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Predictors of myocardial infarction with or without survival were sought in a 30-year study of Roseto, Pennsylvania, a nearly exclusively Italian community of approximately 1,600, compared to the immediately adjacent town of Bangor with a population of approximately 5,000. At the start of the study the death rate from myocardial infarction among men in Roseto was less than half that in Bangor despite an equal prevalence of the usual risk factors, mainly smoking and diet. The communities were followed prospectively for 30 years during a striking social change in Roseto toward less family and community cohesion and more commitment to individual goals and adherence to materialistic values. During this period the prevalence of and mortality from myocardial infarction increased sharply to equal the situation in Bangor. The predictive values of measurements made of Rosetans during individual examinations in 1962-63 were tested against the outcome in 1990. Those who experienced fatal myocardial infarction and those who had a well documented infarction and survived were matched with and compared to controls. Although subjects with cholesterol concentration above 200 were twice as likely to experience myocardial infarction as those with concentrations below 200, less than 20% of those whose cholesterol concentration was above 200 experienced any evidence of myocardial infarction over the nearly 30-year period. Moreover, there were no significant differences between the coronary patients, with or without survival, and their sex, age, and cholesterol matched controls; nor were smoking, evidence of hypertension, diabetes, or obesity predictive of significant differences between the two groups. These data lead to the inference that while those with the conventional risk factors are more likely to develop myocardial infarction than are those without the risk factors, an even larger proportion of the population may have the risk factors and not succumb to myocardial infarction over a period of nearly three decades.  相似文献   

The American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Statistical Inference was formed in 1996 in response to a growing body of research demonstrating methodological issues that threatened the credibility of psychological research, and made recommendations to address them. One issue was the small, even dramatically inadequate, size of samples used in studies published by leading journals. The present study assessed the progress made since the Task Force's final report in 1999. Sample sizes reported in four leading APA journals in 1955, 1977, 1995, and 2006 were compared using nonparametric statistics, while data from the last two waves were fit to a hierarchical generalized linear growth model for more in-depth analysis. Overall, results indicate that the recommendations for increasing sample sizes have not been integrated in core psychological research, although results slightly vary by field. This and other implications are discussed in the context of current methodological critique and practice.  相似文献   

Three estimates of the immediate word span were compared in groups of men representing each decade between the ages of 20 and 69 years. No systematic change with age was found in free recall or in partial recall requiring the reproduction of the unrepeated word in lists of four to seven items. When the instruction was to report the entire list but leave the unrepeated word last, performance steadily deteriorated with age. Mean success in recall decreased on three criteria, and error by false terminal placement increased from each decade to the next. The results support the hypothesis that capacity to perform simultaneously two such operations as sub-vocal rehearsal of one item and vocal enumeration of the other items shrinks with the advancing years. This interpretation of the findings agrees with other observations about age-related changes in perceptual-motor skills and cognitive capacity, and indicates the manner in which an increased propensity to forgetfulness with the advancing years originates in immediate memory. It is also noted that in the general population the immediate word span is well below that determined in college students, even under the least exacting conditions of free recall, and that the additional requirement to search for, select and test a required item does not further restrict the word span below the age of 50.  相似文献   

Analyzed explanatory style across the life span. 30 Ss whose average age was 72 responded to questions about their current life and provided diaries or letters written in their youth, an average of 52 years earlier. A blind content analysis of explanatory style derived from these 2 sources revealed that explanatory style for negative events was stable throughout adult life (r = .54, p less than .002). In contrast, there appeared to be no stability of explanatory style for positive events between the same 2 time periods. These results suggest that explanatory style for negative events may persist across the life span and may constitute an enduring risk factor for depression, low achievement, and physical illness.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors predictive of heavy drinking and drinking problems over the early years of marriage, focusing on premarital drinking and the relatively stable individual risk and protective factors that were present prior to marriage and on social-interpersonal factors that may change or emerge over marriage. Newlywed couples were assessed at the time of marriage and at the 1st, 2nd, and 4th anniversaries with respect to frequency of heavy drinking and the extent of drinking problems and a variety of factors that have been found to be predictive of adult alcohol problems. The results indicated that antisocial characteristics, family history of alcoholism, negative affect, and alcohol expectancies were related to heavy drinking and alcohol problems at the time of marriage. Changes after marriage were predicted by the drinking of one's partner and of one's peers and by alcohol expectancies for social/physical pleasure for both men and women. In addition, the quality of the marriage was longitudinally protective from the experience of alcohol problems for both men and women, although it was not related to changes in heavy drinking.  相似文献   

