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This study examined the relationships between meeting procedures and perceived meeting effectiveness. Sixty-seven subjects from a variety of organizations completed a questionnaire containing 20 meeting procedure items. Meeting effectiveness was measured by two items, goal attainment and decision satisfaction. Factor analysis of meeting procedure items revealed four major factors: open communication, task focus, systematic approach, and timeliness. Several meeting procedures were related to effectiveness. Results suggest that the following may be important processes leading to effective meetings: open communication, focus on tasks, thorough exploration of options, analysis of decision consequences, action planning, temporal integrity, agenda integrity, and leader impartiality.Portions of this paper were presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta GA. Ms. Nixon is now at Vanderbilt University Center for Mental Health Policy Research.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and validity of 11 important mood induction procedures (MIPs) were comparatively evaluated by meta-analytical procedures. Two hundred and fifty effects of the experimental induction of positive, elated and negative, depressed mood in adult, non-clinical samples were integrated. Effect sizes were generally larger for negative than for positive mood inductions. The presentation of a film or story turned out to be most effective in inducing both positive and negative mood states. The effects are especially large when subjects are explicitly instructed to enter the specified mood state. For elated mood, all other MIPs yielded considerably lower effectiveness scores. For the induction of negative mood states, Imagination, Velten, Music, Social Interaction and Feedback MIPs were about as effective as the Film/Story MIP without instruction. Induction effects covaried with several study characteristics. Effects tend to be smaller when demand characteristics are controlled or subjects are not informed about the purpose of the experiment. For behavioural measures, effects are smaller than for self-reports but still larger than zero. Hence, the effects of MIPs can be partly, but not fully due to demand effects.  相似文献   

Avoidance behavior in animals and man is contrasted in the context of “flooding” or “response prevention”. Some experimentally established parameters affecting fear reduction in rats are examined with a view to their relevance in modifying phobic behavior in man. Two case reports of patients treated by flooding are cited to illustrate the absence of avoidance or escape responses when these patients were exposed to situations they considered highly anxiety arousing before treatment.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the performance of three automated proceduresfor ARMA modelidentification commonly available in current versions of SAS for Windows: MINIC, SCAN, and ESACF. Monte Carlo experiments with different model structures, parameter values, and sample sizes were used to compare the methods. On average, the procedures either correctly identified the simulated structures or selected parsimonious nearly equivalent mathematical representations in at least 60% of the trials conducted. For autoregressive models, MINIC achieved the best results. SCAN was superior to the other two procedures for mixed structures. For moving-average processes, ESACF obtained the most correct selections. For all three methods, model identification was less accurate for low dependency than for medium or high dependency processes. The effect of sample size was more pronounced for MINIC than for SCAN and ESACE SCAN and ESACF tended to select higher-order mixed structures in larger samples. These findings are confined to stationary nonseasonal time series.  相似文献   

Two procedures-a simple median split and a difference/median split method-were used to classify 102 male and 129 female college students into masculine, feminine, androgynous, and undifferentiated sex role orientations on the basis of their Bern Sex Role Inventory scores. Differences in classification occurred among nearly one-third of the subjects, and as expected, the difference/median split procedure was more successful in predicting sex-role ideology. Using this procedure, masculine-typed females were found to be most profeminist in their attitudes, while low masculinity females were most conservative. No significant differences were obtained for the male groups using either procedure. Future research with the BSRI and related sex-role measures should employ similar comparisons to determine the relative validity of the two procedures.  相似文献   

Psychometrie functions were obtained from two listeners in four psychophysical tasks. The tasks were lateralization procedures in which Os were asked to make discriminations of interaural temporal differences of a 250-Hz tone. The four tasks were: a single-interval yes-no task, a single-interval left-right task, a two-alternative forced-choice task, and a two-interval same-different task. The theory of signal detection provides predictions relating the performances obtained in these four procedures. These predictions could not be verified in this experiment when it was assumed that the Os were listening to changes in lateral position produced by the interaural temporal difference. The data were, however, consistent with the assumption that Os use lateral motion as a cue for detection in two-interval tasks and lateral position as a cue in single-interval tasks.  相似文献   

Ramsey PH 《心理学方法》2002,7(4):504-523
A Monte Carlo simulation was conducted to compare 9 pairwise multiple comparison procedures. Procedures were evaluated on the basis of any-pair power and all-pairs power. No procedure was found to be uniformly most powerful. A modification due to A. J. Hayter (1986) of Fisher's least significant difference was found to provide the best combination of ease of use and moderately high any-pair power in most cases. Pilot or exploratory studies can expect good power results with this relatively simple procedure. The greatest all-pairs power was usually provided by 1 of 2 partition-based versions of E. Peritz's (1970) procedure. Confirmatory studies will require such complex methods but may also need larger sample sizes than have been customary in psychological research.  相似文献   

