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《Modern Theology》1999,15(4):499-532
Books reviewed:
Kathryn Tanner: Theories of Culture: A New Agenda for Theology
Charles Marsh: God's Long Summer: Stories of Faith and Civil Rights
John D. Caputo: The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida: Religion Without Religion
David Toole: Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo: Theological Reflections on Nihilism, Tragedy and Apocalypse
George R. Hunsberger: Bearing the Witness of the Spirit: Lesslie Newbigin's Theology of Cultural Plurality
Peter Ochs: Peirce, Pragmatism and the Logic of Scripture
Elizabeth A. Johnson: Friends of God and Prophets: A Feminist Theological Reading of the Communion of Saints
Stephen H. Webb: On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals
Elizabeth Schüssler-Fiorenza: Sharing Her Word: Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Context
Steven Kepnes, Peter Ochs and Robert Gibbs: Reasoning After Revelation: Dialogues in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy
Stephen L. Brock: Action and Conduct: Thomas Aquinas and the Theory of Action
Emmanuel Levinas: Of God Who Comes to Mind
Timothy Houston Polk: The Biblical Kierkegaard: Reading by the Rule of Faith
Robert Barron: And Now I See … A Theology of Transformation
Stephen Crites: Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel's Thinking
John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward (eds): Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article:
Henry E. Allison, Kant's Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgement
Noël Carroll, Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays
Regenia Gagnier, The Insatiability of Human Wants: Economics and Aesthetics in Market Society
Carol Gibson–Wood, Jonathan Richardson: Art Theorist of the English Enlightenment
Jonathan Gilmore, The Life of a Style: Beginnings and Endings in the Narrative History of Art
Berel Lang, Holocaust Representation: Art within the Limits of History and Ethics
Janet McCracken, Taste and the Household: The Domestic Aesthetic and Moral Reasoning
Matthew Rampley, Nietzsche, Aesthetics, and Modernity
Carl Schachter, Unfoldings: Essays in Schenkerian Theory and Analysis
Michael Tratner, Deficits and Desires: Economics and Sexuality in Twentieth–Century Literature
Nick Zangwill, The Metaphysics of Beauty
Semir Zeki, Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Origins of Satan, Elaine Pagels Lydia's Impatient Sisters: A Feminist History of Early Christianity, Luise Schottroff LAKierkegaard as Religious Thinker, David J. Gouwens LAThe Consecrated Life: Crossroads and Directions, Marcello Azevedo SJ LATertullian and the Church, David Rankin Judaism in the New Testament: Practices and Beliefs, Bruce Chilton and Jacob Neusner The Image of God: A Theology for Pastoral Care and Counseling, Leroy T. Howe Systematic Theology Volume 2: Doctrine, James W. McClendon Jr Journey into Truth: Spiritual Direction in the Anglican Tradition, Peter Ball Dictionary of Feminist Theologies, Letty M. Russell and J. Shannon Clarkson Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom - Ascetic, Preacher, Bishop, J.N.D. Keily The Kingdom of God: The Message of Jesus for Today, John Fuellenbach University of Birmingham The Religion of the People: Methodism and Popular Religion c. 1750–1900, David Hempton Religion and Political Culture in Britain and Ireland: From the Glorious Revolution to the Decline of Empire, David Hempton Nineteenth-Century English Religious Traditions: Retrospect and Propect, D.G. Paz Old Testament Theology Volume 1, Horst Dietrich Preuss Revelation and Reconciliation: A Window on Modernity, Stephen N. Williams Jesus Framed: Biblical Limits, George Aichele Women in the Presence: Constructing and Seeking Spirituality in Mainline Protestantism, Jody Shapiro Davie In Search of a Calling: The College's Role in Shaping Identity, Thomas O. Buford University of Birmingham Judges 1–5: A New Translation and Commentary, Barnabas Lindars SSF, edited by A.D.H. Mayes Escape from Paradise: Evil and Tragedy in Feminist Theology, Kathleen M. Sands Worship in Transition: The Twentieth-Century Liturgical Movement, John Fenwick and Bryan Spinks Encountering Illness: Voices in Pastoral and Theological Perspective, James Woodward Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics, Thomas F. Torrance Christian-Jewish Dialogue: A Reader, Helen P. Fry University of Birmingham From Women's Experience to Feminist Theology, Linda Hogan Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized, John Rist  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2003,19(4):563-592
Books reviewed in this article:
Dorothee Soelle, The Silent Cry: Mysticism and Resistance
R. R. Reno, Redemptive Change: Atonement and the Christian Cure of the Soul