Among 383 participants in a longitudinal study of myocardial infarction (MI) patients, 230 smoked at the time of the MI. Posthospital smoking status was based on self-report for the day of follow-up, whereas information about length of continuous cessation was not available. Six months after the heart attack, 40.6% of the smokers had resumed smoking, whereas 49.4% smoked at a 3- to 5-year (M = 43-month) follow-up. Resumption of smoking within 6 months after the heart attack was associated with an increase in anxiety and depression during the first weeks after discharge, less cardiac health knowledge, and a less severe MI. In patients who relapsed at a later point, resumption of smoking was associated with a subsequent decline in general cardiac health knowledge, as well as in correct understanding of smoking at a risk factor. Long-term changes in smoking status were also related to previous heart disease, premorbid work instability, age, and severity of the MI. The results indicate that antismoking counseling of MI patients should not be limited to the health risks associated with smoking and that training in coping with negative affects without smoking may be valuable in promoting smoking cessation.  相似文献   

Nature over nurture: temperament, personality, and life span development   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Temperaments are often regarded as biologically based psychological tendencies with intrinsic paths of development. It is argued that this definition applies to the personality traits of the five-factor model. Evidence for the endogenous nature of traits is summarized from studies of behavior genetics, parent-child relations, personality structure, animal personality, and the longitudinal stability of individual differences. New evidence for intrinsic maturation is offered from analyses of NEO Five-Factor Inventory scores for men and women age 14 and over in German, British, Spanish, Czech, and Turkish samples (N = 5,085). These data support strong conceptual links to child temperament despite modest empirical associations. The intrinsic maturation of personality is complemented by the culturally conditioned development of characteristic adaptations that express personality; interventions in human development are best addressed to these.  相似文献   

A semantic differential scale was administered to 208 school children when they were in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. Their perceptions towards two concepts were measured, Education (going to school) and Work (having a job). Each semantic differential scale had 15 adjective pairs and reflected the three underlying factors of Evaluative, Potency, and Activity. Because the study was conducted for 10 years (ages seven to 18), the changing cognitive developmental stages of the children were expected to influence factor analytic and reliability results. Confirmatory factor analysis, which forced the data into three factors, did not clearly identify the expected three factors, although more items loaded on the three factors with age. An exploratory factor analysis identified a trend across grades from six to four factors over time. Reliability also improved across age groups. Caution should be exercised when using the semantic differential with young children in investigations of abstract concepts.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the hypothesis of Bloom (1964) and others that the stability of personality is greater among older than younger adults. The subjects were 459 men in two cohorts, followed from 1947 to 1977 as part of a longitudinal medical study. Self-ratings were obtained over the 30-year period on 15 item-factor scales from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and on two higher order factors. There was no selective attrition in the sample with respect to baseline personality scores. Thirty-year uncorrected stability coefficients ranged from .08 to .88 across the two cohorts. There was substantial evidence of greater stability on many traits in the older than in the younger age/cohort group. Furthermore, in late adulthood, traits related to the higher order factor Constraint were more stable than were traits related to Positive vs. Negative Affectivity. The study is not a definitive test of Bloom's hypothesis because cohort and age effects are confounded. However, the results are supportive of the hypothesis and the study improves on existing research in a number of ways.  相似文献   

Three samples of college students at a small New England liberal arts college received questionnaires regarding their sexual philosophies, behavior, relationship with most recent partner, self-perceived attractiveness, relationship with parents, use of drugs and alcohol, attitudes toward marriage and abortion, and other subjects. The college was sampled in 1974, 1979, and 1986. Sexual behavior increased dramatically from 1974 to 1979 and then decreased in 1986 to approximately where it was in 1974. The reason for this change, and findings regarding the relationships between sexual behavior and many of the variables cited above are discussed.  相似文献   

