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In this exploratory study one set of patients (n – 50) was randomly assigned to either short-term group therapy or short-term individual therapy. Another set of patients was randomly assigned to either long-term group therapy or long-term individual therapy. All patients were rated prior to therapy on fifteen variables which were believed to be important for psychoanalytically oriented therapy. A comprehensive battery of outcome measures was administered both before and after therapy. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted in an effort to discover differential predictors of improvement for group therapy and individual therapy. None of the variables was found to be a significant predictor of improvement in one type of therapy and of nonimprovement in the other type. However, a number of variables were found to be significant predictors of improvement for one type of therapy but not for the other. It is suggested that for a given patient, a pattern of scoring on a number of such variables might tend to favor one type of therapy over another. The authors hope that the present study will serve to encourage further research work on the issue of assisting clinicians in their decisions concerning general and differential prediction of therapy outcome.  相似文献   

The prospective study compares 31 patients in long-term behavior therapy with 31 patients in psychoanalytically oriented long-term therapy. A naturalistic design was applied within the German health system. All patients underwent a diagnostic interview (SCID) by an external interviewer. Only patients who fulfilled the DSM III-R criteria for a depression or an anxiety disorder were included in the study. Although the diagnoses of the patients undergoing long-term behaviour therapy and long-term psychoanalytical psychotherapy were comparable, we found that they differed in various ways. The differences arose in a number of characteristics, such as education, access to psychotherapy (recommended by professionals versus patients introducing themselves), usage of psychotropic medication, and the strain of symptoms. The average duration of long-term behavior therapy was 2.4 years and 64 sessions. The average duration of psychoanalytically oriented long-term therapy was 3.6 years and 209 sessions. Symptoms (SCL-90-R) and interpersonal problems (IIP) were examined at the beginning, after 1 year, 2.5 years, 3.5 years and after 7 years. Both groups showed significant degrees of improvement within the first 3.5 years and remained stabilized in the following 3.5 years regarding the symptomatic aspects. Focussing on the interpersonal problems, group PA showed further improvement after the 3.5-year period. The BT group however, showed no further improvement after 3.5 years but stabilized. The evaluated phase-model of psychotherapeutic change for short-term therapy was confirmed more clearly for long-term therapies of psychoanalytical orientation than for long-term therapies of behavioral orientation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of two different treatments for a kidney inflammation (i.e. proliferative lupus nephritis) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with the chronic auto-immune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). One treatment protocol, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) protocol, was characterized by a high dose of cyclophosphamide (CYC, an immunosuppressive drug), and the second treatment, the Euro-Lupus protocol, involved a low-dose CYC. Thirty-two SLE patients were included based on the received treatment for an episode of proliferative lupus nephritis, according to either the Euro-Lupus or the NIH protocol. The two groups were compared on HRQoL as measured by the SF-36 and the SLE Symptom Checklist (SSC). The Euro-Lupus group (N?=?16) tended to show a higher HRQoL than the NIH group (N?=?16) on four of seven scales of the SF-36. In addition, the Euro-Lupus group experienced less burden from nausea or vomiting than the NIH group as assessed by the SSC. Fatigue was the most disturbing symptom in both groups. The most burdensome aspects of treatment were related to chemotherapy (55.2%) and use of prednisone (34.5%). Patients with a low HRQoL and high levels of fatigue were more likely to have low levels of serum complement C4 (i.e. elevated immune activity). In conclusion, patients who are treated according to the Euro-Lupus protocol may experience a higher HRQoL than patients who receive the NIH treatment. However, chemotherapy remains burdensome in the low-dose treatment regimen. Potential interventions to further enhance the HRQoL in SLE patients with proliferative lupus nephritis are discussed.  相似文献   

Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder (DBT) developed by M. Linehan is specifically designed for the outpatient treatment of chronically suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder. Research on DBT therapy, its course and its results has focused to date on treatments in an outpatient setting. Hypothesizing that the course of therapy could be accelerated and improved by an inpatient setting at the beginning of outpatient DBT, we developed a treatment program of inpatient therapy for this patient group according to the guidelines of DBT. It consists of a three-month inpatient treatment prior to long-term outpatient therapy. In this pilot study 24 female patients were compared at admission to the hospital, and at one month after discharge with respect to psychopathology and frequency of self-injuries. Significant improvements in ratings of depression, dissociation, anxiety and global stress were found. A highly significant decrease in the number of parasuicidal acts was also reported. Analysis of the average effect sizes shows a strong effect which prompts the development of a randomized controlled design.  相似文献   