Francesca Aran Murphy, The Comedy of Revelation: Paradise Lost and Regained in Biblical Narrative
Robert Pasnau, Thomas Aquinas on Human Nature: A Philosophical Study of Summa Theologiae Ia 75–89
Hent de Vries, Religion and Violence: Philosophical Perspectives from Kant to Derrida
Bernard McGinn, The Mystical Thought of Meister Eckhart: The Man from Whom God Hid Nothing
Charles Pinches, Theology and Action: After Theory in Christian Ethics
Kathryn Greene-McCreight, Feminist Reconstructions of Christian Doctrine: Narrative Analysis and Appraisal
Gavin D'Costa, Sexing the Trinity: Gender, Culture, and the Divine
Allen Verhey, Remembering Jesus: Christian Community, Scripture, and the Moral Life
Herbert McCabe, God Still Matters
Marguerite Abdul-Masih, Edward Schillebeeckx and Hans Frei: A Conversation on Method and Christology  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
J oseph C ampbell : Creative mythology
E leanor B ertine : Jung's contribution to our time
M ichael B alint : The basic fault
H einrich R acker : Transference and counter-transference
D avid B akan : Disease, pain and sacrifice
A senath P etrie : Individuality in pain and suffering
B runo B ettelheim : The empty fortress: infantile autism and the birth of the self
P aul R oazen : Freud: political and social thought
J oel A llison , S. J. B latt and C. N. Z imet : The interpretation of psychological tests
C harles R ycroft : Anxiety and neurosis
A nthony S torr : Human aggression
M ichael C ourtenay : Sexual discord in marriage
J olande J acobi . Frauenprobleme, Eheprobleme
J. M. H eaton : The Eye; phenomenology and psychology of function and disorder  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Pregnant Too Soon: Adoption Is An Option; Jeanne Warren Lindsay 120 Careers in the Health Care Field: Melvin Alperin and Stanley Alperin Cambridge Your Career: Choices, Chances, Changes: David C. Borchard, John J. Kelly, and Nancy Pat K. Weaver Dubuque Handbook on Stress and Anxiety: Irwin, L. Kutash and Louis B. Schlesinger Working Life: A Social Science Contribution to Work Reform: Bertil Gardel and Gunn Johansson Modern Guidance Practices in Teaching: Charles R. Foster, Paul W. Fitzgerald, and Rubye E. Beal Springfield Career Planning: Skills to Build Your Future: Clarke G. Carney, Cinda Field Wells, and Don Streufert Social Work with Families: Theory and Practice: Carlton E. Munson, Ed. Career Guide to Professional Associations: A Directory of Organizations by Occupation Field (2nd ed.): Cranston, R.I. Women and Ambition: A Bibliography: Patricia Spencer Faunce Metuchen Personal Education and Community Development in College Residence Halls: David A. DeCoster and Phyllis Mable, Eds. A Practical Guide for Making Decisions: D.D. Wheeler and I.L. Janis School Effectiveness: A Reassessment of the Evidence: George F. Madaus, Peter W. Airasian, and Thomas Kellaghan Introduction to Organizational Behavior: A Situational Approach: Robin Stuart-Kotze Reston Group Counseling for Personal Mastery—Everything You Need to Know to Lead Any Group in Any Setting: Wayne W. Dyer and John Vriend Handbook for Recruiting at Minority Colleges: Andre G. Beaumont and Rena D. Goldbolt, Eds. Human Behavior Improving Performance at Work: Gary Dessler Reston Total Rehabilitation: George Nelson Wright The Professional Job Changing System: World's Fastest Way To Get a Better Job (9th ed.): Robert Jameson Gerberg Verona  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》1995,11(2):259-288
Book reviewed in this article:
The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and Historical Criticism: Jews and Christians in Biblical Studies, by Jon D. Levenson
The Origins of Christian Morality:The First Two Centuries, by Wayne Meeks
Believing Three Ways in One God: A reading of the Apostles' Creed by Nicholas
When Women Were Priests:Women's Leadership in the Early Church and the Scandal of their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity, by Karen jo Torjesen
Judaism and Modernity: Philosophical Essays, by Gillan Rose
The One, the Three and the Many:God, Creation and the Culture of Modernity, by Colin E. Gunton
Passage to Modernity:An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Nature and Culture, by Louis Dupre
Back to the Rough Ground: 'Phronesis' and 'Techne' in Modern Philosophy and in Aristotle, by Joseph Dunne.
Kierkegaard as Negative Theologian, by David R. Law
The Hasting that Waits: Karl Barth's Ethics, by Nigel Biggar
GOD as Trinity: Relationality and temporality in Divine Life, by Ted Peters
Discipleship of Equals, by Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza
Unleasing the Scripture: Freeing the Bible from Captivity to America, by Stanley Hauerwas
Christian Ethics: A Historical Introduction, by J.Phillip Wogaman  相似文献   

