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辨证行为疗法(Dialectical Behavior Therapy, DBT)于20世纪90年代初由美国治疗师Linehan创立。作为第三代行为治疗之一,该疗法以行为主义理论、辩证哲学、生物社会理论及禅宗为哲学基础,通过增加患者的技能使用,提高其情绪调节能力,以达到治疗目的。临床研究已证明其在边缘人格障碍,自杀及自伤行为中具有良好的治疗效果,除此之外也广泛适用于其他心理障碍及群体。DBT的临床效果、改变机制及拓展应用都需进一步研究。  相似文献   

森田疗法与认知行为疗法的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述森田疗法和认知行为疗法的基本理论,在此基础上对两种疗法作比较分析。尽管这两种心理治疗方法在治疗程序和具体操作方法上迥然不同,但在发病机制的解释和治疗原理方面,它们又有很多相似之处,对存在这种现象的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

边缘性人格障碍是一种最常见的人格障碍.描述性精神病学、心理测验和精神分析的研究发现,边缘性人格障碍可能是由若干个异质性的亚群体组成,不同的亚群在症状表现、病因、心理病理机制、对治疗干预的反应和预后等方面可能都存在着很大的差异,可以根据不同的维度将其进行亚型分类,而使同一个亚群中的个体差异小于不同亚群之间的个体差异.  相似文献   

边缘性人格障碍是一种最常见的人格障碍。描述性精神病学、心理测验和精神分析的研究发现,边缘性人格障碍可能是由若干个异质性的亚群体组成,不同的亚群在症状表现、病因、心理病理机制、对治疗干预的反应和预后等方面可能都存在着很大的差异,可以根据不同的维度将其进行亚型分类,而使同一个亚群中的个体差异小于不同亚群之间的个体差异。  相似文献   

边缘性人格组织是人格障碍的内在结构。克恩伯格主要从非特异性自我虚弱性、现实检验、原始防御机制、病理性的内在客体关系以及身份认同紊乱五个方面阐述了边缘性人格组织理论。该理论弥补了DSM-Ⅳ中人格障碍诊断标准的无理论化倾向的缺陷,并为深入理解人格障碍的心理病理学提供了一个系统框架。  相似文献   

辩证情绪是指个体对同一刺激同时体验到积极和消极情绪的一种心理状态.为探索辩证思维和辩证情绪的因果关系,在研究1中首先收集和筛选了诱发辩证情绪的视频;在研究2中,选取219个被试,先通过思维启动改变被试的辩证思维程度,然后考察辩证思维程度的改变对随后诱发辩证情绪强度的影响.结果发现,思维启动(辩证思维和线性思维)引起的辩证思维程度的差异显著,辩证情绪诱发效果显著,辩证思维在启动类型和辩证情绪之间的中介作用显著.这揭示了辩证思维程度的改变确实引起随后诱发的辩证情绪强度的变化,即辩证思维和辩证情绪存在因果关系.  相似文献   

针对神经症的行为疗法与森田疗法进行了多方面的比较,认为两种疗法在临床实践中都是以行为为核心的;但二者所侧重的行为并不相同,在治疗目标上也不相同,行为疗法与森田疗法在神经症治疗中存在优势互补的可能性与必要性.  相似文献   

心理剧的各个阶段都融合了认知行为疗法的元素。近年来,主要通过两种形式将认知行为疗法运用于心理剧中:一种是将认知行为疗法特有的技术应用于心理剧中;另一种是对古典心理剧中的角色赋予更多认知的功能。本文最后对认知行为疗法在心理剧中的运用进行了评价。  相似文献   

《现代哲学》编辑出版五十期了。现任主编李恒瑞教授嘱我写一点感想。1985年初,我离开学习、执教、生活了三十年的首都,回到故乡,在母校华南师范大学工作。同时,有幸参加《现代哲学》的创办和相当长时间的编辑工作。回顾走过十几年的历程,最突出的印象,就是在改革开放“先行一步”的广东,省社会科学界许多老同志和一批中青年理论工作者,思想都比较解放、活跃,相互之间的关系比较协调、融洽,大家比较务实并富于创新精神。为着推进社会主义现代化建设,学术界的同仁,心比较齐,劲比较大。《现代哲学》之能够创办并克服重重困难而坚…  相似文献   

