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选择性注意的两种负启动效应研究回顾及比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较特性负启动和位置负启动两种实验范式.对选择性注意的负启动研究进行回顾与总结:从研究方法、行为及脑成像结果等方面对特性和位置负启动研究进行比较分析;简要介绍负启动机制,并从客体与空间选择性注意的分离、视觉加工神经通道和工作记忆等方面对特性和位置负启动异同的原因进行初步探讨。对特性和位置负启动及其脑机制的差异研究将有利于对负启动效应及其机制的进一步考察.并指出负启动范式在分心抑制等研究方向具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Three cartoons were shown to 87 children at two age levels: 5–6 years, and 9 years. The children's experience was assessed in interviews. The younger children experienced the cartoons in a fragmentary manner and not as a continuous story, understood less of the cartoons, and tended to base their moral judgements of a character's behaviour on whether or not they identified with that character. Six months later, the younger children remembered best those scenes that had made them the most anxious earlier. A subgroup of children with abundant aggressive fantasies had a lower level of moral reasoning than the other children, preferred violent scenes, became less anxious while watching them and tended to give illogical explanations for the behaviour of the cartoon characters. The degree of anxiety provoked by a cartoon depended not on the amount of explicit violence shown but on the way the violence was presented. One cartoon, which contained no explicit violence, was considered the most frightening one due to its sound effects.  相似文献   

MERSHON, D. H. Evidence for the relationship of depth adjacency to contrast. A response to Lie. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 295–302.–Some recent studies indicated that separation of test and induction objects from each other in stereoscopic depth will produce a decrease in simultaneous whiteness contrast. Lie has suggested, however, that this change was merely the result of experimental artifacts such as accommodative blurring, double images, and the presence of the small lateral displacements used to produce the stereopsis. Each of these possible artifacts has been considered, and the original experiments (as well as those of Lie) have been reexamined, in light of these considerations. This reexamination supports the original conclusion that whiteness contrast and separation in stereoscopic depth are related directly and not through the presence of any uncontrolled artifacts.  相似文献   

An analysis is provided of the procedures involved in creating and certifying theories constructed within the laws, systems, and rules perspectives of human communication. A comparison of these methods of theory construction reveals two criteria for assessing the epistemological and metaphysical claims of all such theories. Each of these methods attempts to establish propositions which are general rather than particular and which are necessary rather than accidental. The manner in which each perspective establishes these claims is delimited with special attention being given to the procedures employed by rules theorists for establishing rigorous theories.  相似文献   

为考察听觉失匹配负波是否反映自动加工,实验改进了视觉和听觉刺激同时呈现的感觉道间选择性注意实验模式,更好地控制了非注意听觉条件。结果发现,在注意与非注意听觉条件下,听觉偏离刺激均诱发出失匹配负波;注意听觉刺激时140-180ms的偏离相关负波与非注意时该时程负波的平均波幅之间无显著差异,而注意时180-220ms的偏离相关负波的平均波幅大于非注意时同一时程之负波;非注意听觉时失匹配负波的平均波幅和峰潜伏期不受视觉道任务难度的影响,该结果为听觉失匹配负波反映自动加工的观点提供了进一步证据。  相似文献   

以围棋业余棋手为被试,采用2(大局观:高分、低分)×2(机敏轻灵:高分、低分)的被试间设计,通过眼动分析技术来探寻机敏轻灵和大局观两个弈棋风格维度存在的眼动证据。结果表明:(1)机敏轻灵维度的高低可以从平均注视持续时间、平均眼跳幅度和注视次数三个眼动特征上加以区分;(2)大局观维度存在兴趣区数目、回视次数、眼跳次数、注视次数和平均注视持续时间等五个眼动指标。研究认为,眼动指标为弈棋风格的机敏轻灵和大局观两个维度的存在提供了客观证据。  相似文献   

We investigated the relative effects of self-recording of attentive behavior and self-recording of academic productivity with 5 upper elementary-aged special education students in their special education classroom. Following baseline, both self-recording treatments were introduced according to a multielement design. After the multielement phase, we assessed the pupils' performance under a choice condition, faded the overt aspects of the treatment program according to a withdrawal design, and probed maintenance over 5 weeks. Results revealed that both treatments produced clear improvements in arithmetic productivity and attention to task, neither treatment was clearly and consistently superior to the other, pupils preferred the self-recording of attention treatment, the effects were maintained for all pupils, achievement test scores improved, and pupils generally recorded accurately.  相似文献   