G. A dler , M-L von F ranz , H. K. F ierz , J. J acobi , K. B inswanger , B. H annah : Psychotherapeutische Probleme
J olande J acobi : Der Weg Zur Individuation
J. W. P erry : Lord of the four quarters: myths of the royal father
D ora M. K alff : Sandspiel: seine therapeutische Wirkung auf die Psyche (The sandtray game: its therapeutic effect on the psyche)
W. H ochheimer : Die Psychotherapie von C. G. Jung
A ndré V irel . Histoire de notre image
R obert E. L itman (Ed.): Psychoanalysis in the Americas
D. W. W innicott : The maturational process and the facilitating environment : studies in the theory of emotional development
J. B. M ays : The young pretenders
A nna F reud : Normality and pathology in childhood
J ules H enry : Culture against man
K. B rown -G rant and B. A. C ross (eds.): Recent studies on the hypothalamus. British Medical Bulletin , 22 , 3  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Anne E. Monius, Imagining a Place for Buddhism: Literary Culture and Religious Community In Tamil-Speaking South India
Joseph Dan, The Heart and the Fountain: An Anthology of Jewish Mystical Experiences
Walter Dietrich and Ulrich Luz (eds), The Bible in a World Context: An Experiment in Contextual Hermeneutics
Roy A. Harrisville and Walter Sundberg, The Bible in Modern Culture: Baruch Spinoza to Brevard Childs , Second edition
John L. Berquist, Controlling Corporeality: The Body and the Household in Ancient Israel
William C. Placher, Jesus the Saviour: The Meaning of Jesus Christ for Christian Faith
R.N. Swanson (ed.), The Holy Land, Holy Lands, and Christian History
Galia Sabar, Church, State and Society in Kenya: From Mediation to Opposition, 1963–1993
Charles T. Mathewes, Evil and the Augustinian Tradition
Norman Doe, The Law of the Church in Wales
Michael Barnes S.J., Theology and the Dialogue of Religions
Beverley Clack, Sex and Death: A Reappraisal of Human Mortality
Morny Joy, Kathleen O'Grady and Judith L. Poxon (eds), French Feminists on Religion: A Reader
Kay A. Read and Isabel L. Wollaston (eds), Suffer the Little Children: Urban Violence and Sacred Space
Erica Appelros, God in the Act of Reference: Debating Religious Realism and Non-realism
Conor Cunningham, Genealogy of Nihilism
Richard L. Fern, Nature, God and Humanity: Envisioning an Ethics of Nature
Kenneth Stevenson, Do This: The Shape, Style and Meaning of the Eucharist
Helen Orchard (ed.), Spirituality in Health Care Contexts
Christopher Cocksworth and Rosalind Brown, Being a Priest Today: Exploring Priestly Identity
Nancy Lammers Gross, If You Cannot Preach Like Paul...  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Career Management in Organizations: A Practical Human Resource Planning Approach : Elmer H. Burack and Nicholas J. Mathys Peer Counseling and Self-Help Groups on Campus : Norm S. Giddan and Michael J. Austin (Eds.) The Experienced Hand: A Student Manual for Making the Most of an Internship : Timothy Stanton and Kamil Ali Cranston, R.I. Wanted: More Women in Science and Technology : American Physical Society, Committee on the Status of Women in Physics New York: Author, 1983 Homosexuality and Psychotherapy, A Practitioner's Handbook of Affirmative Models : John C. Gonsiorek (Ed.) New York Counseling Lesbian Women and Gay Men: A Life-Issues Approach : A. Elfin Moses and Robert O. Hawkins Counseling with Gay Men and Women : Natalie Jane Woodman and Harry R. Lenna  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: An A to Z practical guide to emotional and behavioural difficulties: By Harry Ayers & Cesia Prytys Developing inclusive practice — A practical guide: By Rita Cheminais Investigating troublesome classroom behaviour — Practical tools for teachers: By Loraine Corrie Supporting children with behaviour difficulties — A guide for