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The present study investigated the validity of the dimensions of the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ), in particular the degree to which the dimensions of the PSQ were differentially predicted by a number of antecedents. A series of tests supported dimensionality of the PSQ. Perhaps more importantly, a theoretical model was hypothesized and tested which was based on the assumption that different variables predict each of the four dimensions of pay satisfaction. Data was collected from a heterogeneous sample of sales, managerial, professional-technical, and nonexempt employees from a large multidivision corporation. A series of analyses indicated that the items from the PSQ loaded on their hypothesized dimensions, and the dimensions were empirically distinct. Furthermore, the dimensions were differentially predicted by a series of antecedents. This differential prediction evidence supports the validity of the dimensions of the PSQ in a more rigorous and comprehensive manner than has been produced by past research.  相似文献   

The construct validity of assessment center final dimension ratings was examined within a nomological network of cognitive and personality measures. Four hundred forty-one employees of a large mid-western petroleum company were assessed on 11 dimensions in two broad categories and completed four tests. Results showed that several cognitive ability measures related more strongly to performance-style dimension ratings than to interpersonal-style dimension ratings, providing evidence for convergent and discriminant validity. Correlation analysis and factor analysis support the two a priori interpersonal- and performance-style categories. The results suggest that final dimension ratings possess construct validity and that assessors can differentiate between two broad categories of assessment dimensions.  相似文献   

评价中心的构想效度和结构模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用多质多法和验证性因素分析的方法,对以无领导小组讨论、文件筐和人格测验构成的一个评价中心的构想效度和结构模型进行了研究。通过对136名被试在四个测评维度上的施测,其结果表明,在评价中心中会聚效度低于区分效度,影响评价中心测评结果的主要因素是测评方法而不是测评维度,从而得到了一个以测评方法为潜变量的评价中心结构模型。从该结构模型来看,评价中心之所以起作用是由于其多个测评方法(情景)的结果。表明测评情景对于构建评价中心有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

企业员工心理契约的结构维度   总被引:89,自引:2,他引:87  
用所研制的心理契约问卷,先后通过6家和4家两个企业员工样本共1088名被试的调查,对心理契约结构维度进行探讨。探索性因素分析结果表明,心理契约组织责任和员工责任均由现实责任和发展责任两个因素构成。两因素结构的结果在验证性因素分析中得到了验证。最后对心理契约结构维度的构成、内容和含义及其与西方研究结果的异同进行了讨论。  相似文献   

青少年自我价值感量表构念效度的验证性因素分析   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
黄希庭  余华 《心理学报》2002,34(5):69-74
用自编的青少年自我价值感量表对我国 9个大城市的大中学校的 4 931名学生进行了再测量 ,以其中的2 4 2 0名学生的数据进行一阶因素模型的比较分析 ,另外 2 5 11名学生的数据进行二阶因素模型的验证性分析。结果显示 ,我们提出的自我价值感的多层次多维度模型是合理。该模型包括总体自我价值感、一般自我价值感和特殊自我价值感三个层次 ;总体自我价值感抽象程度最高 ,其次是一般自我价值感包含社会取向和个人取向两种 ,抽象程度最低的是特殊自我价值感表现为生理的、心理的、人际的、道德的和家庭的自我价值感 5个具体方面同时也表现为社会取向和个人取向两种。该量表包含 5 6个题项从不同的抽象层次和具体方面对所构建的自我价值感模型进行测量 ,具有较好的构念效度  相似文献   

A study was conducted with 104 hospital employees to assess the relationship between pay-for-performance perceptions and pay satisfaction. Unlike previous research examining this relationship, a multi-item measure of pay-for-performance perceptions and a multidimensional measure of pay satisfaction were used. As hypothesized, the results indicated a positive relationship between pay-for-performance perceptions and pay-raise satisfaction, pay-level satisfaction, and overall pay satisfaction even after the effects of salary level, salary increases, performance ratings, job tenure, job satisfaction, and promotions were controlled. The importance of gathering perceptual data on characteristics of the pay system believed to have differential relationships with the subdimensions of pay satisfaction are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessment centers have often been criticized for lacking evidence supporting the construct validity of dimension ratings. This study examines whether the poor convergence of assessment center ratings is a result of correlating ratings from exercises that differ in the extent that behavior relevant to personality traits can be observed. Using data from a promotional assessment center for law enforcement officers ( n = 79), the convergence of assessment center ratings was evaluated within the context of the five factor model by comparing the average within-dimension correlation of ratings from exercises that allowed for more opportunity to observe trait-relevant behavior to the average of those involving exercises where there was less opportunity. For each personality trait, ratings from exercises judged by experts to be high in trait-activation potential displayed stronger convergence (mean r = .30) than did ratings from exercises that were low in activation potential for that trait (mean r = .15). Implications for evaluating the construct validity of assessment centers are discussed along with future directions for classifying exercises based on situational similarity.  相似文献   