A 3-year follow-up of a family therapy focusing on adolescents was done. Twenty-four of 28 families were contacted by telephone interviews with the mothers. Nine variables were assessed with a trend shown toward the deterioration of previously superior effects of short-term family therapy with 57% of the family therapy group identified patients versus 20% of the individual therapy group identified patients having been rehospitalized by the end of the 3 years since the original (3 month) follow-up. Thus, the longer-term finding suggests a superior effect of individual therapy over family therapy, although this conclusion must be provisional in the light of limitations in the research method used and/or chance factors.Our interest in this brief report is to call attention to the critical nature of the time factor in follow-up studies, as most of those currently available have been limited to follow-up periods of one year or less.  相似文献   

Among the patients treated by the writer during the past five years were two pairs of identical twins. Each respective pair of twins suffered from similar neurotic disabilities. While the patients undergoing behaviour therapy either recovered completely or improved substantially, their untreated twin siblings retained their maladaptive habits until they too underwent a course of behaviour therapy. A fifth patient, also one of an identical twin, derived benefit from therapy while his twin brother, opposed to therapeutic intervention on religious grounds, has remained neurotically incapacitated. These eases are followed by comments drawing didactic inferences. Emphasis is placed on the fact that behaviour therapy does not ignore the complex causality of neurotic disturbances. Interpersonal considerations at both causal and remedial levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Schizophrenic patients referred for day treatment at the time of discharge from ten hospitals were randomly assigned to receive day treatment plus drugs or to receive drugs alone. They were tested before assignment and at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months on social functioning, symptoms, and attitudes. Community tenure and costs were also measured. The ten day centers were described on process variables every six months for the four years of the study. Some centers were found to be effective in treating chronic schizophrenic patients and others were not. All centers improved the patients' social functioning. Six of the centers were found to singificantly delay relapse, reduce symptoms, and change some attitudes. Costs for patients in these centers were not significantly different from the group receiving only drugs. More professional staff hours, group therapy, and a high patient turnover treatment philosophy were associated with poor-result centers. More occupational therapy and a sustained nonthreatening environment were more characteristic of successful outcome centers.  相似文献   

In an attempt to examine factors affecting compliance with orally administered chemotherapy agents, we have examined the relation of agreement of parents and their adolescent children on various treatment-related issues and compliance with cancer chemotherapy. In a longitudinal study, 16 parent/cancer patient pairs were interviewed regarding their knowledge and understanding of illness, medications, and treatment, and their medication compliance. Adolescent responses matched closely those of parents on topics pertaining to medication dose, frequency, number, and purpose. Age was positively correlated with agreement for medication instructions. Disagreements were more commonly found in patients under 17 years of age. Compliance was greater when parents and patients agreed on who was responsible for medication administration, and on their understanding of medication instructions, number, and effectiveness. Treatment of the adolescent oncology patient should include consideration of psychosocial developmental factors, encourage parent-child communication, and place less reliance on self-administered therapy.  相似文献   

This paper describes a long-term follow-up of patients with panic disorder who received cognitive behaviour therapy within a randomized controlled trial. Of 89 patients eligible for follow-up, 28 (31.5%) were reassessed 6-8 years after commencement of treatment in the trial. No differences were found between those who were followed up and those lost to follow-up on most baseline measures including measures of panic-related psychopathology, or depression. Outcomes at long-term follow-up were significantly better than baseline measures of panic, avoidance and depression. In this sub-sample the effect of cognitive behaviour therapy for panic disorder appears to maintain over the long-term.  相似文献   