assistants in schools: By Glenys Fox Challenging behaviours in mainstream schools — Practical strategies for effective intervention and reintegration: By Jane MacSherry Incorporating social goals in the classroom — A guide for teachers and parents of children with high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome: By Rebecca Moyes Remaking the concept of aptitude — Extending the legacy of Richard E. Snow: By L. Corno, L.J. Cronbach, H. Kupermintz, D.F. Lohman, E.B Mandinach, A.W. Porteus & J.E. Talbert Gifted children grown up: By Joan Freeman Understanding children's experiences of parental bereavement: By J. Holland Literary practices as social acts: Power, status and cultural norms in the classroom: By Cynthia Lewis Language and image in the reading‐writing classroom: Teaching vision: Edited by Kristie Fleckenstein, Linda Calendrillo & Demetrice Worley Phonics exposed: Understanding and resisting systematic direct intense phonics instruction: By Richard Meyer  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Coping with Job Stress: A Guide for all Employers and Employees Herbert M. Greenberg Modern Perspectives in the Psychiatry of Middle Age: John G. Howells, Ed. Management of Human Resources: Edwin L. Miller, Elmer H. Burack, and Maryann Albrecht Englewood Cliffs Enrichment: Skills Training for Family Life: Luciano L'Abate and Gary Rupp Counseling Across Cultures: Paul P. Pedersen, Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, and Joseph E. Trimble, Eds. Career Information: Ronald H. Fredrickson The School/Work Nexus: Transition of Youth from School to Work: Eli Ginzberg Bloomington Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession: Ursula Delworth and Gary R. Hanson, Eds. The Trainer's Resource: A Comprehensive Guide to Packaged Training Programs: Jocelyn W. Franklin and Leonard Nadler, Eds. Who is the Client? The Ethics of Psychological Intervention in the Criminal Justice System: John Monahan, Ed. Your Baby's First 30 Months: Lucie W. Barber and Herman Williams Tucson Your Hidden Skills: Clues to Careers and Future Pursuits: Henry G. Pearson Mowry  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Short notices of reissued books:
Jacques Waardenburg (ed.), Muslim Perceptions of other Religions: A Historical Survey
Nicholas Awde (ed.), Women in Islam: An Anthology from the Qurãn and Hadiths
Jacob Neusner and William Scott Green (eds), Dictionary of Judaism in the Biblical Period
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Rhetoric and Ethic. The Politics of Biblical Studies
Yairah Amit, History and Ideology: An Introduction to Historiography in the Hebrew Bible
David R. Slavitt (translator), The Book of the Twelve Prophets
Anthony R. Ceresko OSFS, Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom: A Spirituality for Liberation
Martin Abegg Jr., Peter Flint, Eugene Ulrich, The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible: The Most Ancient Versions of the Books of the Bible
N.T. Wright, The Challenge of Jesus
Calvin Roetzel, Paul, the Man and the Myth
Robert Dodaro & George Lawless (eds), Augustine and His Critics: Essays in Honour of Gerald Bonner
Allan D. Fitzgerald (ed.), Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia
Bernhard Lohse, Translated by Ray A. Harrisville, Martin Luther's Theology: Its Historical and Systematic Development
Robert Pope, Seeking God's Kingdom: The Nonconformist Social Gospel in Wales 1906–1939
Anton Wessels, 'A Kind of Bible': Vincent van Gogh as Evangelist
Daniel E. Albrecht, Rites in the Spirit: A Ritual Approach to Pentecostal/Charismatic Spirituality,
David G. Kamitsuka, Theology and Contemporary Culture: Liberation, Postliberal and Revisionary Perspectives
Lynn Japinga, Feminism and Christianity: An Essential Guide
