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Internet sex offending, especially child pornography, is widespread and numbers of convictions are increasing steadily worldwide. The still sparse data from research as well as empiricism from risk assessment and therapeutic work suggest the following: Internet sex offender as well as child abusers are represented in all social classes and all age ranges. Both show similarities in dependent, avoidant and partially schizoid social interaction as well as in anxiety. However the personality organisation of child abusers is usually less structured and tends towards personality disorder, especially with emotionally instable and antisocial traits. Usually pedophilia can be diagnosed in child abusers. Internet sex offenders on the other hand have fewer prior convictions, are less likely to fail in the community, have a very low risk of sexual recidivism and only part of them fulfil the diagnostic criteria for pedophilia. There is no clear evidence for an escalation from internet sex offending to child abuse. The essential characteristics for an escalation are well known and should lead to immediate therapeutic intervention as well as psychological strain should. Only few institutions worldwide provide professional help to support the ones concerned to reduce stigma and thus prevent recidivism and child abuse.  相似文献   

Individuals working in churches and other youth-serving institutions have a unique level of access to children, yet the problem of sexual abuse in institutional settings has received scant research attention. To address this gap, we analyzed data from a large sample of clergy (N = 1,121) and applied a social–ecological model of offending to identify risk factors for sexual abuse perpetration. Using a case–control study design that compared clergy sexual abusers with three control groups of clergy, this study focuses specifically on individual-, relationship-, and community-level factors associated with a higher risk of abuse in professional populations. Findings revealed that clergy sexual abusers tended to have more truncated pre-seminary dating histories, and that their dating and sexual partners were more likely to have been male than female. Self-reported sexual abuse history was associated with a greater likelihood of sexual abuse perpetration among clergy. Clergy abusers tended to be more involved with youth and adolescents in their ministries; however, they were observed to relate less well to youth and adolescents than their clergy counterparts. Given widespread changes in our cultural understanding of abuse as well as more specific changes in the organizational approach to seminary education, these differences underscore the role that youth-serving institutions and society can have in the primary prevention of child sexual abuse. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how it is that a child has become an abuser, and by what means that process may be deconstructed. We know that abusers generally have a childhood history of abuse, though not necessarily sexual. Since not all children who have been traumatised repeat those patterns, and inflict abuse on others, then something must have happened for these particular children in response to their abuse. The author elaborates the view that there is no such thing, to paraphrase Winnicott, as ‘an abused child’ – no such child, that is, separate from the world of the relationships that formed him. He draws on the conceptualisation by Bentovim of an interlocking set of roles described as a ‘trauma organised system’; this notion reflects the fact that the child is a product not just of his specifically traumatic experiences but of a milieu in which power and control is exerted by someone who has typically succeeded in neutralising any caring function in a family in order to bring about the exploitation of a child. Clinical material is presented from the intensive psychotherapy of a nine-year-old boy, who happened also to be a refugee, for whom abusive family dynamics dominated his internal world. He was found to have identified with the abuser, his own father, in order to escape the pain of his victim self and was threatening to act this out in the treatment, making the therapist into a victim. Management of the treatment setting by the inclusion of a benign parental figure enabled the acting out to be contained. Symbolisation of the child’s inner conflicts became possible through play. As the abuser self was contained so the child’s victim experiences could be processed. The conclusion is drawn that engaging therapeutically with the residues of trauma from the beginning of treatment is essential in working with young people who have abused.  相似文献   

Animal cruelty is a form of passive and active aggression that is largely undocumented and unreported. Given that animals are voiceless victims, we have to rely on witnesses and frontline staff (e.g., veterinarians) to report incidents of abuse, which suggests the number of convicted animal abusers is an under‐representation of actual perpetrators. The primary aim of the current study was to identify the static and dynamic factors that distinguish animal abusers from non‐abuse offenders (i.e., individuals who self‐reported antisocial behavior, but not animal abuse), and non‐offenders (i.e., individuals who have not engaged in any antisocial behavior) in a community sample. The secondary aim was to identify the potential pathways that distinguish animal abuse perpetration from other types of antisocial behavior. Three hundred and eighty‐four participants took part in this retrospective, correlational study. We found that animal abusers share similar socio‐demographic characteristics to other offenders but are distinct in their exposure to animal harm/killing during childhood. Low animal‐oriented empathy and low self‐esteem distinguished animal abusers from non‐abuse offenders when controlling for confound variables and other psychological characteristics. We also found that low animal‐oriented empathy mediated the relationship between childhood exposure to animal killing and animal abuse perpetration, and that this relationship was stronger among participants with anger regulation issues. This is the first study to examine similarities and differences between animal abusers, non‐abuse offenders, and non‐offenders on socio‐demographic and psychological characteristics. The findings highlight potential treatment targets that are unique to animal abusers with implications for prevention and intervention strategies.

