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This paper focuses on Habermas’s analysis of the bourgeois public sphere and its inextricable relationship to mass communication technology – particularly in relation to his pioneering work, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Within this investigation, it will be argued that while Habermas’s views are still to be regarded as being highly insightful and relevant when attempting to gain an understanding of what it is that a legitimate public sphere actually encompasses, along with what the necessary preconditions entail in order for a public sphere to be established, Habermas’s critical analysis is not without its shortcomings. As insightful as Habermas’s views may be, they do require a certain amount of revision and updating. As such, Habermas’s insights are to be understood as providing the contemporary critical researcher with a solid, yet flexible, basis from where it is that the notion of the modern, electronically infused, public sphere of the 21st century is to be critically gauged.  相似文献   

Carl Fox 《Res Publica》2013,19(3):257-273
How should we understand the familiar demand that journalists ‘be objective’? One possibility is that journalists are under an obligation to report only the facts of the matter. However, facts need to be interpreted, selected, and communicated. How can this be done objectively? This paper aims to explain the concept of journalistic objectivity in methodological terms. Specifically, I will argue that the ideal of journalistic objectivity should be recast as a commitment to John Rawls’s conception of public reason. Journalism plays a vital role in the operation of all modern liberal democracies, functioning as the public watchdog, the fourth estate, or the conduit through which vital information flows to the citizenry. Journalism is, therefore, an institution that is best understood as part of the basic structure of society. In Political Liberalism, Rawls explicitly excludes media of any kind from the demands of public reason because he doesn’t think that they play a political role that is important enough to bring them under the official auspices of public reason. I will argue that overlooking the political significance of journalism is a mistake, but one that can be corrected while keeping within the spirit and most important elements of his theory. This revision will widen the scope for what counts as journalism beyond traditional outlets and forms of media but will impose the demands of public reason on anyone who intends to participate in the institution.  相似文献   

Are there sex differences in criteria for sexual relationships? The answer depends on what question a researcher asks. Data suggest that, whereas the sexes differ in whether they will enter short-term sexual relationships, they are more similar in what they prioritize in partners for such relationships. However, additional data and context of other findings and theory suggest different underlying reasons. In Studies 1 and 2, men and women were given varying "mate budgets" to design short-term mates and were asked whether they would actually mate with constructed partners. Study 3 used a mate-screening paradigm. Whereas women have been found to prioritize status in long-term mates, they instead (like men) prioritize physical attractiveness much like an economic necessity in short-term mates. Both sexes also show evidence of favoring well-rounded long- and short-term mates when given the chance. In Studies 4 and 5, participants report reasons for having casual sex and what they find physically attractive. For women, results generally support a good genes account of short-term mating, as per strategic pluralism theory (S. W. Gangestad & J. A. Simpson, 2000). Discussion addresses broader theoretical implications for mate preference, and the link between method and theory in examining social decision processes.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore an ethical and pedagogical dilemma that I encounter each semester in my world religions courses: namely, that a great number of students enroll in the courses as part of their missionary training programs, and come to class understanding successful learning to mean gathering enough information about the world's religious “traditions” so as to effectively seduce people out of them. How should we teach world religions – in public university religious studies courses – with this student constituency? What are/ought to be our student learning goals? What can and should we expect to accomplish? How can we maximize student learning, while also maintaining our disciplinary integrity? In response to these questions, I propose a world religions course module, the goal of which is for students to examine – as objects of inquiry – the lenses through which they understand religion(s). With a recognition of their own lenses, I argue, missionary students become more aware of the biases and presumptions about others that they bring to the table, and they learn to see the ways in which these presumptions inform what they see and know about others, and also what they do not so easily see.  相似文献   

Abduction and metaphor are two significant concepts in cognitive science. It is found that the both mental processes are on the basis of certain similarity. The similarity inspires us to seek the answers to the following two questions: (1) Whether there is a common cognitive mechanism behind abduction and metaphor? And (2) if there is, whether this common mechanism could be interpreted within the unified frame of modern intelligence theory? Centering on these two issues, the paper attempts to characterize and interpret the generation and evolution of scientific metaphors from the perspective of the cognitive mechanism of abductive inference. Then it interprets the common cognitive mechanism behind abduction and metaphor within Hawkins’ frame of intelligence theory. The commonality between abduction and metaphor indicates the potential to further explore human intelligence.  相似文献   

