambert (Eds.), Technique in Jungian analysis. The Library of Analytical Psychology Vol. 2  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(4):564-586
Books reviewed in this article:
H aire , M ason . Psychology in Management.
S tone , C. H arold, and K endall , W illiam E. Effective Personnel Selection Procedures.
A nstey , E., and M ercer , E. O. Interviewing for the Selection of Staff.
L uck , T homas J. Personnel Audit and Appraisal.
Z aleznik , A. Worker Satisfaction and Development: A Case Study of Work and Social Behavior in a Factory Group.
L aird , D onald A., and L aird , E leanor C. Practical Business Psychology.
S togdill , R alph M., and S hartle , C arroll L. Methods in the Study of Administrative Leadership.
S togdill , R alph M., S hartle , C arroll L., et al . Patterns of Administrative Performance.
S cott , E llis L. Leadership and Perceptions of Organization.
H ärnqvist , K jell . Adjustment: Leadership and Group Relations in a Military Training Situation.
S tern , G eorge G., S tein , M orris I., and B loom , B enjamin S. Methods in Personality Assessment: Human Behavior in Complex Social Situations.
W arner , W. L loyd, and A begglen , J ames C. Occupational Mobility in American Business and Industry, 1928–1952.
L aird , D onald A., and L aird , E leanor C. The New Psychology for Leadership.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1980,33(4):823-894
H ackman , J. R ichard and O ldham , G reg R. Work Redesign.
J ensen , A rthur R. B ias in Mental Testing.
P feiffer , J. W illiam and J ones , J ohn E. (Editors) The 1980 Annual Handbook for Group Facilitators.
M c C ormick , E rnest J. and I lgen , D aniel . Industrial Psychology.
T agliere , D aniel A. The Participative Prince: Techniques for Developing Your Organization and Improving Its Performance.
H enderson , R ichard . Performance Appraisal: Theory to Practice.
V iscusl , W. K ip . Employment Hazards: An Investigation of Market Performance.
C ohen A llan R., F ink , S tephen L., G adon , H erman and W illits , R obin D. Effective Behavior in Organizations: Learning from the Interplay of Cases, Concepts and Student Experiences.
L efkowitz , B ernard . Breaktime: Living without Work in a Nine-to-Five World.
S hafritz , J ay M. Dictionary of Personnel Management and Labor Relations.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
G enua , R obert L. The Employer's Guide to Interviewing: Stategy and Tactics for Picking a Winner.
G ardner , J ames E. Training the New Supervisor.
H unt , J ohn . Managing People at Work.
B urack , E lmer H. and M athys , N icholas J. Human Resource Planning.
B urack , E lmer H. and M athys , N icholas J. Career Management in Organizations.
A lvarez , R odolfo , L utterman , K enneth G. and A ssociates . Discrimination in Organizations: Using Social Indicators to Manage Social Change.
L indo , D avid K. Supervision Can Be Easy.
K azmier , L eonard J. Management: A Programmed Approach with Cases and Applications.
B aldridge , J. V ictor and T ierney , M ichael L. New Approaches to Management: Creating Practical Systems of Management Information and Management by Objectives.
S cheer , W ilbert E. Personnel Administration Handbook.
