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There is evidence that blocking beta-noradrenergic receptors will cause deficits in some forms of learning. We investigated the effects of systemic injections of 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg doses of propranolol on acquisition of delay eyeblink conditioning in 3-month-old Fischer 344 rats. We presented a 3-kHz, 90-dB tone as a conditioning stimulus and a 6 psi airpuff as our unconditioned stimulus to freely moving rats. We monitored eyelid activity using EMG signals. The treatment subjects were injected with either propranolol or saline 0.5 h prior to daily training sessions. Two groups of control subjects, one receiving injections of saline and one receiving injections of 5 mg/kg propranolol, received daily training sessions with unpaired and randomized presentation of the tone and airpuff. Each daily training session for the treatment groups consisted of 27 paired training trials and 3 conditioned stimulus-alone training trials. Rats injected with saline vehicle or with 1 mg/kg propranolol achieved a 60% or better learned response rate within two training sessions. Rats injected with 5 or 10 mg/kg propranolol never achieved a response rate significantly different from animals that received unpaired, random presentations of the tone and airpuff stimuli. These results agree with prior studies from our lab that have shown a dose-dependent effect of beta-noradrenergic receptor blockade on learning in rabbit eyeblink conditioning as well as in a runway, motor learning paradigm. We believe that the beta-noradrenergic system plays an important role in learning and memory in more than one cerebellar-dependent learning paradigm.  相似文献   

The relation between long-term decrements of the acoustic startle response in rats and the development of freezing behavior during habituation training was examined. Freezing behavior developed over the initial trials of habituation training, and the rate of long-term response decrements was found to be inversely related to the development of freezing. Manipulations (neurological or behavioral) that either reduced the level of freezing or retarded its development promoted startle response decrements. In Experiment 1, rats receiving electrolytic lesions of the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray demonstrated both accelerated long-term startle response decrements and retarded development of freezing behavior. In Experiment 2, preexposure to the startle apparatus (i.e., latent inhibition) accelerated long-term startle decrements and inhibited development of freezing. In Experiment 3, exposure to the startle apparatus following initial habituation training (i.e., extinction) reduced both freezing behavior and startle response amplitudes. The results are discussed in terms of the influence of Pavlovian fear conditioning on long-term habituation of the acoustic startle response.  相似文献   

A large number of studies have indicated that stress exposure or the administration of stress hormones and other neuroactive drugs immediately after a learning experience modulates the consolidation of long-term memory. However, there has been little investigation into how arousal induced by handling of the animals in order to administer these drugs affects memory. Therefore, the present study examined whether the posttraining injection or handling procedure per se affects memory of auditory-cue classical fear conditioning. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, which had been pre-handled on three days for 1 min each prior to conditioning, received three pairings of a single-frequency auditory stimulus and footshock, followed immediately by either a subcutaneous injection of a vehicle solution or brief handling without injection. A control group was placed back into their home cages without receiving any posttraining treatment. Retention was tested 24 h later in a novel chamber and suppression of ongoing motor behavior during a 10-s presentation of the auditory-cue served as the measure of conditioned fear. Animals that received posttraining injection or handling did not differ from each other but showed significantly less stimulus-induced movement compared to the non-handled control group. These findings thus indicate that the posttraining injection or handling procedure is sufficiently arousing or stressful to facilitate memory consolidation of auditory-cue classical fear conditioning.  相似文献   

Most studies of long-term potentiation (LTP) have focused on potentiation induced by the activation of postsynaptic NMDA receptors (NMDARs). However, it is now apparent that NMDAR-dependent signaling processes are not the only form of LTP operating in the brain [Malenka, R. C., & Bear, M. F. (2004). LTP and LTD: An embarrassment of riches. Neuron, 44, 5–21]. Previously, we have observed that LTP in leech central synapses made by the touch mechanosensory neurons onto the S interneuron was NMDAR-independent [Burrell, B. D., & Sahley, C. L. (2004). Multiple forms of long-term potentiation and long-term depression converge on a single interneuron in the leech CNS. Journal of Neuroscience, 24, 4011–4019]. Here we examine the cellular mechanisms mediating T-to-S (T → S) LTP and find that its induction requires activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCCs) and protein kinase C (PKC). Surprisingly, whenever LTP was pharmacologically inhibited, long-term depression (LTD) was observed at the tetanized synapse, indicating that LTP and LTD were activated at the same time in the same synaptic pathway. This co-induction of LTP and LTD likely plays an important role in activity-dependent regulation of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

