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从图式心理疗法发展历程的角度探讨其起源与发展,对图式概念的提出以及早期适应不良图式和应对方式进行梳理,凸显了图式疗法的优势与传统逻辑。深入探讨简化的图式疗法——模式模型,突出模式模型是一个或多个激活的图式与相关应对方式的组合。强调模式模型的治疗机制包括了儿童模式、内在批评模式、适应不良的应对模式和健康成人模式四种模式,它们之间互相联系、互相影响。通过对现有案例及学术研究成果的梳理,证明模式模型治疗对各种精神障碍的有效性,且在国内的心理学治疗方面有较好的应用前景,应得到更多的重视、推广和应用。  相似文献   

在大卫像与大理石以及心与身之间的关系问题上,传统观点不是陷入同一论,就是沦落为某种形式的二元论。物质构成范畴作为一种"非同一的统一"关系,有望走出一条非还原的物理主义路线。一方面,根据模态论证,被构成的事物不是必然地同一于构成它的事物,在被构成的事物的本质上,构成观坚持了外在主义。另一方面,具有构成关系的两个事物,通过"双向"借入或派生,能够彼此共享模态属性以外的绝大部分属性,故不是二元分离而是相互统一的。物质构成作为一种新的哲学范畴有重要的形而上学和心灵哲学意义。  相似文献   

This study challenges the consensus view that children can judge what someone is looking at from infancy. In the first experiment 2-, 3-, and 4-year-old children were asked to judge what a person in a drawing was looking at and which of two people was “looking at” them. Only 6% of 2-year-olds and young 3-year-olds passed both gaze-direction tasks, but over 70% passed an analogous point-direction task. Most older 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds passed all three tasks. Experiment 2 compared children's ability to judge what the experimenter was looking at with performance on the picture tasks. Three-year-olds performed significantly worse than 4-year-olds on the real life and picture gaze tasks. Performances on the two types of gaze task were highly correlated. Experiment 3 included stimuli with the additional cue of head-direction. Even the younger children performed well on these stimuli. These results suggest that, regardless of task format, children cannot judge what someone is looking at from eye-direction alone until the age of 3 years. Weaknesses in the evidence supporting the consensus view are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

A Better Look at Intelligence   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Planning, Attention, Simultaneous, and Successive (PASS) model is offered as an alternative to the unidimensional conceptualization of intelligence as a general ability. The unidimensional conceptualization has not helped researchers and clinicians understand variations of cognitive functions within special populations such as individuals with learning disabilities, disorders of attention, or mental retardation. Neither has this conceptualization aided in program planning for these individuals. PASS is a model of cognitive function based on contemporary research in both cognition and neuropsychology and provides a theory for both assessment and intervention. This article reviews concepts and examples of PASS theory and its application to reading disabilities and mental retardation. For example, the article links dyslexia with a deficit in successive processing. It also identifies the major difficulties of individuals with Down syndrome in phonological memory and articulation. Further research on successive processing, and planning as it relates to language, is suggested.  相似文献   

Ever since William James, psychologists of emotion have tended to view affective states as intrinsically conscious. We argue that nonconscious affect also exists, and focus specifically on the possibility of unconscious "liking". We present evidence that positive and negative affective reactions can be elicited subliminally, while a person is completely unaware of any affective reaction at all (in addition to being unaware of the causal stimulus). Despite the absence of any detectable subjective experience of emotion, subliminally induced unconscious "liking" can influence later consumption behaviour. We suggest that unconscious "liking" is mediated by specific subcortical brain systems, such as the nucleus accumbens and its connections. Ordinarily, conscious liking (feelings of pleasure) results from the interaction of separate brain systems of conscious awareness with those core processes of unconscious affect. But under some conditions, activity in brain systems mediating unconscious core "liking" may become decoupled from conscious awareness. The result is a genuinely unconscious emotion.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to argue that psychological research on the work ethic, or work centrality, uses too narrow a focus for understanding shifts in behaviour and attitudes over time. The appropriate unit of analysis is activity. Working is a subcategory of this larger unit. Six areas of activity are distinguished: education and training in early life, paid tasks or work, updating education throughout life, unpaid tasks or voluntary activity, education of the third age, and active or passive leisure. Historical, sociological, and anthropological evidence is reviewed and related to the psychological analysis of the meaning of working. It emerges that work is a controversial topic; it is extensively praised by some and condemned by others. Few would deny that paid work is a necessary way of obtaining basic and supplementary human requirements under present-day circumstances, but the differential conditions and constraints under which it is carried out are not always accepted as a necessary corollary. Is paid work a necessary or a desirable means of obtaining a standard of living? The answer depends on whether paid work is seen in isolation or as a subsystem of a wider range of activities which together result in a fulfilling life.  相似文献   

Decomposable models represent interdependence structures for observable variables. Each model is fully characterized by a set of conditional independence restrictions, and can be visualized with an undirected as well as a special type of a directed graph. As a consequence each decomposable model can be interpreted either in terms of interdependencies only or as a particular kind of dependence structure, as a recursive system or path analysis model. Under the assumption of normally distributed variables, decomposable models determine the structure of correlation matrices, and maximum-likelihood estimates of these can be calculated with the help of ordinary least squares estimation. Using several examples from psychological research, we discuss the interpretation of decomposable models. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how recursive dependence structures can be specified with the help of decomposable models in a hypothesis generating (exploratory) as well as in a hypothesis testing (confirmatory) manner.  相似文献   

J. P. Laraudogoitia 《Synthese》2006,148(2):433-441
This paper considers a recent criticism of the physical possibility of supertasks which involves Achilles’s staccato run. It is held that the criticism fails and that the underlying fallacy can be linked with interesting developments in the modern literature on physical supertasks.  相似文献   

郑少翀 《伦理学研究》2007,(3):90-92,107
今天我们已进入一个价值多元化的时代,然则其理论基础价值多元主义却有着不可避免的内在紧张——一元与多元,与逻辑悖论一普遍与特殊,并有着滑向相对主义的危险。走出多元主义的这种困境,可能的出路在于在反基础主义的视野中,在实践中解决价值的冲突。  相似文献   

Fine (2007) argues that Frege’s puzzle and its relatives demonstrate a need for a basic reorientation of the field of semantics. According to this reorientation, the domain of semantic facts would be closed not under the classical consequence relation but only under a stronger relation Fine calls “manifest consequence.” I examine Fine’s informally sketched analyses of manifest consequence, showing that each can be amended to determine a class of strong consequence relations. A best candidate relation emerges from each of the two classes, and I prove that the two candidates extensionally coincide. The resulting consequence relation is of independent interest, for it might be held to constitute a cogent standard of reasoning that proceeds under a deficient grasp on the identity of objects.  相似文献   

In intertemporal choice research, choice tasks (i.e., choosing between $80 today and $100 in a year) are often used to elicit a discount rate. The discount rate derived from a choice task, however, is largely restricted by the granularities and ranges of the questions asked. We examined this restriction in three popular discount rate measurements using simulations and experiments, and we propose an alternative procedure (Three‐option Adaptive Discount rate measure (ToAD)), which is capable of measuring a wide range of discount rates (from approximately .035% to 350 000% annual percentage rate) with high precision using 10 questions, in under a minute. ToAD can be easily implemented in online surveys (i.e., Qualtrics). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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