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The institutionalization of an aged parent presents unique challenges and strains to the family system. It also provides opportunities for limited intervention and support by empathic clergy. It is often difficult for middle-aged children to understand some of the strong and often sudden emotions they experience regarding their institutionalized parents, particularly as these feelings become confused with their own sense of having reached middle age. Again, opportunities present themselves for clergy to be sensitive to these confusing feelings.  相似文献   

One of the more intriguing paradoxes that has developed in mainline Protestantism over the last 30 years is that mainline clergy have become more politically active. Since the public politicking of mainline clergy in the late 1960s generated storms in the churches, why would clergy become more politically active over time? In this article, we adopt the theoretical structure of a benefit exchange between leaders and members initiated by Mancur Olson. We seek to determine the extent to which church members' appetites for political action by the clergy are shaped by a satiating selective benefit exchange or are driven largely by political compatibility. We propose that because of continued political disagreement between clergy and church members and considerable disapproval of clergy involvement in politics by church members, clergy politicking is allowed largely by the satisfaction of a selective benefit exchange.  相似文献   

The current study assesses the roles that political encouragement from clergy and lay involvement in political discussions play in the political and civic activism of varying racial/ethnic groups. Congregants are likely to participate in varying forms of activism when asked by clergy because of the high levels of trust that Americans have in their clergy and because political appeals are often communicated in a culturally relevant manner. In addition, participation in political discussions within houses of worship is likely to increase a sense of political agency and efficacy. For almost all groups, lay political deliberation is associated with activism. However, while political encouragement from clergy is associated with Black and Hispanic activism, it plays a negligible role in motivating Whites and Caribbean Blacks to action. Ideological symmetry between clergy and congregants may explain the degree to which political appeals from clergy motivate varying racial/ethnic groups to action.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the political participation of ministers from five evangelical Protestant denominations that differ in theology, polity, and history. Despite such differences, these clergy respond to political influences in much the same fashion. We find that the standard theories of political participation have varying success in accounting for their political involvement. Sociodemographic explanations provide little help, but psychological engagement with politics has more explanatory power. Professional role orientations are the best predictors of actual participation. And the clergy who see moral reform issues as the most important confronting the country—and who hold conservative views on such issues—are most likely to become engaged. Finally, membership in Christian Right organizations serves to elicit more activity than might occur if ministers were left to internally motivated participation. Despite the emphasis on other contextual variables in some work on clerical politics, we find that communications exposures, congregational influences, and even the support of clerical colleagues have very limited independent effects on political involvement.  相似文献   

Evangelical renewal movements (ERMs) are proliferating in the old Protestant mainline and they show few signs of splitting from their parent denominations. Ironically, the very theological pluralism that ERMs seek to eliminate has provided an opportunity for their entry and a barrier for their expulsion. This essay offers an introduction to the evangelical movements arising in the mainline and reports the initial findings from a survey of United Methodist clergy's involvement in ERMs. As expected, United Methodist clergy are predominantly older, white males leading small congregations. Surprisingly, however, fully 29 percent of the clergy do not have a seminary degree and more than half of those with seminary degrees did not attend United Methodist-affiliated schools—with 22 percent attending an evangelical seminary. The clergy involved in ERMs are younger, more likely to have attended evangelical seminaries (or no seminary at all), and hold more exclusive Christian beliefs. The survey also found that the once isolated evangelical clergy of the United Methodist Church are now embedded in evangelical associations and hold friendships with other evangelical clergy. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   


A sample of 1,276 male stipendiary parochial clergy working in the Church of England completed the Revised Ministerial Job Satisfaction Scale and an index of charismatic involvement, together with the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. After controlling for age and personality, charismatic clergy record higher levels of job satisfaction in comparison with clergy not influenced by the charismatic movement.  相似文献   

This article addresses the increasing involvement of clergy in dangerous situations, particularly family violence. It provides a quick reference guide to assist clergy in assessing for the risk of potential violence with suggested interventions. In a society that is marked by unprecedented levels of violence and a shortage of mental health services, clergy are increasingly being confronted by dangerous situations that require expert crisis intervention skills. This article provides specific, concrete guidelines for clergy confronted by violence in ministry.The Earth is full of violence.Genesis 6:13This article is dedicated to the memory of The Reverend Harold M. Eads of Topeka, Kansas who was stabbed to death in his apartment on December 17, 1978 in East Harlem, New York where he served the poor and disinherited as a United Methodist minister.  相似文献   

