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In relevant research to date, the impact of self-other similarity on the outcome of social comparison effects is not well understood. The authors argue that the extent to which this similarity is distinctive is a key to understanding such effects. In two experiments, they demonstrate that when self-other similarity is distinctive (unique), assimilation is more likely, whereas when self-other similarity is nondistinctive (common), contrast is more likely. These results suggest that what matters is the type rather than the quantity of similarity: Similarity on one distinctive dimension more readily leads to assimilation than similarity on numerous nondistinctive dimensions. Importantly, these assimilation effects are especially likely to occur when the comparison dimension is unimportant. Contrast is more likely to occur when the comparison dimension is important. Thus, these findings both replicate and extend Tesser's (1988) Self-Evaluation Maintenance Model.  相似文献   

55名被试被随机分配到两个组,分别通过分类学习与推理学习来学习两个类别,之后,两组被试对新的测试项目进行典型性评定,考察类别学习方式对类别表征的影响。研究结果表明,分类学习者仅仅依据项目的诊断性程度来评定,而推理学习者主要依据项目的典型性程度来评定。所以,诊断性信息在分类学习者的类别表征中占有重要位置,典型性信息在推理学习者的类别表征中占有重要位置,即分类学习与推理学习导致的类别表征不同。  相似文献   

Peri- and posttraumatic emotional responses have been understudied, and furthermore, have rarely been compared among trauma types. The current study compared college students' retrospective self-reports of peri- and posttraumatic responses of fear, shame, guilt, anger, and sadness among four types of traumatic events: sexual assault, physical assault, transportation accident, and illness/injury. Overall emotional responding was generally high for all trauma types, and for those in the sexual assault group, emotion increased sharply from the peri- to posttraumatic time point. Generally, fear was higher during the trauma compared to after the trauma, whereas the other emotions tended to remain stable or increase posttrauma. The sexual assault group tended to report higher levels of posttrauma emotion than the other trauma type groups.  相似文献   

任务类型与信息清晰度对社会比较中认知偏差的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会比较中的认知偏差是指个体在社会比较中表现出的过度自信与不自信现象.本研究在前人研究的基础之上,以在校大学生为被试,采用两个系列实验,探讨了社会比较中认知偏差现象的原因以及对判断和决策的影响.研究结果发现:在社会比较中,面对不同类型的问题,会出现不同的认知偏差;在社会比较中,不同类型的问题和信息清晰度共同影响认知偏差,且二者之间存在交互作用;社会比较中的认知偏差会影响个体的决策意图.  相似文献   

With the level of automation increases in vehicles, such as conditional and highly automated vehicles (AVs), drivers are becoming increasingly out of the control loop, especially in unexpected driving scenarios. Although it might be not necessary to require the drivers to intervene on most occasions, it is still important to improve drivers’ situation awareness (SA) in unexpected driving scenarios to improve their trust in and acceptance of AVs. In this study, we conceptualized SA at the levels of perception (SA L1), comprehension (SA L2), and projection (SA L3), and proposed an SA level-based explanation framework based on explainable AI. Then, we examined the effects of these explanations and their modalities on drivers’ situational trust, cognitive workload, as well as explanation satisfaction. A three (SA levels: SA L1, SA L2 and SA L3) by two (explanation modalities: visual, visual + audio) between-subjects experiment was conducted with 340 participants recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk. The results indicated that by designing the explanations using the proposed SA-based framework, participants could redirect their attention to the important objects in the traffic and understand their meaning for the AV system. This improved their SA and filled the gap of understanding the correspondence of AV’s behavior in the particular situations which also increased their situational trust in AV. The results showed that participants reported the highest trust with SA L2 explanations, although the mental workload was assessed higher in this level. The results also provided insights into the relationship between the amount of information in explanations and modalities, showing that participants were more satisfied with visual-only explanations in the SA L1 and SA L2 conditions and were more satisfied with visual and auditory explanations in the SA L3 condition. Finally, we found that the cognitive workload was also higher in SA L2, possibly because the participants were actively interpreting the results, consistent with a higher level of situational trust. These findings demonstrated that properly designed explanations, based on our proposed SA-based framework, had significant implications for explaining AV behavior in conditional and highly automated driving.  相似文献   

