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Computational models of cognition often exhibit complex dynamics that are difficult to discern without the use of visualization tools. Current tools often provide insight only to the modeling expert, however, and they provide limited functionality for communicating model dynamics to the nonexpert, as is needed during scientific presentations and in educational settings. We present NAV, the Node Activity Visualizer, an easy-to-use and portable software tool that interactively transforms the output of cognitive modeling simulators into presentation quality animations of model performance. nt]mis|The members of the Vanderbilt University Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

A matching advantage for dynamic human faces   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thornton IM  Kourtzi Z 《Perception》2002,31(1):113-132
In a series of three experiments, we used a sequential matching task to explore the impact of non-rigid facial motion on the perception of human faces. Dynamic prime images, in the form of short video sequences, facilitated matching responses relative to a single static prime image. This advantage was observed whenever the prime and target showed the same face but an identity match was required across expression (experiment 1) or view (experiment 2). No facilitation was observed for identical dynamic prime sequences when the matching dimension was shifted from identity to expression (experiment 3). We suggest that the observed dynamic advantage, the first reported for non-degraded facial images, arises because the matching task places more emphasis on visual working memory than typical face recognition tasks. More specifically, we believe that representational mechanisms optimised for the processing of motion and/or change-over-time are established and maintained in working memory and that such 'dynamic representations' (Freyd, 1987 Psychological Review 94 427-438) capitalise on the increased information content of the dynamic primes to enhance performance.  相似文献   

A server-side program for animation experiments is presented. The program is capable of delivering an experiment composed of discrete animation sequences in various file formats, collecting a discrete or continuous response from the observer, evaluating the appropriateness of the response, and ensuring that the user is not proceeding at an unreasonable rate. Most parameters of the program are controllable by experimenter-edited text files or simple switches in the program code, thereby minimizing the need for programming to create new experiments. A simple demonstration experiment is discussed and is freely available.  相似文献   

The software described in this paper, VideoNoter, addresses the need for tools that support annotation and retrieval of video data and organize the presentation of multiple analyses of the same data. Video is widely perceived as an important medium for psychological research, because video recording makes the fleeting particulars of human interaction available as data for detailed analysis, while retaining much of the context of the event. Though the benefits of using video data are high, the process can be prohibitively time-consuming. We have developed a prototype computer-based video analysis tool that can enhance the productivity of the video analysis process. In this paper, we report on the design and implementation of VideoNoter, and we discuss how it facilitates video data analysis.  相似文献   

C-quence is a software application that matches sequential patterns of qualitative data specified by the user and calculates the rate of occurrence of these patterns in a data set. Although it was designed to facilitate analyses of face-to-face interaction, it is applicable to any data set involving categorical data and sequential information. C-quence queries are constructed using a graphical user interface. The program does not limit the complexity of the sequential patterns specified by the user.  相似文献   

This article introduces the software program called EthoSeq, which is designed to extract probabilistic behavioral sequences (tree-generated sequences, or TGSs) from observational data and to prepare a TGS-species matrix for phylogenetic analysis. The program uses Graph Theory algorithms to automatically detect behavioral patterns within the observational sessions. It includes filtering tools to adjust the search procedure to user-specified statistical needs. Preliminary analyses of data sets, such as grooming sequences in birds and foraging tactics in spiders, uncover a large number of TGSs which together yield single phylogenetic trees. An example of the use of the program is our analysis of felid grooming sequences, in which we have obtained 1,386 felid grooming TGSs for seven species, resulting in a single phylogeny. These results show that behavior is definitely useful in phylogenetic analysis. EthoSeq simplifies and automates such analyses, uncovers much of the hidden patterns of long behavioral sequences, and prepares this data for further analysis with standard phylogenetic programs. We hope it will encourage many empirical studies on the evolution of behavior.  相似文献   