The toll exacted by occupational injuries and illnesses on employed people involves a degree of personal and family suffering of such magnitude that clergy can legitimately consider it a part of their pastoral responsibilities to address the problem. Several cogent reasons for clergy involvement in occupational safety and health are provided, along with approaches clergy can implement to help parishioners reduce their workplace risks. Resources for assistance in engaging in these activities are suggested.This article represents an expansion of a paper that appeared originally inCurrents in Theology and Mission, Fall 1979.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test several hypotheses that clergy work-related satisfaction could be better explained by a multidimensional rather than a unidimensional model. A sample of 1071 male stipendiary parochial clergy in the Church of England completed the Clergy Role Inventory, together with the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Factor analysis of the Clergy Role Inventory identified five separate clergy roles: Religious Instruction, Administration, Statutory Duties (conducting marriages and funerals), Pastoral Care, and Role Extension (including extra-parochial activities). Respondents also provided an indication of their predispositions on the catholic–evangelical and liberal–conservative dimensions. The significant associations of the satisfactions derived from each of the roles with the demographic, personality, and churchmanship variables were numerous, varied, and, with few exceptions, small in magnitude. Separate hierarchical regressions for each of the five roles indicated that the proportion of total variance explained by churchmanship was, in general, at least as great as that explained by personality, and was greater for three roles: Religious Instruction, Statutory Duties, and Role Extension. It was concluded that clergy satisfactions derived from different roles are not uniform and that churchmanship is at least as important as personality in accounting for clergy work satisfaction.  相似文献   

Since clergy are often first responders to mental health issues, it is important to understand clergy views on handling such issues. A discussion occurred in 2012 amongst clergy involved in a popular social utility network clergy’s group. One clergyperson asked peers: “If the church is where we are to come for healing, how do we handle people who are depressed, suicidal, suffering from PTSD or anxiety?” Over 140 comments were made during 13 days, and 35 clergy from the United States, Africa, and India contributed to the discussion. Data from this conversation were examined via classic grounded theory. Analysis revealed a spectrum of beliefs that clergy hold regarding the causes and best treatments for emotional issues. Findings shed light on the candid thoughts clergy have about mental health care. The findings provide greater understanding for mental health practitioners with clients who rely on their church for emotional support.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of the need for clergy to be better informed regarding the assessment of child abuse and neglect. It provides a quick reference guide to assist clergy in assessing the risk factors in the abusive family with guidelines for the recognition of child maltreatment. In a society that is marked by unprecedented levels of child maltreatment reporting and an ever increasing shortage of mental health services, clergy are increasingly being confronted by situations involving potential child maltreatment that require expert crisis intervention skills. This article provides specific, concrete guidelines for clergy confronted with situations that call for the recognition of child maltreatment.Andrew J. Weaver, Ph.D., United Methodist minister and a licensed marriage, family, and child therapist. He holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and serves as the director of the Pacific Center, Community Counseling Service, sponsored by 11 churches in Central Los Angeles.This article is dedicated to the staff of Alameda County Child Protective Services in Oakland, California, with appreciation for their courage and devotion to the grievous and demanding task of caring for distressed parents and their wounded children.  相似文献   

This paper describes the experiences of 103 breast cancer patients with home pastors and hospital chaplains. Attention was directed at the activities of clergy, the degree to which religious and nonreligious interactions were satisfying to the women, and how these related to their personal faith orientation. Because of the issues of sexual identity and attractiveness entailed by breast cancer, the role of female clergy was also explored. It is evident that religion is an extremely important resource for the majority of these breast cancer patients, and an intrinsic religious orientation helps one cope with breast cancer.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of some oft‐overlooked influences on clergy public speech, an important component of a church's public witness. While there are many studies of denominational conflict, few studies connect denominational‐level conflict with the ways in which clergy address salient public issues to their congregations. We also explore the impact that the presence of a congregant who has struggled with his or her sexuality, that is, the contact hypothesis, has on clergy speech. We test these ideas using 2004 survey data from clergy in Columbus, Ohio concerning their speech on the state's constitutional ban on gay marriage. We find that these intra‐organizational constraints shape opinions that in turn affect speech, tempering indirectly the ability of clergy to present concerns about the proposed ban.  相似文献   

While all adults in the paid labor force face the difficult task of managing the competing pressures of work and family life, clergy families encounter an added dynamic in the way spouses are integrated into the church. Yet spouses approach involvement in unique and varied ways, making intentional choices over how much or little to participate in the congregations their husbands and wives pastor. Drawing from in-depth interviews with 46 pastors and clergy spouses in five Protestant Christian denominations, this study describes three models of clergy spouse participation showing the diverse ways women and men interpret and enact their role through the ongoing management of boundaries. I consider several social factors informing the model a clergy spouse embraces—pressure from congregants or one’s own ideas, congregational precedent, gender and stage in the life cycle—shedding light on the interaction between individual preferences and contextual factors. In doing so, I argue that although the women and men in this study are continually recreating what it means to be a clergy spouse, they remain heavily rooted in a traditional expectation that pastors’ wives and husbands provide support to their spouse’s church and calling to pastoral ministry.  相似文献   

