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Examined women's sex-role orientation, coping strategies, self-efficacy, and stress in male- and female-dominated occupations. Results ( n =281) revealed that high-masculine women (measured by the Bern Sex Role Inventory), compared with low-masculine women, reported significantly lower scores on measures of anxiety and strain, with the exception of interpersonal strain. High-masculine women, compared with low-masculine women, reported greater problem- relative to emotion-focused coping and higher self-efficacy. Low-feminine women in nontraditional occupations reported higher self-efficacy and greater problem-focused coping compared with low-feminine women in traditional occupations. The relation between masculinity and strain was nonsignificant when the variance due to self-efficacy was partialed out, suggesting that the rela tionship between sex role and strain may be mediated by personal efficacy.  相似文献   

大学生应付策略的适应性和身心症状   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
张雨新  方新 《心理学报》1990,23(2):107-113
实验在92名大学生被试中调查了应付策略的适应性与身心健康的关系。使用涉及学习、人际关系、社会与家庭三个应激方面的应付策略调查表检查被试应付策略的适应性,使用Beck抑郁量表和症状检核表度量被试的身心症状。实验发现:应付策略的一般非适应性正相关抑郁(r=.396,P<.002)和恐怖(r=.369,p<.002);非适应应付策略的使用在社会与家庭方面与抑郁正相关(r=.373,P<.002),与躯体化正相关(r=.320,P<.002);在人际关系方面与恐怖正相关(r=.323,p<.002);在学习方面没有显示与身心症状的联系(r<.120,df=90,N.S.)。实验还就应付策略适应性的跨情境一致性问题做了讨论。  相似文献   

对515名初中生进行生活取向、应对策略和自我概念调查,探讨不同生活取向者的应对策略和自我概念特征,以及不同类型中应对策略与自我概念的关系.分析结果发现,在不同生活取向类型中乐观主义者占优势;不同生活取向者间的应对策略和自我概念存在显著差异;不同生活取向类型中积极应对与自我概念有密切关系,消极应对与自我概念相关不显著.  相似文献   

Using a perspective based on relational theory, the influence of several relationship factors on women's adjustment to cancer was examined in 49 cancer patients, all mothers with young children. The results indicated that women who report higher mutuality, fewer self-silencing beliefs, and fewer coping strategies of protective buffering experience a more positive psychosocial adaptation to cancer.  相似文献   

在中小学里,欺负是一种较为常见的不良行为,其应对策略的选择是影响学生是否容易受到欺负的重要因素之一。本文从应对策略的内涵、选择、影响应对策略成功的因素及国外对欺负行为的干预等方面的研究作了简要评述,并针对国内的欺负行为的现状提出若干建议。  相似文献   

中学生人际冲突解决策略的相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用根据Causey和Dubow的自陈式冲突解决策略修订的量表,探究中学生对于人际冲突的应对模式和情绪反应及其与人格特征和父母教养方式之间的联系。结果表明:(1)人际冲突解决策略及情绪反应存在性别和年龄差异。(2)不同个性特征的学生对于人际冲突的应对模式和情绪反应存在差异。(3)家庭中父母的情感温暖对学生的人际冲突解决策略存在较大影响。  相似文献   

Stress in close relationships can have significant negative consequences for mental health, physical health, and long-term relationship functioning. Dysregulated physiological responses to stress are potential pathways through which relationship stress may lead to these kinds of outcomes, and the ways in which individuals attempt to cope with relationship stress are likely to impact their physiological responses. However, our understanding of the specific coping strategies that predict physiological reactivity and recovery in these contexts is rather limited. This study explored relations between young adult college students' self-reported methods of coping with stress in their romantic relationships and their physiological reactivity to and recovery from negotiating conflict with their romantic partners. Partners' coping styles were also examined as predictors of physiological stress responses. One hundred and ninety opposite-sex couples (N = 380; modal length of relationship = 1-2 years) participated in an experimental conflict discussion task. Physiological stress reactivity to the task was assessed using salivary cortisol, a primary hormonal product of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. Growth modeling of the cortisol levels before, during, and after the conflict task indicated that men who typically coped with relationship stress by seeking social support showed greater physiological reactivity to the conflict task. Partners' need for social support predicted stronger stress responses for both men and women, as well. While seeking social support is generally thought to be an adaptive coping strategy for couples, the results suggest that within the context of conflict negotiation in which receiving and providing support may be more difficult, seeking support from a partner is associated with greater phyisological stress.  相似文献   

This study explores the direct and moderating influences of sexual-harassment (SH) pervasiveness, coping strategies, and gender on work-related consequences of sexual harassment among a national, representative sample of federal employees who had experienced some form of unwanted sexual attention ( N = 553 men and 1,782 women). Regression analysis revealed that, contrary to conventional wisdom, individuals who experienced frequent SH and who used confrontive coping strategies tended to experience worse job outcomes than did others. Furthermore, use of confrontive coping tended to amplify associations between harassment pervasiveness and consequences, especially for men. A "wimpy male" hypothesis to explain this last finding is discussed. Finally, the study suggests that efforts to help both women and men to effectively respond to sexual harassment are needed.  相似文献   

