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如今常听业内人员感叹,电视节目制作如何如何难,观众口味如何如何难调等等,于是便有人归结了一点,乃观众审美情趣的“浮躁”。正是因为这种浮躁心理作祟,观众在观赏电视节目时很难完整的欣赏一部电视连续剧或者一个完整的节目而频频更换频道。其实,这种看法有失偏颇,一部《还珠格格》一而再,再而三的播出,  相似文献   

《花样姐姐》是东方卫视引进的韩国tv N电视台明星真人秀节目。节目播出后备受关注。但是观众对于节目的评价褒贬不一。如果以斯图亚特·霍尔的编码解码理论为支撑,以受众对电视节目的解读为视角,分析《花样姐姐》节目的编码与观众的解码,可以将该节目的本来面貌呈现在大家面前,以便更好地理解电视节目的传播方式和受众的接受方式,为明星真人秀节目制作提供参考的依据。  相似文献   

 分析了美国和日本儿童电视节目中的主题和主要人物后发现,两个国家大多数共同的主题是权威.美国电视节目中,权威人物的基本特点是具有竞争性,而日本电视中,权威是鬼魔.母女之间亲密关系的描写在日本电视中很突出.美国节目里强调个人主义,而日本节目中强调集体中的亲密关系.  相似文献   

孙宇飞 《美与时代》2014,(8):113-113
一档富有高品质的、吸引受众的电视节目,不仅仅需要新颖的节目主题,很大程度上取决于主持人对于整档节目的把握。因此,主持人是驾驭一档电视节目的主体,主持人是否会成为听众、观众乐于接受的声像形象,直接关系到其主持节目成功与否。因此就需要主持人了解电视节目主持的基本特征,从中把握好电视节目主持的和谐元素,和谐元素包括主持人对节目主题的整体把握、主持人的配合意识以及主持人应具备的良好的专业素质。  相似文献   

研究目的随着电视事业的迅速发展,电视与人们生活的关系越来越紧密,收看电视节目已成了电视观众生活中不可缺少的一部分。电视不仅可以丰富人们的业余生活,满足娱乐和消遣的需要,而且可以传递新的信息,向人们提供不同地区发生的各种事件的消息。这后一种功能主要通过电视的新闻节目来实现。由于电视能向观众生动再现各种画面,比起报纸和广播有独到的优越性,因而电视新闻在信息交流中的地位正在不断提高。根据  相似文献   

2014年,我国各大卫视都推出了喜剧选秀类真人秀节目,其以观众喜闻乐见的形式、幽默诙谐的内容,受到了人们的喜爱,打破了歌唱选秀类节目给观众造成的审美疲劳.《笑傲江湖》是2014年东方卫视推出的一档大型原创喜剧类真人秀节目,其以强烈的娱乐性、纪实性、颠覆性、平民性,吸引了众多观众的眼球,其文化传播策略也得到了观众的认可.但是,任何节目都存在一定的生存周期,未来的电视节目只有结合中国本土文化并不断创新,才能取得新的成功.  相似文献   

电视相亲节目已经成为现今充斥电视荧屏的一类重量级的电视节目形态,作为以婚恋为题材的电视节目,既不同于以往的电视节目,也不同于现实中年轻人恋爱交往的方式。将相亲这一在中国文化中带有特定目的性和一般适用于私密场合的社交行为搬山电视荧幕,许多本应处在后台的话题被搬上前台,往往难以避免各种人性中和社会生态以往力求避免的因素的冲突。举办方电视台安排演员、编造剧情、参与者出言雷人、各种火爆话题频出,随着各类相亲节目的泛滥,表演胜过真实,各类作秀是否让以往定位于社会服务类的宗旨已经名存实亡?场由广告商和电视台联手制造的搏出位秀是。否也印证了消费主义时代赤裸裸的金钱动机蔓延  相似文献   

随着中国经济的发展,电视业也同社会其他行业一样发生了较大的变化。在电视文化的商业化进程中,如何把握电视发展规律,以符合电视当前发展态势的关注视角作为理论研究的基础,促进电视节目良性运作也成了当前中国电视业内人士共同关注的问题。本文主要针对目前电视业的节目现状深入探讨电视大众文化研究视角的转换问题,并初步提出解决的办法。  相似文献   

张忠仁 《美与时代》2005,(11):27-28
随着中国经济的发展,电视业也同社会其他行业一样发生了较大的变化.在电视文化的商业化进程中,如何把握电视发展规律,以符合电视兰前发展态势的关注视角作为理论研究的基础,促进电视节目良性运作也成了当前中国电视业内人士共同关注的问题.本文主要针对目前电视业的节目现状深入探讨电视大众文化研究视角的转换问题,并初步提出解决的办法.  相似文献   

作为社会群体中的个体,脱离不了人与人之间的交往,要想在交往中获得成功,就必须了解对方心理,或投其所好,或根据对方心理作出相应行动,达到沟通、合作的目的。身为节目主持人,更要围绕受众服务,要达到这一目的,就必须了解受众心理。 电视节目主持人:注重自身形象,融为观众一员 图像、声音并茂是电视区别于报纸广播的重要特征。主持人  相似文献   