As a result of an one time electroencephalographic transversal examination of 130 patients with enuresis aged from 3 to 18 years a back ground activity that was too slow for their age was found as the most frequent abnormal finding (31,5%). Focal sharp waves and spikes were observed in 20 per cent; they seem to be more frequent in enuretics than in other children and adolescents with disorders of behaviour. Their frequency is dependent on age. They are of small use for proving an epilepsy as possible cause of enuresis.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined a behavior‐analytic clinical treatment package designed to reduce the pathological gambling of 3 individuals with acquired brain injury. A prior history of pathological gambling of each patient was assessed via caregiver report, psychological testing, and direct observation of gambling behavior. Using an 8‐week one‐on‐one client—patient format, a treatment program was developed in which the patient learned about the antecedents, consequences, and motivating operations that controlled the emission of gambling behavior. Data were collected on both self‐report of gambling urges and behavior following therapy and during in situ gambling opportunities. The therapy program reduced urges to gamble and actual gambling for all patients. The potential of behavior‐analytic therapy for reducing the pathological gambling of patients with and without brain injury is discussed.  相似文献   

Homework or between-session learning has long been considered an essential aspect of effective cognitive behaviour therapy. However, it has received relatively less empirical attention than other components of cognitive behaviour therapy. In general, studies have found that homework completion is predictive of outcome in psychotherapy. However, the amount of homework completed by a patient represents only one aspect of this important therapeutic component. This study investigated both the quantity and the quality of homework completed during a 10-week group cognitive and behavioural treatment program for anxious and depressed patients. It explored the relationship between various aspects of homework completion and outcomes on several different variables. A total of 94 patients were included in the analysis. It was found that both quantity and quality of homework completed predicted outcome on measures of depression, anxiety and quality of life at post-treatment and at 1-month follow-up. The results were strongest for the amount of homework completed, suggesting that clinicians should encourage patients to complete homework even if the homework content is not entirely accurate. The results of this study highlight the importance of homework as a central part of effective cognitive and behavioural treatment.  相似文献   



This study aimed to evaluate the success of implementing outpatient schema focused therapy (ST) for borderline patients in regular mental healthcare and to determine the added value of therapist telephone availability outside office hours in case of crisis (TTA).


To enhance the implementation, the following adaptations regarding the original ST protocol were applied: a reduction in the frequency and duration of the therapy; training therapists of eight regular healthcare centers in ST with a structured and piloted program supported by a set of films (DVDs) with examples of ST techniques; training and supervision given by Dutch experts. Telephone availability outside office hours was randomly allocated to 50% of the therapists of each treatment center. Patient's outcome measures were assessed with a semi-structured interview and self-report measures on BPD, quality of life, general psychopathology and an ST questionnaire, before, during and after treatment.


Data on 62 DSM-IV defined BPD patients were available. Intention-to-treat analyses showed that after 1.5 years of ST 42% of the patients had recovered from BPD.No added value of therapist telephone availability (TTA) was found on the BPDSI score nor on any other measure after 1.5 years of ST.


ST for BPD can be successfully implemented in regular mental healthcare. Treatment results and dropout were comparable to a previous clinical trail. No additional effect of extra crisis support with TTA outside office hours ST was found.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) was combined with graded exercise therapy (GET) for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in an uncontrolled implementation study of an inpatient multidisciplinary group therapy. During the intake procedure, 160 CFS patients completed a questionnaire on fatigue related measurements, physical impairment, depression, somatic and psychological attributions, somatic focus, and sense of control over symptoms. Pre-treatment physical activity level was measured with an actometer. At baseline, post-treatment and 6-month follow-up individual strength, subjective fatigue and physical impairment, were reassessed. Large effect sizes were found on subjective fatigue (1.2 post-treatment; 1.2 follow-up) and physical impairment (−.9 post-treatment; −.9 follow-up), Clinically significant improvement was found in 33.8% of the participants at post-treatment and 30.6% at follow-up. Individual strength at post-treatment was predicted by level of physical activity before treatment, and by sense of control over symptoms and physical activity at follow-up. Clinically significant improvement in subjective fatigue was predicted by not receiving a disablement insurance benefit, shorter duration of fatigue, higher sense of control over symptoms and, at follow-up by more pre-treatment physical activity. In conclusion, the intervention was effective for CFS patients. Cognitive behavioural factors that perpetuate fatigue symptoms are also predictors of treatment outcome.  相似文献   

