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以977名9~14岁学生为对象,探索负性生活事件与儿童反应性攻击性之间的关系。研究使用了反应性与主动性攻击性问卷、Rosenberg自尊量表、青少年生活事件量表、艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)–情绪稳定性维度问卷,建立了以自尊和情绪稳定性作为中介变量,描述负性生活事件与反应性攻击性之间关系的结构方程模型。结果发现,负性生活事件可直接影响儿童反应性攻击性的形成,同时还可以通过改变情绪稳定性来影响反应性攻击性,即当负性生活事件发生时,情绪状态会倾向于不稳定,进而提高反应性攻击性的水平。此外,负性生活事件也会通过降低自尊水平来提高情绪状态的不稳定性,从而提高反应性攻击性的水平。  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between S. Minuchin's (1974) structural family model and H. Kohut's (1971) self-psychology constructs. A total of 164 college women completed the Structural Family Interaction Scale-Revised (SFIS-R), the Parental Relations Inventory (PRI), and the Goal Instability and Superiority scales from the Self-Expression Inventory. Two factors, Proximity-Differentiation and Generational Hierarchy-Differentiation, accounting for 90% of the variance, emerged from an exploratory factor analysis of the SFIS-R and PRI. The results of canonical correlation analysis, with the 2 factors included as predictor variables and the 2 scales measuring self-expression as the dependent variables, indicated that women raised in families with strong cross-generational alliances are likely to display narcissistic personality traits and to have difficulty setting goals. Implications for counseling are presented.  相似文献   

Several decades worth of research have produced mixed results concerning the relationship between beliefs in religious and paranormal phenomena. While this previous work focused on the explicit measurement of these beliefs, these studies focused on a new level of analysis. Specifically, what is the implicit relationship between religious and paranormal constructs? In Study 1, participants completed a version of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to assess the association between religious and paranormal stimuli, as well as completed measures of religiosity and paranormal belief. Results supported an association between these constructs that was moderated by intrinsic religiosity and faith in science. Study 2 again provided evidence for an association while addressing a methodological concern regarding the IAT. The results are discussed in their impact on the understanding of the cognitive representation of religious and paranormal constructs and the respective belief systems.  相似文献   

Prejudice has been studied as a function of personality and situation, but there has been little integration of these 2 domains. Our model suggests that people who are especially open and agreeable are more likely to initiate intergroup contact and interpret contact experiences favorably. Such experiences lead to positive intergroup attitudes. To test this mediation hypothesis, participants ( N = 163) completed a measure of (a) the Big Five personality traits, (b) past contact experiences with African Americans, and (c) pro-Black/ anti-Black attitudes. A second study used Asian Americans as the outgroup. In both studies, the model was supported. The results have implications for integrating personality and situational approaches to prejudice and enhancing our understanding of intergroup relations.  相似文献   

This study was focused on revealing the effects of religiousness on marital satisfaction, and also to test the mediator role of perceived marital problem solving between religiousness and marital satisfaction relationship in a Turkish sample. Subjects were 92 married couples, or a total of 184 participants. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that after controlling for the variance accounted for by the control variables, namely duration of marriage, marital style, educational level, hopelessness, and submissive acts; religiousness had a major effect on marital satisfaction, but a mediator role of problem solving was not observed.  相似文献   

形成性测量模型(Formative Model, FM)是指标变异导致潜变量变异的模型, 反映性测量模型(Reflective Model, RM)是潜变量变异导致指标变异的模型。FM在模型界定、识别和估计、信效度评价以及模型应用等方面均与RM存在极大的不同。模型界定错误会使参数估计发生偏差, 影响统计结论的有效性, 应当审慎考虑指标和潜变量之间的关系, 选择恰当的测量模型。进一步揭示两者的区别和误用带来的偏差, 完善FM的识别和估计、信效度评价方法、对变量含义的解释以及高阶FM的理论解释和模型估计是未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Research has consistently found that religiousness and spirituality are negatively associated with underage drinking. However, there is a paucity of research exploring the mechanisms by which these variables influence this important outcome. With 344 underage young adults (ages 18–20; 61 % women), we investigated positive alcohol expectancies as a mediator between religiousness and spirituality (measured separately) and underage alcohol use. Participants completed the Religious Commitment Inventory-10, Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale, Alcohol Expectancies Questionnaire, and Drinking Styles Questionnaire. Results indicate less positive alcohol expectancies partially mediate the relationship between both religiousness and spirituality and underage alcohol use. This suggests religiousness and spirituality’s protective influence on underage drinking is partly due to their influence on expectations about alcohol’s positive effects. Since underage drinking predicts problem drinking later in life and places one at risk for serious physical and mental health problems, it is important to identify specific points of intervention, including expectations about alcohol that rise from religious and spiritual factors.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - Using a representative sample, we explored the relationship of organizational (ORA), non-organizational (NORA), and intrinsic religiosity (IR) with depressive and...  相似文献   

