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Landmark Discrimination Learning in the Dog   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Allocentric spatial memory was studied in dogs of varying ages and sources using a landmark discrimination task. The primary goal of this study was to develop a protocol to test landmark discrimination learning in the dog. Using a modified version of a landmark test developed for use in monkeys, we successfully trained dogs to make a spatial discrimination on the basis of the position of a visual landmark relative to two identical discriminanda. Task performance decreased, however, as the distance between the landmark and the “discriminandum” was increased. A subgroup of these dogs was also tested on a delayed nonmatching to position spatial memory task (DNMP), which relies on egocentric spatial cues. These findings suggest that dogs can acquire both allocentric and egocentric spatial tasks. These data provide a useful tool for evaluating the ability of canines to use allocentric cues in spatial learning.  相似文献   

It was long believed that central arrows needed to be spatially predictive to produce a shift in spatial attention. Recent evidence indicates, however, that central spatially nonpredictive directional cues, like arrows, will trigger reflexive shifts in attention. We asked what this recent discovery means for past studies that used predictive directional cues such as arrows. Our findings indicate that predictive arrows produce attention effects that greatly exceed the individual or summed effects of reflexive orienting to nonpredictive arrows and volitional orienting to predictive numbers. This suggests that the especially large effect produced by predictive arrows reflects an interaction between reflexive and volitional orienting. Given the broad application of the predictive arrow cueing paradigm in both past and current research, the present data shed new light on a wide range of investigations, from psychophysical studies of basic attention to behavioural and neuroimaging studies of cognition and social development.  相似文献   

在多媒体学习中图文排列的邻近或远离会影响学习的效果。本研究操纵了多媒体呈现的图文排列位置,采用颜色作为线索引导注意,探讨了线索有无和图片-文字的空间位置对多媒体学习图文整合的影响。结果发现:图文邻近呈现时的保持测验和迁移测验成绩好于图文远离呈现,图文邻近呈现时学习者对关键兴趣区的进出次数更多,体现出以文字为导向的阅读模式。线索并没有单独影响学习成绩和注意分配;但结合图文位置后,发现有线索时图文邻近学习材料的注视次数、进出关键兴趣区的次数显著多于图文远离。研究认为:图文的邻近效应不仅提高学习者对知识的识记和理解,同时也影响了学习者的注意分配过程,图文邻近呈现有助于图片和文本信息的注意联结和知识整合;线索能使邻近效应得到凸显,更好地促进图文信息的注视加工,但没有改进学习的效果。  相似文献   


The continuous pointing task uses target-directed pointing responses to determine how perceived distance traveled is estimated during forward linear walking movements. To more precisely examine the regulation of this online process, the current study measured upper extremity joint angles and step-cycle kinematics in full vision and no-vision continuous pointing movements. Results show perceptual under-estimation of traveled distance in no-vision trials compared to full vision trials. Additionally, parsing of the shoulder plane of elevation trajectories revealed discontinuities that reflected this perceptual under-estimation and that were most frequently coupled with the early portion of the right foot swing phase of the step-cycle. This suggests that spatial updating may be composed of discrete iterations that are associated with gait parameters.  相似文献   

While the interactionist tradition of sociological role theory has been recognized as a promising conceptual framework for linking theories of social structure and social cognition, there remains little empirical research that examines the link between cognitive structure and role behavior. Our study tests the fundamental assumption that commitment to role behavior is associated with the development of a corresponding cognitive structure, through an analysis of a six-week field experiment designed to produce commitment to the role of “recycler.” We propose that intervention program participation resulted in recycler role-identity development, as well as corresponding changes in cognitive structure—i.e., the development of cognitive schemata—linked to the emergence of a new role-based view of self.  相似文献   

