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This article, based upon a study examining attitudes of social workers toward private practice, describes social work educators and nonprivate clinical social workers as having some inaccurate perceptions of the private practitioner. Private practitioners do want to remain identified with social work although they are frequently dissatisfied with the profession. Findings are also described which reveal a "tension" all social workers may feel in their attempt to integrate personal goals with professional values and beliefs.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):369-388
A survey form sent to psychologists (Pope, Keith-Spiegel, & Tabachnick, 1986) was adapted and sent to 1,000 clinical social workers (return rate = 45%). Most participants reported sexual attraction to a client, causing (for most) guilt, anxiety, or confusion. Some reported having sexual fantasies about a client while engaging in sex with someone other than a client. Relatively few (3.6% men; 0.5% women) reported sex with a client; training was related to likelihood of offending, though the effect is small and complex. An analysis of eight national studies (data from 5,148 therapists) found significant effects for gender (more male offenders) and year of study (about 10% annual decrease in reported offenses since 1977) but not profession (i.e., no difference among psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers). Most social workers reported no graduate training whatsoever about sexual attraction; only 10% reported adequate training.  相似文献   

In the realm of social effectiveness constructs, political skill has seen increased attention as a predictor of work performance and attitudes. However, the extent that political skill is distinct from related variables in this area remains an important question. The current study examined the proportion of variance explained by political skill in job satisfaction and turnover intentions above and beyond other social effectiveness variables (i.e., social intelligence, emotional intelligence, agreeableness, and conscientiousness). Results indicated that political skill was the strongest predictor of these outcomes, and explained a significant proportion of variance in them, beyond the other four social effectiveness constructs.  相似文献   

This study tested the effects of multiple ideologies on support for restrictive policies against gay and lesbian individuals and organizations and if these effects were mediated by sexual prejudice. Social dominance orientation (SDO), conservatism, and right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA) each had significant direct and indirect effects. SDO had the most consistent direct effects in addition to its effects through sexual prejudice. The direct effects of conservatism were smaller and similar in size to its indirect effects through prejudice. Although the direct effect of RWA was significant for policy attitudes, its effect was entirely mediated through sexual prejudice for organization opposition. Results suggest that high‐RWA individuals adopt their positions largely because of prejudice toward sexual minorities, while high‐SDO individuals adopt their positions partly out of prejudice and partly because these positions perpetuate hierarchies between heterosexuals and sexual minorities. Results also diminish the principled conservatism argument that conservative positions on these policies and organizations are absent of prejudice. As policies continue to be enacted that affect the sexual minority community, research is needed to identify the underlying motivations for individuals' positions toward these policies.  相似文献   


School psychologists' attitudes and feelings toward gay and lesbian parents were surveyed in relation to their training and exposure, and professional services offered to gay and lesbian parents and their children. The relationship between attitudes, feelings, training, exposure, and demographic characteristics was explored as well. A stratified random sample of 500 school psychologists who were members of NASP was surveyed using a 30-item questionnaire. Out of the 500 surveys sent, 267 school psychologists (53.4%) returned them. Overall, school psychologists have positive attitudes and feelings toward gay and/or lesbian parents. More specifically, school psychologists who were female, homosexual/bisexual, or living in the Western region of the United States had significantly more positive attitudes and feelings toward gay and/or lesbian parents. Although few school psychologists (30%) received any formalized training, those who had some training indicated more positive attitudes. The majority of school psychologists (89.4%) reported having personal associations with homosexual individuals. More exposure to homosexual individuals by a school psychologist indicated more positive attitudes as well as feelings. Implications of the findings and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on the findings from a study that assessed the attitudes and practice experiences of home-based therapists. Existing research in the field of couple and family therapy encompasses largely qualitative information detailing the experiences of this therapist population. We explored several hypotheses generated from the qualitative literature on home-based therapy. Study results corroborated much of the qualitative data on home-based therapists’ experiences and reveal the profile of today’s home-based therapists along with their attitudes and therapeutic practices. A surprising result was that various aspects of home-based therapy models seem incongruent with therapist attitudes about the delivery of home-based services.  相似文献   




De Judicibus  Margaret  McCabe  Marita P. 《Sex roles》2001,44(7-8):401-417
This study was conducted to examine factors associated with blaming the target of sexual harassment. Participants' experiences of sexual harassment, sexist attitudes, gender, gender role identity, age, worker or student status, and belief in a just world were included as independent variables. Level of blame was evaluated using a series of 12 vignettes that manipulated the gender of the target and harasser as well as the seriousness of the harassing behavior. The sample comprised 30 female and 32 male workers from two workplaces, whose ages ranged from 18 to 65 (M = 35) years, and 102 female and 18 male university students whose ages ranged from 17 to 40 (M = 21) years. Approximately 70% of the sample were from Anglo Australian background, and 30% from European, Middle Eastern or Asian background. Females experienced more sexual harassment than males did, although the male rate was higher than expected. Although the majority of subjects attributed little blame to the target, males blamed the target of sexual harassment more than females did, and workers blamed the target of harassment more than university students did. Worker status, sexist attitudes, and gender significantly predicted blame for the total sample. Gender-typing increased the blame of the target by males but not by females. Attribution of blame was significantly influenced by worker versus student status, which supports the social psychological perspective that gender-related behavior is context dependent. The findings from this study suggest that organisational culture and environment influence respondents' attitudes to sexually harassing behavior.  相似文献   