A study was made of family therapy with anorexia nervosa patients in a child psychiatric outpatient department. Eight families referred in 1984 were offered group therapy and family therapy simultaneously, one group for patients with anorexia nervosa and one group for their parents. The participants of both groups reported that they had learned a lot from the experience but stated that they felt group therapy could not replace family therapy.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that one of the reasons clients maintain improvement after psychotherapy is that they learn skills during the course of therapy and continue to apply them once therapy has ended. While research on homework completion and psychotherapy outcome provides support for this assumption, there has been no direct examination of “afterwork,” the use of skills learned in therapy after therapy has ended, or how those posttherapy skills differ across different theoretical approaches. The purpose of this study is to test a skills hypothesis of long-term psychotherapeutic benefit in a sample of 90 older adults who have completed psychotherapy for depression. Helpfulness of the techniques learned in therapy was negatively associated with depressive symptoms up to 2 years after treatment. The number of techniques used was positively correlated with depressive symptoms within 6 months of treatment once helpfulness was controlled, indicating that skills learned in therapy are used when symptoms return. There were also between-group differences in which skills were reported to be covered and used by patients after therapy ended. These findings support the expectation that the benefits of therapy are extended by continuing to use helpful skills learned in therapy.  相似文献   

Group therapy is used to help patients deal with the painful emotional responses to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This paper describes an ongoing group for persons with AIDS conducted for three years by the authors. Educative, supportive, and intensive psychodynamic models were combined in the group. Population characteristics, psychological issues, problems, and advantages of this group are discussed. This multi-modal approach has been found to be a useful and effective approach to the emotional problems of AIDS.  相似文献   

Homework or between‐session learning has long been considered an essential aspect of effective cognitive behaviour therapy. However, it has received relatively less empirical attention than other components of cognitive behaviour therapy. In general, studies have found that homework completion is predictive of outcome in psychotherapy. However, the amount of homework completed by a patient represents only one aspect of this important therapeutic component. This study investigated both the quantity and the quality of homework completed during a 10‐week group cognitive and behavioural treatment program for anxious and depressed patients. It explored the relationship between various aspects of homework completion and outcomes on several different variables. A total of 94 patients were included in the analysis. It was found that both quantity and quality of homework completed predicted outcome on measures of depression, anxiety and quality of life at post‐treatment and at 1‐month follow‐up. The results were strongest for the amount of homework completed, suggesting that clinicians should encourage patients to complete homework even if the homework content is not entirely accurate. The results of this study highlight the importance of homework as a central part of effective cognitive and behavioural treatment.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using a randomized design in a psychoanalytic outcome study was evaluated. Our hypothesis was that it would be feasible to randomize patients to psychoanalysis three or four times weekly on the couch for five years, supportive expressive therapy once or twice weekly for up to forty sessions, and cognitive behavior therapy once or twice weekly for up to forty sessions. Successful randomization was defined as a 30% recruitment rate among eligible patients. Recruitment began in September 2009 and closed in April 2010. A total of 132 subjects responded to study advertisements, 107 of whom (81%) were triaged out. The remaining 25 were scheduled for the first of two clinical interviews, and 21 of 25 (88%) completed the interview. Eleven of the 25 (44%) were determined to be eligible based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Eight of the 11 accepted the idea of randomization and completed the diagnostic assessment phase. Calculated on the basis of 8 of 11 eligible patients accepting randomization, the 95% confidence interval was that 39% to 92% of eligible subjects would participate in a larger study of this design. Our findings support the feasibility of implementing an RCT comparing psychoanalysis as defined by the American Psychoanalytic Association (three or four times weekly on the couch for approximately five years) with shorter-term dynamic or cognitive behavioral therapy once or twice a week. Pre-treatment characteristics of these eight patients are presented, as are initial reliability data for the treatment adherence scales used in this trial.  相似文献   

Over a period of several years, repeat Korschach testing was done with two groups of patients receiving outpatient psychotherapy, a long-term group (n = 88) engaged in intensive, dynamically oriented psychotherapy and a short-term group (n = 88) involved in behavioral or gestalt therapy. Rorschach protocols were obtained at the beginning of the treatment and on three subsequent occasions, 1 year, 21/2 years, and 4 years later, when most of the long-term and all of the short-term patients had completed their therapy. The findings demonstrate generally beneficial effects of psychotherapy, greater change in long-term than in short-term therapy, and the validity of the Rorschach for measuring these effects and changes.  相似文献   

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