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I Biederman  E E Cooper 《Perception》1991,20(5):585-593
The magnitude of priming on naming reaction times and on the error rates, resulting from the perception of a briefly presented picture of an object approximately 7 min before the primed object, was found to be independent of whether the primed object was originally viewed in the same hemifield, left-right or upper-lower, or in the same left-right orientation. Performance for same-name, different-examplar images was worse than for identical images, indicating that not only was there priming from block one to block two, but that some of the priming was visual, rather than purely verbal or conceptual. These results provide evidence for complete translational and reflectional invariance in the representation of objects for purposes of visual recognition. Explicit recognition memory for position and orientation was above chance, suggesting that the representation of objects for recognition is independent of the representations of the location and left-right orientation of objects in space.  相似文献   

Priming reflects an important means of learning that is mediated by implicit memory. Importantly, priming occurs for previously viewed objects (item-specific priming) and their category relatives (category-wide priming). Two distinct neural mechanisms are known to mediate priming, including the sharpening of a neural object representation and the retrieval of stimulus–response mappings. Here, we investigated whether the relationship between these neural mechanisms could help explain why item-specific priming generates faster responses than category-wide priming. Participants studied pictures of everyday objects, and then performed a difficult picture identification task while we recorded event-related potentials (ERP). The identification task gradually revealed random line segments of previously viewed items (Studied), category exemplars of previously viewed items (Exemplar), and items that were not previously viewed (Unstudied). Studied items were identified sooner than Unstudied items, showing evidence of item-specific priming, and importantly Exemplar items were also identified sooner than Unstudied items, showing evidence of category-wide priming. Early activity showed sustained neural suppression of parietal activity for both types of priming. However, these neural suppression effects may have stemmed from distinct processes because while category-wide neural suppression was correlated with priming behavior, item-specific neural suppression was not. Late activity, examined with response-locked ERPs, showed additional processes related to item-specific priming including neural suppression in occipital areas and parietal activity that was correlated with behavior. Together, we conclude that item-specific and category-wide priming are mediated by separate, parallel neural mechanisms in the context of the current paradigm. Temporal differences in behavior are determined by the timecourses of these distinct processes.  相似文献   

In naming drawings of complex common objects, unpracticed naming times increase with rotation away from the upright, but this orientation effect is attenuated with practice. In principle, attenuation could result from learning to extract orientation-invariant information or from learning view-specific representations at the trained orientations. We contrasted these approaches by examining repetition priming for prime-target pairs presented on successive trials in either the same orientation (horse at 51 degrees primes horse at 51 degrees) or a different orientation (horse at 154 degrees primes horse at 51 degrees), for two subgroups of subjects. One subgroup showed no orientation effect, even when unpracticed, and a correspondingly high generalization of priming across different views. The other subgroup initially showed high sensitivity to misorientation and little priming across orientations but, with sufficient practice, came to show no orientation effect and complete generalization of priming. Thus, some subjects always used orientation-invariant procedures, whereas others learned to do so.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize the same image projected to different retinal locations is critical for visual object recognition in natural contexts. According to many theories, the translation invariance for objects extends only to trained retinal locations, so that a familiar object projected to a nontrained location should not be identified. In another approach, invariance is achieved “online,” such that learning to identify an object in one location immediately affords generalization to other locations. We trained participants to name novel objects at one retinal location using eyetracking technology and then tested their ability to name the same images presented at novel retinal locations. Across three experiments, we found robust generalization. These findings provide a strong constraint for theories of vision.  相似文献   

In two masked repetition priming experiments with letter stimuli, the positions of prime and target stimuli were varied horizontally from fixation. Priming effects did not interact with position when prime and target location covaried (Experiment 1A) but diminished with increasing prime eccentricity when targets were always centrally located (Experiment 1B). Two accounts of this pattern of priming effects were proposed that postulate two different mechanisms over and above effects of visual acuity. The integration account postulates degree of separation of prime and target stimuli as the critical factor, and the attentional account postulates spatial attention as the critical factor. The results of Experiment 2, in which prime and target positions were manipulated orthogonally, were in favor of the attentional account. Repetition priming did not vary as a function of whether or not primes and targets appeared at the same location, but target processing was facilitated independently of priming when targets appeared at the same location as primes, especially in the right visual field.  相似文献   