Research has explored the differences between types of male partner abusers on various variables and yet little research has examined family experiences, such as family of origin structure and relationship patterns. The present study compared 4 male partner abuser types derived from profile interpretation of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) and a group of nonintimately violent men on family of origin and current partner relationship functioning using two family scales from the MMPI-2, the Locke-Wallace Marital Adjustment Test, and the Family Adaptation and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III. Results indicated that male partner abusers with more severe psychopathology (i.e., borderline and antisocial) reported greater relationship distress, discord, conflict, and emotional disengagement than those men with less psychopathology (i.e., nonpathological). Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study directly compared witnesses' susceptibility to suggestion across various structures of misleading interview questions. We examined four question structures that varied on numerous dimensions; whether they narrowed the response option to yes or no, whether they included highly specific detail about the witnessed event and whether they presumed the information being suggested to be true. Susceptibility to misinformation was measured by witnesses' responses to the initial interview questions and their responses to subsequent recognition questions. Interview questions that narrowed the response option and contained specific details and questions that encouraged broader responses but presumed certain information were found to be the most harmful. Participants were more likely to agree with the misleading suggestions contained in these question structures—and more likely to falsely report those suggested details at subsequent interview—than misleading suggestions contained in other question structures. The implications are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of military chaplains who accompany soldiers on international military and peace-keeping operations, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and Bosnia Herzegovina. It compares and contrasts the two principal traditions of military chaplaincy in the international field—chaplains within the military structure (as in the UK) and parish-based chaplains who remain outside the military (as in Germany). The authors examine the potential conflict between the religious vocation of military chaplains and their role in military operations, which can be particularly contentious from an ethical viewpoint. Interviews with chaplains from both countries provide a unique insight into their experiences.  相似文献   

The result of a meta-analysis is conventionally pictured in the forest plot as a diamond, whose length is the 95% confidence interval (CI) for the summary measure of interest. The Diamond Ratio (DR) is the ratio of the length of the diamond given by a random effects meta-analysis to that given by a fixed effect meta-analysis. The DR is a simple visual indicator of the amount of change caused by moving from a fixed-effect to a random-effects meta-analysis. Increasing values of DR greater than 1.0 indicate increasing heterogeneity relative to the effect variances. We investigate the properties of the DR, and its relationship to four conventional but more complex measures of heterogeneity. We propose for the first time a CI on the DR, and show that it performs well in terms of coverage. We provide example code to calculate the DR and its CI, and to show these in a forest plot. We conclude that the DR is a useful indicator that can assist students and researchers to understand heterogeneity, and to appreciate its extent in particular cases.  相似文献   

不同加工类型的不同加工水平对内隐记忆的影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈寒  张奇  周仁来 《心理科学》2001,24(1):63-66,97
针对加工水平对内隐记忆的影响的研究结论互相矛盾的现状.本研究认为有三个方面的原因。通过实验和讨论得出如下结论:1、加工类型和加工水平是对加工在质与量上分别作出的区分,这种区分与有意识/无意识在学习加工中的引入是有意义和必要的。2、内隐记忆存在着加工水平效应。这个结论支持和补充了加工的观点。3、概念驱动测验和数据驱动测验都受到了语义和非语义变量的影响。  相似文献   

Types and sources of received support among 902 Costa Rican employees were examined; gender and age differences as well as associations with mental health were considered. Four types of support (advice giving, assistance, reassurance, and empathic listening) were measured as received from four sources, namely friends, family, spouses, and groups/organizations. Support types were not very distinct, therefore we aggregated sum scores across these variables. In contrast, sources were discriminant and had to be analyzed separately. An interaction between gender and age pointed to a larger discrepancy of received spousal support in middle-aged men and women than in younger ones. The older the women were, the less support they received from their spouses. In addition to this interaction, further gender differences emerged at the correlation level, where the association between spousal support and depression was significant for men only.  相似文献   

This research tests the idea that repeatedly generating counterfactual thoughts in response to recurring events can lead to impairments in memory for actual outcomes (i.e., counterfactual inflation hypothesis). Participants (N = 56) played 40 games of blackjack and listed their thoughts after each win. They were instructed to list evaluative counterfactuals, reflective counterfactuals, or any thoughts that came to mind following each loss. Because reflective counterfactuals focus only on the alternatives to reality, and not in addition to reality (like evaluative counterfactuals), they were expected to lead to the greatest degree of overestimations of performance and confidence for future blackjack playing. The results confirmed this hypothesis, and also demonstrated that the relationship between thought-listing instructions and confidence for the future was mediated by overestimations of performance. Thus, repeatedly generating reflective counterfactual thoughts appears to lead to a special case of imagination inflation with dysfunctional implications for future confidence and risk-taking.  相似文献   

