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This experiment investigated the reaction times, when using fine and gross motor movements, of 24 moderately and severely mentally handicapped adults to light and sound stimuli. Unlike results of prior studies of normal and mildly mentally handicapped subjects, there were no significant differences among variables.  相似文献   

Visual control of discrete aiming movements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experiment is reported which investigated the visual control of discrete rapid arm movements. Subjects were required to move as rapidly as possible to several target width-movement distance combinations under both visual and non-visual conditions. The movement time (MT) data were supportive of Fitts' Law in that MT was linearly related and highly correlated to the Index of Difficulty (ID). MT was also similar for different target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID value. The error rate analysis, which compared visual to non-visual perfromance, indicated that vision was only used, and to varying degrees, when MT exceeded 200 ms (3.58 ID level). There was some evidence that vision was differentially used within target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID. Estimates of endpoint variability generally reflected the results of the error rate analysis. These results do not support the discrete correction model of Fitts' Law proposed by Keele (1968).  相似文献   

Five groups of children, including two groups of dyslexics (aged 15 and 11 years), were tested on simple reaction, selective choice reaction, and lexical decision tasks. In simple reactions to a pure tone, the dyslexic children responded as quickly as their chronological age controls and significantly faster than their reading age controls. In selective choice reactions to pure tones, the dyslexic children were significantly impaired compared with their chronological age controls and no faster than their reading age controls. This speed impairment obtained even though a selective choice reaction task has only one positive response. In “by-item” analyses of lexical decisions to spoken words, the dyslexic children were significantly impaired compared even with their reading age controls. The pattern of results suggests that at least two factors contribute to slowness of dyslexic children: a general deficit reflected in slower stimulus classification speed and a linguistic deficit reflected in slower lexical access speed.  相似文献   

A total of 205-nine-year-olds were tested on reaction times providing 12 reaction time (RT) parameters consisting of: movement times, decision times in simple, choice, and odd-man-out tasks, variabilities, and also on a number of intelligence tests measuring the major primary abilities. Virtually all the reaction time parameters were significantly correlated with psychometric intelligence at a magnitude of around 0.2 Factor analysis showed the existence of a general factor on which reaction time and psychometric tests were correlated. In addition, there were four primary factors of psychometric intelligence, movement time, reaction time, and the odd-man-out task. Broad similarities, and some differences, were found between the present results and those of a similar study by Buckhalt and Jensen (1989).  相似文献   

A version of the discrete proportional hazards model is developed for psychometrical applications. In such applications, a primary covariate that influences failure times is a latent variable representing a psychological construct. The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is studied as a method for performing marginal likelihood inference on the item parameters. The model is illustrated with a real data example that relates the age at which teenagers first experience various substances to the latent ability to avoid the onset of such behaviors.We thank Michael Newton and Daode Huang for their helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Information entropy and mutual information were investigated in discrete movement aiming tasks over a wide range of spatial (20-160 mm) and temporal (250-1250 ms) constraints. Information entropy was calculated using two distinct analyses: (1) with no assumption on the nature of the data distribution; and (2) assuming the data have a normal distribution. The two analyses showed different results in the estimate of entropy that also changed as a function of task goals, indicating that the movement trajectory data were not from a normal distribution. It was also found that the information entropy of the discrete aiming movements was lower than the task defined indices of difficulty (ID) that were selected for the congruence with Fitts' law. Mutual information between time points of the trajectory was strongly influenced by the average movement velocity and the acceleration/deceleration segments of the movement. The entropy analysis revealed structure to the variability of the movement trajectory and outcome that has been masked by the traditional distributional analyses of discrete aiming movements.  相似文献   

Examinations of the ability to rapidly modify ongoing movements have found that amendment latencies are shorter when a visual stimulus specifies an increase in movement velocity as compared to when a movement reversal is required. Our present study examined the hypothesis that amendment latencies for both continue and reverse instructions are dependent on the muscle activation state when the amendment is produced. Visual stimuli representing continue and reverse instructions wer represented at four different phases of a discrete arm movement, with amendment latencies measured to modified electromyographic (EMG) patterns. Amendment latencies for the continue instruction were shortest when the stimulus was presented early in the movement and increased when the stimulus was presented later in the response. The opposite trend was true for the reversal condition with long latencies occurring when the stimulus was presented early in the movement. Our findings support the notion that amendment latencies are directly related to the active state of the motor system when the modification is required, and the nature of the amendment to be generated.  相似文献   