The present research examines the influence of prime-target relationship (associative and categorical versus categorical only) on priming effects from attended and ignored parafoveal words. Participants performed a lexical-decision task on a single central target, which was preceded by two parafoveal prime words, one of which (the attended prime) was spatially precued. The results showed reliable positive and negative priming effects from attended and ignored words, respectively. However, this priming pattern was observed only for the "associative and categorical", but not for the "categorical only" relationship condition. These results suggest that the lack of semantic priming effects from words in some prior studies may be attributed to the kind of material used (i.e. weakly-associated word pairs).  相似文献   

Negative priming effects have been offered as evidence that distractor stimuli are identified. We conducted two experiments to determine if such effects occur even when it is easy to discriminate target from distractor stimuli. In Experiment 1, we found the usual negative priming effect when target and distractor positions varied from trial to trial, but not when these positions remained fixed. Experiment 2 extended these results to a situation where the ease of selection varied only in the prime display. These findings argue that irrelevant inputs can be filtered out prior to stimulus identification under certain circumstances and therefore pose problems for strict late selection theories.  相似文献   

Unconscious masked priming depends on temporal attention   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The cognitive processes at work in masked priming experiments are usually considered automatic and independent of attention. We provide evidence against this view. Three behavioral experiments demonstrate that the occurrence of unconscious priming in a number–comparison task is determined by the allocation of temporal attention to the time window during which the prime–target pair is presented. Both response–congruity priming and physical repetition priming vanish when temporal attention is focused away from this time window. These findings are inconsistent with the concept of a purely automatic spreading of activation during masked priming.  相似文献   

An important result in perception research is that priming in an object naming task is invariant with translation and left-right reflection. A more sensitive object recognition paradigm was used in three experiments in order to investigate the extent to which priming of object identification is affected by changes in left-right orientation and position. In a prime phase, participants viewed consecutively presented object images. In a subsequent probe phase, participants identified familiar objects in rapid visual streams of nonobject distractors. In Experiment 1, images previously viewed in the same left-right orientation were primed more than images previously viewed in the opposite orientation (i.e., a left-right reflection). This reflection-sensitive priming was replicated in Experiment 2 using a brief (300-msec) prime exposure. In Experiment 3, when the retinal locations of prime and probe images matched, reflection-sensitive priming was also obtained, but when the retinal locations of prime and probe images differed, no reflection-sensitive priming was observed. These results suggest that a single prime exposure can produce long-term priming that is sensitive to left-right reflection, but that this priming is specific to a retinal location.  相似文献   

Summary This study deals with the observer's ability to discriminate the numerosity of two random dot-patterns irrespective of their relative size. One of these two patterns was a reference one that was always composed of 32 dots randomly distributed within aK ×K invisible square window (K = 1.92°). The second one was the test pattern with one of the five magnifications (K = 0.64°, 1.28°, 1.92°, 2.56°, 3.20°) and the relative number of dots varied on 11 levels (N = –15, –12, –9, –6, –3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15 dots). The observer's task was to indicate which of the two patterns contained more dots. The results show that the stimulus size, as an irrelevant stimulus attribute, can be ignored in the judgements about relative numerosity. This means that the perceived numerosity is size invariant, at least for a 1.6-times magnification and a 3-times reduction of the test pattern. The size invariance observed constrains the range of potential models, since the perceived numerosity can be identified only by means of a feature of the stimulus that will remain invariant after any change in the absolute stimulus size.  相似文献   

Repetition priming and recognition memory for numbers were measured in four experiments using single-digit addition. Results of the first two experiments indicate that when numbers were presented as number words and dot configurations, preexposure of the same problem in the same notation produced greater reaction-time benefit than did preexposure of the same problem in Arabic-digit notation. In contrast, when numbers were presented as Arabic digits, preexposure of the same problem in Arabic digit, number word, and dot notation produced the same amount of priming. In the third experiment, priming was shown to be greatest, for all three notations, when the task performed on preexposure trials (addition or multiplication) matched the task performed on repetition trials (addition). Results of the fourth experiment, measuring recognition memory, were comparable to the priming results in the sense that memory was superior when notation matched across repetitions if the test involved number words and dot configurations but not Arabic digits. These data are interpreted in terms of models of numerical cognition, and they support the hypothesis that the influence of surface form on repetition priming depends on the typicality of the input for the task.  相似文献   

