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Mary A. Hudak 《Sex roles》1993,28(5-6):279-293
Bem's gender schema theory is reconsidered in terms of connections among schemas, stereotypes, and perceptions of self and others. The supposition that schematic, as opposed to aschematic persons, are more prone to think about others in stereotypic ways is tested. Primarily Caucasian adult men from all social classes (n=142), classified with the Bem Sex Role Inventory as masculine, androgynous, or undifferentiated, completed measures designed to assess strength of stereotypic views of American women and the tendency to think unidimensionally (the likelihood of perceiving women as feminine vs. androgynous). Results analyzed with multivariate analysis of variance, indicated significant differences among subject categories. Masculine (schematic) men were the most prone to see women as stereotypically high in femininity and low on masculinity. Androgynous men were more likely to perceive women as having androgynous characteristics.  相似文献   

The threat of separation from a parent theoretically increases the risk of adolescent suicide attempts. The present study evaluated this and other hypothesized risk factors in a sample of adolescent suicide attempters and nonsuicidal controls, using the Psychiatric Consultation Checklist (Lyon, 1987). Stepwise logistic regression was used to predict group membership. It was found that threat of separation from a parental figure, insomnia, neglect, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, and failing grades were the strongest predictors of suicide attempt. Ten predictor variables correctly identified 97% of suicide attempters and 86% of nonattempters. Unexpected findings included high levels of truancy, threatening others, and separation from a parent before the age of 12 among nonattempters.  相似文献   

Talpade M 《Adolescence》2008,43(169):119-127
Public health research has been dominated by the biomedical model, which does not appear to be appropriate for studying public health variables across different populations. For example, when comparing the Hispanic American (HA) and African American (AA) population in the U.S., there are similarities on several demographic and public health variables. Despite these similarities, there is a public health paradox. HA with strong cultural ties engage in fewer high-risk behaviors and therefore have favorable health outcomes. The primary focus of this study however, is the health disparities between AA and HA girls in particular. Pediatric research indicates that HA girls are developing secondary sexual characteristics at a later age than AA girls. Researchers have acknowledged that growth trends are sensitive to life changes such as catastrophes, prosperity, and those which affect diet and lifestyle. Thus, this study investigated whether there are differences in food intake between HA and AA girls as a function of early sexual maturation and body image perceptions in the context of culture. Participating were 23 HA and 44 AA girls, aged 7 to 10 years, and 1 of their parent/guardians.  相似文献   

Summary Wundt's psychological interpretation of Weber's and Fechner's laws rests on two main postulates. First, the magnitude of sensory excitation is proportional to the intensity of the stimulus that produces it. Second, in apperception, sensory comparisons and judgments are made according to psychological relationships: Two sensations are just-noticeably different when they fall in a constant psychological ratio. Wundt's theory implies a hierarchical organization, in which sensory-perceptual processes are embedded within higher-level, apperceptive processes. Such an organization is compatible with recent psychophysical research on loudness and with a model that goes toward resolving some controversies in loudness scaling, notably the seeming incompatibility of Stevens's sone scale and Garner's lambda scale.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):5-19
Theoretical and cultural issues related to the treatment of African-American women are explored, with particular emphasis on the utility of two psychological models for use with this group. The Afrocentric and feminist orientations of psychology are examined as they address the unique condition of African American women. A synthesis of these models is proposed to more accurately describe the experiences of African American women, and examples of cultural issues that may emerge in therapy are considered within the context of this integrated model.  相似文献   


This article endeavors to explore the following aspects of African American Spirituals: the African Legacy; the creation and evolution in the North American environment; basic content and purpose of texts, musical elements, the influence of the Spirituals, published collections and significant publications.  相似文献   

Suicide prevention programs for African American youth in African American churches may have broad appeal because: (1) the Black Church has a strong history of helping community members, regardless of church membership; (2) African Americans have the highest level of public and private religiousness; and (3) the church can help shape religious and cultural norms about mental health and help-seeking. The proposed gatekeeper model trains lay helpers and clergy to recognize the risk and protective factors for depression and suicide, to make referrals to the appropriate community mental health resources, and to deliver a community education curriculum. Potential barriers and suggestions for how to overcome these barriers are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the disciplinary patterns and practices of 121 African American parents. Results indicated that the context of the disciplinary episode influenced how African American parents disciplined their children. Implications for counselor education and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors briefly explore literature related to recruiting African American research participants, reflect on their experiences conducting body image research with a sample of African American college women in an earlier study (s. Kashubeck‐West et al., 2008), and discuss some methodological and cultural challenges that they encountered during data collection for the study. Los autores exploran brevemente la literatura relacionada con el reclutamiento de individuos afroamericanos para participar en estudios de investigación, reflexionan sobre sus experiencias al llevar a cabo estudios sobre imagen corporal con una muestra de mujeres afroamericanas universitarias en un estudio anterior (S. Kashubeck‐West et al., 2008) y por último discuten algunos de los desafíos metodológicos y culturales con los que tuvieron que enfrentarse durante la recopilación de datos para el estudio.  相似文献   

Wyche  Karen Fraser 《Sex roles》2004,51(5-6):319-328
Little is written about Islam and African American women or men from a psychosocial perspective. Most of the literature is on the historical and political development of the Nation of Islam, and the differences among the male leaders. This focus obscures the fact that the majority of African Americans Muslims belong to traditional Islamic groups. Drawing upon a variety of literatures, this paper seeks to explore some background information about Islam and the African American community, and to understand the appeal of Islam to African American women.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):107-118
More attention has recently focused on the psychological experiences of women survivors of sexual assault. However, little work has examined the experiences of African American women survivors, particularly with regard to the impact of race and class on survivors' experiences. We address these limitations by presenting a socio-historical analysis of African American women's rape experiences. This analysis considers the relationship between sexual and economic oppression in African American women's lives. Second, we discuss the influences of these socio-historical factors on African American women's post-assault experiences. Finally, recommendations for therapy with African American women survivors are provided.  相似文献   

Although African American Muslims constitute 40% of all American‐born Muslims (Pew Research Center, 2011), they are virtually absent from the literature. Increasing the presence of African American Muslims in the literature may improve counselors' cultural competence when working with them. Using intersectional theory, the authors outline the rich history of African American Muslims and highlight ways counselors can improve their cultural and spiritual competence when working with African American Muslims.  相似文献   

African American college students (63 female, 30 male) rated vignettes of counselors varying in racial consciousness (high vs. low) and race (African American vs. Caucasian). Participants then completed a counselor rating scale and the Racial Identity Attitude Scale (Short Form; T. A. Parham & J. E. Helms, 1981). African American counselors were rated more favorably than White counselors, and high racially conscious counselors were rated more favorably than low racially conscious counselors. The African American counselor with high racial consciousness was rated the most favorably. Several significant correlations were found between participants' racial identity attitudes and their ratings of counselors. Implications for the training of both African American and White counselors are considered.  相似文献   

This article addresses the inadequacy of the standard genogram for African American families because of its underlying assumption that “family” is strictly a biological entity. The author suggests that this assumption is not culturally valid for African American families who have a long history of defining “family” as a kinship based on biological and functional ties. Using this conceptualization, an African American genogram is proposed.  相似文献   

The self-concept revisited. Or a theory of a theory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

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