Previous research (Byrne, 1984) showed that adults who learned to read an orthography representing phonetic features (voicing, place of articulation) did not readily obtain usable knowledge of the mapping of phonetic features onto orthographic elements, as evidenced by failure to generalize to partially new stimuli. The present Experiment 1 used a different method of detecting learning savings during acquisition. Subjects learned a set of complex symbols standing for phones, with the elements representing voicing and place. In a second acquisition set, the signs for voicing were reversed. Learning speed was not affected, which was consistent with the claim that feature-element links went unnoticed in initial acquisition. In Experiment 2, some subjects were instructed to "find the rule" embodied in the orthography. None did, and acquisition rates were no different from those of uninstructed subjects. In Experiment 3, subjects had 4 h of training on the orthography, with consistent feature-symbol mapping for half of the subjects and arbitrary pairings for the remainder. No reaction time advantage emerged in the consistent condition, which is further evidence of nonanalytic acquisition. The results are related to data from children learning to read.  相似文献   

Communication and role-taking skills were hypothesized to be positively affected by amount of preschool peer experience. Twenty Ss comprised two groups of 4-year-old boys and girls who differed in amount of preschool peer experience but were similar in age and verbal IQ. Intercorrelations among measures, as well as group differences, were assessed for two role-taking measures, a referential communication task, verbal expressive abilities, and peer-reported popularity. Cognitive egocentrism was low across tasks for both groups. Support for the role-taking construct was provided by significant correlations between tasks with IQ partialled out. Role-taking and communication skills were significantly related, although the contribution of verbal IQ to both was substantial. Significant group differences occurred in communication, but not role-taking skills. Findings are interpreted in terms of generalization of social experience to social tasks.  相似文献   

20世纪我国人文学术大家屈指可数,其中,汤用彤先生是学术界公认的学术大师之一。 汤用彤先生(1893—1964年)于1911年考入清华学校,1918年赴美留学,主修哲学,并学习梵文、巴利文。1922年回国,在多所大学任教。1930年出任北大哲学系教授,此后一直没有离开北京大学。1946年任北大文学院长,1949年出任北大校务委员会主席,1951年后到他逝世一直担任北大副校长。 汤先生对中外哲学有精湛的研究,在北大开出的课程有:中国佛教史、魏晋玄学、印度哲学史、西方哲学史。欧洲大陆理性主义、英国经验…  相似文献   

In my 'Dispositions and Antidotes', The Philosophical Quarterly , 48 (1998), I raise an objection to the conditional analysis of dispositions, both in its simple formulation and in a more sophisticated version due to David Lewis, The Philosophical Quarterly , 47 (1997). The objection suggests that a disposition may be continuously present and the appropriate stimulus occur without the manifestation occurring, because some outside influence, an antidote, interferes. Gundersen in The Philosophical Quarterly, 50 (2000), argues that my objection rests on an equivocation about which object possesses the disposition and more particularly on an equivocation about the context in which the events referred to take place, and that when the equivocation is resolved the counter-example disappears. I respond by showing that the counter-example does remain if we take contextual and mereological issues into account, and I conclude by remarking that the difference with Lewisdepends on whether certain features are seen as significant for the semanticsand metaphysics of dispositions or as merely characteristic of the pragmaticsof common usage.  相似文献   

Diagnosis can be a process that helps organizations enhance their capacity to assess and change dysfunctional aspects of their culture and patterns of behavior as a basis for developing greater effectiveness and ensuring continuous improvement. The authors set forth a framework for understanding what can be called a “learning diagnosis” in which the diagnostic process is part of a large-scale organizational revitalization effort. In particular, they explore how the diagnostic intervention is affected by the diagnostic consultant, by the top management sponsors of the intervention, and by the process of collecting and acting on data. They conclude with a discussion of both the opportunities and challenges of institutionalizing the learning diagnosis process.  相似文献   

Language acquisition is a process embedded in social routines. Despite considerable attention in research to its social nature, little is known about developmental differences in the relative priority of certain social cues over others during early word learning. Employing an eye-tracking paradigm, we presented 14-month-old infants, 24-month-old infants, and adults with movies in which an actor repeatedly gazed at one and pointed to the other of two objects while presenting them with a novel word. The results show that the 14-month-old infants pay more attention to a model's eye gaze when learning to map a novel word to a referent, whereas 24-month-old infants and adults rely more on pointing cues. Our results provide evidence for a developmental change in the relative priority of pointing versus eye-gazing cues in language acquisition.  相似文献   

