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The present study aimed to describe the road user behaviour of New Zealand adolescents and to investigate the applicability of the Adolescent Road user Behaviour Questionnaire (ARBQ) to New Zealand adolescents. In total 944 adolescents were surveyed in the North and South islands of New Zealand. Factor analysis of the scale produced three factors which had acceptable internal reliability and were very similar to those found in the original research. The three factors were “unsafe crossing behaviour”, “playing on the road” and “planned protective behaviour”. This research also found that males and those who were at least part Maori were more likely to put themselves at risk by playing on the road. Furthermore, those who identified themselves as being part Maori also engaged in unsafe road crossing behaviour more often than Caucasian and Asian adolescents. Interestingly, only the interaction effect between age and sex was significantly related to engagement in planned protective behaviour. However, despite differences between New Zealand and England, and differences in the sample characteristics, the scale appeared to be measuring the same latent variables. Therefore, this research confirmed that the ARBQ is a useful tool for investigating the behaviour of adolescents on the road.  相似文献   

Innovative road markings for motorcyclists, designed as Perceptual Rider Information for Maximising Expertise and Enjoyment (PRIMEs) were installed on the approach to demanding left-hand bends at six trial sites and a comparison site across the West Highlands of Scotland. These road markings were presented as a series of ‘gateways’ to encourage safer riding. Video data were collected to measure motorcycle speed, lateral position, braking and use of the road markings, before and after the PRIMEs were installed. A total of 9,594 motorcyclists were observed. Across the six trial sites, statistically significant reductions in speed were observed (at three sites). Significant changes in lateral position were observed at the final PRIME gateway marking (at one site), and at the apex of the bend (at three sites). Reduced braking was observed at three sites and there was a statistically significant increase in the use of PRIME road markings across four of the sites. No statistically significant effects were observed at the comparison site. These findings are discussed in relation to sustained effects and aspects of the ‘Safe System’ approach that are relevant to reducing motorcycle casualties.  相似文献   

In some local authorities in Israel, road markings were removed from non-signalised crosswalks situated on multilane divided urban roads. This study examined whether this treatment contributes to pedestrian safety, based on the analysis of differences in road user behaviours and pedestrian crossing conditions at sites without crosswalk markings (treatment sites) versus those with the markings (comparison sites). Field observations were conducted at two treatment and four comparison sites, including video-recordings and free-flow speed measurements. The speed data analysis indicated that treatment sites were associated with higher speeds as compared to other sites, at least in one travel direction, and that speed values were sufficiently high to create a threat of severe injury for the crossing pedestrians. Examinations of other road user behaviours showed that treatment sites are associated with higher obedience of pedestrians to safe crossing rules and low rates of pedestrian-vehicle conflicts during the crossing, but also with long waiting times by pedestrians prior to crossing, low rates of giving-way to pedestrians and more vehicles ignoring pedestrian needs to cross. In general, pedestrian crosswalk removal brought about a worsening in the possibility of crossing the road for pedestrians that in combination with high vehicle speeds cannot be recognised as a safety-improving measure. The study did not support the claim that removing a marked crosswalk leads to safety benefits for pedestrians.  相似文献   