Models of determinants of pay satisfaction proposed by Lawler and by Dyer and Theriault are examined. The basic proposition of Lawler's model is found to explain only a moderate amount of pay satisfaction; a better conceptualization of Lawler's proposition is proposed. Dyer and Theriault add pay administration variables to Lawler's model and this expanded model is found to account for more pay satisfaction variance and to better predict consequences (turnover, absenteeism and pro-union attitudes) of pay dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

The attitudes of 101 bank employees were measured before and after the implementation of an earnings-at-risk (EAR) incentive pay plan which reduced base pay and increased employee risk and uncertainty with respect to total pay. Pay outcome satisfaction and pay process satisfaction both declined significantly over time, but the decrease in pay outcome satisfaction was the greater of the two. An examination of pay satisfaction antecedents at both points in time revealed relatively stable across-time relationships and provided information about some of the reasons for the changes. Perceived reward-to-effort ratio, which declined significantly over time, influenced both dimensions of pay satisfaction at both points in time. Perceived understanding of the pay system, which also declined over time, had a somewhat greater influence on pay process satisfaction than on pay outcome satisfaction, particularly at Time 2. In contrast to actual pay levels, changes in incentive and base pay amounts added more explained variance to the pay outcome satisfaction regression model. The study points out the potential for negative employee reactions to EAR incentive plans, and indicates that managers must ensure that employees understand these systems and feel that EAR plans will reward them equitably for their efforts.  相似文献   

Although research has established the criterion-related validity of assessment centers for selection purposes, the construct validity of dimension ratings has not been demonstrated. A quasi-experimental design was used to investigate the influence of retranslated behavior checklists on the construct validity of dimension ratings for two assessment center exercises. Assessor use of behavior checklists increased the average convergent (i.e., same dimension across exercise) validity from .24 to .43 while decreasing the average discriminant (i.e., different dimension within exercise) validity (.47 to .41). Behavior checklist sums were moderately correlated with corresponding dimension ratings and demonstrated a comparable level of construct validity. It is suggested that using behavior checklists may improve dimension construct validity by reducing the cognitive demands placed on raters.  相似文献   

条件推理中的命题语义加工   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
本研究运用五种不同情境内容的大前提和四种不同逻辑形式的小前提,组成20种条件推理题,对127名大学生进行了测试,力图研究不同命题内容对不同形式的逻辑推理的影响,并进而探讨人们在条件推理中对前提进行语义加工的机制.本文提出了前提语义加工的“问题空间“的解释.  相似文献   

This study examined the construct validity of personality scales, a personality-based integrity test, and homogenous biodata scales as reflected in their ability to discriminate white collar criminals from other white collar employees. The sample included 365 prison inmates incarcerated in 23 federal correctional institutions for white collar offenses, and 344 individuals employed in upper-level positions of authority. A cross-validated linear discriminant function ( DF ) based on 16 variables selected in the developmental sample produced a large difference (1.83 standard deviation units) between the two sample groups. The pattern of score differences revealed the offenders as having greater tendencies toward irresponsibility, lack of dependability, and disregard of rules and social norms. This study indicates that there are large and measurable psychological differences between white collar offenders and nonoffenders, and that the major construct underlying these differences is "social conscientiousness." The best measure of this difference was a personality-based integrity test.  相似文献   

This paper offers theoretical development clarifying the structure and function of collective job satisfaction and uses meta-analytic methods ( k  = 73) to examine the satisfaction–performance relationship when both constructs are construed at the work unit level. Overall, our results suggest that the relationship between unit-level job satisfaction and unit-level performance is significant (ρ= .34). Specifically, significant relationships were found between unit-level job satisfaction and unit-level criteria, including productivity, customer satisfaction, withdrawal, and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Furthermore, the satisfaction-performance relationship was moderated by the strength of unit consensus, performance criteria, industry type, and whether the sample was U.S. based. Although these moderators were identified, collective satisfaction positively predicted performance across all levels of moderators. In addition, results indicate that unit-level OCB has a moderately strong relationship with unit-level performance. Only limited support was found for the notion that OCB is a route through which satisfaction has an impact on performance. We elaborate on these findings and attempt to provide a more clear direction for future research in this area.  相似文献   

许小东 《心理学报》1988,21(2):56-62
现今工业企业中所采用的奖励系统多数是由基本奖和超额奖两部分构成。本研究考察了基本奖和超额奖不同的配比结构对作业绩效的影响。结果表明:不同配比结构的奖励系统具有不同的激励功效,关键的影响因素是超额奖励率和基本奖励率之间的奖励比,在多数情况下,奖励比越高,作业绩效越好。最后,讨论了这一结果产生的原因及有关问题。  相似文献   

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