Under numerous circumstances, humans recognize visual objects in their environment with remarkable response times and accuracy. Existing artificial visual object recognition systems have not yet surpassed human vision, especially in its universality of application. We argue that modeling the recognition process in an exclusive feedforward manner hinders those systems’ performance. To bridge that performance gap between them and human vision, we present a brief review of neuroscientific data, which suggests that considering an agent’s internal influences (from cognitive systems that peripherally interact with visual-perceptual processes) recognition can be improved. Then, we propose a model for visual object recognition which uses these systems’ information, such as affection, for generating expectation to prime the object recognition system, thus reducing its execution times. Later, an implementation of the model is described. Finally, we present and discuss an experiment and its results.  相似文献   

In an experiment combining masked repetition priming and the recording of event-related potentials (ERPs) the location of prime stimuli relative to centrally located target words was manipulated. Prime words could appear at the same location as targets or shifted one letter position to the right or to the left. Repetition priming effects (amplitude differences across the repeat vs. unrelated prime conditions) were found in a series of ERP components starting at around 100 msec posttarget onset. The earliest of these, the N/P150 component, was found to be sensitive to prime location. Repetition priming was only apparent with centrally located primes in this component. Repetition priming effects in later components (N250 and N400), on the other hand, were not affected by prime location. The results are interpreted in terms of location-specific letter detectors that map onto a higher level, location-invariant orthographic code for printed words.  相似文献   

This experiment examined invariance in object representations through measuring event-related potentials (ERPs) to pictures in a masked repetition priming paradigm. Pairs of pictures were presented where the prime was either the same size or half the size of the target object and the target was either presented in a normal orientation or was a normal sized mirror reflection of the prime object. Previous masked repetition priming studies have found a cascade of priming effect sensitive to perceptual (N190/P190) and semantic (N400) properties of the stimulus. This experiment found that both early (N190/P190 effects) and later effects (N400) were invariant to size, whereas only the N190/P190 effect was invariant to mirror reflection. The combination of a small prime and a mirror reflected target led to no significant priming effects. Taken together, the results of this set of experiments suggests that object recognition, more specifically, activating an object representation, occurs in a hierarchical fashion where overlapping perceptual information between the prime and target is necessary, although not always sufficient, to activate a higher level semantic representation.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have suggested that information from a prime stimulus can be integrated with target information even when the two stimuli appear at different spatial locations. Here, we examined such location invariance in a masked repetition priming paradigm with single letter and word stimuli. In order to neutralize effects of acuity and spatial attention on prime processing, subliminal prime stimuli always appeared on fixation. Target location varied randomly from trial to trial along the horizontal meridian at one of seven possible locations for letter stimuli (? 7° to + 7°) and three positions for word stimuli (? 4°, 0°, + 4°). Speed of responding to letter and word targets was affected by target location, and by priming, but the size of repetition priming effects did not vary as a function of target location. These results suggest that masked repetition priming is mediated by representations that integrate information about object identity independently of object location.  相似文献   

Semantic interference from visual object recognition on visual imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new technique for examining the interaction between visual object recognition and visual imagery is reported. The "image-picture interference" paradigm requires participants to generate and make a response to a mental image of a previously memorized object, while ignoring a simultaneously presented picture distractor. Responses in 2 imagery tasks (making left-right higher spatial judgments and making taller-wider judgments) were longer when the simultaneous picture distractor was categorically related to the target distractor relative to unrelated and neutral target-distractor combinations. In contrast, performance was not influenced in this way when the distractor was a related word, when a semantic categorization decision was made to the target, or when distractor and target were visually but not categorically related to one another. The authors discuss these findings in terms of the semantic representations shared by visual object recognition and visual imagery that mediate performance.  相似文献   

It is well established that requiring a person to respond to a recently ignored object in a visual selection task leads to slower responding (i.e., negative priming). In the present experiment, subjects identified target letters flanked by incompatible distractor letters on prime and probe displays. Prime display distractors appeared as the target letter on one third of subsequent probe displays. We manipulated stimulus strength by means of intensity contrast between letter displays and their background. Displays were presented with either high contrast (white against a black background) or low contrast (dark gray against a black background). The important finding was that negative priming was maximal when prime and probe displays shared the same intensity contrast. These results suggest that greater similarity between prime and probe displays results in improved retrieval of prime display information. The results provide strong support for an episodic retrieval account of negative priming.  相似文献   

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