The Rational-Reality based approach to treating child abusers incorporates the philosophies of Rational Behavior Training and Reality Therapy into a therapeutic strategy that helps clients to learn skills in making rational decisions that can aid them in living harmoniously within the family structure. Those persons involved with the practical implementation of theoretical constructs while working in counseling sessions with persons who are child abusers may find that an eclectic approach such as this one is beneficial in teaching people how to increase their skill in reasoning. It seems that this approach to counseling the parental child abuser is a strategy that allows the parent figure to understand and perceive positively the personal benefits that accrue from not abusing the child.  相似文献   

Adolescent inpatients with a diagnosis of alcohol abuse (n=28), nonalcohol substance abuse disorders (n=15), or psychiatric disorders without substance abuse (n=46) were examined on measures of attentional, intellectual, and personality functioning. High scores on a personality measure, the Substance Abuse Proclivity Scale (SAP), was the best predictor of substance abuse in general. Alcohol abusers were differentiated from other substance abusers by their increased impairment on the Continuous Performance Test. Adolescents with alcohol abuse did not manifest the types of cognitive impairments associated with chronic alcoholism. These data suggest that certain attentional impairments may be associated with early onset alcohol abuse and that earlier conceptions of the role of attentional impairments in risk prediction for alcohol abuse are supported.This research was supported by the Four Winds Foundation.  相似文献   


Adolescent parents are commonly identified as an at-risk group in the child abuse literature. However, theoretical models specific to the area of child abuse and adolescent parenting are not well developed. This essay reviews established theories on child abuse, abusive parenting, and adolescent parenting to synthesize a proposed child abuse and adolescent parenting model. An ecological perspective is used to organize the theoretical model. The components of this model are supported by existing research on child abuse and adolescent parenting. The new synthesized model on child abuse and adolescent parenting should be viewed as an informed way to organize and conduct future research in this area. Further theory development on child abuse and adolescent parenting should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Should a history of child abuse be taken into consideration when a juvenile offender is punished? Although some research shows that child abuse is used as a mitigating factor for juvenile offenders (i.e., elicits less punitive sentences), surveys of juvenile court officials reveal that it is considered an aggravating factor. Specifically, in controlled mock jury studies in which child abuse is experimentally manipulated, child abuse elicits less punitive sentences. In contrast, child abuse elicits more punitive sentences in a nonexperimentally controlled environment—the juvenile justice system. This article provides a comprehensive literature review to explain these conflicting bodies of research by considering factors that naturally covary with childhood abuse: chaotic family environment, mental health problems, behavioral problems, and school problems.  相似文献   

From ancient times to the present the abuse of women and children has occurred in societies that have had a structure hostile to other societies (e.g., war is glorified), hostile punitive attitudes to its own population (e.g., few civil liberties and rejection of the underclass), and depreciation of women. The psychological characteristics of the abusers show depression, poor impulse control, and difficulty in loving. Psychological characteristics of the abused include depression and feeling unloved. The abused, depressed little girl grows up to be the depressed mother. Therefore, short-term planning will produce little or no benefit. Attention must be paid to the most important person in the world, the mother-to-be, the newborn female child.  相似文献   

The relationship between substance abuse and suicide is indicated by the high rate of attempted suicide among alcoholics and drug abusers as well as the increased likelihood of repeated attempts in these populations. This study reports on the psychological characteristics of male drug suicide attempters who are in treatment for their addiction problem. Data collected from 166 veterans included background information, symptoms, mood, social functioning, and attitude measures. Of the drug abuse patients, 26 percent reported having made a suicide attempt. These subjects were found to be significantly more depressed, angry, insecure, and anxious than the nonsuicide-attempt drug abusers. Treatment staff need to be sensitized to the possibility of repeated suicide attempts among substance abuse patients.  相似文献   

Research on the physiological reactivity of physical child abusers and individuals at risk for being physically abusive is summarized and critiqued. Several theorists have hypothesized that physical child abusers experience physiological hyperreactivity to stressors, particularly stressful child interactions associated with child rearing. The experimental evidence generally supports the physiological hyperreactivity hypothesis, although there are some contradictory and inconsistent results within individual studies and across studies. The research also indicates that the physiological hyperreactivity of physical child abusers and those at risk for being physically abusive occurs during a wide variety of stimulus situations, including aversive child-related stimuli, nonaversive child-related stimuli, aversive nonchild-related stimuli, and during periods when no overt stimulus is present (resting or baseline periods). Recommendations concerning procedural and methodological improvements are made in order to enable future researchers to better address unresolved issues related to the physiological hyperreactivity hypothesis.  相似文献   

Leader issues and countertransference dilemmas that emerge in psychotherapy groups for substance abusers will be examined along with strategies to extricate the therapist from the impasses that emerge. Specific issues include feelings of helplessness and inadequacy when a patient relapses and resumes substance use, countertransference reactions emanating from an overlapping personal or family history of substance abuse, countertransference helplessness when the therapist is more invested in the treatment than the patient, feelings of incompetence related to partial familiarity with 12-step culture and lingo, and countertransference devaluation fostered by systemic issues in substance abuse settings.  相似文献   