In the past thirty years, alcohol influence on drivers has been widely researched using driving simulators across the world. However, a critical evaluation of the existing evidence is required to project the current status and provide directions for future investigations. The present study conducts a comprehensive systematic review of the research examining the effects of alcohol on simulated driving performance. The literature search was conducted in academic databases such as Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Transportation Research Information Database (TRID), PubMed, and Web of science. In total, 1015 articles were identified from the initial database search along with 14 additional articles from other sources (Articles Plus, Cochrane Library, Medline, National Technical Information Services, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and Medline Grey Literature Report), out of which 110 articles were included in the systematic review. The majority of the studies were conducted in the United States of America (45%), followed by Australia (15%). These studies were reviewed based on the following aspects: type of driving simulator, study design, Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) or alcohol dose used in the experiments, driving environment characteristics, driving performance measures, data analysis techniques, and additional factors affecting driver behaviour under the influence of alcohol. Overall, the evidence regarding driving performance under the influence of alcohol shows that the majority of the previous studies have found a significant impact of alcohol on the various aspects of driving behaviour. The systematic review highlighted the methodological limitations observed in the previous driving simulator studies which should be acknowledged in future research.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms have been proposed regarding relations between parental responses to adolescent affective behaviours and the development of depression: the elicitation of parental negativity and the suppression of parental aggression. This study aimed to investigate the boundary conditions under which these two mechanisms operate in relation to the prospective prediction of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) onset in adolescence. A community sample of 159 adolescents (aged 11–13 years) with no history of MDD completed a family interaction assessment with their mothers, and were followed-up with a diagnostic interview 2–3 years later. Results showed that onset of MDD was prospectively predicted by the elicitation of maternal aggression in response to adolescent aggression (in girls only) and maternal dysphoria in response to adolescent aggression, as well as the suppression of maternal aggression and dysphoria in response to adolescent dysphoria. Thus, support was obtained for both the elicitation of negativity mechanism in relation to maternal responses to adolescents’ aggressive behaviours, and the suppression of aggression mechanisms in relation to maternal responses to adolescents’ dysphoric behaviours. Mothers’ responses to adolescents’ aggressive and dysphoric behaviours may differentially influence the risk of MDD onset for adolescents over time.  相似文献   

Despite significant national and local efforts over the last decade to stimulate uptake of cycling in the UK, levels of cycling (particularly utility cycling) remain at around 2% of journeys. Understanding of cycling behaviour and subsequent development of interventions has typically been undertaken using an individualist approach, often relying on psychologically based models of behaviour. This paper argues that Social Practice Theory (SPT) may be a valuable addition to practitioner’s toolboxes by providing an alternative means of understanding the complex dynamics between the elements that constitute the practice of utility cycling, allowing it to be considered as a social issue, rather than focusing solely on individual behaviour. This is demonstrated within the paper by the use of SPT to reanalyse quantitative and qualitative datasets that explore views and experiences of both cyclists and non-cyclists. Therein, the practice of utility cycling is described according to its three elements; materials, meaning and competences and the potential benefits of this approach are discussed; particularly its ideological shift away from ‘victim blaming’ and its natural support of interdisciplinary intervention design.  相似文献   

Whether exposure to violence in the virtual reality of the media has an impact on users’ aggressive behaviour has been a controversial issue in academic as well as public debate. This article summarises a programme of research conducted with adolescents in Germany that presents cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence for the association between violent media use and aggression. It provides experimental evidence in support of mediating variables, such as hostile attributional style, increased normative acceptance of aggression, and emotional desensitisation, which might explain the pathways from media violence use to aggression. In addition it presents the development and experimental evaluation of a theory-based intervention designed to reduce media violence use and decrease its link with aggressive behaviour. The findings are discussed in the context of a large international body of research that points to the causal role of violent media use as a risk factor for aggressive behaviour.  相似文献   

A technique comparing first-person singular and first-person plural address modes (based on the Tennessee Self-concept Scale and modifications) was applied. Self-report and sociometric-like techniques were blended into a single method, providing a compound profile of the individual's interaction with his small, cohesive reference group. One hundred and sixteen males aged 18–22 yr participated in this study. The results vary significantly in accordance with the characteristics of the subgroup, and follow trends that may be seen as confirming the rules governing the interpretation of the profile. A set of rules is evolved (in the Discussion) by which the profile can be interpreted. The results distinguish significantly between people with marked leadership and instructional skills, and provide significant correlations with sociometric data concerning leadership propensities. The present technique suggests possible further elaborations for clinical diagnostic purposes and for assessment in personal and social psychological settings.  相似文献   