Two expressive limitations of an infinitary higher-order modal language interpreted on models for higher-order contingentism – the thesis that it is contingent what propositions, properties and relations there are – are established: First, the inexpressibility of certain relations, which leads to the fact that certain model-theoretic existence conditions for relations cannot equivalently be reformulated in terms of being expressible in such a language. Second, the inexpressibility of certain modalized cardinality claims, which shows that in such a language, higher-order contingentists cannot express what is communicated using various instances of talk of ‘possible things’, such as ‘there are uncountably many possible stars’.  相似文献   

It is well known that the process of scientific inquiry, according to Peirce, is drivenby three types of inference, namely abduction, deduction, and induction. What isbehind these labels is, however, not so clear. In particular, the common identificationof abduction with Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) begs the question,since IBE appears to be covered by Peirce's concept of induction, not that of abduction.Consequently, abduction ought to be distinguished from IBE, at least on Peirce's account. The main aim of the paper, however, is to show that this distinction is most relevant with respect to current problems in philosophy of science and epistemology (like attempts to supply suitable notions of realism and truth as well as related concepts like coherence and unification). In particular, I also try to show that (and in what way) Peirce's inferential triad can function as a method that ensures both coherence and correspondence. It is in this respect that his careful distinction between abduction and induction (or IBE) ought to be heeded.  相似文献   

If arguments are to generate public knowledge, as in the sciences, then they must travel, finding acceptance across a range of local contexts. But not all good arguments travel, whereas some bad arguments do. Under what conditions may we regard the capacity of an argument to travel as a sign of its cogency or public merits? This question is especially interesting for a contextualist approach that wants to remain critically robust: if standards of cogency are bound to local contexts of evaluation, then how may arguments legitimately travel at all? The key to a contextualist conception of cogent travel, I argue, lies in the way local contexts are linked to broader contexts of evaluation by relations of relevance. The burden of the article is to elaborate the different forms these relations can take in the travel of scientific arguments.  相似文献   

Objective: Planning can bridge the gap between intentions and action, but what bridges the gap between planning and action? This study helps to answer the question by disentangling the interrelationships between self-efficacy, planning and preparatory behaviours in predicting physical activity. Preparatory behaviours are tested as a working mechanism of planning. Moreover, it is tested whether the utility of preparatory behaviours depends on an individual’s level of self-efficacy.

Methods: A survey assessed planning, self-efficacy and preparatory behaviours for physical activity. Adults (N = 166) provided data at two measurement points. In a longitudinal model, preparatory behaviours were specified as a mediator between planning and physical activity. Self-efficacy was specified as a possible moderator at two points in the model.

Results: Preparatory behaviours mediated the relationship between planning and physical activity. An interaction between self-efficacy and preparatory behaviours on physical activity was found, indicating that individuals with low self-efficacy beliefs were more active if they engaged more frequently in preparatory behaviours.

Conclusion: Planning seems to stimulate preparatory behaviours, which in turn make future physical activity more likely. Furthermore, as performing preparatory behaviours represent a step forward towards the enactment of behavioural goals, preparatory behaviours may be particular beneficial for individuals afflicted by self-doubts regarding physical activity.  相似文献   

