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值得运动心理学家探索的6个问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张力为 《心理学报》2004,36(1):116-126
长期以来,运动心理学在竞技运动领域面对的6个问题包括:1)哪些心理学指标可以标志和预测训练型和比赛型运动员?2)如何界定、监测和控制长时期大运动量训练和比赛中的心理疲劳?3)达到最佳竞技状态的必要心理条件是什么?4)运动员最佳竞技状态时大脑的工作情况有哪些特征? 5)运动员精英与其他领域精英的自我发展有何异同?6)有运动智力吗?从理论和实践两个方面对这6个问题进行了分析,提出了解决这些问题的思路。同时指出,对这些问题的探索将有助于运动心理学为母科学心理学的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

现代运动心理学研究综述   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
张力为  任未多 《心理学报》1995,28(4):386-394
从宏观的角度描述了现代运动心理学的研究领域,分析了运动员个性、唤醒水平与运动成绩、焦虑与运动成绩、心理技能训练和运动动机等五个方面的研究倾向,指出:认知运动心理学仍是研究的主流,各类研究都在尽量追求更明确的理论导向和更好的生态学效度,试图综合性地探讨运动行为,并且更加注重在描述和预测的基础上解释和控制运动行为。  相似文献   

吴世煌   《心理科学进展》1988,6(3):62-838
运动心理学是我国心理学的年轻分支学科,八十年代以来发展较快。前几年主要是在体育院校(系科)进行课堂教学。笔者在88年4月间参加了关于“我国优秀运动员心理咨询和心理训练成果汇报会”并参与由国家体委直接委管的重点科研课题的评议会.心理学界和体育界的专家们一致认为,两年来我国运动心理学应用研究有突破性进展,走上了正确的轨道,并认为这是今后继续深入研究的方向。  相似文献   

由中国心理学会体育运动心理专业委员会和中国体育科学学会运动心理学学会联合召开的1983年运动心理学论文报告会于8月1日至7日在昆明举行。100余位教师、教练员和科研工作者出席了会议。他们汇集一堂,探讨体育运动心理学的基本理论、心理选材、心理训练、运动员个性、竞赛心理和体育教学心理等多方面的内容。这是我国体育运动心理学界第一次单独举行的空前的盛会。  相似文献   

一九七九年十二月在天津召开的中国心理学会第二届学术年会,是我国运动心理学有计划有组织的走向茁壮成长道路起点的重要标志,体育运动心理专业委员的建立,更加鼓舞了运动心理学教师和科研工作者的坚强信心。教练员、体育教师、运动员都在不同程度上决心探索这一科学的奥秘。总之,大家都在兴高采烈的要在科学领域这一空白点上,画出最新最美的图画,为我国体育教学和运动训练提供更多的、科学的心理根据。为夺取世界冠军贡献出应尽的力量。  相似文献   

过去二十年内,体育科学的一个新领域已得到大家的承认,这个新领域叫做运动心理学,它研究:影响运动和训练的心理因素,也研究运动和训练的心理效应。运动心理学家对运动员的动机、人格、攻击和捣乱行为、领导行为、体育锻炼与心理健康、思想与情感,以及在体育活动中产生的其他问题感兴趣。他们在大学里教运动心理学课,搞研究,或者在运动队与运动员、教练员合作,以提高他们的技能与运动成绩。在运动心理学这门科学出现之前,教练们已经对运动竞赛的心理问题感兴趣了。例如,本世纪二十年代,好斗的爱尔兰圣母马利亚队教练奴特·陆克纳(Knute Rockne)就将鼓气讲话作为他的教  相似文献   

张凯 《心理科学》2013,36(3):524-531
传统中国哲学的目的在于理想人格塑造,人的心灵提升,其核心是身心调节与控制。中国文化的精妙之处在于,不仅拥有完整的思想体系,更有与之相应的践行方式,既有见地的开悟,又有修为的精进,在系统阐述人生境地的同时,拥有成熟的修为方法。近15年,国内外关于中国文化与心理学关系的研究呈现显著增长态势,但在竞技体育领域却鲜见运动员心理咨询和心理训练引入传统文化思想和技术的相关研究。多元文化视角下的理论与实证研究的国际心理学发展趋势,以及中国竞技体育制度特征,都诱发了对心理训练和心理咨询本土化发展的需要。本文立足于中国文化与心理训练的契合,总结提炼能够为运动队心理训练服务所借鉴的传统修为技术与方法。这些方法包括1)改变思想态度的撰写日记以内省、读书以养浩然之气;2)控制妄想杂念的静坐、数息、站桩;3)调节情绪心境的正念训练、琴棋书画等。将中国文化的思想与方法引入运动员心理训练尚面临困境,包括1)中国文化独特的神秘特性导致其缺乏可操作性,诸多概念难以精确测量,修为效果尚待实证检验;2)研究人员严重不足,潜心钻研的学者匮乏;3)研究深度缺乏,挖掘整理系统性不足;4)对传统文化存在错误认知,难以保证心理训练技术顺利进入运动队。  相似文献   