Burnout has an important impact upon the professional satisfaction of clergy. Identifying protective behaviors that may prevent against burnout is important for the long-term emotional health of individual clergy as well as the wider church. This research reports findings among 358 parish-based clergy that identifies the prevalence of burnout and correlates this data with demographic risk factors and protective behaviors. Clergy who met criteria for burnout were younger, identified themselves as being depressed and unsatisfied with their spiritual life, and have endured a traumatic church placement. This research also suggests that having a variety of interests and activities outside of one’s vocation may protect against burnout. In particular, behaviors that enhance relationships—such as seeking mentors and attending retreats—as well as pursuing outside activities—such as regular exercise and scholarly reading—protect against burnout. Further implications for the wider church are discussed.  相似文献   

This study sought to obtain a better understanding of how clergy view their health and to investigate their self-reported health status. Additionally, this study sought to explore personal and professional barriers among clergy to living a healthier life. An electronic 32-item survey was sent to all practicing clergy in Kansas East and West conferences of United Methodist church by the Kansas Area Office of the United Methodist Church. Survey items included participants’ demographic information and health conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol). The self-reported general health, mental health, and physical health data were also collected to compare to the general population in Kansas. Clergy were also asked to identify perceived barriers to health. A total of 150 clergy participated in the survey. The majority (93.7 %) self-reported their health as good, very good, or excellent. Participating clergy self-reported a higher prevalence of chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol) than the Kansas general population, but those differences were not statistically significant. More than three-fourths (77.4 %) of the participating clergy reported weights and heights that classified them as either overweight or obese. Lack of family time was the most frequently reported personal barrier to achieving a healthier lifestyle. An unpredictable work schedule was reported as the most frequent professional barrier to achieving a healthier lifestyle. This study suggests that Kansas clergy generally view their overall health status favorably despite being overweight or obese. Clergy also self-reported higher prevalence of chronic diseases than the general Kansas population, though the prevalence was not statistically different. This study provides additional insight into clergy health and offers suggestions to address the barriers preventing clergy from working toward better health.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between Black Church involvement in social and racial justice issues and support for women in the pastorate, using Faith Factor 2000 national data for seven denominations and bivariate and logistic regression analyses. Findings suggest that involvement in social activism does not necessarily correlate positively with support for women as pastors. Although frequent sermonic focus on Black Liberation and Womanist theology, and clergy involvement in protest efforts, engender such support, sermonic focus on general issues of racial justice actually undermine support for women in the pastorate. These findings have important implications for efforts toward increased gender equity in the Black Church tradition.  相似文献   

Some of the most contentious issues in American religion today concern homosexuality. In 1998, we asked 2,300 clergy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Episcopal Church whether their denomination should adopt official statements on homosexuality. A year later, we asked the same question of 1,600 church members in 60 of those clergy's congregations. In this research note, we analyze the attitudes of clergy and church members about beginning the process to compose formal denominational statements on homosexuality. We find great differences between the two denominations, reflecting established conflict in the Episcopal Church and a lack thereof in the ELCA. The attitudes of both clergy and church members, shaped by denominational context, reflect their general attitudes toward gay rights and the public involvement of the denomination. Clergy exhibit particular concern about how a denominational statement might affect their own congregation, and church members take significant cues from their clergy.  相似文献   

Clergy experience a large number of stressors in their work, including role overload and emotional labor. Although studies have found high rates of depression in clergy, the degree of work-related burnout in clergy compared to other occupations is unknown. The widely used Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) measures three aspects of burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. We sought studies using comparable versions of the MBI for clergy; for social workers, counselors, and teachers because of those occupations’ emotional intensity and labor; and for police and emergency personnel because of the unpredictability and stress-related physiological arousal in those occupations. We found a total of 84 studies and compared the ranges of burnout scores between the studies of clergy, each additional occupation, and MBI published mean norms. Compared to U.S. norms, clergy exhibited moderate rates of burnout. Across the three kinds of burnout, clergy scores were relatively better than those of police and emergency personnel, similar to those of social workers and teachers, and worse than those of counselors. Clergy may benefit from burnout prevention strategies used by counselors. The moderate levels of burnout found for clergy, despite the numerous stressors associated with their occupation, suggest that clergy generally cope well and may be models to study. Overall, there is room for improvement in burnout for all professions, especially police and emergency personnel. It is important to remember the variation within any profession, including clergy, and prevent and address burnout for those in need.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that attitudes about information acquisition, and attitudes about behavioral involvement, moderate important health behaviors. These attitudes may play an important role in the management of cystic fibrosis (CF) because of the crucial role that patient knowledge and self-involvement play in maintaining adequate functioning. However, due to the young age of CF onset, and the necessary involvement of parents in CF patients' care, two preliminary questions require attention. First, can health care attitudes be measured reliably in young samples? Second, are parents' attitudes related to their children's attitudes? In this study we examined the measurement of health care attitudes in CF patients and their parents by administering the Health Opinion Survey. Results indicated that health care attitudes could be measured reliably in parents and teens, but that for younger patients (ages 8 to 12 years), reliability was reduced. Results also indicated that parents' attitudes and patients' attitudes were largely unrelated, suggesting that patients do not automatically adopt the health care attitudes of their parents. By implication, educational interventions targeted at parents may have limited effectiveness for their children.  相似文献   

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