This study examined contextual control of long-term habituation and whether such effects are dependent on the habituating response system. Habituation of the acoustic startle response transferred from the home cage to the testing context, whereas habituation of lick suppression was context specific (Experiments 1 and 2). Contextual control of habituation was demonstrated between 2 experimental contexts for lick suppression to a tone (Experiment 3) and bar-press suppression to a light (Experiment 4). Experiment 5 extinguished habituation of lick suppression and the orienting response to a tone with 27 exposures to the habituation context. Context specificity of both responses also was found. Previous failures to demonstrate contextual control of habituation may be due to the choice of response system and to less sensitive procedures to detect response recovery. The habituation mechanism for startle is independent from the process or processes that underlie habituation in other response systems, but the nature of these mechanisms is not yet known.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported which examine the effects of experience with escapable shock either subsequent to (Experiment 1) or prior to (Experiments 2 and 3) a session of inescapable shock on the subsequently produced long-term analgesic reaction in rats. Experment 1 demonstrated that experience with escapable shock 4 hr after a session of inescapable tail shock completely reverses the analgesic response that is normally observed 24 hr later upon reexposure to shock. The escapability of the shock was shown to be the important factor in reversing the analgesic reaction, since subjects given inescapable shock in amounts equivalent to escape subjects exhibited no reduction in analgesia. Experiment 2 showed that experience with escapable shock 4 hr prior to a session of inescapable tail shock could also completely eliminate the long-term analgesic reaction. Experiment 3 replicated the results of Experiment 2, but employed a different escape task and temporal parameters in order to extend the generality of the findings, and to more closely match the procedures employed in behavioral experiments reported by J. L. Williams and S. F. Maier (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 1977, 3, 240–253). The implications of these results for the areas of pain control and learned helplessness were discussed.  相似文献   

Early life events have profound consequences. Our research demonstrates that the early life stress of neonatal isolation (1-h individual isolation on postnatal days 2-9) in rats has immediate and enduring neural and behavioral effects. Recently, we showed neonatal isolation impaired hippocampal-dependent context conditioned fear in adult rats. We now expand upon this finding to test whether neonatal isolation impairs performance in inhibitory avoidance and in the non-aversive, hippocampal-dependent object recognition task. In addition to assessments of hippocampal-dependent memory, we examined if neonatal isolation results in cellular alterations in the adult hippocampus. This was measured with antibodies that selectively label calpain-mediated spectrin breakdown product (BDP), a marker of cytoskeletal modification that can have neuronal consequences. Neonatally isolated male and female rats showed impaired performance in both memory tasks as well as elevated BDP levels in hippocampal immunoblot samples. In tissue sections stained for BDP, the cytoskeletal fragmentation was localized to pyramidal neurons and their proximal dendrites. Interestingly, the hippocampal samples also exhibited reduced staining for the postsynaptic marker, GluR1. Neonatal isolation may render those neurons involved in memory encoding to be vulnerable to calpain deregulation and synaptic compromise as shown previously with brain injury. Together with our prior research showing enhanced striatal-dependent learning and neurochemical responsivity, these results indicate that the early experience of neonatal isolation causes enduring yet opposing region-specific neural and behavioral alterations.  相似文献   

Progesterone induced high levels of female lordotic behavior in 10 of 17 intact, estrogen-primed male rats when it was applied directly to the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area. All 17 males previously had shown lordosis when the serotonergic antagonist methysergide was applied to the same central sites. Few males responded to systemic progesterone and none to intracralial cholesterol. Intradiencephalic Metycaine, a local anesthetic, induced lordosis in eight male that previously had responded to central progesterone. These data indicate that estrogen and progesterone act synergistically to induce lordosis in male rats when progesterone is administered directly to sensitive brain sites.  相似文献   

