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在中学生的学习思维活动中,三段论应用得很广泛,所以讲好这部分知识对培养中学生的思维能力大有好处。我是把三段论的知识作为重点来讲授的。三段论分成四个格,其中以第一格与第二格用得较多。如: 第一格(又称典型格),其作用是把一般原理应用到个别场合。如: 凡对顶角为等角凡团员学生要遵守校规角1角2为对顶角你是团员学生  相似文献   

张一中 《心理学报》1984,17(2):93-103
本实验采用四种不同显色特性的光源分别作为两种类型视标的照明。在同一照度上对各照明条件下的视觉敏度予以测定和计算。结果表明:增加光源显色指数对于颜色背景上黑色视标的辨认能力有所提高;而对于中灰色背景上颜色视标的辨认能力则有所下降。这种效果主要是由于在不同光源照明下,视标与背景的亮度对比变化所致。结果还表明:使用中灰背景颜色视标在辨认效果上优于颜色背景黑视标。对前一类型视标采用高压钠灯照明有助于提高视觉辨别力。这对推广应用这种显色指数较低,但光效率较高的新光源有实际意义。  相似文献   

如所周知,三段论式有四个格,每格可以有64式。普通逻辑在这256式中沙里淘金筛出19式,或利用主宾词式命题的所谓“差等关系”再添上5式共得24式,这些被认为是正确的三段论式。由于这种筛选过分繁重,一般逻辑书只是举一举例,并不认真  相似文献   

全国各高等院校的党委宣传部,一般都设立了德育教研室,着重从事对大学生的道德品质的教育和研究工作,这是很有必要的。但是,在如何把大学生的德育与审美教育结合起来的问题上,研究得不多。笔者对这个问题提出几点看法。一、正确理解美育与德育之间的关系高等学校教育的总目标,应该是培养德、智、体、美发展俱全的理想人格的大学生。之所以把美育与德智体相并列,这是因为四者本身就存在着紧  相似文献   

“主曾说”(来13:5) 若我们能用信抓住这三个字的意思,那末我们手中就有了一把所向无敌的利器了。哪有一种疑惑不被这一把两刃的利剑斩得干干净净呢?哪有一种惧怕不被神约的弓上所发出的箭射落在地呢?当我们隐藏在“主曾说”的堡垒之下,一切生的苦、死的悲,里面的败坏。  相似文献   

华严寺,位于晋北重镇大同市内的西南隅。它坐西向东,突破了一般佛寺坐北向南的惯例,这是契丹族原始居住习俗、好鬼拜日信仰与佛教形式相结合的产物。明初(具体时间待考)华严寺分成两组建筑,各开山门,分别修建。以大雄宝殿为中心的一组称上华严寺,以薄伽教藏殿为中心的一组称下华严寺。1961年经国务院批准,公布上、下华严寺为第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一。上华严寺,创建于辽道宗清宁年间,(1055—1064年),辽末天祥帝保大二年(1122年),金兵攻陷西京(即今大同市),华严寺遭严重破坏。现在所存建筑,乃金熙宗天眷年间(1138—1140年),依旧址重建的,是我国仅有的金代庙宇。  相似文献   

杨周 《天风》2002,(12):30-31
在古汉语中“事”就有“侍奉之意”,“侍”有陪伴侍侯之意,“奉”是拿出来供养,其意指对长辈的侍侯、奉养。在一般基督徒的习惯用语上“事奉”是表示在对待神的事上如何尽心竭力。有人把祷告、传道之事工看成是基督教事奉神的全部,并谣言在其他的事业上不能荣耀神。必须把祷告、传道以外的事丢开,其理由曰:祷告、传道以外的事都不是事奉神,也不能事奉神。更有甚者还引经据典说:一个仆人不能侍奉两个主,不是恶这个爱那个,就是重这个轻那个(路16∶13),不要为那必坏的食物劳力(约6∶27),在祷告、传道以外的事业上即使成就再大,能得人的喜悦,就是  相似文献   

李四:仆人今年六十三,身体不如那几年。背有点驮腰也弯,眼有点花力有限。光阴如梭催人老,更得珍惜每一天。主人这样信任俺,给俺银子正二千。众:众:竹板一打心喜欢,问声大家都平安。根据圣经一小段,编成如下小快板。这是主说一比喻,也是金玉和良言。弟兄姐妹仔细听,听后使人得劝勉。话说主人要出国,给予仆人有重托。主从国外回家园,三个仆人去相见。一同站立主面前,主与他们把账算。主人听罢变了脸,公平公义来审判。主人白:你们各人把自己的工作成效汇报与我,我要按我的公义赏赐你们。接过银子沉甸甸,李四心中有负担。主的大爱…  相似文献   

徐玉兰 《天风》2003,(7):8-9
经文:太25:14—30 这是一个按才干受托付的比喻,旨在教导我们要忠心事主,完成主的托付。 比喻中出现了四个人物,一个主人三个仆人。情节描述得非常生动活泼,讲到主人要出国去,把家业交给他的仆人,三个仆人就按着各自不同的才干接受了主人的托付。  相似文献   

空间主方位判断的训练和方位效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨家忠  周荣刚  张侃 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1322-1325
以20名区域管制员和20名大学生为被试,通过两种类型的空间主方位判断任务考察训练效应和方位效应。结果表明:管制员主方位判断的绩效(正确率和判断反应时)显着优于学生.拍摄方向朝北和目标刺激在上-下轴位置时,主方位判断的绩效显著优于其他条件。研究提示,训练能够有效地提高空间主方位判断的绩效,主方位判断存在朝北的方位效应和上-下轴位置效应。  相似文献   