P ande , N. R. W. A Study of Scores on Intelligence Test Batteries.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1999,52(2):465-548
Books reviewed in this article: Arthur R. Jensen. The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Arthur R. Jensen. The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability. Cynthia D. McCauley, Russ S. Moxley, and Ellen Van Velsor (Editors). The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development. Guy B. Adams and Danny L. Balfour. Unmasking Administrative Evil. Stewart D. Friedman, Jessica DeGroot, and Perry M. Christensen (Editors). Integrating Work and Life: The Wharton Resource Guide. Helen Fielding. Bridget Jones's Diary. Terrence E. Deal and M. K. Key. Corporate Celebration: Play, Purpose, and Profit at Work. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Woqk and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 1: Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 2 Work Psychology. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 3: Personnel Psychology. Pieter J. D. Drenth, Henk Thierry, Charles J. de Wolff (Editors). Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (2nd ed.) Vol. 4 Organizational Psychology. Patrick Kelly. Faster Company: Building the World's Nuttiest‘Ibrn-on-a-Dime Home-Grown Billion-Dollar Business. Rodney L. Lowman (Editor). The Ethical Practice of Psychology in Organizations. Richard Jeanneret and Rob Silzer (Editors). Individual Psychological Assessment: Predicting Behavior in Organizational Settings. Sharon Parker and Toby Wall. Job and Work Design: Organizing Work to Promote Well-Being and Effectiveness. Alison E. Barber. Recruiting Employees: Individual and Organizational Perspectives . Gary Klein. Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions. Ian Mitroff. Smart Thinking for Crazy Times: The Art of Solving the Right Problems. Janice M. Guerriero and Robert Glenn Allen. Key Questions in Career Counseling: Techniques to Deliver Effective Career Counseling Services. Wendy McElroy. The Reasonable Woman: A Guide to Intellectual Survival. Virginia Valian. Why So Slow: The Advancement of Women. Jeanne C. Meister. Corporate Universities: Lessons in Building a World-Class Work Force (revised). Michael Milano with Diane Ullius. Designing Powerful Training: The Sequential-Iterative Model. Mel Silberman. Active Paining: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips. Kevin R. Murphy and Brett Myors. Statistical Power Analysis: A Simple and General Model for Taditional and Modern Hypothesis Tests. Guela Lowenberg and Kelly A. Conrad. Current Perspectives in Industrial-Organizational Psychology . Peter R. Scholtes. The Leader's Handbook A Guide to Inspiring Your People and Managing the Daily Workflow .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1971,24(2):333-367
Books reviewed in this article: Morgan , John S., and Van Dyke , Richard L. White-Collar Blacks: A Breakthrough? Holding , D. H. (Editor) Experimental Psychology in Industry. Bass , Bernard M., and Deep , Samuel D. (Editors) Current Perspectives for Managing Organizations. Shull , Fremont A., Jr ., Delbecq , Andre L., and Cummings , L. L. Organizational Decision Making. Lopez , Felix M. The Making of a Manager: Guidelines to His Selection and Promotion. Emery , David A. The Corn pleat Manager. Zif , Jay Jehiel , and Otlewski , Robert E. Contract Negotiations-Player's Manual. Zif , Jay Jehiel , Walker , Arthur H., and Archey , William T. Managing the Worker—Player's Manual. Zif , Jay Jehiel , Walker , Arthur H., Orbach , Eliezer , and Schwartz , Howard . Reorganization-Player's Manual. Manpower and Planning. Yoder , Dale . Personnel Management and Industrial Relations. Desatnick , Robert L. A Concise Guide to Management Development. Gurin , Gerald . A National Attitude Study of Trainees in MDTA Institutional Programs. Finkle , Robert B., and Jones , William S. Assessing Corporate Talent: A Key to Managerial Manpower Planning. Cadwell , Raymond B. Barriers to Planned Change: A Study of Two Business Organizations. Evaluative Research: Strategies and Methods. Baer , Walter E. Grievance Handling: 101 Guides for Supervisors. Pilditch , James . Communication by Design: A Study in Corporate Identity. Levitt , Theodore . The Marketing Mode: Pathways to Corporate Growth. Prasow , Paul , and Peters , Edward . Arbitration and Collective Bargaining: Conflict Resolution in Labor Relations. Mussen , Paul H., and Rosenzweig , Mark R. (Editors) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 22.  相似文献   


The Journal of Psychology, Pedology and Psychotechnics. Series A: Psychology. (Edited by K. H. Korniloff.) 1928, 1, No. 1. Pp. 196. Series B: Pedology. (Edited by Salkind.) 1928, 1, No. 1. Pp. 199. Series C: Psychophysiology of Labor and Psychotechnics. (Edited by Spielrein.) 1928, 1, No. 1. Pp. 96.