On souhaite, avec cette recherche, compléter les travaux empiriques encore rares concernant l'impact du travail intérimaire sur les salarids concerned. On a comparé un échantillon de 90 intérimaires à un autre échantillon composé de 134 titulaires pour ce qui est de l'implication dans le travail, de la satisfaction professionnelle et du stress. Conformément au schema theorique et aux hypothèses opératoires issus de leurs propres déclarations, les intérimaires ont été séparés en deux sous-groupes sur la base du (non) volontariat pour cette forme de travail. Une analyse de variance multivariée (MANOVA) et une analyse de covariance multivariée (MANCOVA) ont mis en évidence des différences significatives au niveau de la satisfaction, mais pas de la motivation, ni du stress lié au rôle.
The current research is an attempt to extend the scant empirical literature addressing the impact of the temporary-help work arrangement on the temporary-help employees (THEs) employed under that arrangement. A sample of 90 THEs was compared to a sample of 134 permanent employees with respect to work involvement, work satisfaction, and stress measures. In accordance with the conceptual framework and the operational hypotheses that were derived and based on their own statements, THEs were divided into those who work on that arrangement voluntarily as opposed to those who worked as THEs involuntarily. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) revealed significant differences only with regard to satisfaction measures and not for work involvement or role stress measures.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence family of origin and sexual attitudes have on perceptions of infidelity through a mediation analysis to test whether sexual attitudes mediates the relationship between family of origin attitudes and perceptions of infidelity. Results indicated that family of origin attitudes were linked with higher permissive sexual attitudes and lower perceptions of infidelity. Additionally, results indicated an indirect link between family of origin attitudes and perceptions of infidelity through sexual attitudes. These findings align with previous research examining how family of origin influences the occurrence of infidelity and provides insight to helping professionals as they address infidelity in romantic relationships.  相似文献   

In this empirical, mixed methods study, we explored test feedback training, supervision, and practice among psychologists, focusing specifically on how feedback is provided to clients and whether feedback skills are taught in graduate programs. Based on a 48.5% return rate, this national survey of clinical, counseling, and school psychologists' suggests psychologists provide test feedback to clients but inconsistently. Most respondents, 91.7%, indicated they give verbal feedback at least some of the time, whereas 35% do so every time. However, 2.8% indicated they never give feedback. A negative correlation exists for clinical psychologists between years since graduation and providing verbal feedback. Of particular interest, approximately one third of respondents indicated predoctoral coursework, practica, and internship were of little-to-no help in preparing them to provide feedback. Also, feedback training in predoctoral coursework, practica, and internship was not correlated to actually providing feedback. There was, however, a significant correlation between postdoctoral training and providing feedback. Consistent with existing ethical exceptions, the most frequent reason for not providing feedback was using assessments in forensic settings. Individuals who indicated their training was not helpful cited “trial and error” and self-instruction as ways in which they learned feedback skills. We discuss implications and suggestions for feedback training, research, and practice.  相似文献   

Higgins  Louise T.  Zheng  Mo  Liu  Yali  Sun  Chun Hui 《Sex roles》2002,46(3-4):75-89
This paper reports a survey carried out among 505 university students in China and 338 students in the United Kingdom. The survey included questions on attitudes toward mate-selection preferences, marriage, and sexual behavior. The findings show that traditional values in mate-selection preferences persist more in China than in the United Kingdom and indicate that, despite a profound social revolution over the last two decades, a relatively conservative sexual culture still exists in China today. Traditional morality and attitudes prevail especially among women. Gender and culture differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Since its beginnings, social work has emphasized the ways in which environmental factors and internal dynamics influence individuals. I propose that practitioners continue and strengthen this emphasis by exploring the role that norms play in conflicts and choices. Contemporary and longstanding concepts from sociology and psychoanalysis concerning norms can help us explore what we can change in ourselves, what norms might be outside our capacity to influence, and what change can be undertaken through advocacy or another method. In considering norms, I discuss the introjection process, research in sociology, and the role that discipline and self-determination (including external and internal freedom) play in our choices.  相似文献   

Clinical research with sexual minority clients has evolved and has contributed to recognition and affirmation of sexual minorities. This commentary traces a history of research that was at one time based on heteronormative biases, what we refer to as a “first wave” to a movement through a “second wave” of research comparing sexual minorities to heterosexual counterparts in order to adapt existing clinical practices and advocate for them in the context of political challenges and social opposition. We look at the articles in this special issue as exemplary of what may be considered the “third wave” of this research that begins with the assumption that sexual minority populations are unique and valued subcultures and proposes best practices with these populations.  相似文献   

This exploratory survey examined the relationship between 169 professional counselors’ social justice engagement and demographic, personality, and contextual factors. A hierarchical regression analysis indicated that counselors’ sexual orientation, trait extraversion, and postgraduate training predicted their level of engagement in social justice behaviors. The authors recommend that counselor training in social justice be focused on quality, rather than quantity, and that personality and identity characteristics of individuals be incorporated into pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how therapists conduct Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) individual psychotherapy with clients, focusing on clinical factors that could account for decisions regarding modifications of DBT (e.g., client diagnosis, therapist theoretical orientation, and intensity of DBT training). Additionally, the study investigated how therapists integrate DBT into their primary approach to therapy. Greater adherence to the DBT protocol was reported by therapists who described using DBT with a client with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. More frequent use of DBT components (i.e., group skills training, consultation teams, and telephone consultation) was reported by therapists who viewed their therapy as being guided by an applied behavior analysis/radical behavioral theoretical orientation and by therapists who had received intensive DBT training. Most therapists reported using DBT skills in their non-DBT work, with non-cognitive-behavioral therapists more likely to introduce mindfulness skills.  相似文献   

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