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杨群  邱江  张庆林 《心理学探新》2007,27(1):30-33,69
视角效应是指在四卡问题解决中,当被试从不同的角度来对条件规则进行检验时,其选择偏向会在卡片P,-Q和-P,Q之间发生稳定变化的现象。到目前为止,义务和非义务推理中都发现了该效应的存在,不同的推理理论都试图对此作出解释,却一直存在分歧,其焦点在于视角效应的形成机制是领域特殊性的还是领域一般性的。该文评述了不同的演绎推理理论对视角效应发生机制作出的解释,并且最后总结了该领域目前研究存在的主要争论。  相似文献   

抽象材料选择任务的表象表征视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨在选择任务中表象表征存在的可能性以及抽象材料选择任务困难的原因,该研究设定了材料的内容、规则以及证明规则的要求均完全相同,只是在呈现方式上形象性不同的两种抽象选择任务;然后把两种不同的选择任务分别对数量大致相当的大学生进行了测试。结果发现,不采用类似卡片这种形象性很强的材料呈现方式显著的提高了人们在抽象选择任务中的正确率。实验结果支持了选择任务中表象表征的存在及其为选择任务困难原因之一的观点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The relationship between an individual's intent to die and choice of method is examined. A sociocultural perspective is developed in an attempt to: explain the principle differences in choice of method by sex; to explain regional variations over time, by sex; and to differentiate between regional and/or cultural areas in their use of firearms as a means of self-destruction. The concept of availability is examined, and it is shown that it consists of, at least, two dimensions: the physical presence of a method, and the sociocultural acceptability of that method that results in the individual's selection of a particular method of self-destruction from a range of socially and culturally acceptable means of suicide. A concept of suicidal threshold is advanced as suggestive of a suicidal level that an individual must reach before a suicidal process develops and results in the person's self-inflicted death.  相似文献   

四卡问题解决中的匹配偏向再探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邱江  杨娟  张庆林 《心理学探新》2006,26(1):39-41,61
选取经典的四卡问题作为实验材料,深入探讨了“综合考虑证真证伪作用”的提示以及逻辑分析过程对被试解决四卡问题不能产生促进效应的原因。结果发现:(1)多数被试能对卡片P和-Q进行正确的逻辑推断,但是最后却仍然倾向于选择卡片Q而非-Q,这种错误并非是由于附加的认知任务使得被试的短时记忆容量超载所致。(2)元音偶数组与元音非偶数组的被试对四张卡片作出正确逻辑推断的人数百分比基本一致,但是后者选择P-Q的人数百分比却显著高于前者,这表明多数被试似乎并不依据逻辑分析的结果及其命题检验的规则来作出选择,而是采用匹配策略,错误地选择了Q卡片。  相似文献   

Two experiments using Wason's selection task are reported in this paper. Their main purpose was to test the meaning of universal connectives ( always and never ) against the hypothetical conditional connective ( if ). In the first experiment, these two different kinds of connectives were used with the same content and in logically equivalent situations. Results demonstrated that universal connectives yield different patterns of responses than do hypothetical connectives. People seem to consider the situation described in the task in the same way, irrespective of the use of negations, when universal connectives are used, but not when the if... then structure is used. The second experiment extended these results to a different content, and to an abstract version of the task. An explanation in terms of mental models is provided.  相似文献   

Un survol de l'histoire de la psychologie du counseling au Japon amène à confronter cinq significations différentes du terme «counseling>>. Ces divers points de vue relatifs au counseling et à sa signification ont handicapé le développement de la psychologie du counseling. Une approche spécifiquement nippone du counseling est indispensable au développement de la professionnalisation de la discipline au Japon. On conclut l'article par une proposition de théorisation et d'approfondissement de la discipline en tant que psychologie développementale du counseling couvrant l'ensemble de la vie.
A precis of counseling psychology's history in Japan leads to discussion of five different meanings for the term "counseling". These multiple views about counseling and its meaning have hindered development of counseling psychology. An indigenous conceptualisation of counseling is required to promote the professionalisation of the discipline in Japan. A proposal for conceptualising and advancing the discipline as "lifespan developmental counseling psychology" concludes the article.  相似文献   

