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This study examined relationships between distal social contexts, parents' support for learning, self-concept, and adolescents' academic goal orientations. Data were collected from 435 female and 410 male 18-yr.-old South Africans. Multistage regression analyses indicated that family social status and rural/urban locality had unmediated relations with the adolescents' learning and performance goal orientations. In addition, parent and self-concept measures combined to have small independent associations with the adolescents' academic goal orientations.  相似文献   

Research on attitudes and attitude phenomena occupies a central place in social psychology, but tends to focus mainly on cognitive, intra-individual, and interpersonal dimensions. The normative, group membership, and identity dimensions of attitudes tend to attract less attention. This article approaches attitudes from the perspective of research on group processes, intergroup relations, and social identity, and conceptualises attitudes and attitude phenomena in terms of their group normative properties and dynamics. Our perspective is explicitly framed and focused by contemporary social identity theory—a theory that has a great deal to contribute to attitude research, but often does not talk directly about attitudes. We discuss attitudinal influence and change, how people perceive normative attitudes, and how attitudes relate to action.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of emoticons in computer-mediated communication (CMC). The study consisted of an online questionnaire about the social motives for emoticon use and an experimental part in which participants (N = 1,251) had to respond to short Internet chats. In these chats, the interaction partner (friend vs. stranger) and the valence of the context (positive vs. negative) were manipulated. Results showed that emoticons are mostly used to express emotion, to strengthen a message, and to express humor. Furthermore, more emoticons were used in communication with friends than in communication with strangers, and more emoticons were used in a positive context than in a negative context. Participants seem to use emoticons in a way similar to facial behavior in face-to-face communication with respect to social context and interaction partner.  相似文献   

Michael Lynch 《Human Studies》1999,22(2-4):211-233
Ethnomethodologists (or at least many of them) have been reticent about their theoretical sources and methodological principles. It frequently falls to others to make such matters explicit. In this paper I discuss this silence about theory, but rather than entering the breach by specifying a set of implicit assumptions and principles, I suggest that the reticence is consistent with ethnomethodology's distinctive research 'program'. The main part of the paper describes the pedagogical exercises and forms of apprenticeship through which Garfinkel and Sacks aimed to develop ethnomethodology as a practice. These efforts were not entirely successful, partly because ethnomethodological 'practice' required an engagement with other fully-fledged practices. Aside from the difficulties of mastering such practices, it was unclear what an ethnomethodological study would add to, or take from, them. Whether successful or not, ethnomethodological research points to the specificity of discourse and action in any given practice which a general theory is bound to misconstrue. Current disputes about cultural constructivist versions of natural science illustrate the problems that arise when the terms of a general theory are used to describe and evaluate specific domains of practice. The paper concludes by recommending ethnomethodology as a way to dissolve an unbridgeable gap between cultural theories and socially located practices.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The problem analyzed is how (according to what rules) to disentangle social and individual aspects in, e.g., an act of communication. Taking as point of departure the everyday fact that social relationships as well as individuals may be assessed across variables, an attempt was made to classify variables as either social or individual. It was found, however, that they seem to be distributed along a continuum from individual via relational to social variables; that all variables seem to have both a social and an individual aspect; and that they may be classified along a continuum accordning to how easily they can be made socially relevant or salient. Instead of concluding either that a social psychology proper is impossible, since all variables can be ascribed to the individual(s), or that we are dealing only with social psychology, since all variables have a social potential, a pragmatic solution may be to make clear at each stage of research from which perspective, the social or the individual, one is exploring the variable in focus.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus context on absolute-magnitude-estimation (AME) judgments was examined by determining whether the loudness judgment of a tone is influenced by the intensities of other tones presented within the session. A group of 18 subjects was tested in separate sessions in which they judged stimuli within either a low (10-60 dB SL) or a high (40-90 dB SL) range of intensities. Examination of the results of individual subjects revealed that judgments of stimuli common to the two ranges were, in most subjects, unaffected or only slightly affected by the position of the range. The judgments of 2 subjects who failed to follow the instructions, however, showed very large context effects due to changing the stimulus range. The results of a second experiment, in which 22 subjects judged the loudness of tones within either a narrow (35-65 dB SL) or a wide (20-80 dB SL) range, revealed that, in all but 1 subject, the width of the range had no systematic effect on the loudness judgments of stimuli common to both ranges. This was also true 1 month later when 16 of the subjects returned to the laboratory to judge the loudness of tones within an even wider range of 10-90 dB SL. It was concluded that AME judgments are relatively insensitive to the potential biasing influences of stimulus context.  相似文献   

Four psychiatric out-patients with social dificulties were treated by social skills training and related treatments in a series of controlled within-subject designs. In all cases treatment produced predicted changes in social skills but these changes were not always sufficient to produce more general clinical change, which sometimes seemed to be more closely related to extra-therapeutic environmental changes. Several different treatment strategies were necessary in addition to social skills training including relaxation training, videotaped feedback and directive advice, and this emphasized important differences between patients which affected the choice of therapy. Three out of four cases improved; one reacted adversely to treatment and dropped out. Reasons for this failure are discussed. The study as a whole indicates the need to look more closely at individual patients, both in planning individual treatment and carrying out evaluative research.  相似文献   