A sample of 1,200 urban Israelis were tested on their perception of threatening situations in everyday life by means of a questionnaire portraying typical scenarios incorporating the variables physical threat, loss of property, and territorial invasion. Significant differences were found with regard to the age and sex of the respondents in their perception of what constituted an anxiety-provoking situation. Both young and old men and women perceived overt physical threat in public as being the most hazardous scenario. Men and women between the ages of 20 and 39 differed significantly in their perceptions of threat. Women perceived potential rape situations as being the most hazardous, whereas the corresponding variable for a high percentage of the men was loss of property. Both men and women in this age group, however, regarded invasion of personal living space while they were present and unaware as being highly anxiety provoking. The findings are discussed and biological differences in human perception of what constitutes a threatening situation postulated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Since Donald Hebb's pioneering observations in the 1940s, much research has focused on the effects of variations in physical activity and environmental complexity on behavioral performance and brain structure. Beneficial effects on brain health have been linked to physical fitness, skilled training, and exposure to complex environments, though in rodents these effects may be negated by sudden changes in social structure. Such manipulations can alleviate the deficits associated with several nervous-system disorders and aging. But how increased activity produces its beneficial effects is still not fully understood. How does unskilled physical activity (e.g., repetitive exercise) compare to training in skilled activities or exposure to complex environments? In injury states, is task-specific training a better rehabilitative strategy than general exercise? How do changes in motor activity affect specific brain regions, and can the intensity and timing of therapeutic movement be adjusted to produce optimal outcomes? Are the beneficial effects of motor enrichment banked over periods of inactivity and can they be called upon with booster training to treat a later neurological disorder? Are there circumstances in which increased activity is harmful? Enrichment of physical activity shows promise as an easy and healthful means for improving or restoring brain function, and questions like these are now being investigated so that the full potential of increased activity may be harnessed.  相似文献   

How can abductive reasoning be physical, feasible, and reliable? This is Fodor’s riddle of abduction, and its apparent intractability is the cause of Fodor’s recent pessimism regarding the prospects for cognitive science. I argue that this riddle can be solved if we augment the computational theory of mind to allow for non-computational mental processes, such as those posited by classical associationists and contemporary connectionists. The resulting hybrid theory appeals to computational mechanisms to explain the semantic coherence of inference and associative mechanisms to explain the efficient retrieval of relevant information from memory. The interaction of these mechanisms explains how abduction can be physical, feasible, and reliable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper argues that the sort of liberty associated with a capitalist economic system is of particular value because it ensures moral self-responsibility. Two conceptions of freedom are considered but only one is invoked. It is contended that one, namely, positive freedom, is actually a kind of ability or power. One's positive freedom may be lost as a result of events not initiated by other human beings. Negative freedom, by contrast, is a distinctively normative notion. It is a social condition that members of a community ought to maintain out of respect for human dignity, that is, each person's responsibility to choose to live rightly.
It is argued that since 'ought' implies 'can', persons can only be morally responsible for what they can choose to do. If they lack negative freedom, then in addition to natural limitations, they will also be limited by the voluntary conduct of others. Yet this limitation could be prevented by the choices of others, including governments, to secure for all persons their negative freedom. Because of the universality of the requirement that each person be left free, such negative freedom is the quintessential public good.
Finally, the concrete expression of negative freedom is the right to private property— one's sphere of moral authority. This makes the capitalist economic system an essential aspect of the society that secures negative freedom.  相似文献   

A key issue in cognitive sciences is to understand the cognitive bases of human tool use. Answers have been provided by two competing approaches. The manipulation-based approach assumes that humans can use tools because of the ability to store sensorimotor knowledge about how to manipulate tools. By contrast, for the reasoning-based approach, human tool use is based on the ability to reason about physical object properties. Recently, Caruana and Cuccio proposed a kind of reconciliation, based on the distinction between three types of abductive inference, involving a different contribution of motor and cognitive elements: Automatic abduction (motor + and cognitive-), abduction by selection (motor ± and cognitive±) and creative abduction (motor- and cognitive+). This perspective offers new interesting avenues. Nevertheless, it is also subject to several theoretical and epistemological limitations, which make it in its present form inappropriate for the study of the cognitive bases of human tool use. This article aims to discuss these limitations.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(3):241-257
Although it has largely been studied since the 1970s, it remains controversial to accurately define what the concept of burnout encompasses. Indeed, burnout is not consensually defined and, although some consider that it is a work-related illness, there is no clear diagnostic criteria. This problem is intensified by the fact that some studies present methodological limitations, thus impeding an appropriate characterization of burnout. As a consequence of this lack of agreement, burnout is not acknowledged as a work-related illness, which minimizes the pain of those individuals who are suffering from it. The present paper will review findings that can help to disentangle whether burnout should be considered as a medical diagnosis. Cultural differences concerning the consideration of burnout as a medical condition will be pointed out and the distinctiveness of burnout compared to depression, adjustment disorder or other stress related symptoms will be highlighted. Moreover, we will explain why considering that burnout belongs to broader diagnostic categories implies that the weight of employees’ discomfort mainly relies on personal causes and therefore weakens the role of existing working conditions. This paper will also summarize clinical, psychological and biological evidences for and against the inclusion of burnout as a medical condition, before embedding them in a wider social, political and economic context. More specifically, we will explain why burnout is intimately related to the political and economic situation of a country: when society promotes cost-effectiveness, it increases stress and psychological pressure, which makes a burnout more likely to appear. Furthermore, if burnout is recognized as a work-related disease, the consequences for organizations will be that they will have to pay for additional health care charges. Finally, more effective prevention techniques could be developed, and more appropriate care could be provided to patients, but only if an agreement on diagnostic criteria was obtained and if reliable assessment tools were developed. As long as these issues are not addressed, treatments specifically targeting burnout symptoms will be further delayed although it is a serious clinical condition associated with physical and psychological symptoms impairing patients’ quality of life. In conclusion, we suggest that burnout should be considered as a medical condition despite the economic and political impediments. Nevertheless, up to now, several methodological limitations preclude to reliably establish a pathological cut-off and to delineate burnout from other mental illnesses.  相似文献   