Michael Howard, God in the Depths – Images of the Sea in the Development of Faith
Pat Lyne OCDS, Edith Stein Rediscovered: A Personal Portrait  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Exploring Human Values: Psychological and Philosophical Considerations: Richard A. Kalish and Kenneth W. Collier You and the Senior Boom: New Challenges and Opportunities for All: Louise Minter Odell and Charles Edward Odell The Religious Education of Preschool Children: Lucie W. Barber Transactional Analysis for Police Personnel: Anne T. Romano The Facts About “Drug Abuse”: The Drug Abuse Council; New York Implementation of Independent Living Programs in Rehabilitation: Arkansas Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (William P. Clark, Study Group Chairman and B. Douglas Rice, University Sponsor) Education in the 80's: Health Education: Robert D. Russell, Ed. The College Cost Book: 1981–82: (2nd Ed.) The College Board New York: College Entrance Examination Board The Promotable Woman: Becoming a Successful Manager: Norma Carr-Ruffino Therapeutic Psychology: Fundamentals of Counseling and Psychotherapy (4th ed.): Lawrence M. Brammer and Everett L. Shostrom A Review of Behavioral Group Therapy, 1980: An Annual Review.: Dennis Upper and Steven M. Ross (Eds.) The Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practice Series: (See individual listings below): Book 1: The Skills of Diagnostic Planning: W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, and J.R. Cannon Book 1: The Skills of Diagnostic Planning W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, and J.R. Cannon Book 2: The Skills of Rehabilitation Programming: W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, and J.R. Cannon Book 3: The Skills of Professional Evaluation: M.R. Cohen, W.A. Anthony, R.M. Pierce, L.A. Spaniol, and J.R. Cannon Book 4: The Skills of Career Counseling: R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, W.A. Anthony, B.F. Cohen, and T.W. Friel Book 5: The Skills of Career Placement: R.M. Pierce, M.R. Cohen, W.A. Anthony, B.F. Cohen, and T.W. Friel Book 6: The Skills of Community Service Organization: M.R. Cohen, R.L. Vitalo, W.A. Anthony, and R.M. Pierce Experiential Psychotherapies in Australia: Dick Armstrong and Phil Boas, (Eds.) Black Children/White Children: Competence, Socialization and Social Structure: Zena Smith Blau Counselling Psychology: S. Narayano Rao Maslach Burnout Inventory, Research Edition, Manual.: Christina Maslach and Susan E. Jackson Planning and Using a Total Personnel System: Richard A. Kaumeyer, Jr. Your Career: Choices, Chances, Changes: David C. Borchard, John J. Kelly, and Nancy Pat K. Weaver  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
Catherine Wessinger, How the Millennium Comes Violently: From Jonestown to Heaven's Gate
John R. Hall, Philip Schuyler and Sylvaine Trinh, Apocalypse Observed: Religious Movements and Violence in North America, Europe, and Japan
Tim Jensen and Mikael Rothstein, (eds) Secular Theories on Religion: Current Perspectives
J. A. van Belzen, (eds) Van Gisteren tot Heden: Godsdienstpsychologie in Nederland
David C. Lewis, After Atheism: Religion and Ethnicity in Russia and Central Asia
Ariela Keysar, Barry A. Kosmin, and Jeffrey Scheckner, The Next Generation: Jewish Children and Adolescents
Robert Kisala, Prophets of Peace: Pacifism and Cultural Identity in Japan's New Religions
Michele Dillon, Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power
Michael McMullen, The Baha'i: The Religious Construction of a Global Identity
John J. Guthrie, Jr., Philip Charles Lucas, and Gary Moore, (eds) Cassadaga: The South's Oldest Spiritualist Community
David Lyon, Jesus in Disneyland: Religion in Postmodern Times
Albert J. Bergesen and Andrew M. Greeley, God in the Movies  相似文献   