Dresser, H. Outlines of the Psychology of Religion. New York: Crowell, 1929. Pp. xiii+451.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1998,51(4):1005-1080
Book review in this Article: P. Christopher Earley and Miriam Erez. The Transplanted Executive. Leslie A. Perlow. Finding Time: How Corporations, Individuals, and Families Can Benefit from New Work Practices. Ithaca, NY: ILR Reviewed by Céleste M. Brotheridge, Ph.D. Student, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Edward P. Lazear. Personnel Economics for Managers. Reviewed by Wayne F. Cascio, Professor of Management, Graduate School of Business, University of Colorado-Denver, Denver, CO. Dennis A. Davis. Threats Pending, Fuses Burning: Managing Workplace Violence. Reviewed by Lynne M. Andersson, Assistant Professor, Erivan K. Haub School of Business, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA. David W. Bracken, Maxine A. Dalton, Robert A. Jako, Cynthia D. McCauley, and Victoria Pollman. Should 360-Degree Feedback be Used Only for Developmental Purposes? Reviewed by Anthony T. Dalessio, Senior Specialist, Bell Atlantic Corporation, New York, NY. Mats Alvesson and Yvonne Due Billing. Understanding Gender and Organizations. Reviewed by Gary W. Yunker, Professor of Management, Department of Management and Marketing, and Barbara D. Yunker, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Resources, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL. P. Christopher Earley. Face, Harmony, and Social Structure: An Analysis of Organizational Behavior across Cultures. Reviewed by Jone L. Pearce, Professor, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, CA. Clair Brown, Yoshifumi Nakata, Michael Reich, and Lloyd Ull-man. Work and Pay in the United States and Japan. Reviewed by Edilberto F. Montemayor, Associate Professor, School of Labor and Industrial Relations, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Hope Landrine and Elizabeth A. Klonoff. Discrimination Against Women: Prevalence, Consequences, Remedies. Reviewed by Mary R. Watson, Assistant Professor of Human Resources, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. Adrian Furnham. The Psychology of Behavior at Work. Wayne F. Cascio. Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits (5th edition). Reviewed by Anthony F. Buono, Professor of Management, Bentley College, Waltham, MA. Robert B. Lawson and Zheng Shen. Organizational Psychology: Foundations and Applications. Reviewed by John R. Ogilvie, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Management, Barney School of Business, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT Deborah L. Whetzel and George R. Wheaton (Editors). Applied Measurement Methods in Industrial Psychology. Reviewed by Malcolm James Ree, Associate Professor, Our Lady of the Lake University, Center for Leadership Studies, San Antonio, TX. Robert D. Gatewood and Hubert S. Feild. Human Resource Selection (4th ed.). Reviewed by Kathie L. Pelletier, Graduate Student, and Janet L. Kottke, Professor and Director, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Graduate Program, California State University, San Bernardino, CA. Milton D. Hakel (Editor). Beyond Multiple Choice: Evaluating Alternatives to Traditional Testing for Selection. Reviewed by Paul E. Spector, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. David T Lykken. A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector. Reviewed by Theodore L. Hayes, Senior Research Analyst, The Gallup Organization, Lincoln, NE. Jeffrey A. Berman. Competence-Based Employment Interviewing. Reviewed by David W. Denton, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. Pierre Mornell. 45 Effective Ways for Hiring Smart: How to Predict Winners and Losers in the Incredibly Expensive People-Reading Game. Reviewed by Jay C. Thomas, Associate Professor, Pacific University, Portland, OR. Richard Beckhard. Agent of Change: My Life, My Practice. Albert A. Vicere and Robert M. Fulmer. Leadership by Design. Susan Albers Mohrman, Jay R. Galbraith, Edward E. Lawler III, and Associates. Tomorrow's Organization: Crafting Winning Capabilities in a Dynamic World. Reviewed by Victoria Buenger, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Susan Albers Mohrman and Allan M. Mohrman, Jr. Designing and Leading Team-Based Organizations: A Workbook for Organizational Self-Design. Reviewed by Christopher A. Hall, University of Missouri, and Michael M. Beyerlein, University of North Texas. Bill Bamberger and Cathy N. Davidson. Closing: The Life and Death of an American Factory. Reviewed by Lynn Summers, Mediappraise Corporation, Raleigh, NC.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1979,32(2):401-483