Direct and inverse cross-modality matches made by 20 subjects were assessed for ratio judgment consistency. Each subject matched apparent duration to loudness, and vice versa, in both a directly and an inversely proportional manner. All four tasks were repeated twice so that individual differences could be examined using interrepetition correlations. Group data exhibited the appropriate inverse relationship indicative of consistency, although the inverse matches were slightly curvilinear and resembled earlier studies with inverse attribute scales. Some individuals showed a high degree of consistency but many departed widely from inverse proportionality. Individual differences in exponents, which occurred for both types of tasks, were not removed by S. S. Stevens’ (1971) regression balance procedure. However, interrepetition correlations for the differences in the absolute values of the direct and inverse exponents of individuals were nonsignificant, suggesting that when subjects’ exponents differed for the two types of tasks they did so on a random basis. The latter finding implies that subjects would give inversely proportional matches were it not for random factors. The findings were discussed in relation to other types of ratio consistency.  相似文献   

Falls and severe head injuries have been increasingly associated with the use of smartphones while walking. A growing body of academic research identifies cognitive, perceptual, and motor deficits caused by smartphone use while walking. Despite the dangers associated with smartphone use while walking, the true prevalence can be challenging to assess. To better address the growing injury risk related to smartphone-induced distraction, we have built a smartphone-based data collection tool to assess smartphone use frequency while walking. In the current study, 35 participants installed the data collection app on their Android smartphones. On average, the application collected 520 data points per day. The application also indicated participants walked 12% of their day, and 49% of their time walking included smartphone use. The current study demonstrates the prevalence of smartphone-induced distraction while walking and smartphone applications' potential efficacy to collect behavioral data.  相似文献   

With an aim to improve vocational interest assessments geared toward the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas, we developed a new assessment by incorporating occupational complexity levels. Occupations which correspond to Holland's realistic and investigative themes were identified together with their complexity levels using the information in the Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes. How the required skills, abilities, and work activities differ in occupations with different complexity levels was identified using the Occupational Information Network. Two studies (N = 691 total) were conducted to assess reliability and validity of a measure of STEM Interest Complexity assessing the level of interests for STEM, which was developed based on the information obtained from these occupation databases. Construct validity was demonstrated with factor analyses and based on associations with traditional interest assessments, cognitive abilities, and theoretically-related constructs. Concurrent criterion-related validity was demonstrated based on associations with attachment to STEM, intentions to persist in and further pursue a STEM field, intentions to choose a complex occupation, college major satisfaction, and STEM-related GPA. Dominance analyses indicated that the relative contribution of the STEM Interest Complexity measure exceeded that of traditional interest assessments in the prediction of criteria. The usefulness of integrating a dimension of level and consulting occupation information databases in developing vocational interest assessments are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for scale-invariant segregation of image structure solely on the basis of orientation content. This kind of image decomposition is an unexplored image-processing method that is complementary to the well-explored method of filtering in spatial frequency bands; the latter technique is rotation-invariant, whereas the former technique is scale-invariant. The complementarity of these two approaches is explicit in the fact that orientation and spatial frequency are orthogonal variables in the two-dimensional Fourier plane, and the filters employed in the one method depend only on the radial variable, whereas those employed in the other method depend only on the angular variable. The biological significance of multiscale (spatial frequency selective) image analysis has been well-recognized and often cited, yet orientation selectivity is a far more striking property of neural architecture in cortical visual areas. In the present paper, we begin to explore some coding properties of the scale-invariant orientation variable, paying particular attention to its perceptual significance in texture segmentation and compact image coding. Examples of orientation-coded pictures are presented with data compression to 0.3 bits per pixel.  相似文献   

Computer-based studies usually produce log files as raw data. These data cannot be analyzed adequately with conventional statistical software. The Chemnitz LogAnalyzer provides tools for quick and comfortable visualization and analyses of hypertext navigation behavior by individual users and for aggregated data. In addition, it supports analogous analyses of questionnaire data and reanalysis with respect to several predefined orders of nodes of the same hypertext. As an illustration of how to use the Chemnitz LogAnalyzer, we give an account of one study on learning with hypertext. Participants either searched for specific details or read a hypertext document to familiarize themselves with its content. The tool helped identify navigation strategies affected by these two processing goals and provided comparisons, for example, of processing times and visited sites. Altogether, the Chemnitz LogAnalyzer fills the gap between log files as raw data of Web-based studies and conventional statistical software.  相似文献   

