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[美联社莱比锡1月20日电]题:“法轮功”可以被称为“心理邪教”根据德国莱比锡地方法院作出的一项裁定,中国的修炼运动“法轮功”——它在德国也有信徒——可以被称为“心理邪教”。这项裁决已于1月20日在沙克森的博览会城市莱比锡公布。莱比锡地方法院的判决驳回了对科堡报纸《新闻报》一名记者提出的停止侵害起诉。这家报纸在一篇关于巴伐利亚城市克洛纳赫建城1000年的游行庆祝活动的文章中对“法轮功”信徒参加游行活动发表了看法。作者在文章中称“法轮功”是“新的宗教性心理邪教,具有等级森严的信徒结构”。代表“法轮功”练习者利益…  相似文献   

特征框架效应是指当分别以积极框架和消极框架来描述给定情境中某一事物或事件的关键特征时, 一般情况下人们更偏好以积极框架来描述其关键特征的事物或事件的现象。特征框架效应广泛的存在于消费、医学及政治等领域。目前, 它的解释机制主要包括效价加工的认知机制、参照依赖、查询理论以及认知神经机制。它的影响因素主要包括经验、人格特质、计算能力以及认知闭合需要等。未来的研究应该从深入探索特征框架效应的产生根源和影响因素, 拓展其应用研究, 深入探索偏好消极框架下的特征框架效应以及探讨该现象与其它现象之间的关系等五方面展开。  相似文献   

Models of face recognition and classification often adopt a framework in which faces are represented as points in a multi-dimensional space. This psychological face space organizes the faces according to similarity and makes predictions for representational theories of faces. A variety of image-processing techniques have been used to create novel stimuli in this space that represent the average of a population or make a face appear more distinctive. The current research examined the relation between the stimuli created by these image-processing techniques and the underlying psychological representation as measured by multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedures. Morphing procedures were used to create 16 faces that were embedded in a set of 84 other faces. Similarity ratings between all possible pairs of faces were collected, and the data were analyzed using MDS procedures. Dimensions that emerged from the MDS solution included age, race, adiposity, and facial hair. In the MDS space, the morphs appeared more typical than the parents, as predicted by the geometric model. A number of biases were examined, including the tendency of the morphs to be less typical than predicted, which may be attributed to the effects of density near the center of face space. In addition, age and facial-adiposity biases were found. The results support the use of the face-space framework for models of face recognition, although image-processing techniques that are designed to create novel stimuli in this space may introduce systematic biases.  相似文献   

Naming products is quite prevalent in American culture; however, we are not aware of any consumer research that explores the effects of this phenomenon. Across three studies, we demonstrate that when consumers name products, their evaluations of those products increase (e.g., attitudes, purchase intentions, and willingness to accept). We find that name fit and creativity as well as subsequent psychological ownership drive this effect. We also demonstrate that the naming effect is quite robust—replicating across multiple products, presentation formats, and populations as well as persisting over time. These results contribute to consumer research by opening up a new substantive line of inquiry into the effects of naming products.  相似文献   

Cult crime and ritual abuse are frequent topics on TV talk shows and in print media. In addition, ritual abuse has been cited in child custody disputes and child abuse allegations in day care centers. This article describes forensic and therapeutic aspects of cult involvement for three risk populations: children, teenagers, and adults. Recommendations are given to protect suspect and victim rights and minimize the risk of harm from a negative cult experience.  相似文献   

A systematic framework for an integrative approach to psychological evaluations and interventions is proposed based on the executive system model of intelligence, the transactional processes of stress and coping, and the field properties of the personal domain. The executive system of intelligence is a comprehensive model that helps to explain the active components of various types of psychotherapies. We are proposing that psychotherapies facilitate clients' uses of their executive functions to develop coping strategies in their transactions with the environment and the events in their life space. A clinical case is presented to illustrate our systematic approach to psychological evaluation and intervention.  相似文献   

Ho-no-Hana-Sanpogyo was a Japanese new religious movement referred to as the “foot-reading cult” in the media. Its founder, Fukunaga Hogen, claimed to have divine authority and the ability to diagnose physical illness by studying the soles of an individual’s feet. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the history of Ho-no-Hana-Sanpogyo and Fukunaga’s practice of foot reading.  相似文献   

如何利用心理咨询为一类特殊心理危机的人群--邪教痴迷者服务,是心理工作者应该研究的迫切社会问题。邪教问题是令世界各国政府不可小觑的问题,世界各地有不少官方或民间社团专门从事挽救这些邪教痴迷者,并帮助他们康复、走向健康人生的工作。国外尤其如此,且其主要力量是自发的民间团体,他们采用开设心理咨询机构的方式  相似文献   


A variety of groups that function on the fringes of both religion and psychotherapy have been evident in the U.S. since the 1960s, with perhaps their greatest presence noted in the 1970s. There were as many as 3000 cult-type organizations identified in that period. Many of these groups created havoc with their followers' lives and the lives of the followers' families. The authors examined the cults in the late 1970s and early 1980s, comparing their activities and requirements to those of "standard" religions and sects. The present article looks at the changes in the two decades since then, noting modifications in the cults' target populations as well as the increases in many kinds of violence in some of the groups.  相似文献   