As concerns about the level of school violence have increased in recent years, many schools have instituted policies designed to deter or prohibit violent and aggressive acts on school campuses. Although well intentioned, most such policies tend to be reactive and punitive in nature. In contrast, this article proposes a positive approach to violence prevention based on establishing meaningful connections between students, their families, peers, and school.  相似文献   

Psychological research has established that unemployment causes widespread psychological distress and ill health in communities but, arguably, little of this research is truly community psychological. In this paper we sketch out a critical community psychological perspective and use it to contribute to understanding of the role of psychosocial aspects of income in the experience and mental health of employed and unemployed members of low-income families in a severely deprived community context; to the development of innovative participatory methodology, and to promote the interests of impoverished unemployed people through the research process as well as through the research outcome.  相似文献   

The five experiments reported in this paper examined the effect of two theoretically motivated, explicit mental procedures on performance in different versions of the four-card, abstract selection task. There was no overall benefit as a result of carrying out these procedures; instead, performance depended upon the extent to which subjects carried out the procedures successfully. Most crucially, the experiments demonstrated that correct selection depends not simply upon envisaging the right counter-example, but upon identifying those cards that could contain potential counter-examples. Such findings are broadly consistent with the theory of mental models. However, contrary to the theory, identification is not sufficient for correct selection. The externalization technique used in these studies provides a way to examine the loci of performance differences in the selection task and therefore provides a way to test rival theoretical claims.  相似文献   

The author proposes the artist and her quilt as a metaphor for the woman and her career. She suggests that quilts and quilting provide a woman-centered context to help counselors gain an understanding of women's lives and work.  相似文献   

Building on career stage theory and contingency theory, the exploratory study considers the influence of career stage on job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Findings show that salespeople in exploration report higher satisfaction and lower turnover intentions when paid a fixed salary, whereas salespeople in establishment report higher satisfaction and lower turnover intentions when given incentives. Further, during the establishment stage, salespeople employed by firms pursuing a prospector or analyzer strategy indicate higher satisfaction and lower turnover intentions than those employed by defender firms. Suggestions are provided concerning how to effectively manage salespeople as they progress through the various career stages.  相似文献   

奖励不仅能够塑造行为, 也能影响个体的内部心理过程。在注意选择过程中, 与奖励联结的刺激能够吸引注意资源。当目标刺激与奖励联结时, 能够易化注意选择过程; 当分心刺激与奖励联结时, 能够阻碍注意选择过程。可见, 奖励从不同角度对注意选择产生影响。奖励对注意选择的影响可能有其特有的认知机制, 并且奖励对注意的捕获效应受到许多因素的调节, 如奖励预测、工作记忆容量、人格特质及刺激的新异性。未来的研究应该尝试将奖励影响注意选择的研究成果应用于不良注意偏向临床干预的实践领域。  相似文献   

Unconscious visual stimuli can be processed by human observers and influence their behaviour. A striking example is a phenomenon known as “free-choice priming,” where masked “prime” stimuli—of which participants are unaware—modulate which of two response alternatives they are likely to choose. Recent efforts to uncover the mechanisms underlying this intriguing effect have revealed that free-choice priming can emerge even in the absence of automatized stimulus-response (S-R) associations between masked primes and specific motor responses, indicating that free choices can be influenced by a masked prime’s meaning (Ocampo, 2015). It remains unknown, however, whether masked primes bias response selections because they are implicitly classified according to task instructions, or because spreading activation occurs within the prime's semantic network. To adjudicate between these two possibilities, participants in the present experiment categorised targets as either animals or people and selected which of two response alternatives they wanted to make following presentation of a free-choice target. Crucially, while implicit classifications could proceed during processing of both animal and person masked primes, only animal primes could trigger spreading activation within their semantic network. This manipulation modulated free-choice priming; only masked animal primes influenced response selections to free-choice targets. This result indicates that an automatic spreading activation mechanism might underlie a masked prime’s ability to influence free-choice responses.  相似文献   

介绍华生选择任务的Oaksford概率解释模型-最佳数据选择模型.对该模型的数学结构、相关推论、及其心理学意义作了说明.  相似文献   

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