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The working alliance between therapist and patient is an important component of effective interventions for borderline personality disorder (BPD). The current study examines whether client personality affects the development of the working alliance during the treatment of BPD, and whether this influences treatment effectiveness. Data was based on 87 patients with BPD who were participants in a randomized controlled trial comparing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and general psychiatric management. Higher levels of trait Agreeableness were associated with steeper increases in working alliance throughout treatment, but only in the DBT condition. Increases in working alliance were in turn associated with better clinical outcomes. Mediation models revealed a significant indirect path from Agreeableness to better clinical outcomes, mediated through larger improvements in working alliance over time. These results highlight the role that patient personality can play during the therapeutic process, with a specific focus on the importance of Agreeableness for alliance development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Therapeutic processes in cardiac rehabilitation programs are virtually unexamined. Models were tested by which changes in the working alliance between patient and staff (agreement on goals/tasks; emotional bond) may affect outcomes in conjunction with changes in patient self-efficacy to change their diets and increase exercise. DESIGN: Cardiac patients (n = 79) participated in a 12-week program, and completed assessments at early, mid, and late treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes in cardiac depression, physical health, perceived exertion during exercise, rate/pressure product at submaximal exercise tolerance, weight loss, return to work, total fat intake. RESULTS: Early-treatment changes in agreement on goals/tasks were related to changes in psychosocial factors and perceived exertion during exercise independent of effects of changes in self-efficacy. Early-treatment changes in goals/tasks and self-efficacy interacted to predict changes in cardiorespiratory fitness, weight loss, and return to work such that patients high on both goals/tasks and self-efficacy showed the most gains. CONCLUSION: Sound therapeutic relationships between patients and staff may play an important role in facilitating the achievement of a wide-range of salutary outcomes during cardiac rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Background: Gender‐related events have the potential to impact the supervisory relationship. Gender events might be related to the match between supervisors and supervisees on variables such as gender or gender attitudes. Method: In this study, we sought to determine whether gender match and gender attitude match were related to supervisory style and the supervisory working alliance in 94 supervisory dyads using four instruments: the Gender Attitude Inventory; Operationalisation of Gender Match; Supervisory Styles Inventory; and the Working Alliance Inventory/Supervision. Results: Progressive dyads (in which supervisors have more liberal attitudes about societal issues and culturally defined roles for women than their supervisees) were perceived by supervisors as more task‐oriented than parallel‐high dyads (in which supervisors and supervisees both had liberal attitudes). Implications for counselling supervision are discussed.  相似文献   

The point of scientificity, or pos,represents a place in history whereeducational administration was founded as ascience. A pos creates a field of memoryand a field of studies. A pos isepistemologically sustained in its claim forscientific status by a line of demarcation orlod. A lod is supported by truthclaims based on various forms ofcorrespondence. As these forms have beeninterrogated and abandoned, correspondence hasgiven way to coherentism and finally to testsof falsification. As falsification has shownto contain serious flaws when compared to theactual history of scientific discoveries, theentire project of a distinct and unitaryfield known as educational administration isseriously cast into doubt. Contemporaryexaminations in educational administrationdiscourse show that even when the lod hasbeen undermined by epistemological shifts, theinitial pos has remained to supportclaims regarding the project of a ``science ofleadership.' The analysis contained in thisarticle show, however, that when claims of thelod are demonstrably unsustainable, theinitial pos must be similarly abandoned. With that collapse the concept of a fieldis likewise effaced. The epistemologicalalternative is to envision fields ofstudy which do not require a lod, excepton a longitudinal basis to ascertain whether aresearch program shaped and sustained by it isprogressive or regressive. In short, there areno aprori meta-criteria to separate sciencefrom non-science in educationaladministration.  相似文献   

Major depression is frequently characterized by recurrent episodes over the life course. First lifetime episodes of depression, however, are typically more strongly associated with major life stress than are successive recurrences. A key theoretical issue involves how the role of major life stress changes from an initial episode over subsequent recurrences. The primary conceptual framework for research on life stress and recurrence of depression is the "kindling" hypothesis (R. M. Post, 1992). Despite the strengths of the kindling hypothesis, a review of the research literature reveals inconsistencies and confusion about life stress and its implications for the recurrence of depression. Adopting a life stress perspective, the authors introduce 3 major themes that resolve the inconsistencies in the current literature. They integrate these themes and extrapolate the ideas with available data to develop a preliminary framework for evaluating competing explanatory models and to guide research on life stress and the recurrence of depression.  相似文献   