Words of wisdom: language use over the life span   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two projects explored the links between language use and aging. In the first project, written or spoken text samples from disclosure studies from over 3,000 research participants from 45 different studies representing 21 laboratories in 3 countries were analyzed to determine how people change in their use of 14 text dimensions as a function of age. A separate project analyzed the collected works of 10 well-known novelists, playwrights, and poets who lived over the last 500 years. Both projects found that with increasing age, individuals use more positive and fewer negative affect words, use fewer self-references, use more future-tense and fewer past-tense verbs, and demonstrate a general pattern of increasing cognitive complexity. Implications for using language as a marker of personality among current and historical texts are discussed.  相似文献   

Meehl (1978) discussed a variety of characteristics of the culture of scholarly psychology that critically affect its progress toward a stronger science. These characteristics include assumptions about the nature of theory, approaches to the testing of theories, and the reliance on significance tests that is pervasive in many subfields of psychology research. Several of these characteristics and Meehl’s perspective on them are examined years later in this brief commentary. Meehl’s criticisms, though sometimes misrepresented, remain compelling and strikingly current. Yet it should be remembered that Meehl emphasized that “soft” psychology at its best is a profound and worthy challenge and will necessarily progress slowly. It can be improved, but not replaced, by hardnosed scholarship.  相似文献   


Prodromal symptoms of vital exhaustion and sleep complaints are increasingly being recognized as important risk indicators for myocardial infarction (MI). In this study, the relationships between vital exhaustion, behavioral characteristics, and MI, and between several sleep complaints and MI were investigated. The subjects were 133 male cases with first MI, 192 male hospital controls, and 133 male neighborhood controls. The instruments used were the Maastricht Questionnaire (vital exhaustion), the Life Styles Questionnaire (sleep complaints, coffee consumption, and current smoking), and the Structured Interview (Type A behavior). All sleep complaints, vital exhaustion, Type A behavior, excessive coffee consumption, and current smoking occurred significantly more often in MI-cases. After controlling for these potential confounders, and age, most sleep complaints retained significant associations with MI, in particular often taking naps during the day and waking up in the morning feeling tired and exhausted.  相似文献   

Self-report measures of grief, depression, and general psychopathology were studied in widows and widowers over a 2.5-year period following death of their partner. A comparison sample of men and women was also followed for the same period. Differences in severity of depression and psychopathology previously reported at 2 months postloss (Gallagher, Breckenridge, Thompson, & Peterson, 1983) diminished to nonsignificant levels at 12 and 30 months. However, significant differences between bereaved and comparison subjects on measures of grief were still apparent 30 months after spousal loss. A main effect of gender for depression and psychopathology (but not for grief) was found at 2 and 12 months: Women reported more distress than men regardless of bereavement status. Results indicate that the experience of grief persists for at least 30 months in both older men and women who have lost their spouse.  相似文献   

Human subjects ranging in age from 18 to 85 years underwent classical conditioning of the eyeblink response to a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) and an air-puff unconditioned stimulus (UCS). There was a decline in percentage of conditioned responses with age. This decline was most noticeable in subjects over age 50. These conditioning deficits were not due to age-related changes in sensitivity to the tone CS or the air-puff UCS, nor could the conditioning deficits be attributed to an age-related decline in general cognitive abilities or to changes in spontaneous blink rates. The results are discussed in terms of using the classically conditioned eyeblink in humans in conjunction with the classically conditioned nictitating membrane response in rabbits as a model system for studying the neurobiology of age-related conditioning deficits.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews the available research on the effects of smoking cessation following acute myocardial infarction (MI). Studies that have examined the rate of smoking cessation following an MI indicate that approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the smokers who suffer from MI subsequently reduce or quit smoking. Furthermore, studies that have examined subsequent mortality and morbidity suggest that individuals who quit smoking following MI exhibit lower mortality and morbidity than those who continue to smoke. It is argued that past studies may have overestimated post-MI smoking cessation rates, and by failing to control for a priori differences between quitters and continuing smokers (e.g., MI severity) may have underestimated the negative effects of smoking following MI. Suggestions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

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