Evidence on the extent to which prejudice serves as a barrier to black and Latino candidates for office is mixed. Some research has found that black and Latino candidates are disadvantaged in terms of their chances of winning election and that they are evaluated differently by voters, while other findings suggest that this may not be the case. This article examines the effects of racial prejudice on candidate evaluation and voting behavior. It uses a unique experimental design to test for direct effects of prejudice on candidate evaluation and voting behavior, as well as indirect effects of prejudice on these variables via the information that subjects seek out. I find that subjects higher in symbolic racism are less likely to vote “correctly” when their preferences most closely align with a black or Latino candidate and that they rate minority candidates more negatively than their white counterparts. I also find that subjects high in prejudice search for less information about minority candidates and that this less robust information search mediates the relationship between prejudice and candidate evaluation and vote measures. Results also suggest that increased information search may mitigate the effects of prejudice on correct voting.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships between factors of cognitive complaints in 427 adults with HIV receiving care from an AIDS service organization (ASO) in Alabama. A face-to-face interview assessed cognitive complaints, mood, self-perceived health status, and substance use. Direct and indirect paths were specified between years with HIV (chronicity) age, education, stress, self-perceived health status, substance use, and cognitive complaints. The final model fit the data well (GFI = .95; AGFI = .92), revealing that age, education, substance use, self-perceived health status, and stress contributed directly or indirectly to cognitive complaints. Chronicity was only related to age, suggesting that duration of HIV may be of limited value in predicting cognitive complaints. These results demonstrate the complexity between the factors that influence cognitive complaints and offer possible solutions that health professionals can use to mitigate cognitive complaints in this population.  相似文献   


The relationship between intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest religious orientations, right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), and implicit and explicit attitudes toward homosexual individuals were examined within a sample of predominantly Protestant college students in the United States. Implicit attitudes were measured with the Implicit Association Test, a computer program that recorded reaction times as participants categorized symbols (of heterosexual and homosexual individuals) and adjectives (good or bad words). Participants displayed fairly negative implicit and explicit attitudes toward homosexual individuals (i.e., sexual prejudice). Intrinsic religious orientation uniquely predicted increased explicit sexual prejudice (when extrinsic, quest, and impression management were statistically controlled), and RWA appeared to mediate this effect. In contrast, the positive relationship between intrinsic religion and implicit sexual prejudice did not disappear when controlling for RWA. Although RWA seemed to be related to self-reports of prejudice, intrinsic religious orientation was uniquely related to automatic negative attitudes toward homosexual individuals.  相似文献   

Journal of Religion and Health - The purpose of this study was to examine if religiousness has a mediation influence on the link between psychological resilience and fear of COVID-19. Data were...  相似文献   

