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The bisection method of animal psychophysical scaling was examined as a measurement procedure. The critical assumptions of bisection scaling, as described by Pfanzagl (1968), were tested to determine if a valid equal-interval scale could be derived. A valid scale was derived in which loudness for the rat (Rattus norvegicus; n = 13) was a power function of sound pressure for 4-kHz tones. Masking noise reduced the discriminability of tonal stimuli but did not affect the bisection point. This result is consistent with an interval scale representation of loudness and demonstrates scale meaningfulness. Loudness bisection data that have been reported in the literature for 3 species (humans, rats, and pigeons) are in substantial agreement with our results.  相似文献   

Male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were given continuous access to estrous female rats for 24 hr each day for 10 days. During the first 12 hr, the rats achieved an average of 10 ejaculations, followed by a 1- to 2-day recovery period with little sexual activity. During the last 7 days, the rats maintained a reasonably stable equilibrium level of 3 ejaculations per day. These occurred predominantly during the dark phase of the diurnal cycle, they frequently occurred in a cluster, and they usually occurred shortly after the introduction of a novel estrous female. Except for quantitative differences, these results are generally consistent with conventional research but systematically extend the generality of the results to the context of the free behavior situation. The availability of sexual activity had no appreciable effect on food and water intake, but it did decrease the amount of running activity.  相似文献   

Although a large literature has documented the varied effects of stress on an organism, relatively little attention has been devoted to investigating stress effects in ecologically relevant situations. Our experiment was conducted to assess the effects of stress on rats' (Rattus norvegicus) exploration of novel objects in a seminaturalistic and familiar environment that is relatively free of the constraints that have been placed on rats in prior investigations of stress. The results show that prior exposure to stress decreased the rats' diversity of exploration but did not affect general activity in comparison with animals not exposed to stress. We propose that the effect of stress on the qualitative aspects of exploratory behavior may be due to effects on organisms' sensitivity to predation.  相似文献   

Although Piagetian theory proposes that the ability to make transitive inferences is confined to humans above age 7, recent evidence has suggested that this logical ability may be more broad based. In nonverbal tests, transitive inference has been demonstrated in preschool children and 2 species of nonhuman primates. In these experiments, I demonstrate evidence of transitive inference in rats (Rattus norvegicus). I used an ordered series of 5 olfactory stimuli (A < B < C < D < E) from which correct inferences were made about the novel B versus D pair. Control procedures indicated that performance did not depend on the recency with which the correct answer was rewarded during training and may be disrupted by the addition of logically inconsistent premises (F > E and A > F). The possibility that logical transitivity may reflect a form of spatial paralogic rather than formal deductions from a syllogistic-verbal system is discussed.  相似文献   

Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus; ns = 10 males and 10 females) in a burrow system responded to a cat in the open area by retreating to a burrow and emitting ultrasounds of 18-27 kHz. Females made more frequent ultrasonic cries, with longer durations of ultrasounds. In a 2nd study (ns = 19 males and 19 females), sonographic analyses confirmed the more frequent vocalizations of females and indicated that the sound pulses of females were reliably shorter in duration and of higher base frequency than those of males. Also, females emitted more pulses per pulse train with shorter within-train interpulse intervals. Six basic pulse forms were determined, and males emitted more (70%) pulses with negatively accelerated descending frequencies than females (25%). The findings indicate that female rats show qualitatively different antipredator vocalizations than do males and add to previous findings of higher levels of female antipredator defensiveness.  相似文献   

Both male and female rats vocalize ultrasonically during mating. Whereas male calls are known to facilitate female proceptive behavior, the female mating call has not been studied beyond spectrographic analysis. In this article, a series of experiments were done to examine the effects of the female's mating call on rat mating behavior. In the first experiment, females copulated with intact males before and after surgical devocalization. In the second experiment, intact females copulated twice with a male: once when they were able to hear and once when they were temporarily deafened with a medical ear mold. In the third experiment, tape recorded ultrasounds were placed in the presence of devocalized females while they were copulating with intact males. In the control condition, tape hiss was presented. In each experiment, it was observed that the female darted more if communication were disrupted (i.e., female devocalized or male deafened). Playback partially reduced darting to control levels. No other behavior was affected consistently across all experiments. Female calls might facilitate self-regulation of mating behavior, or they might focus the male's attention on her proceptive behaviors. It is also possible that the female calls could alter the stimulus properties of the male's behavior, indirectly affecting her own behavior.  相似文献   