Frankfurt's decision to award Freud the Goethe Prize in 1930 as well as the same city's decision to celebrate Freud's 100th birthday in 1956 will allow us to trace specific traditions in the German encounter with psychoanalysis. The diachronic approach will show that certain traditions survived well into the late 1950s, at a time when West Germany's intellectual landscape was otherwise changing on several fronts. Psychoanalysis remained anathema because it did not conform with the idealism and holism prevalent in the academic community.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments with a total of 220 participants, the tendency to use simple heuristics such as the take the best heuristic in an adaptive manner was investigated. In a simulated stock market paradigm, the payoff structure of environments was varied, favoring either compensatory or noncompensatory decision strategies in terms of expected long-term payoff. In both experiments, the majority of participants were classified as using strategies that were adequate for the environment, supporting the notion of adaptive strategy selection. These strategy shifts were moderated by intelligence, as measured with common tests. Neither an additional learning phase (Experiment 1) nor working memory load or working memory capacity (Experiment 2) had additional effects on strategy selection.  相似文献   

Rats with cannulae implanted in the junction between the central and the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala were trained in one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance and tested at 3 s for working memory (WM) or 1.5 or 24 h later for short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM), respectively. Several drugs were infused 6 min prior to training in the animals in which WM was measured or 0 min posttraining in those in which STM and LTM were measured: the glutamate receptor antagonists CNQX (0.5 microg) and AP5 (5.0 microg), the indirect GABA A receptor antagonist picrotoxin (0.08 microg), the cholinergic muscarinic receptor blocker scopolamine (2. 0 microg), norepinephrine (0.3 microg), the protein kinase C inhibitor staurosporin (1.0 microg), or the calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II inhibitor Kn-62 (3.5 ng). None of the drugs had any effect on either WM or STM. All had, as previously shown, strong effects on LTM: picrotoxin and norepinephrine enhanced it, and CNQX, AP5, scopolamine, Kn-62, and staurosporin inhibited it. The results do not support the idea that memory of this task is formed in the amygdala; they indicate that the amygdala is not involved in WM or STM processing and support the idea that the amygdala modulates LTM storage processes carried out elsewhere.  相似文献   

In light of the intractable disagreements, both theological and theoretical, which emerge at every turn in contemporary discussions of homosexuality and religion, this essay advances an epistemological approach to the discussion. The advantage of an epistemological approach is that it sidesteps many of the narrow denominational discussions, making almost no reference to Romans, to natural law, or to a sexual ethic based on love and mutuality. By drawing upon analytic philosophy of religion (Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne specifically), I hope to show how a failure explicitly to face epistemological challenges has undermined pro-gay claims and arguments and contributed to religious confusion. Constructively, the work of St. John the Cross helpfully offers a powerful epistemological vision that importantly supplements the analytic projects of Plantinga and Swinburne, thereby helping us comprehend more fully what is implied and required in justified pro-gay religious conviction.  相似文献   

Cohen, Dunbar, and McClelland's (1990) model was tested for Strooplike interference tasks by studying the shape of the distribution of response latencies produced by Ss and by the model. The model correctly anticipates changes in mean response latency (M(RT)) across congruent and incongruent conditions. It does not, however, correctly anticipate changes in the shape of the distributions, even though changes in the shape of the distributions underlie the changes in M(RT). Thus the model predicts M(RT) successfully but for the wrong reason. It is concluded that the model is not an adequate account of Ss' performance in the Stroop task.  相似文献   

M Massironi  U Savardi 《Perception》1991,20(6):771-787
This research describes two hitherto unobserved phenomena in the frescoes of the seventeenth century architect and painter, Andrea Pozzo, painted on the vaulted ceiling of the central nave of the Church of St Ignatius in Rome. The present research also reports the results of two experimental studies on the problem of the perception of shapes projected on concave surfaces. A quantitative evaluation of the phenomena perceived from various points of observation is made by means of stimuli projected at various angles on a semicylindrical surface. The validity of the assumption of invariance, and in particular of the projective invariant called the cross-ratio, is discussed within the framework of ecological theories on perception.  相似文献   

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