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This essay reviews classical psychoanalytic theory and its derivatives—in ego psychology, object relations theory, and self psychology—for their current contributions to understanding the religions of individuals. It is argued that these approaches involve both hermeneutic and critical analyses of the unconscious as it manifests itself in religion.  相似文献   

现时研究王阳明的资料,一般强调阳明"致良知"的个体性方面,较少有整体性的表达;并且对<大学问>重视不够.<大学问>是王阳明晚年的终极性目标,"以天地万物为一体"就是"致良知"所要实现的思想的整全表达.良知的核心是仁,仁表现在关爱、关怀时有差别,这是儒家所承认的;同时由孺子、鸟兽、草木、瓦石等事事物物,体验万物的良知.由此可知,中国哲学本来就关怀生态,我们过去重视不够,值得反思.本文拟对王阳明<大学问>"以天地万物为一体"如何实践"致良知",发挥仁学本义进行初步研究.  相似文献   

The first article of the Nicene creed forms Christian teaching about creation in two ways. It exhibits a particular order of Christian confession and instruction, and it recommends to the church the importance of properly distinguishing three relations: the relation between God the Father and God the Son; the relation between God and the world; and the relation between heaven and earth. This dogmatic commentary on the creed attends to the first two relations and introduces the third.  相似文献   

绝地天通--天地人神的原始本真关系的蜕变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在中国思想观念发展的历史上,有一次极重大的事件,天、地得以隔绝,人、神得以分离,谓之"绝地天通".<尚书孔氏传>说:"帝命羲、和世掌天、地四时之官,使人、神不扰,各得其序,是谓‘绝地天通'."[1]按照传统的说法,"绝地天通"乃是尧舜的伟大业绩,人心得以矫正,礼制得以建立.如蔡沈说:"当三苗昏虐,民之得罪者莫知其端,无所控诉,相与听于神,祭非其鬼,天地人神之典杂揉渎乱,此妖诞之所以兴,人心之所以不正也.在舜当务之急,莫先于正人心.首命重、黎,修明祀典;天子然后祭天地,诸侯然后祭山川;高卑上下,各有分限."[2]因此,"绝地天通"从来都是被作为正面事件、圣人的丰功伟绩来歌颂的.  相似文献   

去年八月底,由本会主办,中国人民大学哲学系、中国社会科学院哲学所、辅仁大学哲学系协办,澳门文化局赞助,在澳门举行了“科学精神与人文精神”研讨会。两岸三地有二十四所大学及研究院的四十多位学者参加,共宣读了三十三篇论文。《哲学动态》对大会发表了《评述》以作综合报导。这里选出与该刊范围有关的大会论文,陆续刊登。希望对于促进哲学的学术研究有所帮助。 本栏目由澳门特别行政区政府文化局资助,基于学术自由和文责自负的原则,其中内容并不代表澳门特别行政区政府文化局之立场。  相似文献   

With respect to our psychoanalytic frame of reference allowing us to study the extent of the hypotheses concerning the religious phenomenon as formulated by Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, in the context of a cross approach between the accuracy of the concept of conversion and of psychic mechanisms or phenomena at stake within conversions, and based on the testimonials of subjects acknowledging themselves in the experiment of conversion, we try to understand if and how religion is anchored in our cultural era through subversive effects it may have on the subject.  相似文献   

This paper explores Klein's concepts of the depressive position, paranoid position, envy, projective identification and reparation, and their application to understanding overt racism. An extensive case example from the movie Gran Torino and its protagonist Walt Kowalski are the foci of this theoretical speculation. Implications for antiracist practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Given conventional refusals of sense perception in RE pedagogics, this article tries to take a fresh approach. To provide new insight into the essence and function of perception for religion and RE, it draws on a phenomenological concept of the human senses. Finally, it presents two elements of RE classroom practice.  相似文献   

"绝地天通"是中国上古文明发展史上一件大事,本文以为:理解这一事件的关键乃在于"属神"、"属民"之"属"的意旨,证之古文献与民俗事象,"属"解为"连接"为最佳,此事件是中国古代宗教多神性格的直接来源.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the greatest aspiration of the transhumanist movement: achieving immortal life through a procedure known as mind uploading. This procedure consists in keeping our minds fully and indefinitely operative after death by transferring them to a non-biological substrate that allows man to be liberated from his bodily confinement. My main thesis is that the mind uploading project presupposes a secular eschatology, consummating the Promethean utopia according to which human beings could redeem themselves, expelling God definitively from their existential horizon. On this basis, the paper offers meaningful contrasts between the uploading as secular eschatology and the Christian tradition.  相似文献   

Discussion is made of the application of psychoanalytic developmental understanding to three early intervention programs. One program that was highly ambitious in its aim of preventing aggressive behavior in children attending elementary school was effective but may have attempted to achieve too much. One, involving an assistance program in a public school for boys who had lost their fathers, was extremely successful in helping the boys to express and deal with their feelings verbally rather than through undesirable behavior. The third program provided services for very young children that developmentally were extremely useful to them. Discussion is made of the value of these programs not only to the children involved but also to the teachers and mental health care personnel who worked with them.  相似文献   

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