Evaluating Federal Social Programs: An Uncertain Art: Sar A. Levitan and Gregory Wurzburg ; Kalamazoo, Mich.: W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1979 The Overeaters: Eating Styles and Personality: Jonathan Kurland Wise and Susan Kierr Wise ; New York: Human Sciences Press, 1979 Transpersonal Communication: How to Establish Contact with Yourself and Others: Barry K. Weinhold and Lynn C. Elliott ; Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979 Therapy American Style: Personal Power through Self-Help: Kenneth B. Metheny and Richard J. Riordan ; Chicago Dynamics of Human Relations in Vocational Education: The Development of Self-Confidence and a Sense of Mastery: Duane L. Blake ; Cranston, R. I.: Carroll Press, 1979 Adult Female Human Being in the 1980s: A Handbook for Lifelong Education: Fran Murray and Mildred Erickson ; East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 1980 The Winner's Way: A Transactional Guide for Living, Working, and Learning: Gisele Weisman ; Monterey, Calif.: Brooks/Cole, 1980 Marriages and Families: Essie Lee , Ed.; New York: Julian Messner, 1978 “I'm Going to Visit My Daddy”: Deirdre Conway Rand ; San Rafael, Calif. Bias in Mental Testing: Arthur R. Jensen ; New York Handbook of Human Services for Older Persons: Monica Bychowski Holmes and Douglas Holmes ; New York Family Therapy and Evaluation through Art: Hanna Yaxa Kwiatkowska ; Springfield, III. Counseling Strategies and Objectives: Second Edition : Harold Hackney and L. Sherilyn Cormier ; Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Group Counseling: Fundamental Concepts and Procedures: Robert C. Berg and Garry L. Landreth ; Muncie, Ind. Alcoholism: A Treatment Manual: Wayne Poley , Gary Lea , and Gail Vibe ; New York Go For It!: Martha Douglas ; San Francisco National Directory of Women's Employment Programs: Who They Are, What They Do Women's Work Force of Wider Opportunities for Women : Washington, D.C. Learning after College: Nevitt Sanford ; Orinda, Calif. Credit by Examination Comes of Age: Implications of APP and CLEP for Colleges, Schools, and Students: The College Board ; Princeton, N.J. Not Working: An Oral History of the Unemployed: Harry Maurer ; New York Talking It Out: A Guide to Effective Communication and Problem Solving: Joseph M. Strayhorn , Jr .; Champaign, III. The Path of Least Resistance: preparing Employees for Change: Ken Hultman ; Austin, Tex.: Learning Concepts, 1979 A Special Educator's Guide to Vocational Training: Robert A. Weisgerber ; Springfield, III.: Charles C. Thomas, 1980 Ethical and Professional Standards for Academic Psychologists and Counsellors: Charles W. Sherrer and M. Sylvia Sherrer ; Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1980 Jogotherapy: Jogging as a Therapeutic Strategy Frederick D. Harper : Alexandria, Va.: Douglass Publishers, 1979  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: All in the Family: Divorce. American Personnel and Guidance Association, 1975. All in the Family: Talking about Divorce: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child. Earl A. Grollman. All in the Family: Families: Applications of Social Learning to Family Life (Revised Edition). Gerald R. Patterson. All in the Family: Creating Closer Families: Principles of Positive Family Interaction. William G. Dyer. All in the Family: On the Level with Self, Family, Society. G. Hugh Allred All in the Family: Counseling Parents of Exceptional Children: Principles, Problems and Procedures. Jack C. Stewart. All in the Family: Systematic Parent Training: Procedures, Cases and Issues. William Hansford Miller. All in the Family: Your Child's Self-Esteem. Dorothy Corkille Briggs. All in the Family: The Needs of Children. Mia Kellmer Pringle.  相似文献   

