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Research concerning the relations between stress and children’s memory has been primarily correlational and focused on memory volume and accuracy. In the current study, we experimentally manipulated 7- and 8-year-olds’ and 12- to 14-year-olds’ experienced stress during a to-be-remembered event to examine the effects of stress on the content of their memory. We further manipulated the degree of interviewer support at retrieval to determine whether it moderated the effects of stress at encoding on memory. Children’s age, gender, stress at encoding, and interviewer support all influenced the type of information included in their narrative reports. Most notably, across ages, children who experienced a more stressful event but were questioned in a supportive manner provided the largest ratio of terms representing internal states such as those about cognitions and emotions. Results suggest that how children process past events may be influenced by both the nature of the event itself and the context within which it is recalled.  相似文献   

The influence of contextual factors on encoding and retrieval in recognition memory was investigated using a retroactive interference paradigm. Participants were randomly assigned to four context conditions constructed by manipulating types of presentation modality (pictures vs words) for study, interference, and test stages, respectively (ABA, ABB, AAA, & AAB). In Experiment 1 we presented unrelated items in the study and interference stages, while in Experiment 2 each stage contained items from the same semantic category. The results demonstrate a dual role for context in memory processes-at encoding as well as at retrieval. In Experiment 1 there is a hierarchical order between the four context conditions, depending on both target-test and target-interference contextual similarity. Adding a categorical context in Experiment 2 helped to specify each list and therefore better distinguish between target and interferer information, and in some conditions compensated for their perceptual similarity.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to examine the manner in which consonants and vowels are coded in short-term memory. under identical recall conditions. Ss were presented with sequences of consonant-vowel digrams for serial recall. Sequences were composed of randomly presented consonants paired with/a/ or randomly presented vowels paired with /d/. Halle’s distinctive feature system was used to generate predictions concerning the frequency of intrusion errors. among phonemes. These predictions were based on the assumption that phonemes are discriminated in memory in terms of their component distinctive features, so that intrusions should most frequently occur between phonemes sharing similar distinctive features. The analysis of intrusion errors revealed that each consonant and vowel phoneme was coded m short-term memory by a particular combination of distinctive features which differed from one phoneme to another. A given phoneme was coded by the same set of distinctive features regardless of the number of syllables in the sequence. However, distinctive feature theories were not able to predict the frequency of intrusion errors for phonemes presented in the middle serial positions of a sequence with 100% accuracy. The results of the experiment support the notion that consonant and vowel phonemes are coded in a similar manner in STM and that this coding involves the retention of a specific set of distinctive features for each phoneme.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the subjective feeling of conscious recollection is uniquely characterized by joint memory for several context features while merely familiar memories lack this property (Meiser, Sattler, & Weisser, 2008). In the present research we took the novel approach of extending the dual task paradigm to the simultaneous study of subjective retrieval experience (using the remember/know procedure) and joint memory for two orthogonal context features. While dual task load during encoding lead to reductions in the frequency of the subjective experience of conscious recollection and reductions in overall context memory, joint context memory was not affected. Furthermore, the relation of higher overall context memory for consciously recollected items than for familiar items was preserved even under dual task load. These results have import implications for theories of long-term feature binding and the processes involved in producing the experience of conscious recollection.  相似文献   

Dual encoding of homographs and homophones was inferred from the intrusion of their alternative meanings across trials in two experiments using a modified Brown-Peterson paradigm. In Experiment 1 subjects heard a word triad and then engaged in a 10.5-sec distractor task. Written recall was then demanded. On context trials a homophone with alternative meanings belonging to two distinct categories was embedded in a triad biasing one meaning, e.g., helpless,/wik/, fragile. On the next trial, words from the category of the other meaning were presented, e.g., year, month, decade. A significant number of intrusions of the alternative coding of the homophone, e.g., WEEK, across the category boundary were observed. Experiment 2 employed visual presentation of embedded homographs, e.g., plunged, jumped, DOVE, and oral recall but was logically similar to Experiment 1. Intrusions of the alternative codings of homographs across category boundaries, e.g., pigeon, sparrow,/d Λ v/, were again noted.  相似文献   