特征框架效应是指当分别以积极框架和消极框架来描述给定情景中的某一事物或事件的关键特征时,一般情况下人们更偏好以积极框架来描述其关键特征的事物或事件的现象.本研究通过2个实验验证了阈下特征框架效应的存在及其产生机制.实验一发现,阈下特征框架效应只在有时间压力下才会产生.实验二发现,被试对与框架类型一致的词汇判断的反应时比对与框架类型不一致的词汇判断的反应时更快,这在一定程度上说明特征框架效应的产生是因为框架激活了与框架一致性的信息,起到了语义启动的作用,从而导致被试判断任务的评定值偏向该框架类型.  相似文献   

The Swiss political system is unique in Europe, both as regards the widely developed rights of its citizens to take a direct hand in the political process and as regards the strong tradition of federalism and the broad-based powers of the Cantons, despite their smallness. Seen in this way, Switzerland, therefore, offers interesting illustrative material for investigating the “strain” placed by “grassroots politics” on the institutional design of evaluations. Werner Bussmann, Ph.D, is director of the “Effectiveness of Public Policies” (NFP 27) research program funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, in Bern, Switzerland. He also holds a post at the Federal Office of Justice. His research interests include intergovernmental relations, evaluation and organizational learning.  相似文献   

The five-factor conceptualization of personality has been presented as all-embracing in understanding personality and has even received authoritative recommendation for understanding early development. I raise various concerns regarding this popular model. More specifically, (a) the atheoretical nature of the five-factors, their cloudy measurement, and their inappropriateness for studying early childhood are discussed; (b) the method (and morass) of factor analysis as the exclusive paradigm for conceptualizing personality is questioned and the continuing nonconsensual understandings of the five-factors is noted; (c) various unrecognized but successful efforts to specify aspects of character not subsumed by the catholic five-factors are brought forward; and (d) transformational developments in regard to inventory assessment of personality are mentioned. I conclude by suggesting that repeatedly observed higher order factors hierarchically above the proclaimed five may promise deeper biological understanding of the origins and implications of these superfactors.  相似文献   

刘希平  李永梅 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1091-1094,1072
关键诱词是指在学习中没有出现的、跟所学单词有一定关联的词。学习者对关键诱词提取时错误再认率(即虚报率)较高,这被称之为错误再认现象。有人认为是要点表征导致了错误记忆,但也有人认为记忆中是字词表征起主要作用。本研究针对要点表征和字词表征对中学生英语单词学习中错误再认的影响进行了2×7的混合设计,分别考查了分类分组呈现单词和随机呈现单词对中学生英语单词再认的影响,同时考查了关键诱词的虚报率与学习次数的关系。发现:(1)学习分类分组呈现单词的被试,对关键诱词的虚报率明显高于学习随机呈现单词的被试,说明要点表征在错误再认中起着重要作用;(2)对关键诱词的虚报率与学习次数之间呈现倒V型的关系,说明在学习初始阶段,要点表征在错误再认中起主要作用;但在学习的后期,字词表征在再认中的作用占据了主要地位。  相似文献   

You may not know me well enough to evaluate me in terms of my moral character, but I take it you believe I can be evaluated: it sounds strange to say that I am indeterminate, neither good nor bad nor intermediate. Yet I argue that the claim that most people are indeterminate is the conclusion of a sound argument—the indeterminacy paradox—with two premises: (1) most people are fragmented(they would behave deplorably in many and admirably in many other situations); (2) fragmentation entails indeterminacy. I support (1) by examining psychological experiments in which most participants behave deplorably(e.g., by maltreating “prisoners” in a simulated prison) or admirably(e.g., by intervening in a simulated theft). I support (2) by arguing that, according to certain plausible conceptions, character evaluations presuppose behavioral consistency (lack of fragmentation). Possible reactions to the paradox include: (a) denying that the experiments are relevant to character; (b) upholding conceptions according to which character evaluations do not presuppose consistency; (c) granting that most people are indeterminate and explaining why it appears otherwise. I defend (c) against (a) and (b).  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that the addition of mild pain to an aversive event may lead people to prefer and directly choose more pain over less pain (Kahneman, Fredrickson, Schreiber, & Redelmeier, 1993). Kahneman et al. suggest that pain ratings are based on a combination of peak pain and final pain. Similarly, people rate a happy life that ends suddenly as being better than one with additional years of mild happiness (Diener, Wirtz, & Oishi, 2001), even though the former objectively consists of less pleasure than the latter. Applying these concepts to material goods, we investigated the impact of positivity and timing on the retrospective evaluations of material goods. We found strong evidence that the peak-end rule applies to both material goods and pain.  相似文献   

解释水平理论是一种解释心理距离怎样影响个体的思维决策的社会认知理论。研究基于解释水平理论,探查了心理距离对风险决策框架效应的影响。实验从心理距离的四个维度入手,每个维度均采用2(解释水平高、低)×2(正框架、负框架)的被试间设计,用于检验解释水平是否调节框架对被试决策任务的选择。结果表明,当心理距离越远,解释水平越高时,被试产生明显的框架效应;而当心理距离越近,解释水平越低时,框架效应明显减弱。除了大概率情况下的框架效应削弱至不显著,其余维度的高、低解释水平下的框架效应均显著。  相似文献   

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