Power differences are thought to interfere with superiors' interaction with subordinates. However, it is also argued that superiors with considerable power are most supportive of their subordinates. To explore these opposing positions, 90 undergraduates became managers with either high or low power who believed their goals were cooperatively, individualistically, or competitively related to their subordinate. Results support the hypothesis that social context affects how superiors use their power to interact with subordinates. High- and low-power superiors in cooperation had positive expectations, interacted constructively, restated the task, responded to requests for assistance, and developed a positive relationship compared to high- and low-power superiors in individualistic and competitive situations. In addition, only the high-power superiors in cooperation used their expertise to give direct aid to the subordinate. Results indicate that in cooperation superiors are likely to use their power constructively; however, in competitive and individualistic contexts, superiors are apt to fail to use their resources to facilitate subordinate performance. Results were also interpreted as suggesting that it is not so much the extent of superiors' power but the social context that affects their use of power and interaction with subordinates.  相似文献   

Two related field studies investigated social stereotyping and differentiation between student groups in higher education. In the first, subjects from Exeter and Manchester Universities rated students at both institutions on a number of evaluatively positive attributes. They also judged the degree status and prospective employment opportunities of the groups, in a context which rendered these important. Although subjects displayed strategies of positive differentiation, this was restricted to certain ‘consensual’ dimensions, reflecting perceived stereotypic differences between the groups. Discrepancies in the pattern of differentiation between the groups, and with finding of comparable studies, are discussed. This paradigm was then extended to the case where Manchester University subjects rated three groups, including the ingroup (Oxford or Exeter University vs. Manchester University vs. Manchester Polytechnic students). From social identity theory it was predicted that comparisons with a higher status outgroup which also excelled on contextually important dimensions (Oxford/Exeter), would increase positive differentiation of the ingroup from a second, lower status outgroup (Manchester Polytechnic students). This was confirmed, although there was weaker evidence for devaluation of the second outgroup in absolute terms. In both studies the relation of group status and dimensional importance of the material factor of career prospects helped to explain the strategies of differentiation adopted.  相似文献   

Knowledge,context, and social standards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stewart Cohen 《Synthese》1987,73(1):3-26
This paper defends the view that standards, which are typically social in nature, play a role in determining whether a subject has knowledge. While the argument focuses on standards that pertain to reasoning, I also consider whether there are similar standards for memory and perception.Ultimately, I argue that the standards are context sensitive and, as such, we must view attributions of knowledge as indexical. I exploit similarities between this view and a version of the relevant alternatives reply to skepticism in order to defend this reply against the objection that it is ad hoc.A shorter version of this paper, entitled Knowledge and Context, was presented as a symposium at the 1986 Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association and appeared in the Journal of Philosophy 83 (October 1986) 574-83. Because of space limitations, much of the material in sections 1 and 2 of this longer version was compressed into footnotes. Section 3 and many of the footnotes were deleted entirely and the argument of section 5 was presented in a condensed form. I am grateful to Frederick Schmitt and the editors of Synthese for the opportunity to present the paper in its original form.  相似文献   

The personal functions of autobiographical memory build on the basic biological functions of memory common to most mammals that, however, do not have the kind of episodic memories that compose human autobiographical memory according to present theory. The thesis here is that personal autobiographical memory is functionally and structurally related to the use of cultural myths and social narratives, and that the relative emphasis put on the self in different cultural and social contexts influences the form and function of autobiographical memory and the need for developing a uniquely personal life narrative in those contexts. Historical and cross-cultural trends revealed in psychological and literary research are invoked to support this thesis.  相似文献   

Hypotheses were stated which specify individual creativity as a function of developmental and productive period variables. It was then argued that these hypotheses could be better tested by examining generational fluctuations in creativity. Information from cultural and political archival sources was thus aggregated to form time series spanning 127 generations of European history. Data quality checks, control variables, data transformations, time-lagged comparisons, and trend analyses were used to improve the validity of the causal inferences. While the results varied according to the type of creativity (discursive or presentational) and the degree of achieved eminence, creative development was found to be affected by the following: (a) role model availability, (b) political fragmentation, (c) imperial instability, and (d) political instability.  相似文献   

The current research presents a new type of social context effect on attitude certainty. It is proposed that when people receive persuasive messages, they appraise their attitudes not only in terms of whether they are shared or not shared by others, but also in terms of whether they are based on similar or dissimilar assessments of the information presented. In two experiments, participants were presented with persuasive messages. In Experiment 1, they were induced to perceive that they responded favorably (persuasion) or unfavorably (resistance) to the message arguments. In Experiment 2, they were allowed to vary in their actual message responses. In both experiments, message response similarity—the degree to which people perceived that their evaluations of persuasive arguments were shared or unshared by others—moderated the classic effect of attitude similarity on attitude certainty. In particular, attitude similarity only affected attitude certainty under conditions of message response similarity. When message responses were believed to be dissimilar, attitude similarity had no effect on attitude certainty.  相似文献   

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