虚拟现实游戏结合了虚拟现实技术和电子游戏的特征,可以作为干预和训练手段,用于改善人们的心理状态和认知能力表现。虚拟现实游戏可分为严肃游戏和商业游戏。严肃游戏对人们心理和行为的影响,已有较多研究。而使用商业游戏进行的心理学研究目前还并不多。本文回顾了商业虚拟现实游戏在运动健康、认知训练,及心理干预等领域中的研究发现。然而,影响商业虚拟现实游戏在心理学中应用的因素以及干预效果,还有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

前言在体育运动方面的一些有名专家们认为:竞赛是运动员的智慧、意志、情感、身体训练和技术水平的较量。竞赛过程中运动员的心理因素对于竞赛时技术水平的发挥起着关键的作用。因此,在现代的运动训练中心理训练被国际上公认为不可缺少的组成部分。为了有针对性地进行心理训练,使运动员进行有效的心理控制,必须了解各项体育运动  相似文献   

一、引言近些年来,心理训练在国内外的运动训练中日益发展起来,并引起广大教练员、运动员和体育科学工作者的极大注意.如今心理准备训练已经和身体训练、技术训练、战术训练、恢复训练、智能训练,以及思想教育共同组成完整的训练体系.一些专家认为,心理训练在整个运动训练中的比重应占30%左右.从国内一些重大比赛的情况来看,在双方实力相当的情况下,心理因素往往起着重要作用.据有关调查表明:中国体操运动员,在比赛失常的各种原因中,80%以上是心理因素(如过度紧张、过度兴奋、缺乏信心、注  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to observe the relationship among psychological variables and three important issues in sports competition: achieving success, long-term continuance and sustaining injuries. Three studies were carried out with three groups of athletes from the areas of judo, football and swimming, using the Questionnaire of Sports Performance-related Psychological Characteristics as the measuring instrument. The analyses carried out revealed significantly statistical associations between the perception of stress control and of self-confidence, and between achieving success, long-term continuance in competition sports and sustaining injuries. These results indicate the importance of psychological skills training to aid sports performance and prevent injuries, as well as the use of the above-mentioned questionnaire, which, with a limited number of items, measures a wide range of psychological variables in the specific context of sports.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate the effects of mental training applied to combat sports athletes.MethodsA systematic review was conducted, following the criteria recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, from inception up to February 2021, with an electronic search in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and SPORTDiscus databases. As eligibility criteria, this review included original studies that carried out any type of mental training, with or without a control group, acute or chronic, in combat sports athletes, of both sexes, age >16 and < 45 years old, from any competitive level, and evaluated the effect of these interventions on psychological measures. The quality assessment was conducted through the application of the Cochrane Collaboration tool.ResultsIn total, 1921 studies were found and after application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 21 articles were included in this review. A total of 417 subjects were investigated from the 21 studies. As results, despite the variations in the type and characteristics of the interventions, studies showed that mental training seems to improve anxiety, mood, self-confidence, emotions, cohesion, emotional balance, and relaxation, in addition to physical and athletic performance.ConclusionsThis systematic review based on the evidence from the selected studies indicates that mental training seems to be beneficial for athletes in combat modalities, while combat sports can benefit from mental training in preparation, competition, and recovery. However, the interpretation of these findings must consider that there is limited scientific production with good quality studies investigating the effects of psychological intervention protocols in athletes of combat sports in different combat modalities.Prospero register numberCRD42020169793.  相似文献   

对运动决策的研究是认知运动心理学的一个重要领域。运动预期被认为是运动决策的核心, 受到运动学和非运动学信息的影响。其中, 对运动预期研究的一个关键问题是探讨不同信息源对运动结果预期的贡献以及两者之间的相互作用。研究者运用贝叶斯决策理论解释运动预期中不同信息的整合过程, 分析运动员在复杂的竞赛情景中如何做出最佳决策, 尤其是对该理论在网球和足球领域的潜在应用进行分析。在不确定的情况下, 竞技体育中并非所有的选择、结果或概率都是已知的, 故有研究者认为概率论和经典的决策理论不能有效解决此类问题。然而新近提出的启发式近似, 为运动员在贝叶斯框架下如何快速做出选择提供了理论依据:首先, 在复杂和有时间压力的竞赛情景中, 启发式近似假设运动员依据竞赛中不同信息源的不确定程度, 很可能选择在运动学信息和情境先验之间进行切换启发式, 提高运动预期的效率。其次, 判断效用通过卷积效应影响两种信息源的整合, 降低情境先验的影响程度。  相似文献   