Re: Views     
Book reviewed in this article: Love: Emotion, Myth, and Metaphor: Robert C. Solomon. Outsiders in a Hearing World: A Sociology of Deafness: Paul C. Higgins. Play Therapy: Dynamics of the Process of Counseling with Children: Garry L. Landreth (Editor); Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas. Social Learning and Career Decision Making: Anita M. Mitchell, G. Brian Jones, & John D. Krumboltz (Eds.) Behavioral Insights for Supervision: 2nd ed.; Ralph W. Reber and Gloria Van GilderEnglewood Clifs. Developing Positive Student Self-Concept: David L. Silvernail. Social Skills in Interpersonal Communication: O. Hargie, C. Saunders, & D. Dickson.  相似文献   

William Stewart: Health Service Counselling. London: Pitman Medical, 1979. £4.95.

B. Babington Smith and B.A. Farrell (eds.): Training in Small Groups: a Study of Five Methods. Oxford: Pergamon, 1979. £7.50.

David Canter and Sandra Canter (eds.): Designing for Therapeutic Environments: Review of Research. Chichester: Wiley, 1979. £13.

Sidney Blocher(ed): An Introduction to the Psychotherapies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. £3.95.

Richard Stern: Behavioural Techniques: Therapist's Manual. London: Academic Press, 1979. £3.50.

Sheldon Eisenberg and Lewis E. Patterson: Helping Clients with Special Concerns. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1979. £6.75.

B. Mark Schoenberg (ed.): A Handbook and Guide for the College and University Counseling Center. Connecticut: Greenwood, 1978. $18.95.

J. Stuart Whiteley and John Gordon: Group Approaches in Psychiatry. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979. £6.95.

John Bazalgette: School Life and Work Life: a Study of Change in the Inner City. London: Hutchinson, 1978. £2.95.

Tom Kitwood: Disclosures to a Stranger: Adolescent Values in an Advanced Industrial Society. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. £11.50.  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
D avidson , R. H. & D ay , R. 'Symbol and realization: a contribution to the study of magic and healing.'
D reifuss , G. (Haifa): 'The significance of the shofar in the rite of the Jewish high holidays'
E ngel , W. (New York): 'Psychotherapeutic prophylaxis in a changing world'
F ordham , M. (London): 'Reflection on child analysis read at the Rome conference "Jung e la cultura europea"'
F ordham , M. (London): Jungian view of the body-mind relationship
F ordham , M. (London): ' Simbolismo nella prima e seconda infanria (Symbolism in infancy)'
H enderson , J. L. & W heelwright , J. B. (San Francisco): American handbook Of psychiatry
H enderson , J. L. (San Francixo): 'The picture method in Jungian psychotherapy'
L ambert , K. (London): 'The problem of authority in the early development of the individual'
L ambert , K. (London): 'Facilitating elements in analysis'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): 'Tantric imagery and Rorschach perception'
McC ully , R. S. (Charleston, South Carolina): Separatdruck aus Rorschachiana X
M arshak , M. D. (London): 'Art education in relation to psychic and mental functioning'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Neuro-ethics of "Walking" in the newborn'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Maori art and pseudo-hypoparathyroidism—a medical contribution to prehistoric anthropology'
P ontius , A. A. (New York): 'Basis for a neurological test of frontal lobe system functioning up to adolescence. A form analysis of action expressed in narratives'
P ye , F. (London). 'Feminine images of success'
W heelwright , J. (San Francisco): 'Psychological types'
W allace , E. (New York): 'Conventional boundaries or protective temenos'
W illiams , M. (London): 'Transcience and eternity'  相似文献   

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