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EEG频谱相干分析发现额叶发育在童年中期存在可能的加速期。针对这一问题,本研究通过记录75名6至12岁正常儿童静坐和闭目状态下的自发脑电,分析δ、θ、α和β基本脑电频段下31对电极相干的变化情况,系统探索了该年龄段儿童额叶自发脑电频谱相干的变化特点,结果发现:θ波活动普遍强于α和β波活动;6至12岁儿童额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在整体上表现为随年龄增长而增加的趋势;额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在各频段均表现为7岁、11岁突增,10岁、12岁表现为高峰。上述结果支持6至12岁儿童额叶发育存在加速变化的结论。  相似文献   

该研究采用EEG法探究音乐对悲伤情绪舒缓作用。选取中国古典、流行、摇滚及班得瑞音乐及悲伤影片。播放影片诱发悲伤情绪后,用音乐进行舒缓,同步采集脑电,分析得脑电功率谱(PS)及重心频率(GF)。结果表明,影片显著降低了GF及α频段PS;古典音乐GF最高,且诱发的α段PS最高,摇滚乐最低;脑对音乐加工的性别差异显著,半球差异不显著;主观体验悲伤度与α波PS显著负相关。所选音乐均具情绪舒缓作用,中国古典音乐最佳;α波PS,可作为反映悲伤-快乐情绪体验变化的脑电指标。  相似文献   

语言经验对脑功能和结构发展有重要的塑造作用。然而, 目前的相关证据主要来自对脑损伤导致的失语症病人的语言康复、第二语言学习以及针对成人读者进行的语言训练等方面的研究。幼儿时期的早期语言经验对脑结构与功能发展的影响更加重要, 但直接的研究证据却相当缺乏。本文提出一个研究设想, 拟综合使用多种脑成像技术, 系统探讨有早期手语经验和无早期手语经验的聋人个体在脑皮层语言功能的组织及脑结构发育的差异, 包括语言任务中大脑语言区的激活模式, 静息状态下脑功能联结的默认网络特征, 脑皮层灰质密度, 以及神经纤维束发育状况等, 揭示早期语言经验对大脑功能和结构发育的塑造作用。  相似文献   

以肖邦音乐为刺激材料,采用数字n-back实验范式来研究肖邦音乐对工作记忆的影响方式,并通过运用事件相关电位技术(ERP技术),研究不同音乐条件下,正常人大脑皮层的脑电活动情况,进而探讨音乐对工作记忆影响的神经机制。30名被试参加了3种音乐条件(无音乐、先导音乐、背景音乐)下的n-back(n=1、2)工作记忆任务的行为实验,收集行为数据;14名被试参加了同样实验过程的ERP实验,记录脑电数据。行为结果发现音乐条件对工作记忆效果有显著影响,且先导音乐条件下记忆效果最好;脑电结果显示P3波幅随记忆负荷的增加呈下降趋势,高记忆负荷水平下,P3波幅随先导音乐、背景音乐、无音乐的顺序逐渐呈现下降趋势;源定位分析发现音乐对工作记忆的促进作用可能跟大脑顶叶被激活有关。  相似文献   

研究发现,人们普遍具有追求公平的偏好,即人们在追求个人收益时也会关注收益分配的公平性。随着电生理技术的发展,越来越多的研究者采用电生理技术对公平偏好进行深入探讨。本研究从脑电、皮肤电、心电等方面梳理公平偏好的电生理机制。脑电的研究发现,公平偏好相关的脑电主要涉及反馈相关负波和P300;皮肤电的研究发现,相比于公平分配,个体在不公平分配情况下其皮肤电的激活水平更高;心率的研究发现,相比于公平分配,个体遭遇不公平分配时其心率降低。研究公平偏好电生理机制有助于更深入地揭示公平偏好的产生根源与形成过程。未来可从公平偏好电生理的整合研究、公平偏好的脑成像与电生理的整合性探索,以及拓展公平偏好电生理的外部效度和研究范式等方面展开进一步探究。  相似文献   

电针影响脑电和睡眠及心境的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究的目的是.探讨电针对脑电和被试主观感觉(困倦、心境)的影响。我们对24位健康志愿者施以电针.4—6小时后脑电测量表明.θ波的相对功率在额、颞区呈增加趋势.其中Fp1、Fp2、F3、F4、C3、C4,F7、F8、T5显著增加;α波的相对功率呈减少趋势,其中αI相对功率在左侧额、颞区Fp1、F3、F7、T5显著减少;α2.在F4、C3、C4,O1和T3显著减少;β频段的相对功率有增有减.其中β1在C3、C4显著减少,在O2、T3、T4显著增加;β2的相对功率在F3、C3显著减少,O1、O2T4、T5、T6显著增加。电针后的问卷调查表明,多数被试有困感,电针对睡眠深度、睡眠时间、醒来次数以及晨间心境有不同程度影响。  相似文献   