不同焦虑类型的自我图式的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将焦虑大学生区分为三种类型,采用实验的方法研究焦虑大学生自我图式与正常大学生自我图式的差异,以及不同焦虑类型之间自我图式的差异,结果发现,焦虑大学生存在状态性的焦虑自我图式,状态焦虑大学生的自我图式也是状态性的,特质焦虑大学生不存在焦虑的自我图式  相似文献   

Two hundred and seventy-two undergraduates completed the new Ability Emotional Intelligence Measure (AEIM) (The AEIM is available upon request from the first author. Patent Reference No. SPEP-12359426.), based on Mayer and Salovey’s (1997) EI definition. To facilitate better application of ability EI, limitations with existing measures were addressed via alternative emotion perception and management items, and a new scoring approach combining consensus and confidence protocols. Analyses of overall consensus and confidence scores, and low and high EI groups were undertaken. Confidence scores produced a single general EI component that was reliable, converged with fluid ability, was distinct from personality domains and incrementally predicted stress. Consensus scores produced a general EI and two-component solution. Consensus results converged with fluid and crystallised ability and empathy; were distinct from the Big Five and incrementally predicted loneliness, and GPA. Implications for the application of EI were discussed.  相似文献   

为考察单纯型数学困难与混合型数学困难小学儿童的抑制控制水平及特点,使用Stroop色词命名测验和颜色匹配反转作业,对各30名的单纯型困难、混合型困难和对照组小学儿童的优势反应抑制能力进行测试、分析。结果发现:单纯型数学困难儿童抑制优势反应的能力显著低于对照组,但其对事物初次学习的能力与对照组相当;混合型数学困难儿童在对事物初次学习能力及对优势反应的抑制能力方面均显著低于对照组儿童,其中对事物的初次学习能力也显著低于单纯型数学困难儿童。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to ascertain which aspect of a pre-performance routine (PPR) is most beneficial to alleviate choking. Participants included 60 experienced Australian football players in Australia, who attempted 20 kicks at a scoring zone in low- and high-pressure phases. Participants were assigned to one of five groups, with four groups undertaking intervention training and the pressure control group receiving no training, prior to the high-pressure phase. Results indicated that state anxiety increased during the high-pressure phase. Intervention groups responded to the increased anxiety with improved performance, while the pressure control group decreased performance. Thus, results add support to existing literature that a non-automated PPR, with psychological and behavioral components, decreases the likelihood of choking. Applied implications for consulting with potential choking-susceptible athletes are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨手术加醋酸曲安奈德注射加放射治疗瘢痕疙瘩的临床意义.根据不同治疗方案分组,291例瘢痕疙瘩患者分为3组,A组86例,手术切除瘢痕疙瘩后,术中注射醋酸曲安奈德,术后90Sr-90Y敷贴治疗;B组79例,采用手术切除联合术后90 Sr-90Y敷贴治疗;C组126例,采用单纯醋酸曲安奈德局部注射治疗.比较3组治愈率、有效率和并发症的差异.结果A组治愈率和有效率分别为82.56%、93.02%;B组治愈率和有效率分别为74.68%、89.87%;C组治愈率和有效率分别为30.95%、57.94%;A、B组治愈率、有效率明显优于C组,差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05);A组治愈率、有效率略优于B组,但无统计学上的差异(P>0.05).综合疗法治疗瘢痕疙瘩是比较有效的方法,术中注射醋酸曲安奈德治愈率与有效率略高于手术切除联合术后90 Sr-90Y敷贴治疗,但无统计学差异,不影响切口愈合.  相似文献   

The dominant technological trajectory in vehicle design brings with it similarly dominant driver performance issues in regard to vehicle feedback and driver situational awareness (SA). Three experiments are reported in this paper that describe not only the effects on driver SA of manipulations of vehicle feedback but also illuminate issues concerned with SA measurement methods and contexts. The findings suggest that current trends in vehicle design may contribute little towards a driver’s SA and, in fact, may actually show a generalized trend towards decreasing it. The efficacy of verbal protocol and probe recall SA measurement techniques is noted in terms of observing this effect. On the other hand, a concerning dissociation occurred with findings from a self-report measure of SA. Drivers appear to show a concerning lack of self-awareness of their SA and, indeed, any shortfall in it.  相似文献   

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