本文第一部分介绍了近年来应用心理学研究在我国的发展 ,分析了迅速发展的原因 ;第二部分围绕“电视与人类认知”,总结了作者近年来在应用心理学方面的研究成果 ;第三部分介绍了作者的研究心得与体会 ,包括 :1提高对心理学应用研究的认识 ;2摆好基础研究与应用研究的关系 ;3综合运用心理学的研究方法 ;4着力培养应用型心理学人才。  相似文献   

This article outlines a stress-vulnerability theory for describing how stress impacts marital quality. Implications for therapy are also discussed based on the stress-vulnerability theory.Appreciation is expressed to Joan Jurich, PhD for her helpful comments during the development of this theory.  相似文献   

Television has failed: failed because we are no longer dealing with information, but with stage‐management; failed because the viewer looks for the picture before looking for analysis, looks for effect before truth.  相似文献   

Television must be used as a means of spreading knowledge: potentially, it could offer permanent access to a common fund of knowledge, allowing everyone to follow the evolution of knowledge. Experiments abroad illustrate this idea and plead in favor of a cultural channel, which need not be incompatible with maintaining the eclectism of the audiovisual scene.  相似文献   

This article explores the emergence of standards and regulation associated with the provision of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance systems in the United Kingdom. It argues that despite the intrusive and controlling nature of CCTV technology there is limited formal intervention in the form of legislation, governing its introduction and use. Instead government has sought to influence the regulation of the technology indirectly through its ability to shape and govern policy networks in the policy arena. In doing so, it is argued here, that government remains the dominant actor in the policy process. He is director of the Public Management and Administration degree program. His research interests focus on the emerging governance structures associated with the development of electronic public services, citizenship, and democracy in the information age.  相似文献   

The thesis of this chapter is that, unless one has had brain-surgery, a stroke, or has some organic deficiency, we are all whole-brained people, therapists and researchers alike. To elaborate on this point, this article is focused on the role of intuition in family research. Ethical issues in family research are viewed as similar to those in symbolic experiential family therapy. Three ethical issues, counter-transference, mutual benefit, and discovery, are discussed.Appreciation is expressed to the University of Minnesota Agriculture Experiment Station for their support of this work.  相似文献   

The pre-post treatment change of 112 patients in two therapeutics Spanish communities is described. The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) was used at intake and at the end of the treatment program. Results of the treatment program were evaluated by applying composite scores (CS) of the ASI, and the evolution of each patient was evaluated using the Reliable Change Index (RCI). 69.7% of the sample completed treatment, and 30.3% dropped out prematurely. At intake, the percentage of people who could improve in the different areas of the ASI ranged between 35.1% for alcohol consumption and 95.3% for family relationships. At the follow-up, the percentage of subjects who showed significant statistical improvements in the different areas varied between 7.9% in family relations and 66.7% in alcohol consumption. The percentage of patients who deteriorated was less than 10% for all variables. Implications for further research and clinical practice are commented upon.  相似文献   

After having developed a theory of appreciation in more detail in an earlier article (Daser 2003), the author examines now the phenomenon of appreciation in the practice of therapy. First, appreciation is presented as a value-ascribing act, strengthening the self-confidence of the patient and lowering his relationship-anxiety, thereby allowing him to reduce his defence and to get involved into the analytic process. Appreciation seems to be on the one hand an effect of the analytic method, but on the other hand it may be connected to interventions which seem to contradict this method. Such interventions assume therefore a fostering quality for the self-experience of the patient and, consequently, for the analytic process. This effect will be demonstrated here on several examples. Further, the importance of appreciation for empathy is elaborated on an example of “play” between analyst and patient as an element allowing the transition from re-enactments to new forms of enactment. At last, the concept of appreciation is related to concepts of Stern as well as of Weiss and Sampson. Appreciation turns out to be an element of that “something more”, Stern requires in his analytic therapy beyond the interpretation. But this “something more” is not only adjuvant for emotionally paving the way to interpretation. Existential appreciation is, in contrast to pedagogic praise, rather a result of triangulation and, therefore, processually correlated with interpretation. Appreciation and interpretation appear as complementarily interconnected moments in the process of self-experience, the formation of the relationship and the moment of insight being inseparably intertwined.  相似文献   


This article describes the development of operational guidelines for Abuser Intervention Programs in Maryland. Unlike in many states which have adopted quite specific standards regarding program format, duration, etc., the Maryland guidelines address a fairly narrow range of issues. These include outreach to victims, communication with the courts, and the need for intervention programs to address domestic abuse directly in their program content. Maryland has also established a research task force on Abuser Intervention Programs, whose goal is to use empirical data to inform the use of best practices in the state, to facilitate empirical research at abuser intervention programs in Maryland, and to develop more detailed program standards in the future.  相似文献   

A parent-administered program to reduce television viewing of primary school-aged children was tested on two boys and three girls from three different families who were heavy viewers of television. Children were given 20 unearned tokens each week by their parents, which they could exchange for up to 10 hours of viewing time. The child earned a gold token for viewing in accordance with the rules for 4 consecutive weeks, which was exchanged for a reward. Parents were given instructions to follow the program independently. Data on hours of television viewing, homework, and reading were recorded each day by one or both parents. A multiple-baseline analysis of the effects of the TV reduction program indicated that children reduced their baseline television viewing by more than half once the program was implemented, and continued to maintain these changes 6 months and 1 year after the program was discontinued. Reading time increased for all children whereas effects on homework varied across children. The results support the effectiveness of a parent-administered program for nonbehavior problem children who watch excessive amounts of television.  相似文献   

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