本研究采用游戏使用习惯问卷筛选暴力电子游戏玩家和对照组被试各24名,利用线索探测范式,探讨了暴力电子游戏玩家对攻击性图片的注意偏向机制。结果发现:(1)与对照组相比,暴力电子游戏玩家对攻击性图片线索下探测目标诱发的P1潜伏期提前;(2)暴力电子游戏玩家表现出特定的脑电模式:N1潜伏期延长,P2波幅减小,P300波幅降低;(3)线索的有效性效应表现在早期ERP成分(P1)中。结果表明,暴力电子游戏玩家对攻击性图片表现出注意偏向,其脑电模式揭示暴力电子游戏对玩家的认知功能有消极影响。  相似文献   

采用社会问题情境,通过记录38名高、低特质社会创造性被试在社会问题解决过程中的脑电活动,考查不同特质社会创造性的被试在表现不同状态社会创造性时的脑电激活模式。结果表明:无论高频还是低频α波同步化都存在状态创造性的主效应。同时,高、低频段的α波同步化还存在特质创造性与状态创造性之间显著的交互作用,在表现高状态社会创造性时,高特质的被试比低特质的被试出现更高的α波同步化水平。此外,对于高频α波同步化,状态创造性、特质创造性以及大脑半球的三重交互作用达到显著性水平,低特质社会创造性的被试在表现高状态社会创造性时,右脑半球比左脑半球出现更强烈的α波同步化,在其他情况下均无显著差异。未来的研究可以采用时间进程分析、纵向研究设计、脑功能成像技术探查社会创造性的脑机制。  相似文献   

临床上精神疾病如抑郁症、精神分裂症和双相情感障碍患者均表现出奖赏加工异常现象。奖赏加工包括多个产生时间非常接近的子过程。事件相关电位作为一种时间分辨率高且广泛使用的测量大脑皮层活动的工具,非常适合于研究奖赏加工中复杂、多面的认知子结构。然而,很多研究往往只关注测量单一脑电成分,忽视对整体过程的探讨。奖赏加工可分为两个重要的子阶段并关联着多个相关的事件相关电位成分:奖励期待(线索N2和P3波,关联性负变波和刺激前负波)和结果评估(反馈负波、反馈P3波和反馈晚期正电位),这些脑电成分的异常活动与抑郁症、精神分裂症和双相情感障碍患者的临床症状有密切关联。采用多成分的脑电分析方法,有助于更好地理解精神疾病群体在奖赏加工不同阶段的异常情况,对促进疾病测评方式的发展也具有作用。  相似文献   

采用不同压力管理策略(坐忘、正念、冥想)考察其对焦虑的干预效用,并用脑电探究其脑机制差异。首先用焦虑量表筛选出高焦虑被试60名,随机分入坐忘、正念、冥想和对照组,并对被试实施持续4周的干预,用焦虑量表进行后测,再采用EEG比较脑电波差异。研究发现:坐忘、正念与冥想都能降低个体的状态焦虑,坐忘对降低特质焦虑作用更大(t_(TAI)=-3.14,P0.01);坐忘在额叶激活了更高的α波,正念在顶叶激活了更高的θ波,冥想组α波的均值高于对照组。因此,不同的压力管理策略对焦虑的干预效用显著,而且三者的脑电存在差异。  相似文献   

This study examined the interactional patterns of mothers and their infants who showed food refusal (N = 24) and of mothers and infants in a control group (N = 24) during feeding and play. The observations revealed significant group differences in both infant and maternal behavior. Infants in the case group rejected food more often and showed less clear communication signals than control infants, and mothers of case infants were less sensitive, less cooperative, and had more verbal teaching/control behavior than the control group. These differences pertained to both feeding and play situations. The findings have implications for the development of appropriate and efficient intervention strategies for infants showing food refusal.  相似文献   

In several previous studies, 18‐month‐old infants who were directly addressed demonstrated more robust imitative behaviors than infants who simply observed another's actions, leading theorists to suggest that child‐directed interactions carried unique informational value. However, these data came exclusively from cultural communities where direct teaching is commonplace, raising the possibility that the findings reflect regularities in infants' social experiences rather than responses to innate or a priori learning mechanisms. The current studies consider infants' imitative learning from child‐directed teaching and observed interaction in two cultural communities, a Yucatec Mayan village where infants have been described as experiencing relatively limited direct instruction (Study 1) and a US city where infants are regularly directly engaged (Study 2). Eighteen‐month‐old infants from each community participated in a within‐subjects study design where they were directly taught to use novel objects on one day and observed actors using different objects on another day. Mayan infants showed relative increases in imitative behaviors on their second visit to the lab as compared to their first visit, but there was no effect of condition. US infants showed no difference in imitative behavior in the child‐directed vs. observed conditions; however, infants who were directly addressed on their first visit showed significantly higher overall imitation rates than infants who observed on their first visit. Together, these findings call into question the idea that child‐directed teaching holds automatic or universal informational value.  相似文献   

The performance on the Illingworth of 32 3-mo.-old home-reared Greek infants was compared to that of 22 infants reared in a modern institution. Home-reared infants were superior to institutional infants in every aspect of development except on Manipulations (fine motor coordination). It is speculated that the superiority of the home infants is attributed to the quality of the mother/caretaker-infant relationship.  相似文献   