Social influence strategies of 40 Japanese and 41 American college women were compared. With the use of a free-response format, respondents were asked to describe how they get their way with their mother, father, male teacher/boss, female teacher/boss, male friends, and female friends. Contrary to expectations, content analysis indicated that Japanese women reported using strong and neutral strategies more frequently and weak strategies less freguently than American women. American women used manipulation (especially sexual manipulation) more frequently and reasoning less frequently than Japanese women. Analyses by target of influence indicated that these differences were not found when the target was a female friend but were demonstrated across most of the other targets.  相似文献   

大学生孤独感、应对策略与气质类型的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用问卷法以453名大学生为被试研究了孤独感、孤独感应对策略与气质类型的关系。结果表明:大学生在孤独感总分、孤独感和孤独应对策略及气质类型各维度上存在性别、城乡、专业差异;大学生孤独感各维度与其气质类型以及3种类型的孤独感应对策略得分间呈不同程度的相关;气质类型、孤独应对策略因子对孤独感,以及气质类型、孤独感各因子对孤独应对策略分别构成显著回归效应。  相似文献   

Path modeling assessed (a) the influence of child abuse traumatization on women's use of violence and their experiences of being victimized, (b) the association of these three variables to depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms, and (c) the indirect pathways from women using violence and their being victimized to psychological symptoms through avoidance coping. Among 108 primarily African American women recruited from the community who used violence with a male partner, women's use of violence, but not their experiences of being victimized, was predicted by child abuse traumatization. Women's use of violence did not directly or indirectly predict symptomatology. In contrast, child abuse traumatization and women's experiences of being victimized were predictive of both depressive and posttraumatic stress symptoms, and being victimized also was related indirectly to depressive symptoms through avoidance coping.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of social reactions of others to sexual-assault victims on disclosure of their victimization. A convenience sample of adult sexual-assault victims (N = 155) completed a mail survey in which they reported information about their sexual assaults and postassault experiences. As expected, all negative social reactions were strongly associated with increased psychological symptoms, whereas most positive social reactions were unrelated to adjustment. The only social reactions related to better adjustment were being believed and being listened to by others. Victims experiencing negative social reactions also reported poorer adjustment even when other variables known to affect psychological recovery were controlled. Avoidance coping mediated the association of negative social reactions with adjustment. Implications of these findings for research and treatment of sexual-assault survivors are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was: (1) to examine concurrently the relationship between heterosexist events and sexist events and psychological distress and (2) to investigate sexual orientation–based and gender-based group-level coping as potential moderators of the heterosexism–distress and sexism–distress links among 282 lesbian and bisexual women. Findings from the Internet survey revealed that, when examined together, both heterosexism and sexism were unique and additive predictors of psychological distress. Results also supported a moderating role of feminist group-level coping in the link between number of sexist events and psychological distress, with the difference between the high– and low–feminist-activity groups occurring at the lower levels of sexism. Thus, it appears that high involvement in feminist activities may provide a buffer against the negative effects of sexism, but only when sexist events are relatively low in number.  相似文献   

Psychological responses and mental health of 174 Palestinian women living in the occupied West-Bank and the Gaza Strip were studied through a stress model. Thirty-five Palestinian women living in Israel proper who had not been exposed to military occupation were interviewed as a comparison group. The stress process studied consists of women's appraisal of threat and the importance of the stressors in their lives, the estimation of their own resources to cope with stress, actual coping modes, and mental health outcomes. Women living under military occupation tended to appraise their environment as highly threatening and their experiences as strain-producing. At the same time they believed they had sufficient assets, especially collective and ideological resources, to deal with the stressors. This tendency was particularly evident among victims of political violence. Women strongly exposed to hardships of military occupation tended to employ more social and political activity and less inactive and accommodative coping modes than did less traumatized women. Exposure to stressful events, characteristic to military occupation and armed conflict, tended to deteriorate women's mental health, as indicated by severe anxiety, depression, hostile feelings and psychiatric symptoms, and also deteriorating their general health. Multiple regression analysis of the data pertaining to the stress process indicated not only the existence of objective stressors but also the appraisal of their harmfulness, the coping modes as well as vulnerability-protective factors which determine the outcomes of the stress process. A good economic situation, sufficient social support, and religious commitment functioned as protective factors in stress process, i.e., they were able to diminish the impact of exposure to stressors on women's mental health. In the case of the Palestinian women the hardships due to military occupation and national struggle initiated a different stress process than did the daily life difficulties. This indicates that in studies on psychological functioning in a political and armed conflict, the collective level of coping, values, norms, ideology as well as the concrete political aims of the society should be included in analysis and interpretation.  相似文献   