Our motor and perceptual representations of actions seem to be intimately linked and the human mirror neuron system (MNS) has been proposed as the mediator. In two experiments, we presented biological or non-biological movement stimuli that were either congruent or incongruent to a required response prompted by a tone. When the tone occurred with the onset of the last movement in a series, i.e., it was perceived during the movement presentation, congruent biological stimuli resulted in faster reaction times than congruent non-biological stimuli. The opposite was observed for incongruent stimuli. When the tone was presented after visual movement stimulation, however, no such interaction was present. This implies that biological movement stimuli only affect motor behaviour during visual processing but not thereafter. These data suggest that the MNS is an "online" system; longstanding repetitive visual stimulation (Experiment 1) has no benefit in comparison to only one or two repetitions (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Reaction times (RTs) were measured for decisions in a same-different discrimination of successive vowel-consonant nonsense syllables. Averaged data showed that “same” RTs were faster than “different” RTs and that the “different” RT decreased as the number of features (Wickelgren, 1966) by which a pair contrasted increased. For individual phonemic comparisons, two of the dependent variables, P(S I d), or probability of responding “same” to a different trial and the mean correct “different” RT, were related in that the RT increased as P(S I d) increased. The size of the difference between “same” and “different” RTs for a given phonemic contrast was directly related to P(S | d). The difficulty of a comparison, as described by P(S I d) and by the difference between correct “same” and “different” RTs, was explained through a markedness classification of phonemes.  相似文献   

The effect of practice variations on spatial and temporal accuracy was investigated in both discrete and continuous aiming movements in the preferred hand of college-aged participants (N=25). In a completely within-subject design, participants made rapid reversal movements with a lightweight lever in the sagittal plane, practicing 20 degrees and 60 degrees movements in repeated (same distance) and alternating (switching between 20 degrees and 60 degrees) conditions. Movements were also made one at a time (discretely) or in sequences of 20 movements (continuously). Spatial constant error, spatial variable error, spatial overall error, the coefficient of variation, movement time, and the relative timing were calculated for each set of 20 movements and analyzed by within-subject analyses of variance. Movements in the repeated conditions for both discrete and continuous movements were more accurate and consistent compared to the alternating condition where the short movements were overshot and the long movements were undershot. Discrete movements were more spatially and temporally variable than continuous movements. The discrete and continuous movements showed different relative timing patterns, suggesting that the temporal structure of the motor program is affected by task characteristics.  相似文献   

In discrete aiming movements the task criteria of time-minimization to a spatial target (e.g., Fitts, 1954) and time-matching to a spatial-temporal goal (e.g., Schmidt et al., 1979) tend to produce different functions of the speed-accuracy trade-off. Here we examined whether the task-related movement speed-accuracy characteristics were due to differential space-time trade-offs in time-matching, velocity-matching and time-minimizing task goals. Twenty participants performed 100 aiming trials for each of 15 combinations of task-type (3) and space-time condition (5). The prevalence of the primary types of sub-movement (none, pre-peak, post-peak, undershooting and overshooting) was determined from the kinematics of the movement trajectory. There were comparable distributions of trajectory sub-movement profiles and space-time movement outcomes across the three tasks at the short movement duration that became increasingly dissimilar over decreasing movement velocity and increasing movement time conditions. Movement time was the most influential variable in mediating sub-movement characteristics and the spatial/temporal outcome accuracy and variability of discrete aiming tasks – a role that was magnified in the explicit task demands of time-matching. The time-matching and time-minimization task goals in discrete aiming induce qualitatively different control processes that progressively contribute beyond the minimal time conditions to task-specific space-time accuracy and variability characteristics of the respective movement speed-accuracy functions.  相似文献   

The relationship between the availability of visual information and attention demands during the production of a discrete motor act was examined. Subjects were required to move a linear slide a distance of 15 cm in both 150 and 600 msec conditions under three light manipulations, viz., light always on; light always terminated as movement began; or, subject was unsure as to whether light would stay on or terminate. A simple key press by the index finger of the opposite hand to a tone was used as a secondary task and a measure of attention demands. The light manipulation influenced attention demands on the rapid 150 msec movement such that more attention was demanded when the subject knew the light would terminate. No such attentional strategy differences were found with the slow 600 msec movement. These findings suggest that task constraints in the form of kinematic criteria, together with the perceived availability of visual information, contribute to determining attentional strategy in movement production.  相似文献   