Research on very low birth weight (VLBW) infants has not carefully evaluated developmental patterns of neurological and neuropsychological functioning across time. This study reports on a broad range of developmental outcomes for VLBW infants of low (LR, n = 116) and high (HR, n = 84) medical risk compared to full term infants (FT, n = 120) across 6, 12, and 24 months of age. While low risk infants showed initial delays in most areas, faster rates of change in motor and neurological development resulted in catch-up by 2 years of age as compared to the FT infants. The lack of acceleration in development of mental skills demonstrates a persistent lag in this area. In contrast, HR infants showed initial delays in all areas as compared to both LR and FT infants with slower rates of change in mental and expressive language skills. Although faster rates of change were evident for HR infants in motor, neurological, and receptive language skills, scores in these areas remain lower than those for the LR and FT infants. The absence of accelerated rates of development for certain VLBW infants has implications for prognosis and patient access to early intervention services.  相似文献   

Seven hundred and thirty-two parents reported when and how their infants learned to climb stairs. Children typically mastered stair ascent (mean age=10.97 months) several months after crawling onset and several weeks prior to descent (mean age=12.53 months). Most infants (94%) crawled upstairs the first time they ascended independently. Most infants (76%) turned around and backed at initial descent. Other descent strategies included scooting down sitting, walking, and sliding down face first. Children with stairs in their home were more likely to learn to ascend stairs at a younger age, devise backing as a descent strategy, and be explicitly taught to descend by their parents than children without stairs in their home. However, all infants learned to descend stairs at the same age, regardless of the presence of stairs in their home. Parents' teaching strategies and infants' access to stairs worked together to constrain development and to influence the acquisition of stair climbing milestones.  相似文献   

This study identified the level of trunk control of healthy term infants aged from six to nine months. This cross-sectional study included fifty-five infants aged from six to nine months. The levels of trunk control was investigated by using the Segmental Assessment Trunk Control (SATCo). The infants remained seated on a wooden bench and a neutral pelvic position was maintained. The SATCo score was considered as dependent variable. The results showed that infants aged six and seven months presented levels of trunk control in the thoracic region while infants aged from eight to nine months presented full trunk control. These results demonstrate that younger infants present less levels of trunk control while older infants present full trunk control, confirming that trunk control development takes place in a segmental way and in a cephalocaudal direction. These results also might be used as a reference to distinguish infants that show a delay in trunk control from those who have suitable motor development and, thus intervene at an early stage to minimize later delays in these infantś global motor development.  相似文献   

陈桄  朱皕 《心理科学进展》2006,14(4):625-630
在婴儿早期的视觉经验中,面孔是最特殊的一类刺激,小婴儿从出生开始就喜欢看面孔,这种现象称为面孔偏好。面孔偏好的发展反映了婴儿知觉能力的发展规律,具有重要的社会化意义。该文系统介绍了线性系统模型、右脑优势模型、CONSPEC理论、视觉模块理论和非特异化识别理论5种最主要的婴儿面孔偏好理论,并对这些理论的区别和联系进行了探讨。最后,对面孔偏好研究的新趋势和未来方向进行了评价和展望  相似文献   

“Back to sleep” messages can reduce prone practice for infants, with potential for motor delay and cranial deformation. Despite recommendations for “tummy time,” young infants fuss in prone, and parents report uncertainty about how to help infants tolerate prone positioning. We hypothesized that a Child'Space Method lesson, teaching proprioceptive touch and transitions to prone, would facilitate prone tolerance, parent behavioral support, and parent self-efficacy. This randomized study recruited parents (N = 37) of 2- to 5-month-old infants. On two visits, parents answered questions about infant behavior and parent experience, and played with their infant. Lesson group parents had the lesson following the first free play. One week later, lesson parents reported that infants tolerated more prone time and that parents showed more supportive behaviors in bringing infant to prone, as compared to waiting parents. Lesson parents’ efficacy, and infant behavior during play, trended in the hypothesized direction. The study demonstrated how a lesson in preparatory touch, and gradual transitions, promoted infant prone tolerance and also parent support of rolling, side-lying, and prone positioning. The lesson could be incorporated in parent education and early pediatric visits, helping infants and parents negotiate the prone challenge and setting the stage for further parent support of infant development.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a teaching and modeling intervention on the development of early reciprocity and maternal self-confidence between black low-income primiparous mothers and their newborn infants. The sample included 20 mothers who had an uneventful pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum course. Infants were healthy, full-term, singleton, and bottle-fed. Mothers in the experimental group received a teaching session in which the investigator discussed and modeled caregiver behaviors which elicit interactive behaviors and skills of the infant. State control, response to stress, motoric processes, and interaction processes were discussed. On pretest, no significant differences were found between the control and experimental groups on any variable. At posttest, statistically significant differences were found between the two groups on assessment of the mother-infant sensitivity scale. No significant differences were found between the treatment and the control groups on the Mother's Assessment of the Behavior of her Infant (MABI) or the Self-Confidence scores.  相似文献   

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