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This article examines two questions pertaining to the extension of infertility treatment to postmenopausal women. First, what concepts and principles of infertility practice apply to assisted reproduction for the postmenopausal patient? Second, what role should these concepts play in the development of an ethical justification for extending women's reproductive lives past the menopausal boundary? The argument offered here supports their claim to infertility services on the basis of the formal principle of justice, which requires that similar cases be treated similarly. The cases of many postmenopausal patients are argued to be relevantly similar to classes of patients who already receive assistance in reproduction.  相似文献   

Medical decision making often utilizes subjective observations to arrive at concrete judgments. The decisions frequently affect who receives scarce medical treatments and, thus, who lives or dies. In this paper, a model health status index is described. It is specific for the problem of choosing patients for hemodialysis or transplantation. Such a health status index may be designed for any medical decision involving such issues as drug treatment priorities, identification of salvageable patients, and selection of patients for scarce medical treatment. This index (1) incorporates a physician's own medical criteria and values, (2) can be modified as the data base improves, (3) assures consistency from decision to decision, and (4) can be developed and used without the help of a mathematician or computer.  相似文献   

Fifty-five insomniacs, 60 years or above, participated in a behavioral treatment program, comparing two interventions (sleep hygiene+stimulus control vs sleep hygiene+relaxation tape). Half of the subjects were randomized to a waiting-list condition prior to treatment. No significant changes were observed during the waiting-list period. During the treatment period however, the subjects improved on several sleep parameters, and treatment gains were maintained at a 6-month follow-up. The effects of treatment were greater for nocturnal measures (e.g. sleep onset latency and total sleep time) as compared to daytime measures (e.g. life satisfaction, daytime alertness) and not-targeted behavior (medication use). There were no differences in treatment effects for the two interventions.  相似文献   

Depersonalisation (DP) and derealisation (DR) are subjective experiences of unreality in, respectively, one's sense of self and the outside world. These experiences occur on a continuum from transient episodes that are frequently reported in healthy individuals to a chronic psychiatric disorder that causes considerable distress (depersonalisation disorder: DPD). Despite the relatively high rates of reporting these symptoms, little research has been conducted into psychological treatments for this disorder. We report on an open study where 21 patients with DPD were treated individually with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). The therapy involved helping the patients re-interpret their symptoms in a non-threatening way as well as reducing avoidances, safety behaviours and symptom monitoring. Significant improvements in patient-defined measures of DP/DR severity as well as standardised measures of dissociation, depression, anxiety and general functioning were found at post-treatment and six-months follow-up. Moreover, there were significant reductions in clinician ratings on the Present State Examination (Wing, Cooper & Sartorius, 1974), and 29% of participants no longer met criteria for DPD at the end of therapy. These initial results suggest that a CBT approach to DPD may be effective, but further trials with larger sample sizes and more rigorous research methodology are needed to determine the specificity of this approach.  相似文献   

This study was a preliminary attempt to develop and examine an online pain management programme incorporating mindfulness‐informed exercises (i.e. breathing and body scanning exercises) and CBT elements for ankylosing spondylitis patients. Thirty patients diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis participated in a five‐week online pain management programme, which was delivered primarily through a website. The materials covered by the website included breathing and body scanning exercises, mindful walking exercise, positive thinking and management of dysfunctional thinking. Each participant received instructions and reminders from a counselling psychologist through electronic communications each week. They completed the Brief Pain Inventory, Ryff's Psychological Well‐being Scale, Pain Self‐Efficacy Questionnaire, Pain Catastrophizing Scale and Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale‐Revised before and after the treatment programme. In addition, four face‐to‐face focus groups were conducted to yield supplementary qualitative findings. The overall results indicate that this online pain management programme can improve sleep quality and reduce pain interference and catastrophic responses to pain in ankylosing spondylitis patients, albeit being not very effective for mitigating the intensity of pain. Moreover, male and female patients can benefit equally from the online programme. Findings from the focus groups revealed some challenges faced by local patients when practising mindfulness‐informed exercises. Some solutions to those challenges were put forward in accordance with patients’ feedback.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the efficacy of virtual reality exposure combined with cognitive-behavioral therapy (VRET) to that of traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) alone in reducing phobic symptoms in a sample of patients with long-term agoraphobia. The study was a between-subject design with three experimental conditions (VRET group, N = 30; CBT group, N = 30; and medication only group, N = 20) and repeated measures (pre-treatment, post-treatment, and six-month follow-up). All patients were receiving antidepressant medication. Results showed that all therapies were statistically effective both at post-treatment and six-month follow-up. The VRET group showed clinical improvement in most variables measured at follow-up. The CBT group showed the highest dropout rates. These results are discussed pointing out that VRET probably serves as an intermediate procedure for an efficient exposure to phobic stimuli. Besides describing the advantages of VRET for the treatment of agoraphobia symptoms in cost-benefit terms, the study also considered issues related to higher treatment adherence and motivation.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough many OCD patients benefit from repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) as treatment, there is still a large group failing to achieve satisfactory response. Sleep problems have been considered transdiagnostic risk factors for psychiatric disorders, and prior work has shown comorbid sleep problems in OCD to be associated with non-response to rTMS in OCD. We therefore set out to investigate the utility of sleep problems in predicting response to rTMS in treatment resistant OCD.MethodA sample of 61 patients (treated with 1-Hz SMA or sequential 1-Hz SMA+DLPFC rTMS, combined with cognitive behavioral therapy) were included. Sleep disturbances were measured using the PSQI, HSDQ and actigraphy. Treatment response was defined as a decrease of at least 35% in symptom severity as measured with the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS).Results32 of 61 patients (52.5%) responded to rTMS, and trajectories of response were similar for both rTMS protocols. Three PSQI items (Subjective Sleep Quality; Sleep Latency and Daytime Dysfunction) and the HSDQ-insomnia scale were found to predict TMS response. A discriminant model yielded a significant model, with an area under the curve of 0.813.ConclusionFuture replication of these predictors could aid in a more personalized treatment for OCD.  相似文献   