视觉工作记忆内容对视觉搜索的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用记忆任务与视觉搜索任务相结合的范式,以二维对称图形为材料,探讨视觉工作记忆内容对视觉搜索的影响。结果发现:(1)不同视觉工作记忆内容条件下的反应时存在显著差异,无效信息条件下的反应时显著长于有效信息条件下的反应时。(2)不同搜索序列条件下反应时差异显著,复杂序列条件下的反应时显著长于简单序列条件。结果表明,视觉工作记忆中的信息内容影响视觉搜索效率,其变化趋势不受序列大小的影响,结果支持偏向竞争模型。  相似文献   

K olehmainen , K. & T uomisaari , R. The locus of visual after-images. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 45–48.—Three bright spots of light aligned horizontally were presented, so that the distances between them were equal. Two adjacent lights were flashed on simultaneously and the third one somewhat later. The subjects reported the distance between the midmost light and the light which appeared later to be longer than the distance between the simultaneous lights (the 'tau-effect'). As to the after-images, however, the intervening distances were judged equal. The results are, accordingly, suggestive of a peripheral basis of the after-images.  相似文献   

The thesis that we can visually perceive causal relations is distinct from the thesis that visual experiences can represent causal relations. I defend the latter thesis about visual experience, and argue that although they are suggestive, the data provided by Albert Michotte's experiments on perceptual causality do not establish this thesis. Turning to the perception of causality, I defend the claim that we can perceive causation against the objection that its arcane features are unlikely to be represented in experience.  相似文献   

My purpose is to take a close look at the nature of visual content. I discuss the view that visual experiences have only existential contents, the view that visual experiences have either singular or gappy contents, and the view that visual experiences have multiple contents. I also consider a proposal about visual content inspired by Kaplan's well known theory of indexicals. I draw out some consequences of my discussion for the thesis of intentionalism with respect to the phenomenal character of visual experience.  相似文献   

K ragh , U. Subliminal gradation in the visual field. Scand. J. Psychol , 1962, 3 , 165–170.—The difference of thresholds for correct recognition of a central figure and of a peripheral figure in the same picture, presented by the tachisto-scope, is referred to two factors: foveal vs . extrafoveal stimulation, and threat towards the central figure (in terms of 'perceptual defense'). Differences of size of the figures, again, do not effect 'subliminal gradation'. The analysis is considered relevant for the comparison between two tachistoscopic techniques: one in which one subliminal stimulus is exposed immediately before a liminal one, and the other with only one subliminal stimulus.  相似文献   

从汉字识别看视觉信息检测的整体优先性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验以汉字组成的复合汉字为材料研究了不同视角下辨别整体结构和辨别局部特性的反应时差异。实验发现,在正常情况下对整体的辨别反应时要显著低于对局部进行辨别的反应时,并且对象的不同大小对这种差异没有显著影响。这一结果表明整体和局部的“相对大小”不是造成反应时差异的主要原因,提示视觉信息检测是一个从大范围的整体到局部的过程,即存在整体优先性。实验还发现在作为局部的汉字和构成整体的复合字相同时,无论注意对象是局部还是整体,反应时均较不同时为小,这一结果表明整体和局部的作用是双向的。  相似文献   

视觉信息加工中的整体优先性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
韩世辉 《心理学报》2000,32(3):337-347
该文综述了视知觉的整体优先性理论,以及关于整体优先性机制的理论及其面临的困难,特别介绍了本文作者近年来开展的一系列关于整体优先性的行为和事件相关电位研究结果,以及根据这些结果提出的一个基于知觉组织和选择性注意相互作用的复合刺激加工的理论模型。  相似文献   

Interactions between audition and vision were investigated in two experiments In the first experiment, school-age hearing children, deaf children with cochlear implants, and deaf children without implants participated in a task in which they were to respond to some visual signals and not others This task did not involve sound at all Deaf children without implants performed much more poorly than hearing children Deaf children with cochlear implants performed considerably better than deaf children without implants The second experiment employed a longitudinal design and showed that the rate of development in visual selective attention was faster for deaf children with cochlear implants than deaf children without implants Moreover, the gams were rapid–occurring within 2 years post-implant surgery The results suggest that a history of experience with sounds matters in the development of visual attention The results are discussed in terms of multimodal developmental processes  相似文献   

彭聃齡 《心理学报》1964,9(2):42-50
問題垂直視觉定向是空間视,视知觉的重要問題之一。虽然,在正常条件下,人們借助于外物的参照和自己身体的姿势,能够相当正确地判断外界物体的垂直或水平的方向。但是,在某些特殊性貭的作业(如飞行操作)中,垂直或水平的視觉定向就异常复杂起来。有过飞行經驗的人知道:在飞行时,人們有时就不能正确地分辨上、下、垂直或水平的方向。  相似文献   

Four normal children were presented a series of matching-to-sample tasks, using five sets of visual stimuli designated A, B, C, D, and E. Stimulus equivalences were established by matching stimuli from one set to those from another set. Each set consisted of three stimuli, so matching set A to set D meant that each stimulus in set A served as a sample with all three stimuli in set D as comparisons. Subjects were first taught AD and DC matching and were then able to perform AC/CA matching without additional training. After ED was taught directly, CE/EC and AE/EA performances emerged. Following CB training, three new equivalences were demonstrated: AB/BA, EB/BE, and DB/BD. Oral naming of each stimulus showed that subjects had not assigned a common label to stimuli in the same class, indicating that naming is not necessary for the formation of stimulus equivalences. The absence of response mediation suggests that matching to sample can form direct stimulus-stimulus associations. The data also provide support for the notion that generative performances are outcomes of existing stimulus-control relationships.  相似文献   

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