We investigated stress, coping, and employment status in 92, mostly European American pregnant women. Conservation of Resources (COR) theory (Hobfoll, 1988, 1989) was applied as a specification of role-quality theory to examine the stressful influences of women's multiple roles. Women's resource loss predicted psychological distress better than either their resource gains or their employment status (i.e., multiple versus single roles). Full-time employed women were significantly more distressed under high loss conditions than were part-time or nonemployed women. Examining women's coping strategies based on a communal model of coping, we found that active, prosocial coping was associated with better emotional outcomes. A significant interaction was found for the effects of loss × cautious action such that loss was related to greater depression, but only among women who did not employ cautious action.  相似文献   

College students (78 females, 79 males) were placed in all-female, all-male, or mixed-gender groups. In the presence of a male or female experimenter, subjects evaluated an article written by a female or male job applicant. Subjects in mixed-gender groups generally evaluated the female applicant more favorably in the presence of the female experimenter than the male experimenter. Subjects in mixed-gender groups also rated the female applicant more favorably than the male applicant in the presence of the female experimenter. Male subjects generally were more influenced than were females by the experimenter's gender, tending to give higher ratings to the applicant of the same gender as the experimenter.  相似文献   

Although one goal of the psychology of women has been to enhance the status of women through social change, this goal has seldom been realized. Theory and research in the psychology of women have focused on gender differences and the personality of women rather than the society that oppresses women. As a result, this research has tended to blame women for their position in society and helped maintain the status quo, which can inhibit the struggle for equality by the women's movement. This process is demonstrated with reference to research on women and achievement. The causes and consequences of the focus on gender differences are discussed and recommendations made for a psychology of women in the service of women.  相似文献   

应对效能:问卷的编制及理论模型的建构   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
童辉杰 《心理学报》2005,37(3):413-419
对应对效能的测量研究抽取了1806名高校大学生样本,另对某戒毒机构中30人的吸毒特殊人群进行了比较研究。结构方程建模的验证性研究证实了应对效能的存在及其重要作用:应对效能区别于一般自我效能,在对躯体症状、抑郁和焦虑的作用中,以及对严重突发性事件如对可能出现的SARS的应激反应的作用中,发挥更重要的作用;应对效能发挥作用的机制表明它是一个独立的更为稳定的变量。根据应对效能的理论假设编制的量表有良好的信度与效度。其克伦巴赫α系数为0.86,分半信度0.79,相隔两个月63个被试的重测信度为0.71。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析揭示应对效能主要由三个因素构成,即自信程度、认知水平、胜任力的知觉。问卷的聚合效度与区分效度也比较满意。30个人的吸毒者与一般正常人的比较提供了实证效度的证据,应对效能能够有效区分吸毒人群与一般正常人群。以全国大学生的样本,建立了应对效能量表的常模。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of age and sex, exposure to political hardships and the historical-political situation on children's coping modes and fears, 8–14-year-old Palestinian children were studied. A group of 66 children living in the Israeli-occupied West Bank were studied in 1982, before the Lebanon war. The second group of 42 West Bank children was investigated in autumn 1985. The third group consisted of 31 Palestinian children living in the Beirut refugee camps, who were studied in spring 1984. Based on children's responses the coping modes were assessed on the intentional (passive-active), cognitive (defensive-purposeful), and emotional (helpless-courageous) levels. The historical-political situation was indicated by the period of testing as regards the West Bank groups, and the place of residence (West Bank groups versus the Beirut group). The results indicate that both individualistic and historical-political factors influence the way children cope with stress. The West Bank group tested in 1985 frequently employed more active responses, but showed more helplessness than the West Bank group tested in 1982. The Beirut group used more passive and helpless modes of coping than the West Bank groups. Exposure to political hardships increased the level of active and courageous coping in the West Bank group tested in 1982, whereas in the West Bank group tested in 1985 exposure to political hardships decreased active and courageous coping. In all groups, older children employed more active, purposeful and courageous coping modes. Furthermore, boys employed more purposeful coping modes than girls. The level of fears was determined by the sex rather than by the political-historical situation, girls expressing more fears than boys. The results are discussed in the context of political developments.  相似文献   

652名大学生应对方式与其人格特质的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对682名在校大学生同时进行“应对方式问卷”和“16PF”测试,并对652份有效答卷进行了数据处理。结果发现,大学生在认知、情感、行为三个方面所表现的积极与消极的应对方式与其所反映的16种人格特质之间存在不同程度的相关,尤其是与C(稳定性)、H(敢为性)、O(忧虑性)、Q3(自律性)、Q4(紧张性)这些人格特质均存在非常显著的相关,而与B(聪慧性)、I(敏感性)等人格特质仅在个别侧面有显著相关。经过二次因素分析发现,大学生的认知、情感、行为方面的应对方式与其次元人格因素也存在着不同程度的相关。  相似文献   

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