The legitimacy of adult's accounts of child sexual abuse depends on the consistency of the story they tell about this experience. But there are a variety of influences that conspire to create dynamic variation in retrospective accounts of child sexual abuse. In a study of an experimental New Zealand commune called Centrepoint, participants showed considerable variation in accounting for the child sexual abuse that was known to have occurred there. We used a narrative methodology to show the variation between stories that highlighted abuse and suffering and others that represented an idyllic childhood within which sex between children and adults was normalised. There was also considerable variation within individual participant's accounts. The variation within and between accounts was shaped by features such exposure to contradictory experiences, different social positioning in relation to child sexual abuse, shifts in memory and interpretation over time, differences between insider and outsider perspectives on child sexual activity at the commune and alternative perspectives on victimhood. This research challenges the mythology that accounts of child sexual abuse should be expected to be clear and consistent. Instead, variation should be treated the rule rather than the exception in these accounts. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We compared delusions and hallucinations of 100 cocaine abusers and 100 paranoid schizophrenic subjects admitted to an East Texas state psychiatric hospital. Subjects in both groups feared that individuals or organized groups might harm them in some way, but delusions of the paranoid schizophrenic subjects were more often bizarre than those of the cocaine abuse subjects. "Cocaine bugs" (parasitosis) were more often found in the cocaine abuse subjects. Command hallucinations were found in both groups, but the commands of the schizophrenic group more often related to harming or killing others. Cocaine abusers had a greater frequency of visual hallucinations (47 to 7), distinguished by shadows, flashing lights ("snow lights"), objects moving and bugs crawling on the arm. Finally, the most distinguishing characteristics were identity delusions, possession delusions, grandiose delusions (other than identities and possessions), and delusions that their families were imposters (Capgras Syndrome) reported by paranoid schizophrenics. No such delusions were reported by the cocaine abusers.  相似文献   

Research and treatment for partner abuse and child abuse are relatively distinct enterprises, yet when the theoretical and research literatures related to these two forms of family violence are examined together, the likelihood of meaningful associations is strikingly apparent. Partner abuse and child abuse co-occur more often than one might expect by chance, and in the context of overlapping theories and risk factors, this suggests that a more integrated conceptualization might be fruitful. We summarize and provide a framework for describing the large number of similar predictors of partner and child abuse, identify some potentially interesting dyadic differences, comment on how our research methodologies could address an integrated area of family violence, and suggest some directions for future research and treatment.  相似文献   

Substance abuse continues to be a major health problem compounded by caregivers' negative attitudes toward these patients. We investigated attributions 55 primary care physicians and 315 senior medical students make toward substance abusers. Half of both groups expressed negative causal attributions, with women slightly less negative than men. Mental models based on LISREL regression coefficients showed that higher negative attributions by both physicians and students were related to their increased authoritarianism and depressed mood. Medical students choosing careers in primary care specialties, including psychiatry, expressed a less negative attributional style toward substance abusers than those students entering nonprimary careers. Health professional educators may find that using attribution theory to redefine successful outcomes in management of substance abuse can result in better attitudes for caregivers.  相似文献   

The range and utility of the MMPI-derived MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (MAC) and the Heroin Addiction Scale (He) was assessed with a large sample of drug addicts with and without concurrent alcoholism. Results indicated that addicts with a co-existing alcohol problem obtained higher MAC scores than addicts without a current alcohol problem. Opiate abusers scored higher on the MAC than non-opiate abusers. No such effects were observed with the He scale. The MAC is a particularly robust scale that taps generic substance abuse and may even be sensitive enough to detect alcoholism in drug addicts.  相似文献   

Youth with emotional disturbance who have substance abuse problems are of particular concern to child-serving agencies. Approximately 22% of the youth served in New York State's Intensive Case Management Program for Children and Youth (CYICM) have identified substance abuse problems. We compared youths enrolled in CYICM who abuse substances with those who do not abuse substances. Adolescents with substance abuse problems differed from non-abusing adolescents. The abusing cohort was most likely to be emancipated minors, not enrolled in school, less likely to be members of a minority group, and more likely to have private health care coverage. They also evidenced a different constellation of symptoms than the non-abusing cohort, with abusers tending to display suicidal symptoms and behaviors and sexual acting out. Abusers were also more likely to have been admitted to private psychiatric hospitals and to have had crisis contacts in emergency rooms. Similar to non-abusers, however, abusers spent significantly fewer days as inpatients in state hospitals, and had fewer admissions to these hospitals following their enrollment in CYICM.  相似文献   

Cases of sexual abuse of children are being reported in increasing numbers. A large percentage of child sexual abuse occurs in or around the home. Family members, family friends, or known adults are most often the offenders. There are certain family factors likely to be operating in a child's sexual abuse and these factors must be explored with all family members. Sexual abuse can have many disturbing consequences for the child and the family. A counseling approach should be to help an abused child and the offender feel that they are still worthwhile individuals. Underlying issues in the family should also be explored. Paula Slager-Jorné is director of training at the Children's Center in Detroit, Michigan.  相似文献   

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