Informed by athletes’ psychological needs, the current qualitative study developed, implemented, and evaluated a 15-month mental skills training (MST) program for elite youth athletes. The MST was divided into 3 phases that included a 9-month preintervention, a 2-month intervention, and a 4-month evaluation phase. The intervention consisted of 3 interactive workshops that were delivered to 11 competitive British youth tennis players (8–15?years of age) and their coach (age 34). The intervention was informed by data that were collected throughout a 9-month preintervention phase including longitudinal observations, field notes, and semistructured interviews. The intervention was evaluated over 4 months through observations, field notes, athlete-workshop data, and a semistructured interview with the coach. Results reinforced the value of the longitudinal preintervention phase by highlighting that the establishment of rapport between the researcher and athletes enhanced the meaningfulness and content of the MST program. In addition, an increase in athletes’ use and regulation of psychological skills and characteristics (PSCs) was identified as a result of athletes’ improved understanding of psychological skills (i.e., self-talk, imagery, performance routines) and characteristics (i.e., focus, emotional control, PSCs). Finally, the MST program fostered a shared subject-specific language between athletes and their coach, enhancing the openness and frequency with which PSCs were talked about. Practical guidelines for future sport psychology interventions with youth athletes and their coaches are provided.

Lay Summary: A 15-month mental skills training program was conducted with youth tennis players to enhance their ability to regulate their focus and emotional control. Practical guidelines for future interventions with youth athletes and their coaches are provided.  相似文献   

This study examined: (a) whether athletes’ (N = 348) perceived autonomy support (i.e., showing interest in athletes’ input and praising autonomous behavior) differs across contexts (training vs. competition) and sport types (individual vs. team sports), and (b) whether the relationships between autonomy support and effort, enjoyment, and anxiety are affected by context and sport type. Perceived autonomy support did not vary across contexts, but interest in athletes’ input was higher in individual than in team sports. Praise for autonomous behavior was associated positively with effort only when interest in input was high, and this effect was stronger in training than in competition. Finally, praise for autonomous behavior was also positively related to enjoyment in training, while interest in input was positively associated with anxiety in individual sports.  相似文献   

中国优秀运动员6项心理技能研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究采用标准化《运动心理技能问卷》并结合其它测试数据,对151名中国优秀运动员作了研究,结果表明:1.中国优秀运动员已初步掌握了焦虑控制(AX)、集中注意力(CC)、提高自信心(CF)、提高动机水平(MV)和加强集体意识(TM)的心理技能,他们在自信心和集体意识方面表现非常突出,而在心理准备(MP)方面则表现欠缺;2.除运动动机方面外,中国优秀运动页未表现出心理技能的差异性;3.运动等级(技术水平)不同,运动员的心理技能有差别;4.根据中国优秀运动员心理技能可以把他们分成4种类型,它们是心理技能发展水平较低的心理准备型和自信心型;心理技能发展水平较高的自信心——集体意识型和自信心——集中注意力型。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine the ability of certain psychological attributes to predict performance in six National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I collegiate sports. Eighty-four athletes from the varsity sports teams of cross country running, alpine and nordic skiing, tennis, basketball, and track and field at the University of Colorado completed a questionnaire adapted from Martens (1977; Martens et al., 1983) that measured their trait levels of self-confidence (Bandura, 1977), somatic anxiety, and cognitive anxiety (Martens, 1977; Martens et al., 1983). In addition, at three to six competitions during the season, the members of the cross country running and tennis teams filled out a state measure (Martens et al., 1983) of the three attributes from one to two hours prior to the competition. Following each competition, subjective and objective ratings of performance were obtained, and, for all sports, coaches' ratings of performance and an overall seasonal team ranking were determined as seasonal performance measures. The sports were dichotomized along motor and physiological dimensions. Results indicate that all three psychological attributes were significant predictors of performance in both fine motor, anaerobic sports and gross motor, aerobic sports. Further, clear differences in these relationships emerged as a function of the dichotomization. In addition, unexpected sex differences emerged. The findings are discussed relative to prior research and their implications for future research.  相似文献   

服部宇之吉的《心理学讲义》   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阎书昌 《心理学报》2009,41(5):464-470
日本学者服部宇之吉的《心理学讲义》(中文版)形成于他自1902年在中国京师大学堂开始的心理学教学活动,出版于1905年11月。该书在日本发行而在中国发售,它是面向中国学生的心理学教材。服部宇之吉将中国传统文化融入了科学心理学教材,肯定了中国传统文化的心理学意义。《心理学讲义》具有明显的进化论取向以及为教育服务的倾向。服部宇之吉的心理学教学是现代科学心理学在中国高等教育体系中传播的开端。《心理学讲义》是以知、情、意三分法为基础的心理学体系。中国早期心理学术语与日本心理学中的同形汉字有着紧密联系,服部宇之吉直接采用日本心理学界通用的术语以解决汉语心理学术语的创制困难。  相似文献   

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