Internationally, there have been a number of self-reported questionnaires developed to classify pedestrians’ engagement in aberrant behaviours while walking. However, there is yet to be consensus regarding the most appropriate factor structure for these models. Furthermore, to our knowledge, a pedestrian behaviour questionnaire (PBQ) has not been validated to investigate Australian pedestrians. As such, the aim of this research was to build on the previous international instances of pedestrian behaviour questionnaires and validate a questionnaire for a cohort of Australians. Nine hundred and sixty eight participants (80.8% female) completed an online survey which included 128 items describing pedestrian behaviour, identified in international versions of PBQs. A split half analysis was conducted to determine the most appropriate configuration of the scale. Exploratory Factor Analysis conducted on half of the sample identified a 32-item four factor model of pedestrian behaviour. These factors broadly described unintentional errors, deliberate violations, aggression and engagement with technology. Confirmatory Factor Analysis on the remaining sample confirmed the proposed factor structure.Across the four factors, pedestrians reported low mean scores for all items; indicating that errors, violations, technology engagement and aggression were rarely exhibited behaviours. The highest mean scores were for engagement with technology. While the least common pedestrian behaviours were errors while walking. Male participants were found to self-report higher rates of all behaviours, while age was negatively associated with violations, errors and technology engagement. Overall, the research presents a validated measure of aberrant pedestrian behaviour in Australia.  相似文献   

Road safety education (RSE) assumes that psychological determinants predict risk behaviour, and subsequently that risky road behaviour predicts crash involvement. This study examined the validity of this assumption, by analysing these relationships in two age groups of teen cyclists and pedestrians: a younger age group (12 and 13 years old: n = 1372) and an older age group (14–16 years old: n = 938). A questionnaire was administered at school during regular class consisting of items on demographics, on risk behaviour based on the Generic Error Model System (GEMS), on psychological determinants targeted in RSE programmes, and on crash involvement and near crashes. For the younger age group, the results indicated that the risk behaviours ‘errors’, ‘dangerous play’, and ‘lack of protective behaviour’ predicted self-reported crashes; for the older age group only ‘errors’ were found to be predictive of self-reported crashes and near crashes. Path analyses confirmed that risk behaviour could be predicted from the psychological determinants, sharing respectively 44% of the variance in the younger age group and 34% in the older group. In conclusion, these results confirm the RSE assumption that psychological determinants are associated with a higher frequency of risk behaviours and that the latter are again associated with higher crash frequencies. Just as in earlier studies on adolescent risk behaviour, the GEMS based distinction between errors and violations was not confirmed, suggesting that this distinction – derived from studies on adult car drivers – may not apply to young adolescent cyclists and pedestrians.  相似文献   



Emotion regulation deficits have been consistently linked to psychopathology in cross-sectional studies. However, the direction of the relationship between emotion regulation and psychopathology is unclear. This study examined the longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between emotion regulation deficits and psychopathology in adolescents.


Emotion dysregulation and symptomatology (depression, anxiety, aggressive behavior, and eating pathology) were assessed in a large, diverse sample of adolescents (N = 1065) at two time points separated by seven months. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between emotion dysregulation and symptoms of psychopathology.


The three distinct emotion processes examined here (emotional understanding, dysregulated expression of sadness and anger, and ruminative responses to distress) formed a unitary latent emotion dysregulation factor. Emotion dysregulation predicted increases in anxiety symptoms, aggressive behavior, and eating pathology after controlling for baseline symptoms but did not predict depressive symptoms. In contrast, none of the four types of psychopathology predicted increases in emotion dysregulation after controlling for baseline emotion dysregulation.


Emotion dysregulation appears to be an important transdiagnostic factor that increases risk for a wide range of psychopathology outcomes in adolescence. These results suggest targets for preventive interventions during this developmental period of risk.  相似文献   

The growing prevalence of technological distractions amongst pedestrians makes it an important road safety concern. Observational studies are considered a reliable method to investigate the influence of mobile phone distraction on pedestrian road crossing behaviour and crash risks. The present study conducts a systematic review of international literature on pedestrian distraction observations by following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 792 studies were identified from the literature search on six research databases: Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane library, and Transportation Research International Documentation (TRID). Finally, 39 research articles were assessed using the systematic classification scheme based on the following five research aspects: prevalence of mobile phone distraction, study locations, performance measures, analysis techniques, and additional factors associated with mobile phone use among pedestrians. Over 35% of the studies were conducted in the United States of America (USA) and 69% of the investigations were done in the last five years. Overall, the findings across the studies indicate that mobile phone distraction plays a major role in pedestrian risky road crossing behaviour and violation tendencies. Visual distractions (such as texting) exhibited higher behavioural impairment compared to cognitive distractions (e.g., listening to music, and conversations). Pedestrian characteristics such as gender and age were the key factors examined in 77% and 67% of the observational studies. Finally, important directions for future research are illustrated to aid the researchers working in the area of pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