Research shows that the human brain encodes faces in terms of how they relate to a prototypical face, a phenomenon referred to as norm-based encoding. The goal of this study was to examine the effect of short-term exposure on the development of the norm, independently of global, long-term exposure. We achieved this by varying the sequence of presentation of the stimuli while keeping global exposure constant. We found that a systematic manipulation of the average face in a set of 10 preceding trials can shift this norm toward that average. However, there was no effect of order or recency among these trials; thus, there was no evidence that the last faces mattered more than the first. This suggests that the position of the face norm is modified by information that is integrated across multiple recent faces.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that stereotype activation is context dependent. In the current research, we tested whether this context‐dependence also generalizes to behavioral effects of stereotypes. Extending previous findings, we could show that activation of the category “Italians” in a work context (but not in an interaction context) resulted in slow behavior (Experiment 1), whereas it increased the loudness of speech in an interaction context (but not in a work context; Experiment 2). Our results further strengthen the notion of context‐specific mental representations of stereotypes. Stereotypic attributes become activated and exert their influence on behavior in close correspondence with the current situation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent computational models of cognition have made good progress in accounting for the visual processes needed to encode external stimuli. However, these models typically incorporate simplified models of visual processing that assume a constant encoding time for all visual objects and do not distinguish between eye movements and shifts of attention. This paper presents a domain-independent computational model, EMMA, that provides a more rigorous account of eye movements and visual encoding and their interaction with a cognitive processor. The visual-encoding component of the model describes the effects of frequency and foveal eccentricity when encoding visual objects as internal representations. The eye-movement component describes the temporal and spatial characteristics of eye movements as they arise from shifts of visual attention. When integrated with a cognitive model, EMMA generates quantitative predictions concerning when and where the eyes move, thus serving to relate higher-level cognitive processes and attention shifts with lower-level eye-movement behavior. The paper evaluates EMMA in three illustrative domains — equation solving, reading, and visual search — and demonstrates how the model accounts for aspects of behavior that simpler models of cognitive and visual processing fail to explain.  相似文献   

According to many theoretical accounts, reinstating study context at the time of test creates optimal circumstances for item retrieval. The role of context reinstatement was tested in reference to context memory in several experiments. On the encoding phase, participants were presented with words printed in two different font colors (intrinsic context) or two different sides of the computer screen (extrinsic context). At test, the context was reinstated or changed and participants were asked to recognize words and recollect their study context. Moreover, a read‐generate manipulation was introduced at encoding and retrieval, which was intended to influence the relative salience of item and context information. The results showed that context reinstatement had no effect on memory for extrinsic context but affected memory for intrinsic context when the item was generated at encoding and read at test. These results supported the hypothesis that context information is reconstructed at retrieval only when context was poorly encoded at study.  相似文献   

Context and attention to critical features as factors in determining the perceptual organization of ambiguous figures were investigated in the present two studies. In the first study, a fixation point directed attention to a critical or to a neutral feature of an ambiguous figure. Placement of the fixation point on different features of an ambiguous figure did not affect the figure-ground organization of the figure, but it did influence the speed of the identification response. In the second study, presentation of an ambiguous figure was preceded by a biased figure or by features of the figure. Results indicated that the interpretation of the ambiguous figure was overwhelmingly influenced by the advanced presentation of a biased drawing but only slightly influenced by the advanced presentation of a critical feature. These findings support analysis-by-synthesis (Neisser, 1967) as an explanation of the perception of ambiguous figures over other contemporary attention theories.  相似文献   