Sexual receptivity to males resulted from stimulation of the vagina with a glass rod in previously unreceptive ovariectomized, estrogen-treated rats. Several minutes of rejection behavior preceded the receptivity. In a second study, manual palpation was used to determine the duration of the lordosis response facilitation. Initially, all females were unresponsive to manual flank-perineum stimulation (palpation). Vaginal stimulation plus palpation, which together elicit lordosis, facilitated subsequent lordosis responses to palpation. This effect persisted for several hours after the vaginal stimulation was applied. Vaginal stimulation alone, which was ineffective in eliciting lordosis, also facilitated lordosis in response to subsequent palpation. Repeated palpation did not facilitate lordosis. These prolonged effects were independent of hormone treatment.  相似文献   

In a split-litter design, equal numbers of male and female rats were exposed either to carbon dioxide for 1 min, or to the control condition on either postnatal Days 9-10 or 17-18. At 120 days of age half the numbers of rats in each condition were given subclinical dosages of lithium (1.5 mEq/kg) and pilocarpine (15 mg/kg) or saline. 40 days later all rats were tested in a conditioned fear paradigm. A four-way analysis of variance as a function of the variables anoxia, age at the time of anoxia sex, and subclinical seizure induction indicated a significant interaction between sex and anoxic history. Post hoc analysis showed that performance of male rats exposed to the anoxic condition did not differ from normal or anoxic female rats. The results suggest that only 1 min. of preweaning anoxia may produce permanent changes in contextual fear conditioning for male but not female rats.  相似文献   

Recent pre-clinical research has indicated that chronic treatment with methylphenidate (Ritalin®) in young animals can result in lasting and potentially detrimental alterations in brain function that can persist into adulthood. Chronic methylphenidate-induced neuronal alterations may result in behavior and cognitive deficits that include increases in behavioral responses and impairment in recognition memory. This study compared the cognitive consequences following chronic treatment with two doses (5 and 10 mg/kg) of methylphenidate on recognition and spatial memory in adult male Long-Evans rats using an established oral dosing procedure. The animals were then tested in the Object Recognition test at 14 days post treatment and the Object Placement test at 21 days post treatment. The results indicate that repeated exposure to oral methylphenidate impaired the performance of rats in these tests. The current findings add to recent research demonstrating negative consequences in rats pre-treated with methylphenidate, and extend previous findings to include deficits in spatial recognition memory.  相似文献   