The adolescent brain   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Adolescence is a developmental period characterized by suboptimal decisions and actions that give rise to an increased incidence of unintentional injuries and violence, alcohol and drug abuse, unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Traditional neurobiological and cognitive explanations for adolescent behavior have failed to account for the nonlinear changes in behavior observed during adolescence, relative to childhood and adulthood. This review provides a biologically plausible conceptualization of the neural mechanisms underlying these nonlinear changes in behavior, as a heightened responsiveness to incentives while impulse control is still relatively immature during this period. Recent human imaging and animal studies provide a biological basis for this view, suggesting differential development of limbic reward systems relative to top-down control systems during adolescence relative to childhood and adulthood. This developmental pattern may be exacerbated in those adolescents with a predisposition toward risk-taking, increasing the risk for poor outcomes.  相似文献   

Motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) are a major contributor to adolescent mortality. Adolescent drivers are more likely to make risky decisions in the presence of peers. However, rewards have also been shown to improve decision making in adolescence. Our goal was to determine if peer observation and reward effects on decision-making were dependent upon adolescent driving styles.Twenty-four healthy adolescents played a driving game in a 2 (no peer; peer) × 2 (no rewards; rewards) within-subjects experiment. Driving styles were measured by self-report.Rewards favoring safe choices reduced risky decision making, but this effect was especially robust for adolescents with driving styles that increase risk of MVCs (i.e., dangerous, fast, angry, or distracted styles). Findings suggest that rewards for safe driving can be an effective mechanism for reducing MVCs, especially for the most at-risk drivers, if they can be made appetizing to adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examines the factor structure underlying the Anxiety Sensitivity Index for Children (ASIC. J Anxiety Disord, 12 (1998) 307) in an adolescent sample. Three-hundred-and-eight adolescents, aged 12 to 18, completed the ASIC and measures of anxiety and depression. Factor analysis of the ASIC items resulted in a two-factor structure that is similar to that reported by Laurent et al. These two factors included a physical concerns dimension and a mental concerns dimension similar to those found in studies of adult anxiety sensitivity. Subscales measuring these two factors demonstrated concurrent validity, showing particularly close associations with measures of panic symptoms. In addition, both of these subscales showed incremental validity in predicting panic symptoms after controlling for the other anxiety sensitivity subscale and a measure of depression. These results provide evidence that the anxiety sensitivity construct is applicable during adolescence and support the use of the ASIC.  相似文献   

ObjectivesBased on Basic Needs Theory (BNT: Deci & Ryan, 1985), this study examined longitudinal relationships between autonomy support from two sources, psychological need satisfaction, subjective vitality and self-reported physical activity during a walking intervention for physically inactive adults. We proposed that autonomy support provided via a walk leader and the overall programme would independently predict change in subjective vitality and physical activity from baseline to week 16 (post-intervention) and at four month follow-up. Further, we proposed that direct relationships among sources of autonomy support and outcomes would be mediated by autonomy, relatedness, and competence need satisfaction.DesignA longitudinal examination.MethodsParticipants (N = 69; n = 63 females, n = 6 males) from a 16-week walking programme completed a multi-section questionnaire measuring the aforementioned variables at three time points, including a four month post-intervention follow-up.ResultsBoth hypotheses were partly supported. Autonomy support from the walk leader positively predicted changes in subjective vitality from baseline to week 16 and in physical activity from baseline to follow-up. Autonomy support from the programme positively predicted changes in subjective vitality from baseline to week 16. Finally, autonomy gained from the walk leader mediated the relationship between autonomy support and subjective vitality, and between perceived autonomy support and physical activity.ConclusionsFindings indicate that autonomy support from both a walk leader and wider programme can predict psychological need satisfaction, subjective vitality and physical activity. Clinicians and researchers implementing future walking interventions may increase physical activity and subjective vitality by facilitating psychological need satisfaction through autonomy support from both sources.  相似文献   