This paper reports a preliminary study which trialled a novel approach for measuring speech output and social participation. The amount of phonation was accumulated via an objective measure called an Ambulatory Phonation Monitor (APM).Purpose(1) To establish whether adults who stutter will tolerate wearing an APM for an extended period of time (three days), (2) to test whether the APM can accumulate useful data about the amount of phonation adults who stutter produce in the course of a normal day and (3) to examine a possible relationship between stuttering severity and amount of phonation.MethodThree adults who stutter wore an APM for three consecutive days during their waking hours. Each completed a questionnaire regarding the device and kept a speech diary outlining daily speaking activities and self-reported stuttering severity. APM data regarding amount of phonation was collected, analysed and compared with the participants’ speech diaries.ResultsEach adult tolerated wearing the APM and while they felt comfortable speaking wearing the device, it was somewhat cumbersome. Variations in the amount of speaking across each day and in different speaking situations were evident. For two participants there was a positive correlation between phonation time and severity rating.ConclusionsPreliminary data suggests that the APM can provide valuable information about the amount adults who stutter speak. The APM is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate variations in the amount of phonation during different speaking situations. These favourable preliminary results suggest the value of a larger scale study.Educational Objectives: The reader will be able to: (a) describe the different aspects of stuttering currently routinely measured in clinical practice; (b) discuss the limitations of current measurement procedures; (c) discuss the advantages of speech measures obtained by an Ambulatory Phonation Monitor APM); (d) describe the perspectives of adults who stutter who have worn an APM to measure phonation time.  相似文献   

Matrix training is a teaching strategy designed to facilitate generative responding through a process termed recombinative generalization. A skill that has yet to be addressed with matrix training is tacting time increments. Given the two‐component features of time telling (i.e., hours and minutes) and the numerous teaching targets, matrix training was implemented for such behavior with two adults with developmental disabilities. This study used a 12 × 12 matrix that consisted of 144 time increments. Participants were taught 12 time increments, and probes were conducted to assess the remaining 132 untrained time increments. The participants responded correctly to approximately 50% of the untrained time increments during the post‐assessment phase. Limitations and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The results in the treatment of patients with obsessional-compulsive disorders were poor, until Meyer, Rachman, Foa and Emmelkamp developed a strategy which combined exposure and response prevention. Their method is generally applied in a clinical setting, with considerable direct supervision of the patient. A programme that employs the same strategy, but which can be performed in the patient's natural environment, without the need of supervision, is described. A self-control procedure is utilized to assist the patient in carrying out the exposure and response-prevention regime. The results of this outpatient programme do not differ essentially from the results obtained by means of the clinical approach. Advantages of out-patient over clinical treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

The author describes a reformulation for research purposes of a supportive psychoanalytic therapy for patients with borderline personality disorder. The major influences on the thinking that led to the modification of prior formulations and the historical background of treatment manuals are described. Supportive treatment is contrasted with transference-focused psychotherapy and dialectic behavior therapy in the interest of creating a clear comparison that lends itself to empirical study.  相似文献   

Many individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have deficits in conversation skills that can interfere with the development of personal and professional relationships. Further research is needed on efficient interventions for targeting conversation skills in adults with ASD and for evaluating the social validity of the outcomes. In this study, 2 practitioners implemented a 4‐week training program for 5 adults with ASD that combined individualized computer‐based instruction (CBI) and practice with peers to promote the acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of conversation skills. Training was associated with improvements in 12 of 13 skills across participants. These findings, along with peer ratings of the participants' conversation skills, suggest that this model is a promising, socially valid approach for improving conversation skills in adults with ASD.  相似文献   

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