Book reviewed in this article: Knight , Kenneth . (Editor) Matrix Management: A Cross-functional Approach to Organisation. Mankin , Don . Toward a Post-Industrial Psychology: Emerging Perspectives on Technology, Work, Education, and Leisure. Bryant , Donald T. and Niehaus , Richard J. (Editors) Manpower Planning and Organization Design. Rackham , Neil and Morgan , Terry . Behaviour Analysis in Training. Suessmuth , Patrick . Ideas for Training Managers and Supervisors: Useful Suggestions, Activities, and Instruments. Hopkins , Davis S. Training the Sales Force: A Progress Report. Cascio , Wayne F. Applied Psychology in Personnel Management. Schneier , Craig Eric AND Beatty , Richard W. (Editors) Personnel Administration Today: Readings and Commentary. Souerwine , Andrew H. Career Strategies: Planning for Personal Achievement. Mueller , Robert Kirk , Career Conflict: Management's Inelegant Dysfunction. Crystal , Graef S. Executive Compensation: Money, Motivation, Imagination. (Second Ed.) Kaufman , Edward L. The Market for Executive Talent. Cohen , Allan R. and Gadon , Herman . Alternative Work Schedules: Integrating Individual and Organizational Needs. Walker , James . The Human Aspects of Shiftwork. Burke , W. Warner . (Editor) The Cutting Edge: Current Theory and Practice in Organization Development. King , Bert , Streufert , Siegfried and Fiedler , Fred E. Managerial Control and Organizational Democracy. Hollander , Edwin P. Leadership Dynamics: A Practical Guide to Effective Relationships. Golembiewski , Robert T. and Eddy , William B. (Editors) Organization Development in Public Administration. Part 1: Organization Developmerit Properties and Public Sector Features. Andrisani , Paul J., ET AL. Work Attitudes and Labor Market Experience: Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys. Stead , Bette Ann . (Editor) Women in Management. Miner , Mary Green and Miner , John B. Employee Selection within the Law. Jackall , Robert . Workers in a Labyrinth: Jobs and Survival in a Bank Bureaucracy. Pande , N. R. W. A Study of Scores on Intelligence Test Batteries. Morrison , Ann M., Mc Call , Morgan W., Jr . and De Vries , David L. Feedback to Managers: A Comprehensive Review of Twenty-four Instruments. (Technical Report Number 18). Pöyhönen , Terhi . Man and Work in Psychology: A Selected and Partially Annotated Bibliography. Part 1: General Psychology for Occupational Psychologists. Part 2: Man at Work. Batten , Joe D. Tough Minded Management. (Third Edition) Thompson , David W. Managing People: Influencing Behavior. Hilgert , Raymond L:, Schoen , Sterling H. and Towle , Joseph W. Cases and Policies in Human Resources Management. (Third Edition) Margerison , Charles . Influencing Organizational Change: The Role of the Personnel Specialist. Ogden , Richard W. HOW TO Succeed in Business and Marriage.  相似文献   

Brower, D., &; Abt, L. E., Eds. Progress in Clinical Psychology, Vol. 1, Sections 1 and 2. New York: Grune &; Stratton, 1952. Pp. 328 &; 564. Reviewed by Percival M. Symonds.  相似文献   

Justus T  List A 《Cognition》2005,98(1):31-51
Two priming experiments demonstrated exogenous attentional persistence to the fundamental auditory dimensions of frequency (Experiment 1) and time (Experiment 2). In a divided-attention task, participants responded to an independent dimension, the identification of three-tone sequence patterns, for both prime and probe stimuli. The stimuli were specifically designed to parallel the local-global hierarchical letter stimuli of [Navon D. (1977). Forest before trees: The precedence of global features in visual perception. Cognitive Psychology, 9, 353-383] and the task was designed to parallel subsequent work in visual attention using Navon stimuli [Robertson, L. C. (1996). Attentional persistence for features of hierarchical patterns. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 125, 227-249; Ward, L. M. (1982). Determinants of attention to local and global features of visual forms. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 8, 562-581]. The results are discussed in terms of previous work in auditory attention and previous approaches to auditory local-global processing.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
T horndike , R. L. Personnel Selection: Test and Measurement Techniques.
K aufmann , F ritz . Your Job.
B ray , C. W. Psychology and Military Proficiency.
C apwell , D. F. Psychological Tests for Retail Store Personnel.  相似文献   

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