In this study, it is aimed at measuring the university students’ behaviors of receiving online counseling services and determining the causes which have a causal relationship with these behaviors. University students’ behaviors of receiving online counseling services and the causes of those behaviors are investigated through structural equation model based on Theory of Planned Behavior. In this study, four different data collection tools were developed to measure subjective norm about the online counseling, perceived behavioral control, intention and behavior. The attitude towards online counseling was measured using Online Counseling Attitude Scale, which was developed by Rochlen et al. (Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 37(2):95, 2004) and adapted into Turkish by Demirci et al. (International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 1(1):15–22, 2014). Internet anxiety was measured using Internet Anxiety Scale, which was developed by Joiner et al. (Computers in Human Behavior 23(3):1408–1420, 2007) and adapted into Turkish by Ak?n (2012). The data of this study were collected from participants in two steps. In the first step which is the development of the scale, the data were collected from 150 students studying at faculty of education of a university in Central Black Sea Region during 2014–2015 academic year. In the second step which is the testing of the proposed model, the data were collected from a total of 480 students [319 (66.46%) female, 161 (33.54%) male] studying at faculty of education of the same university, but they are different from the participants in the first step. According the results, the proposed model estimated the variance on the intention and behavior of receiving online counseling. The variance on the intention of receiving online counseling was affected by the internet anxiety most. In contrast with the argument of TPB, perceived behavioral control has no impact on intention, but has a direct and significant impact on behavior.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is developed that predicts a stronger relationship between group identity and intergroup prejudice for majority‐group members compared to minority‐group members. This model takes into consideration the sociostructural characteristics of the groups, the differential functions of group identity for majority versus minority‐group members, and the role of perceived intergroup conflict. The model is tested by examining the magnitude of group identity, perceived conflict, and ethnic prejudice expressed by White Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans. Predictions derived from the model were largely supported. Theoretical implications are discussed and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Conventional structural equation modeling fits a covariance structure implied by the equations of the model. This treatment of the model often gives misleading results because overall goodness of fit tests do not focus on the specific constraints implied by the model. An alternative treatment arising from Pearl's directed acyclic graph theory checks identifiability and lists and tests the implied constraints. This approach is complete for Markov models, but has remained incomplete for models with correlated disturbances. Some new algebraic results overcome the limitations of DAG theory and give a specific form of structural equation analysis that checks identifiability, tests the implied constraints, equation by equation, and gives consistent estimators of the parameters in closed form from the equations. At present the method is limited to recursive models subject to exclusion conditions. With further work, specific structural equation modeling may yield a complete alternative to the present, rather unsatisfactory, global covariance structure analysis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a meta-analysis of 33 studies that examined the relationship between the Five-Factor Model and symptoms of clinical disorders. The typical pattern found associated with clinical disorders or measures of clinical disorders was high Neuroticism, low Conscientiousness, low Agreeableness, and low Extraversion. Comparisons of diagnostic groups and norm groups showed higher levels of Neuroticism and lower levels of Extraversion than did studies of correlations between measures of the level of a disorder and measures of the five factors. Studies of observer ratings of the five factors showed lower levels of Neuroticism and Openness than did studies of self-report ratings. These and other findings relating to type of scale and type of comparison group have possible clinical implications and raise several questions worthy of further research.  相似文献   

Local influence analysis is an important statistical method for studying the sensitivity of a proposed model to model inputs. One of its important issues is related to the appropriate choice of a perturbation vector. In this paper, we develop a general method to select an appropriate perturbation vector and a second-order local influence measure to address this issue in the context of latent variable models. An application to nonlinear structural equation models is considered. Six perturbation schemes are investigated, including three schemes under which simultaneous perturbations are made on components of latent vectors to assess the influence of these components and pinpoint the influential ones. The proposed procedure is illustrated by artificial examples and a simulation study as well as a real example.  相似文献   

为探讨家庭功能、自我控制与青少年心理复原力的关系及其作用机制,采用家庭功能评定量表、自我控制量表、心理复原力量表对浙江省、山东省、河北省957名中学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)家庭功能对青少年心理复原力具有显著正向预测作用。(2)自我控制在家庭功能和青少年心理复原力之间起到部分中介作用。(3)家庭功能对青少年心理复原力中介过程的前半段路径受到性别调节,相比于女生,男生群体的家庭功能对自我控制的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了感恩与听障学生亲社会行为的关系,并检验生活满意度的中介效应以及性别对中介效应的调节作用。采用青少年感恩量表、生活满意度量表以及长处和困难量表对392名听障学生进行调查,结果显示:(1)感恩显著正向预测听障学生的亲社会行为;(2)生活满意度在感恩与听障学生亲社会行为之间起部分中介作用;(3)该中介作用受到性别的调节,即生活满意度只在听障男生的感恩和亲社会行为之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

Religious participation has been shown to increase certain factors thought to be protective of health, including social support and positive health habits. The current study considers whether religious participation may likewise have a positive influence on health by increasing forgiveness and diminishing hostility. A structural equation analysis of data collected from a national survey of 1,629 participants supported the hypothesized model that (a) religiosity is related to greater forgiveness, (b) greater forgiveness, in turn, is related to reduced hostility and finally, (c) reduced hostility is related to better subjective health.  相似文献   

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