Former research demonstrated that depression is associated with dysfunctional attentional processing of emotional information. Most studies examined this bias by registration of response latencies. The present study employed an ecologically valid measurement of attentive processing, using eye-movement registration. Dysphoric and non-dysphoric participants viewed slides presenting sad, angry, happy and neutral facial expressions. For each type of expression, three components of visual attention were analysed: the relative fixation frequency, fixation time and glance duration. Attentional biases were also investigated for inverted facial expressions to ensure that they were not related to eye-catching facial features. Results indicated that non-dysphoric individuals were characterised by longer fixating and dwelling on happy faces. Dysphoric individuals demonstrated a longer dwelling on sad and neutral faces. These results were not found for inverted facial expressions. The present findings are in line with the assumption that depression is associated with a prolonged attentional elaboration on negative information.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of violence depicted in films shown in movie theatres has been neglected, although there are reasons to believe such presentations may be particularly salient for the viewer. In the present study, adult movie-goers attending commercial showings of a violent or non-violent movie responded to a questionnaire consisting of two scales of the Buss-Durkee aggression inventory, either before or after viewing the film. No sex differences in response were observed. The audience attending the violent film had significantly higher aggression scores than the audience attending the nonviolent film, both before and after viewing. Also, those attending the violent film showed a significant increase in aggression scores, while those at the non-violent film did not. The results demonstrate that audiences who attend violent films have an initially higher level of aggressivity which is heightened after exposure to the violent film. Thus, in order to achieve ecological validity in research on film violence, the characteristics of the audience normally exposed to such films must be taken into consideration. The results also provide support for the hypothesis that attendance at a violent film promotes aggressive tendencies.  相似文献   

A method for measuring horizontal eye movements in the msec range is described. Accurate measurement of horizontal eye movement over a linear range of 12° is achieved by processing the image of the eye illuminated with infrared light and with the head position fixed. The system has given very reliable results, and a resolution of 6 min of visual angle can be achieved with a character space of 45 min of arc. We also describe efficient numerical-data processing which allows the precise determination of the absolute position of the eye.  相似文献   

Noteworthy progress has been made in the development of statistical models for evaluating the structure of vocational interests over the past three decades. It is proposed that historically significant interest datasets, when combined with modern structural methods of data analysis, provide an opportunity to re-examine the underlying assumptions of J.L. Holland’s [Holland, J. L. (1959). A theory of vocational choice. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 6, 35–45; Holland, J. L. (1997). Making vocational choices (3rd ed.). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources] RIASEC model. To illustrate this potential, data obtained from J. P. Guilford’s study of interest structure were re-analyzed using modern circumplex and hierarchical clustering techniques to evaluate Holland’s and I. Gati’s [Gati, I. (1979). A hierarchical model for the structure of interests. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 15, 90–106; Gati, I. (1991). The structure of vocational interests. Psychological Bulletin, 109, 309–324] interest structures. Obtained results indicate that a circumplex model can be used to effectively represent the structure underlying Guilford’s interest measures. However, hierarchical clustering results suggest that Holland’s RIASEC types may not be the most effective categories for grouping specific interest measures into broader interest areas. The current findings provide support for the continued investigation of alternatives to Holland’s interest categories using modern measures of basic interests.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight 4-month-olds' and twenty-two 20-year-olds' attention to object-context relations was investigated using a common eye-movement paradigm. Infants and adults scanned both objects and contexts. Infants showed equivalent preferences for animals and vehicles and for congruent and incongruent object-context relations overall, more fixations of objects in congruent object-context relations, more fixations of contexts in incongruent object-context relations, more fixations of objects than contexts in vehicle scenes, and more fixation shifts in incongruent than congruent vehicle scenes. Adults showed more fixations of congruent than incongruent scenes, vehicles than animals, and objects than contexts; equal fixations of animals and their contexts but more fixations of vehicles than their contexts; and more shifts of fixation when inspecting animals in context than vehicles in context. These findings for location, number, and order of eye movements indicate that object-context relations play a dynamic role in the development and allocation of attention.  相似文献   

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