In this article, a method is presented to analyse relationships between detection or discrimination frequencies and reaction times in psychophysical tasks. It is shown in three empirical data sets that reaction time decreases as a linear function of the absolute value of the logit transforms of the response probabilities. Such a function stresses the characteristic uncertainty associated with subjects' responses and the relation between their response parameters and the response criterion used by the subjects.  相似文献   

The authors examined the hypothesis that the phasic and the static cross-talk effects found in bimanual movements with different target amplitudes originate at different functional levels of motor control, which implies that the effects can be dissociated experimentally. When the difference between the short and the long amplitudes assigned to the 2 hands of 12 participants was decreased, the static effect disappeared, In contrast, the phasic effect, which can be observed only at short preparation intervals, did not disappear; although it became smaller in absolute terms, in relative terms it did not. In addition, the authors compared the time course of amplitude variability and examined the correlation between left hand and right hand amplitudes. The disappearance of the phasic amplitude assimilation at increasing preparation intervals turned out to be delayed relative to the decline of the correlation between amplitudes. That finding suggests that the assimilation of mean amplitudes and the correlation between left hand and right hand amplitudes are not fully equivalent indicators of intermanual interactions, but may indicate different kinds of inter-limb coupling.  相似文献   

Much remains to be learned about how agonist and antagonist muscles are controlled during the production of rapid, voluntary movements. In an effort to summarize a wide body of existing knowledge and stimulate future research on this subject, an impulse-timing theory is presented which attempts to predict the activity of reciprocal muscles based on certain characteristics of a movement. The basic tenet of the theory is that variables of movement time, movement distance and inertial load have fairly predictable effects on the underlying muscular activity of the agonist and antagonist muscles during the production of rapid and discrete, voluntary movements. The theory is derived from the kinematic work of Schmidt, Zelaznik, Hawkins, Frank and Quinn (1979) and supporting evidence from studies which have used electromyographic (EMG) recordings of agonist and antagonist muscles during rapid movements. Issues related to synergistic muscle control, central and peripheral control of reciprocal muscle activity, muscle control, and neurological disorder and the relationship between impulse-timing and mass-spring control are discussed in the final section.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the reaction times (RTs) and anticipation of karate athletes. In Experiment 1, choice RTs and simple RTs were measured with two types of stimuli. One was videotaped scenes of opponent's offensive actions, which simulated the athletes' view in real situations, and the other was static filled circles, or dots. In the choice RT task, participants were required to indicate as soon as possible whether the offensive actions would be aimed at the upper or middle level of their body, or the dot was presented either at a higher or a lower position. In the simple RT task, they were required to respond as soon as possible when the offensive action started from a static display of the opponent's ready stance, or a dot appeared on the display. The results showed significant differences between the karate athletes and the novices in the choice RT task, the difference being more marked for the video stimuli than for the dot stimuli. There was no significant difference in simple RT between the two groups of participants, for either type of stimuli. In Experiment 2, the proportions of correct responses (PCRs) were measured for video stimuli which were cut off at the seventh frame from the onset of the opponent's offensive action. The athletes yielded significantly higher PCRs than the novices. Collectively the results of the two experiments demonstrate the superior anticipatory skills of karate athletes regarding the target area of an opponent's attack (Scott, Williams, & Davids, Studies in perception and action II: Posters presented at the VIIth International conference on Event Perception and Action, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1993, p. 217; Wiiliams & Elliot, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 21 (1999) 362), together with their advantage over novices in non-specific sensory functions (e.g., vertical discrimination).  相似文献   

Nine-year-old Korean children (N = 299) were tested for reaction time (RT) and intelligence measured by Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices. Reaction times were broken into decision times and movement times and into three degrees of complexity. The results showed low but generally statistically significant correlations between decision times and intelligence. Generally, no significant differences existed between movement times and intelligence. Boys showed significantly faster movement times than girls did.  相似文献   

Reaction times for a simple two-choice shape discrimination requiring either one or both visual cortices were measured.

In a total reaction time of around 400 millisec. the difference found was 3.0 ± 2.6 millisec. If subjects were weighted according to number of observations, and -- 1.34 ± 1.68 millisec. if thery were weighted according to reciprocals of variances of differences of means; that is, it was not significant.  相似文献   

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