Two experiments analysed memory encoding in human perceptual learning. Both experiments started with preexposure without feedback to four checkerboards composed by a unique feature each and sharing a common feature (AX, BX, CX, and DX). Elements of one pair were presented intermixed and elements of the other pair were presented in separate blocks. Immediately after preexposure participants completed a memory recognition task in which the characteristics of the distractors were manipulated. Experiment 1 showed that only intermixed presentation results in good encoding of the unique features of the stimuli. Experiment 2 demonstrated that intermixed preexposure results in different encoding of unique versus common features of the stimuli: Participants are able to remember A and B better than they remember X, whereas for the blocked condition memory for C, D, and X does not differ. Overall, the results presented here support the proposal that intermixing stimuli results in differential memory traces for unique versus common features and that this contributes to the intermixed/blocked effect.  相似文献   

Sense of agency (SoA) describes the experience of being the author of an action. Cue integration approaches divide SoA into an implicit level, mostly relying on prospective sensorimotor signals, and an explicit level, resulting from an integration of sensorimotor and contextual cues based on their reliability. Integration mechanisms at each level and the contribution of implicit to explicit SoA remain underspecified. In a task of movements with visual outcomes, we tested the effect of social context (contextual cue) and sensory prediction congruency (retrospective sensorimotor cue) over implicit (intentional binding) and explicit (verbal judgments) SoA. Our results suggest that prospective sensorimotor cues determine implicit SoA. At the explicit level, retrospective sensorimotor cues and contextual cues are partly integrated in an additive way, but contextual cues can also act as a heuristic if sensorimotor cues are highly unreliable. We also found no significant association between implicit and explicit SoA.  相似文献   

We studied context dependency of the representations underlying perceptual "goodness". Three experiments used a same-different task with classical Garner 5-dot patterns presented with an interstimulus interval (ISI) of 500 ms. Same patterns were allowed to be rotated or reflected versions of each other. Pattern goodness was varied according to rotation and reflection equivalence, using Garner's equivalence set size (ESS) measure. The ESS of both first and second patterns affected reaction time and accuracy. A model based on assumptions that Garner's equivalence sets constitute the generic representation of these patterns and that items within these sets are accessed serially was fitted to the data. Excellent fits were obtained, which were robust against frequency-induced bias at the level of the individual pattern, but sensitive to such bias at the level of the equivalence set. It was concluded that individual pattern representations are context independent, whereas their collective representations are context dependent. Simplicity and likelihood principles, therefore, seem to apply to different levels of a representation hierarchy.  相似文献   

Words having more densely entangled associative structures are more likely to be recalled in the presence of related extralist cues. A context-modified PIER2 model predicts that the implicit activation of such structures during study connects them to the context of the learning episode. In two experiments, we evaluated this assumption by varying the associative density of the study words and the accessibility of context information. In Experiment 1, we varied context accessibility by manipulating context awareness and by delaying testing and filling the delay with different types of interfering tasks. In Experiment 2, we varied accessibility by manipulating test delay and type of interference in a factorial design. The effects of associative density were reduced by using implicit testing that never refers to context, by performing interpolated interference tasks, and finally, by extending the length of the delay. Information that is implicitly activated during an episodic experience is associated to the context of that experience.  相似文献   

When faces are turned upside down, recognition is known to be severely disrupted. This effect is thought to be due to disruption of configural processing. Recently, Leder and Bruce (2000, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A 53 513-536) argued that configural information in face processing consists at least partly of locally processed relations between facial elements. In three experiments we investigated whether a local relational feature (the interocular distance) is processed differently in upside-down versus upright faces. In experiment 1 participants decided in which of two sequentially presented photographic faces the interocular distance was larger. The decision was more difficult in upside-down presentation. Three different conditions were used in experiment 2 to investigate whether this deficit depends upon parts of the face beyond the eyes themselves; displays showed the eye region alone, the eyes and nose, or the eyes and nose and mouth. The availability of additional features did not interact with the inversion effect which was observed strongly even when the eyes were shown in isolation. In experiment 3 all eyes were turned upside down in the inverted face condition as in the Thatcher illusion (Thompson, 1980 Perception 9 483-484). In this case no inversion effect was found. These results are in accordance with an explanation of the face-inversion effect in which the disruption of configural facial information plays the critical role in memory for faces, and in which configural information corresponds to spatial information that is processed in a way which is sensitive to local properties of the facial features involved.  相似文献   