The investigations in occupational psychology are conditioned by the way events are observed and interpreted. When we approach subjectivity, it is necessary to understand what is hidden. And the angle from which we look at determines the analysis. This is to highlight the significance of the action. Those who work interpret situations, so they cannot be reduced to their action. But how can we reach the sense of a behaviour? The problem of interpretation arises. Understanding the activity, is trying to share the contents with the subject investigated. Therefore, the direct observation of a behaviour is not synonymous with objectivity. Through two examples of the preparatory phase of our inquiries, we present persons who explain us their professional activity. In these exchanges, what is said depends on the mode of entry. The objective is to engage the subject to explain his work to understand and transform. For this, the methodology can only be indirect. The resulting methods enable the subject to talk about what he does and come back on his activity to develop.  相似文献   

Fern Elsdon‐Baker 《Zygon》2019,54(3):618-633
John H. Evans's recent book Morals Not Knowledge is a timely argument to recognize broader social and cultural factors that might impact what U.S. religious publics think about the relationship between science and religion and their attitudes toward science and/or religion. While Evans's focus is primarily on what can be classed as moral issues, this response argues that there are other factors that sit within neither the older epistemic conflict model approach nor a moral conflict model approach that also merit further investigation. There is a significant need for further research that examines the social, psychological, (geo)political, and broader cultural factors shaping people's social identities in relation to science and religion debates. When undertaking such research, we need to be wary of creating a binary between scholarly and public space discourse. Social scientific research in this field should be led by public perceptions, attitudes, and views, not by concepts or frameworks that we project onto them.  相似文献   

It is crucial to gain better insights into how psychosocial processes can limit the power of the political/legislative sphere for promoting social change through new laws. One form of accomplishing this is by illuminating the arguments and the content and value of social representations at play in cases in which the public sphere succeeds in contesting new laws. In this article, we explore a case of successful resistance to new ecological laws in a Portuguese Natura site. The laws, restricting recreational fishing, were made less stringent after meeting with local opposition. Content analysis of 122 articles published from 2006 to 2014 in regional and national newspapers reveals that protestors (fishermen, local authorities) received higher visibility and support and had more direct voice than the political sphere in both presses. Dialogical analysis of direct quotations of protestors shows how they seek legitimacy by establishing common ground with valued representations, vividly invoking people‐place bonds and tradition, and also how they attempt to undermine the law's legitimacy by linking local and national concerns, avoiding (potentially devalued) “Nimby” (“not in my backyard”) arguments. The discussion highlights what can be learned from using the press to investigate policy struggles that successfully organized their argumentation to contest new laws.  相似文献   

This paper concerns an issue in the metaphysics of properties. The issue is: what are physical properties? What distinguishes physical properties from all other properties? My conclusions will be ‘downbeat’. I will argue that some major recent approaches to this issue prove unsatisfactory, and that the issue is much more intractable than has widely been supposed. The moral I draw is that there is no principled and well-defined distinction between physical properties and all other properties, and accordingly certain programmes in metaphysics should be abandoned because they mistakenly assume that there is such a distinction.  相似文献   

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