Prior research suggested that during exposure to novel stimuli, rodent investigation and self-grooming behaviors may be sexually dimorphic and interact with ambient illumination. To test this notion we compared the behavior of adult male and female groups of Long-Evans hooded rats in normal room lighting (860 lx) and in very dim, red light (0.2 lx) following exposure to a novel juvenile conspecific. Illuminance level had little or no effect, but investigatory and subsequent self-grooming behaviors of males were substantially greater than those of females, and females engaged in greater ambulatory activity than did males. In a second experiment adult males and females were exposed to a novel inanimate object. No reliable sex differences were observed. We conclude that social novelty, as provided by exposure to a juvenile conspecific, stimulates greater investigation and postinvestigatory self-grooming than exposure to a novel inanimate object and that exposure to novel conspecifics presents a useful method for the investigation of sex differences, gonadal hormone effects, and interactions of hormones with neurotransmitter systems governing motor control systems.  相似文献   

Both male and female rats (Rattus norvegicus) emit ultrasounds during copulation. Bursts of ultrasounds from males that occur as ejaculation approaches are lower in frequency, longer in duration, and louder than those that appear earlier in the ejaculatory series. We attempted to determine if these pre-ejaculatory calls affect female sexual behavior. The behavior of females paired with devocalized males was compared with that of females paired with intact males, and in a second experiment tape-recorded vocalizations were played to females paired with devocalized males. Females were less receptive when paired with devocalized males; they were less likely to remain stationary when males attempted to mount. Playback of both types of calls restored female immobility toward control levels, although pre-ejaculatory calls were more effective than mating ones. Pre-ejaculatory calls restored running and training levels somewhat toward control level but to a lesser extent than female immobility.  相似文献   

Reexamination of spectral mechanisms in the rat (Rattus norvegicus)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The spectral mechanisms of the rat were studied in electrophysiological and behavioral experiments. The photopic electroretinogram (ERG) was recorded (a) to rapidly flickering lights, (b) during the cone phase of dark adaptation, and (c) with a flicker photometric procedure. Each procedure indicated the presence of a single cone mechanism having a lambda max of about 510 nm. Increment-threshold spectral sensitivity functions measured in a behavioral test situation yielded the same conclusion. A behavioral experiment failed to produce any evidence for the presence of color vision in this rodent. The consistent conclusion from both behavioral and electrophysiological experiments is that the rat retina contains only a single photopic spectral mechanism.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 (N = 8), a 20-ms light pulse, given at various times before a noise burst, inhibited reflex expression with a single trough at a lead time of 70 ms, whereas a dark pulse facilitated the reflex with two peaks at 40 and 160 ms. In Experiment 2 (N = 18) facilitation by dark onset had a single peak, and inhibition by light onset a single trough; thus, the double peak of the dark pulse may result because inhibition from light onset at the end of the dark pulse was briefly impressed on the facilitatory effect of dark onset. In Experiment 3 (N = 12), diazepam (2.5 mg/kg, but not 1 mg/kg) eliminated dark facilitation but not light inhibition. These diazepam data reveal a basic similarity, perhaps identity, of the mechanisms responsible for the effect of dark onset and those producing reflex facilitation by Pavlovian fear conditioning and prolonged background noise, because all are moderated by a GABAergic system.  相似文献   

Defensive behavior of laboratory and wild Rattus norvegicus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analysis of the defensive behaviors of wild rats to an inescapable approaching threat stimulus (the experimenter) indicated a pattern of freezing to distant stimuli, giving way to vocalization, jumps, and jump-attacks at shorter defensive distances. Comparisons of the defensive reactions of wild-trapped and laboratory-bred wild rats to a variety of threatening stimuli, in escapable as well as inescapable situations, indicated that the two wild strains were similar and consistently more defensive than laboratory rats to both human and conspecific threat stimuli. These results thus suggest that the defensive behaviors of rats have been substantially reduced during the process of domestication, with relatively little of this reduction being attributable to housing in standard laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

The startle threshold of the albino Sprague-Dawley rat runs parallel to the curve of the hearing threshold. The difference between the startle and hearing threshold is 87 dB (SPL) at a background noise level of 75 dB (SPL). At 110 dB (SPL), the threshold has a range from 2 kHz to 50 kHz with a minimum at 10 kHz and a second minimum at 40 kHz. Amplitude and latency of the startle response are not only dependent on the sensation level of the acoustic stimulus but also on the frequency. At threshold, only the head movement component of the startle response is elicited.  相似文献   

