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Investigators and institutional review boards should integrate plans about the appropriate disclosure of individual genetic results when designing research studies. The ethical principles of beneficence, respect, reciprocity, and justice provide justification for routinely offering certain results to research participants. We propose a result-evaluation approach that assesses the expected information and the context of the study in order to decide whether results should be offered. According to this approach, the analytic validity and the clinical utility of a specific result determine whether it should be offered routinely. Different results may therefore require different decisions even within the same study. We argue that the threshold of clinical utility for disclosing a result in a research study should be lower than the threshold used for clinical use of the same result. The personal meaning of a result provides additional criteria for evaluation. Finally, the context of the study allows for a more nuanced analysis by addressing the investigators' capabilities for appropriate disclosure, participants' alternative access to the result, and their relationship with the investigators. This analysis shows that the same result may require different decisions in different contexts.  相似文献   

文章着重从单词和事件两方面对错误记忆的个体差异的研究进行了论述。个体差异如认知方式、人格特征、临床以及暗示、催眠、想像等是诱发错误记忆的重要因素。文章对此进行了比较,认为两种不同的错误记忆可能具有不同的认知加工机制,他们都在一定程度上揭示了错误记忆的本质和特征,并为人们更深入的研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

Protection of human subjects from investigators' conflicts of interest is critical to the integrity of clinical investigation. Personal financial conflicts of interest are addressed by university policies, professional society guidelines, public standards, and government regulation, but "intrinsic conflict of interest"--conflicts of interest inherent in all clinical research--have received relatively less attention. Such conflicts arise in all clinical research endeavors as a result of the tension among professionals' responsibilities to their research and to their patients and both academic and financial incentives. These conflicts should be disclosed to research subjects and managed as assiduously as are financial conflicts of interest.  相似文献   

This article reviews a program of research on alexithymia, emotional disclosure, and health. The article first describes two lines of research and then outlines current work attempting to integrate these lines. The first research line involves basic correlational studies on alexithymia's link to health problems; these studies suggest that alexithymia is a potential risk factor for symptoms and illness behavior, although not necessarily organic disease. The second research line involves experimental studies of the health effects of emotional disclosure via expressive writing or talking; these studies suggest that disclosure improves health on average, but that the effects are not that robust and that various moderators likely are involved. The next section of the article describes recent attempts to integrate the two research lines by examining how baseline levels of alexithymia influence the effects of emotional disclosure; these analyses suggest that alexithymia interferes with or attenuates the health benefits of disclosure. Finally, the article describes initial forays into research on interventions with the alexithymic patients. This evolving program of research demonstrates the value of integrating emotion, personality, and health, and highlights the bidirectional relationship between clinical problems and basic research.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate methods of measuring individual research productivity for counseling psychologists. Using the 60 members of the Journal of Counseling Psychology editorial board, the authors computed a comparison of 6 popular indices of productivity, revealing considerable levels of positive skewness, kurtosis, and overlap with each other. Combining the strengths of the 6 indices, the authors developed a new productivity index entitled the Integrated Research Productivity Index (IRPI). The IRPI measures individual productivity by statistically combining an individual's author-weighted publications, average times cited by other publications, and years since first publication into a comprehensive score. Productivity values and IRPI scores for 3 groups of counseling psychologists (Tyler Award recipients, Kuder Award recipients, and Division 17 Presidents) were computed to provide evidence of discriminant validity among the indices. In contrast to the other measures examined, the IRPI accounts for productivity per year and years in the field and assesses mean citation count per article as opposed to total citation count, thus yielding similar scores for Tyler (lifetime) and Kuder (early career) research award recipients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Emotional facial expressions are perceived categorically. Little is known about individual differences in the position of the category boundary, nor whether the category boundaries differ across stimulus continua. Similarly, little is known about whether individuals’ category boundaries are stable over time. We investigated these topics in a series of experiments designed to locate category boundaries using converging evidence from identification and discrimination tasks. We compared both across individuals and within individuals across two sessions that spanned a week. Results show differences between individuals in the location of category boundaries, and suggest that these differences are stable over time. We also found differences in boundary location when we compared images depicting different models.  相似文献   

The challenges of dealing with disclosure of HIV status cause frustration to health care providers and counselors. This frustration follows from the already known high risk to the third party on one hand and our ethical obligation to “respect persons” in terms of privacy and confidentiality on the other side. Given the stubbornly low rates of voluntary disclosure (partner notification) among couples, however, it is quite tempting to suggest a paradigm of routine third party disclosure to identifiable sexual partners by health care providers. This might be the lesser of the two evils and might give better public health outcomes in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

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