How people acquire environmental information brings out individual differences that are extremely large and robust. We assume that different spatial strategies used to represent, explore and move through the environment may predict risky driving behaviour.Here, we investigated spatial strategies and driving behaviour in 167 college students (86 women) using the following tests: the Spatial Cognitive Style Test, aimed at assessing spatial strategies characterized by different degrees of spatial competences (ranging from landmark, route to survey); the Manchester Driver Behavior Questionnaire, aimed at assessing errors, lapses, ordinary and aggressive Highway Code violations; the Attitude toward Road Safety Issues, aimed at assessing road safety attitudes related to driving.A series of regression analysis showed that spatial strategy used by drivers predicted the number of errors, lapses, ordinary and aggressive violations, as well as the number of road-safety behaviours. In conclusion, our results suggest that drivers preferring a survey strategy are much more able to make correct spatial decisions. Specifically, they are more confident about their spatial competence that in turn makes them less aggressive towards other drivers. Our findings suggest that good navigators travel without incurring in violations and fines. Implications regarding the possibility to use spatial navigational training to improve driving skills and release driving licence, as well as limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Carpooling is a sustainable, economical, and environmental friendly solution that can significantly reduce air pollution and traffic congestion in urban areas. In spite of its numerous benefits, commuters are still skeptic about adopting it as a routine choice for transportation. This study attempts to map commuters’ attitude towards carpooling services. The study has focused on a few motivational constructs that can have an influence on commuters’ behavior. The study has looked at the role of cognitive complexity and empowerment perceptions of commuters to check if these constructs significantly intervene in the behavioral outcomes. The methodology used is a scenario-based 2 × 2 survey design where the sample is an individual who has experience with carpooling. The survey has used two levels (high, low) each of cognitive complexity and psychological empowerment to give rise to four scenarios. The final sample consisted of 400 carpoolers selected from an IT park having more than 5000 employees. MANOVA analysis showed that cognitive complexity and psychological empowerment had significant influence on the motivational constructs used in the study. Value beliefs, safety and platform quality perceptions were found to have a direct impact on attitude formation and intention to engage in carpooling behavior. The findings offer many implications for managers in the sense that that they can focus on creating suitable communication that creates favorable perceptions towards carpooling to bring about better adoption intentions.  相似文献   

Neo-liberal society asserts that adults should be independent and responsible for themselves, and that children and adolescents should be dependent on their parents. The earlier construction of the concept of adolescence makes this seem obviously true. Yet if we remember that “adolescence” was part of a project of gender, race, and class construction, it becomes easier to ask whether adolescence is a meaningful concept and a stage of life or whether it continues to be a component of an ideology that relies on the construction of “others.” In this chapter, I suggest that adolescence plays the latter role, and that although the naturalization of adolescence is particularly dangerous for groups like queer youth who are at the margins of society, it is dangerous for all young people because it limits sexual agency. This is particularly important because increasingly society requires that young people consider their futures not from the assumption that they will move into well-defined roles, but with the assumption that they will need to define new ways of relating.
Valerie D. LehrEmail:

The current review provides a qualitative assessment of the efficacy of dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) as adapted for adolescents. The aim was to assess the efficacy of DBT compared to usual methods in the treatment of adolescent mental health symptoms, inclusive of suicidal ideation and self‐harm. Computerised databases including Medline and PsycINFO were accessed and knowledgeable informants in the area of DBT were contacted. Inclusion criteria required the studies to be clinical trials on DBT provided to adolescents. Due to the requirements on research design only three studies were appropriate for review. The review focused on quality assessment of the current data, including investigation into the effects of selection bias, confounding variables, outcome measures and measurement errors. The data suggest that there is some evidence for DBT being effective in reducing symptoms of mental health, especially those consistent with borderline personality disorder. The resultant data, however, are of very poor quality, and as such the review addresses ways to improve the quality of research and offers suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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