To determine the processing of vowel sounds in short-term memory for a serial recall task, 100 Ss heard either a short string of isolated vowel sounds, or a string in which each of these same sounds was embedded between the consonants “h” and “d”. In contrast to findings by Wickelgren, neither an articulatory or an acoustic distinctive-feature analysis predicted the pattern of intrusion errors found. The overall recall of the different sounds was predicted by the ease with which they could be labelled for rehearsal. However, ease of labelling would not explain the pattern of intrusion errors, nor would any other analysis tried. These results are consistent with a coding model presented by Liberman et al (J967). Surprisingly, the patterns of intrusion errors were very similar whether the sounds were presented alone or embedded in words. The implications of these findings for distinctive feature theory and the encoding process are discussed.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that exposure to verbal misleading post-event information does not impair subjects' ability to retrieve originally seen details. Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that subjects would be more susceptible to memory impairment if the original and misleading information were presented in similar contextual formats. The results showed that misleading information did not lead to memory impairment when both original and misleading information were presented in the context of slides (Experiment 1) or when both original and misleading information were presented in the context of narratives (Experiment 2). Furthermore, resistance to memory impairment was observed both at relatively low levels of memory for the original information (Experiment 1) and at relatively high levels of memory for the original information (Experiment 2). The implications of the present results for interference principles of forgetting are discussed.  相似文献   

Human memory is an enigmatic component of cognition which many researchers have attempted to comprehend. Accumulating studies on functional connectivity see brain as a complex dynamic unit with positively and negatively correlated networks in perfect coherence during a task. We aimed to examine coherence of network connectivity during visual memory encoding and retrieval in the context of education. School Educated (SE) and College Educated (CE) healthy volunteers (n = 60) were recruited and assessed for visual encoding and retrieval. Functional connectivity using seed to voxel based connectivity analysis of the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) was evaluated. We noticed that there were reciprocal dynamic changes in both dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) region and PCC regions during working memory encoding and retrieval. In agreement with the previous studies, there were more positively correlated regions during retrieval compared to encoding. The default mode network (DMN) networks showed greater negative correlations during more attentive task of visual encoding. In tune with the recent studies on cognitive reserve we also found that number of years of education was a significant factor influencing working memory connectivity. SE had higher positive correlation to DLPFC region and lower negative correlation to DMN in comparison with CE during encoding and retrieval.  相似文献   

Humans routinely make inductive generalizations about unobserved features of objects. Previous accounts of inductive reasoning often focus on inferences about a single object or feature: accounts of causal reasoning often focus on a single object with one or more unobserved features, and accounts of property induction often focus on a single feature that is unobserved for one or more objects. We explore problems where people must make inferences about multiple objects and features, and propose that people solve these problems by integrating knowledge about features with knowledge about objects. We evaluate three computational methods for integrating multiple systems of knowledge: the output combination approach combines the outputs produced by these systems, the distribution combination approach combines the probability distributions captured by these systems, and the structure combination approach combines a graph structure over features with a graph structure over objects. Three experiments explore problems where participants make inferences that draw on causal relationships between features and taxonomic relationships between animals, and we find that the structure combination approach provides the best account of our data.  相似文献   

Interfering with perception during encoding can enhance later memory, a phenomenon known as the perceptual interference effect. This effect is investigated in the context of the item-specific-relational framework (e.g., Hunt & McDaniel, 1993), which suggests that the perceptual interference enhances item-specific encoding and impedes relational encoding. Two experiments performed with multiple recall tests support this view. Prior research indicates that item-specific processing increases item gains across tests, whereas relational processing protects against item losses (e.g., Burns, 1993; Klein, Loftus, Kihlstrom, & Aseron, 1989). Consistent with the item-specific-relational framework, perceptual interference produced significant increases in both item gains and losses relative to a control condition.  相似文献   

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