The Internet and information and communications technologies (ICTs) have been found to produce meaningful social interactions and greater social support among older adults (White et al., 2002 ). Despite these benefits, the Internet and ICTs are not widely used among the older‐adult population (Cresci, Yarandi, & Morrell, 2010 ). The purpose of the current study was to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of video prompting and text‐based instructions on the acquisition of three tablet‐based tasks: emailing, video calling (FaceTime® application), and searching for a YouTube? video. Both video prompting and text‐based instructions were effective for all three participants, with text‐based instructions being slightly more efficient for one participant and video prompting being more efficient for two participants, suggesting that both prompting procedures can be used to teach older adults Internet and ICT skills.  相似文献   

Concurrent forward/backward Pavlovian conditioning procedures were compared with simple forward and simple backward procedures for differential excitatory and inhibitory conditioning. Four groups of dogs each received 30 shocks while restrained in a Pavlovian harness. One group of dogs (CON) received concurrent conditioning with a clicker signaling shocks and with a tone following shocks. For another group of dogs (SF), a clicker signaled the shocks, whereas the tone was randomly related to shocks. For a third group (SB), the tone followed shock termination, whereas the clicker was randomly related to shocks. For a fourth group (TRC), both the clicker and the tone were randomly related to shocks. All stimuli were then superimposed on a temporally paced avoidance baseline and their associative properties were assessed relative to the TRC group. Differential excitatory-inhibitory conditioning was significantly reduced in the concurrent procedure relative to that which occurred in the simple conditioning procedures despite exactly equal CS + -US and US-CS-contingencies. These results were interpreted with reference to contextual conditioning effects predicted by the Rescorla-Wagner conditioning model and the theoretical issue of independence vs. interdependence of CS-US associative strengths.  相似文献   

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is the most widely used and accepted tool in the study of the behavior of the human newborn; yet there remains some controversy over the most appropriate way to score the results. The present research compares three a priori methods of scoring. The sample consisted of 43 infants: (a) 11 preterms, (b) 10 fullterms in intensive care, (c) 7 fullterms with sick mothers, and (d) 15 healthy fullterms. BNBAS exams administered to these four groups of infants were scored using the Als (1978), Lester, Als, and Brazelton (1982), and Jacobsen, Fein, Jacobsen, and Schwartz (1984) clusters. The data from these three methods were analyzed by means of one-way ANOVAs for group differences. In addition, a factor analysis on the BNBAS scores was also completed. These three approaches all detected differences between medically at-risk and healthy infants on those items assessing motor maturity and orientation. These results suggest that at this time no one scoring system can capture the richness of behavior of the newborn and address the question by researchers, clinicians, and parents.  相似文献   

This research examined the relative effectiveness of two mood induction procedures (MIPs) for inducing four specific moods varying along the dimensions of both valence and arousal. Participants were randomly assigned either to an autobiographical recall or to a music and guided imagery MIP and underwent a happiness, serenity, anger, or sadness mood induction. The findings confirmed the effectiveness of the two MIPs in producing changes on both the valence and arousal dimensions of mood. The results also revealed an unexpected greater efficiency of the autobiographical recall than of the combined procedure.  相似文献   

Teaching with acoustical guidance involves auditory feedback (e.g., a click sound when a desired behavior occurs) as part of a multicomponent intervention known as TAGteach. TAGteach has been found to improve performance in sport, dance, surgical technique, and walking. We compared the efficacy and efficiency of the standard TAGteach error-correction procedure and a modified TAGteach error-correction procedure to teach 4 novice adult yoga practitioners beginner yoga poses. Both error-correction procedures were effective for all participants; however, the relative efficiency of these error-correction procedures was unclear. Results are discussed in terms of limitations and considerations for future research.  相似文献   

The efficacy of exclusion and delayed-cue procedures for establishing novel dictated-word/symbol relations with 2 boys with autism was compared using computerized match-to-sample procedures. Acquisition of the relations under the two training conditions was compared via an alternating treatments design. The delayed-cue procedure was more efficacious than the exclusion procedure in four of five comparisons across participants.  相似文献   

The experiments compared the potencies of three different contingent time-out procedures for suppressing drinking in alcoholics, and also compared two different experimental methodologies for conducting such studies. In a residential research ward setting fourteen volunteer chronic alcoholics were given daily access to 17 alcoholic drinks provided that a minimum of 40 min elapsed between receiving successive drinks. Each drink contained 1 oz 95-proof ethanol in orange juice. During the baseline condition subjects were free to drink with no behavioral restrictions. However during the time-out conditions, specific behavioral restrictions were imposed on the subjects for the 40-min period following receipt of each drink. The results showed that Social time-out suppressed drinking to 71 per cent of baseline conditions, while Activity time-out and the combined Social and Activity time-out suppressed intake to 36 and 24 per cent, respectively. The study also demonstrated that similar experimental results were obtained when subjects were continuously exposed to the experimental conditions for a number of consecutive days. or intermittently exposed to different conditions in a mixed order over successive days.  相似文献   

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