Three participants whose problem behavior was maintained by contingent attention were exposed to 45‐min presessions in which attention was withheld, provided on a fixed‐time (FT) 15‐s schedule, or provided on an FT 120‐s schedule. Following each presession, participants were then tested in a 15‐min session similar to the social attention condition of an analogue functional analysis. The results showed establishing operation conditions increased problem behavior during tests and that abolishing operation conditions decreased problem behavior during tests.  相似文献   

On trouve, dans la littérature, de bons arguments en faveur d'une procédure pour l'étude des jugements qui permette aux répondants de fournir leurs propres dimensions de réponses. Cette approche diffère du différenciateur sémantique, entre autres, dans lequel les échelles utilisées sont fournies par le chercheur. Les AA. examinent dans cet article les relations entre les résultats obtenus avec l'une et l'autre des deux méthodes. On demande aux sujets de juger du gouvernement actuel de io pays en termes de ressemblance-dissemblance par paires; les réponses sont soumises à une analyse pluridimensionnelle (multidimensional scaling) afin de mettre en évidence les dimensions qui sous-tendent les jugements. Ces représentations, en termes de dimensions, sont alors comparées aux notes correspondant aux facteurs Evaluation et Puissance du différenciateur sémantique. On constate que pour l'ensemble des sujets la dimension principale mise en évidence par l'analyse pluridimensionnelle correspond nettement au facteur Evaluation et que la dimension qui vient en second rang est en liaison avec le facteur Puissance. Des analyses séparées ont été également faites en fonction de l'orientation politique des répondants : on constate que les jugements que portent sur les gouvernements les sujets de droite sont beaucoup plus teintés d'Evaluation.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of two health education teaching methods, a pamphlet based on a task-analyzed checklist and two professionally developed films, on the completeness, accuracy, and maintenance of testicular self-examinations (TSE). Subjects (N = 48) were videotaped while performing a TSE after training and at a follow-up visit. Direct observation of the tapes showed that checklist-based training resulted in more complete and longer TSEs (p < .05). Social validation ratings, however, suggested that physicians were unable to discriminate reliably the performances of subjects taught using the two methods. Accuracy of detection of simulated lesions on plastic models was also similar for the two groups. Adherence to TSE recommendations was high during the study, but declined across the follow-up period. Further study is needed to promote adherence to TSE and to document the effects of early detection on morbidity and mortality of testicular cancer.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative treatment utility of a verbal forced-choice questionnaire, child nomination, and direct observation for identifying the most potent reinforcers for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Results demonstrated that all three methods were more likely to disagree than to agree, that a forced-choice format may enhance verbal reinforcer assessment, and that further development and evaluation of verbal reinforcer-assessment methods are needed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of video modeling to teach children with autism to initiate bids for joint attention. The video model consisted of a child demonstrating three components of a bid for joint attention with an adult conversational partner: orienting toward the object, emitting a vocal statement, and eye gaze shift toward unique objects in the environment. Results indicated that video modeling alone was effective in teaching all components of joint attention for two of the three children, whereas video modeling plus in vivo prompting was effective for the third participant. Further, bids for joint attention did not generalize across novel items for any of the participants. Results are discussed in terms of the social relevance and validity of the use of video modeling to teach a complex social behavior such as bids for joint attention. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method for solving for the largest eigenvalue and associated eigenvector of the eigenequation (A - XB)s = 0 is presented. The method is contrasted with other procedures for the same problem.  相似文献   

Hans van Eyghen 《Zygon》2016,51(4):966-982
This article discusses “explaining away” arguments in the cognitive science of religion (CSR). I distinguish two rather different ways of explaining away religion, one where religion is shown to be incompatible with scientific findings (EA1) and one where supernatural entities are rendered superfluous by scientific explanations (EA2). After discussing possible objections to both varieties, I argue that the latter way offers better prospects for successfully explaining away religion but that some caveats must be made. In a second step, I spell out how CSR can be used to spell out an argument of the second kind. One argument (“Bias Explaining Away”) renders religion superfluous by claiming that it results from a cognitive bias and one (“Adaptationist Explaining Away”) does the same by claiming religion was (is) a useful evolutionary adaptation. I discuss some strengths and weaknesses of both arguments.  相似文献   

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