The copulatory behavior of 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-month-old sexually naive male rats (Long-Evans) was studied during 2-hr tests with receptive females. There was no apparent change in sexual arousal as measured by latency to initiate copulation across age, with subjects from all groups exhibiting comparable latencies to first mount and first mount with intromission. The numbers of ejaculations achieved were also similar across ages. Significant age differences were found for frequency of mounts, with 20-month-olds having the highest mean frequency. The persistent mounting by older males appeared to account for significant group differences in interintromission interval and ejaculation latency. It is suggested that motor deficits may impair the ability of older males to achieve intromission, increasing the number of mount bouts as well as the number of mounts per bout, thus extending the length of each copulatory series.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the role of milk availability in the development of independent feeding and drinking in the Norway rat pup. Beginning on Day 14 postnatally, pups were exposed to different levels of milk supply by changing litter size from 8 to 4 versus 12 pups (Experiment 1) or limiting temporally the pups' access to a lactating dam to 8, 14, or 24 hr daily (Experiment 2). Both manipulations accelerated weaning in milk-poor pups in comparison with same-age pups with relatively greater milk supplies. By adding solid food and water to their diet, early weaning pups compensated for the negative energy consequences of milk reduction and achieved premanipulation growth rates. Milk availability thus appears to affect weaning, and it is suggested that the developmental changes in the nutritive energy balance between mother and offspring contribute to the emergence of independent ingestion.  相似文献   

The tendency of food-deprived, protein-deprived, and sodium-deprived Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and their respective controls to affiliate with conspecifics deprived of either food, protein, or sodium was examined. The authors found that (a) independent of internal state, focal rats offered a forced choice between protein-deprived and protein-replete target rats spent more time near replete than deprived target rats; and (b) both food-deprived and sodium-deprived focal rats offered a forced choice between food-deprived and replete target rats spent less time near fasted rats than did well-fed and sodium-replete focal rats. The data indicate that (a) rats can distinguish both food-deprived and protein-deprived rats from replete rats and (b) the deprivation states of rats can affect their willingness to affiliate with deprived conspecifics.  相似文献   

Sexual incentive motivation was evaluated in a procedure consisting of a large open field where incentive animals were confined behind wire mesh openings. When sexually inexperienced male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were exposed to the receptive female-male incentives, they spent more time close to the female. If the incentives were receptive female-nonreceptive female, the receptive female was preferred. However, when the alternatives were nonreceptive female-male, no preference was obtained. Castration abolished preference for the receptive female, and treatment with testosterone propionate restored it. Estradiol plus oil is as efficient as estradiol plus progesterone for giving the ovariectomized female incentive properties. The living female can be replaced with female odor. Sexual experience did not have any long-term effects on the female's incentive value, but immediately preceding limited sexual activity enhanced it  相似文献   

Cooperation is a cognitively demanding, complex social behavior, found primarily in primates. Here we investigated mutualism in rats (Rattus Norvegicus), a simple form of cooperation in which two subjects work on operant task, receiving immediate and simultaneous sucrose reward for a joint action. To receive the sucrose reward, familiar pairs of rats were required to nose poke simultaneously. Following 44 training days, we examined the relation of social contact and ultrasonic vocalizations to the rat's cooperative behavior by testing the effects of inserting opaque, wire-mesh, or no partition--between subjects. Cooperative behavior (simultaneous nose-poking): (a) increased gradually during initial training; (b) decreased with the opaque partition (restricting visual, acoustic, and physical communication); (c) increased with a wire mesh partition restricting only physical contact); and (d) increased with the number of 50 kHz USV "happy" calls and the intensity of social interaction. The possibility of studying the development of cooperative behavior in laboratory rats using a simple procedure based on commercially available equipment may prove useful in modeling determinants of social behavior.  相似文献   

Prior to assuming the upright crouching posture over their pups during nursing bouts, lactating rats typically engage in several oral behaviors, including nuzzling, licking and rearranging pups. By acutely depriving dams of various aspects of perioral stimulation from pups (with anesthesia of the mystacial pads or of the tongue, with mouth suturing, or with muzzling), we found the following: (1) Distal stimulation from pups maintains proximity-seeking behavior, but is insufficient to stimulate nursing behavior. (2) Lack of tongue feedback decreases pup licking and hastens the onset of crouching. (3) Snout, but not tongue, contact with pups is required for hovering over them. (4) The position of the dam while hovering over her litter enables the pups to gain access to her ventrum, thereby provoking her upright, crouching posture. (5) Older pups are capable of bypassing the dam's perioral attentions and stimulating crouching directly by burrowing under the dam's ventrum.  相似文献   

The development of head orientation to auditory stimulation was examined in rat pups at Postnatal Days 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20. The animals were tested in a quiet environment with single bursts of 65 dB (SPL) broad-band noise. A reflexive head turn toward the sound was first seen on Postnatal Day 14 and subsequently on Days 17 and 20. This result demonstrates that the onset of directional auditory responses occurred between Day 11 and Day 14. The role of binaural cues in early sound orientation was examined in 17-day-old pups with monaural ligation of the external meatus. These animals were unable to localize a sound source and consistently turned toward the side of the unligated ear regardless of the position of the stimulus. Thus binaural cues were shown to be important for head orientation to sound in early development. In a separate study, head orientation to high and low frequency tone pips was examined. Directional responses were first seen on Day 12 for a 16-kHz tone and Day 14 for a 2-kHz tone. These results indicate an earlier onset for orientation to high frequency sounds in the rat.  相似文献   

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