Five experiments examined the influence of opiate antagonists on both the short-term analgesic reaction resulting 30 min after exposure to inescapable shock and the long-term analgesic reaction resulting after reexposure to shock 24 hr after inescapable shock exposure. Experiment 1 showed that the long-term analgesic reaction could be reduced by administration of naltrexone prior to exposure to inescapable tail shock. Experiment 2 showed that the reduction in the long-term analgesic reaction produced by naltrexone was dose-dependent. Experiment 3 showed that the long-term analgesic reaction could also be reduced by administration of naltrexone prior to reexposure to shock. Experiment 4 showed that the long-term analgesic reaction could be reduced by administration of large dose of naloxone prior to reexposure to shock. Experiment 5 showed that the short-term analgesic reaction was reduced by naltrexone administered prior to inescapable shock. Some implications of these results for the biochemical substrates of both learned helplessness and stress-induced analgesia are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent findings have provided much insight into the mechanisms underlying long-term memory formation, and it is now known that long-term memory depends on the activation of a molecular cascade that culminates with structural changes in the brain. However, little is known about the signals that give rise to or regulate these structural changes. In this article we propose that fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), a mitogen for several cell types, may be one of the molecular signals critically involved in the structural changes underlying long-term memory. If FGF2 is part of the signalling cascade involved in long-term memory, then increasing the activation of FGF2 should facilitate memory. In Experiments 1 and 2, we demonstrated that systemic injection of FGF2 (20 ng/g of body weight) facilitated memory for contextual fear in 16, 19, and 22 day old male Sprague Dawley rats. Experiment 3 demonstrated that the observed facilitation of memory was not due to FGF2 increasing rats’ sensitivity to footshock. These results implicate FGF2 as a possible molecular signal in long-term memory, and further, illustrate a novel means of enhancing memory.  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of sub-chronic rolipram treatment in an object recognition task in 3-month-old male rats were investigated. Rats remember which object they have explored in a previous trial (T1) when they are tested 1 h later (T2). However, when tested 24 h later, they do not remember which object was presented to them in the first trial. Drug treatments may improve discrimination performance after 24 h, i.e., improve memory for the familiar object. Rats were sub-chronically treated with 0.5 mg/kg rolipram (p.o.) for five consecutive days and tested with a 24 h delay between T1 and T2. Memory performance in the object recognition task was assessed before, during and after sub-chronic treatment. In addition, we investigated whether the timing of the final dose, i.e., 24, 1, or 6 h before training, had an effect on memory performance. During sub-chronic treatment, i.e., after 2-3 days of rolipram treatment, moderate effects on memory performance were observed. Regardless of when the final administration was given, sub-chronic rolipram treatment improved long-term memory performance. Since plasma and brain rolipram levels were undetectable at 24 h before the test, and acute treatment with rolipram 24 h before training had no effects, the observed memory enhancement cannot be attributed to acute rolipram effects. The long-term memory enhancing effects of rolipram might be explained by long-lasting neuronal changes by the chronic treatment due to recurring activation of the cAMP/PKA/CREB pathway leading to CREB phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The basolateral amygdala (BLA) is extensively implicated in emotional learning and memory. The current study investigated the contribution of cholinergic afferents to the BLA from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis in influencing aversive learning and memory. Sprague-Dawley rats were given permanent unilateral phthalic acid (300 ng) lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis and were chronically implanted with cannulas aimed at the ipsilateral BLA. Lesioned rats showed a pronounced inhibitory avoidance task retention deficit that was attenuated by acute posttraining infusions of the muscarinic cholinergic agonist oxotremorine (4 ng) or the indirect agonist physostigmine (1 microg) into the BLA. Continuous multiple-trial inhibitory avoidance training and testing revealed that lesioned rats have a mild acquisition deficit, requiring approximately 1 additional shock to reach the criterion, and a pronounced consolidation deficit as indicated by a shorter latency to enter the shock compartment on the retention test. Because lesioned rats did not differ from sham-operated controls in performance on a spatial water maze task or in shock sensitivity, it is not likely that the memory impairments produced by the phthalic acid lesions are due to any general sensory or motor deficits. These findings suggest that the dense cholinergic projection from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis to the BLA is involved in both the acquisition and the consolidation of the aversive inhibitory avoidance task.  相似文献   

The authors elucidate exposure-response relationships between repetitive tasks, inflammation, and motor changes with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Using a rat model of reaching and handle pulling, they examined effects of performing a high-repetition, low-force (HRLF); low-repetition, high-force (LRHF); or high-repetition, high-force (HRHF) task (2 hr/day, 3 days/week, 12 weeks) on reach rate and force, percentage of successful reaches, duration of participation, and grip strength. Reach rate and reach force improved with HRLF, and percentage success increased in all groups in Week 9, and in HRLF and HRHF in Week 12, indicative of skill acquisition. Duration and grip strength showed force-dependent declines with task performance. A subset of HRHF rats received ibuprofen in Weeks 5-12. Ibuprofen significantly improved reach rate, reach force, and duration in treated rats, indicative of an inflammatory influence on reach performance. Ibuprofen improved percentage of successful reaches in Week 9, although this increase was not sustained. However, declines in grip strength, a nocifensive behavior, were not prevented by ibuprofen. Examination of cervical spinal cords of untreated and ibuprofen treated HRHF rats showed increased IL-1beta, an inflammatory cytokine, in neurons. These findings suggest that only a preventive intervention could have addressed all motor declines.  相似文献   

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