以90名4-6岁儿童为被试,探讨了儿童在小模型旋转任务中利用线索学习和位置学习表征空间位置的年龄特点。研究结果表明:(1)儿童对线索学习的利用要优于对位置学习的利用;(2)4岁儿童已经可以使用线索学习的方式表征空间位置,但到6岁左右才开始能够使用基于方向的位置学习;(3)线索特征对于儿童的线索学习有显著影响,明显、突出的线索有利于儿童的线索学习。  相似文献   

This study was concerned with the popular impression that Near Easterners will give directions to a place even if they do not know its whereabouts. It confirmed the hypothesis that significantly more Iranians than English people will give directions to a fictional place, and offered experimental evidence to show that this cultural difference could not be explained in terms of the greater mischievousness of Iranians. Instead, it was suggested that the difference in behaviour between Iranians and English people could be traced to a difference in value systems. The study examined direction giving, avoidance of the experimenters, and time spent with experimenters in relation to nationality, sex and social class.  相似文献   

We employed aspects of both attachment theory and social learning theory to develop an understanding of sex differences in young adults’ attachment to God, their concepts of God, and other aspects of their religiosity. We found that attachment to God is more likely to be associated with attachment to the same-sex parent than to the opposite-sex parent. We found that this is also true for concepts of God as loving, controlling, and distant in female, but not male participants in our study. For both males and females, mother’s level of religious involvement when they were growing up was associated with participants’ later attendance at religious services, but for males, attachment to father was an additional influence. In neither males nor females was attachment to either parent or their parent’s past religious involvement a significant predictor of strength of religious faith.  相似文献   


Researchers have begun to delineate the precise nature and neural correlates of the cognitive processes that contribute to motor skill learning. The authors review recent work from their laboratory designed to further understand the neurocognitive mechanisms of skill acquisition. The authors have demonstrated an important role for spatial working memory in 2 different types of motor skill learning, sensorimotor adaptation and motor sequence learning. They have shown that individual differences in spatial working memory capacity predict the rate of motor learning for sensorimotor adaptation and motor sequence learning, and have also reported neural overlap between a spatial working memory task and the early, but not late, stages of adaptation, particularly in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral inferior parietal lobules. The authors propose that spatial working memory is relied on for processing motor error information to update motor control for subsequent actions. Further, they suggest that working memory is relied on during learning new action sequences for chunking individual action elements together.  相似文献   

This article explores the possible cognitive function associated with pointing gestures from a Vygotskian perspective. In Study 1, 39 children who were 2-4 years of age were observed in a solitary condition while solving a mnemonic task with or without an explicit memory demand. A discriminant analysis showed that children used noncommunicative pointing gestures only in the task with an explicit memory demand. In Study 2, 39 children who were 4-6 years of age completed an attentional task with and without the possibility of pointing. An analysis of variance showed that only those children who spontaneously pointed to solve the first task performed significantly worse in a second condition where pointing was impossible. These results suggest that besides its social interactive functions, pointing may also subserve private cognitive functions for children.  相似文献   

An experiment on paired-associate learning was carried out to test Hovland's prediction that spaced practice should be more advantageous than massed if the order of presenting the pairs of nonsense syllables were fixed.

In the results, spaced and massed practice showed little difference in learning efficiency. Hovland's prediction was not confirmed.

In a previous experiment of this series of studies it had been found that spaced practice was more efficient than massed in serial learning when syllables of “low-meaningfulness” value were used; but that there was little difference in efficiency between the two forms of distribution when “high-meaningfulness” syllables were used. The results of the two experiments naturally suggested that, as regards the relative efficiency of spaced and massed practice, paired-associate learning of low-meaningfulness syllables differed from serial learning of similar syllables, but matched serial learning of high-meaningfulness syllables. It seems justifiable to draw the conclusion that the relative efficiency of spaced and massed practice is different in paired-associate and serial learning, not because remote associations can be formed in the one case and not in the other, as Hovland (1939a, 1939b) assumed; but because the organization of the material and the learning processes are different in the two forms of learning.  相似文献   

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