毛泽东的核战略思想是其军事思想的重要组成部分。冷战时期,工业基础薄弱、资源相对贫乏的中国如何在核武器方面抗衡美、苏等核大国,是中国领导人必须深入思考的问题。毛泽东以其深厚哲学底蕴、对战争规律的深刻把握及对武器本质的理解,运用辩证思维巧妙地处理了核武器拥有多少合适、是否能够对其进行有效防御、其使用受到哪些制约等一系列复杂问题,为中国确立不首先使用核武器、部署少量核武器等国家战略奠定坚实基础,以少量的国防资源投入获得了最大的国防效益。  相似文献   

Growing evidence exists on the potential for adapting evidence-based interventions for low- and-middle-income countries (LMIC). One opportunity that has received limited attention is the adaptation of psychotherapies developed in high-income countries (HIC) based on principles from LMIC cultural groups. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is one such treatment with significant potential for acceptability in South Asian settings with high suicide rates. We describe a tri-phasic approach to adapt DBT in Nepal that consists of qualitative interviews with major Nepali mental health stakeholders (Study 1), an adaptation workshop with 15 Nepali counselors (Study 2), and a small-scale treatment pilot with eligible clients in one rural district (Study 3). Due to low literacy levels, distinct conceptualizations of mind and body, and program adherence barriers, numerous adaptations were required. DBT concepts attributable to Asian belief systems were least comprehensible to clients. However, the 82% program completion rate suggests utility of a structured, skills-based treatment. This adaptation process informs future research regarding the effectiveness of culturally adapted DBT in South Asia.  相似文献   


Research suggests that a subset of men who abuse their partners have characteristics associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has shown promise as a treatment for BPD, and thus may be useful for these men. This paper describes how DBT principles might be applied to address the problem of partner abuse, including discussion of why one might expect DBT to be a helpful treatment model for this population, and how implementation of the model might be designed.  相似文献   

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a treatment designed for individuals having borderline personality disorder (BPD), patients having binge eating disorder, co-morbid substance dependence and BPD, and depressed older adults. This paper aims to explore the use of DBT and to ascertain the status of DBT education in treating difficulties in handling interpersonal relationships among clients seeking counseling and psychotherapy. The skills training mode can be employed for teaching skills to solve relationship problems. Validation and acceptance strategies can lessen rejection sensitivity and negative feelings that make interpersonal situations chaotic. Black and white thinking can be resolved by finding a middle path through acceptance and change. This paper suggests the possible utility of DBT for enhancing psychological well-being in clients.  相似文献   

Therapies that rely on written materials, information, or procedures involving familiarity with the dominant culture (e.g., colloquialisms, history) often pose barriers to people who use another language, have low English literacy, or are less familiar with the dominant culture. All this applies deaf individuals. One of the most well-validated mental health treatments for reducing suicidality in those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; Koons et al., 2001; Linehan et al., 1999; Linehan et al., 2006; Linehan et al., 2002; Verheul et al., 2003). Unfortunately, its heavy reliance on written materials, prevalent use of metaphors, and other culture-bound characteristics make DBT inaccessible to the average deaf consumer. We describe the potential benefits that DBT could offer deaf clients, some of which are uniquely related to the life experiences and societal challenges faced by deaf people. Barriers to accessing standard DBT treatment and the materials used are described. Modifications of DBT materials and methods that we have found effective with deaf clients are detailed. It is concluded that DBT materials and methods can be successfully modified for use with this population. Available resources and additional benefits of employing DBT with deaf clients are noted.  相似文献   

Since its inception, increasing clients’ capabilities in experiencing and managing emotions, interpersonal relationships, and crises has been central to both the theory and practice of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993a, Linehan, 1993b, Linehan, 2015a, Linehan, 2015b). Enabling clients to learn new skills, and to effectively implement them to change behavior, requires both capability and motivation on the part of skills trainers and individual therapists alike. The most effective DBT practitioners precisely assess at each stage of skills acquisition, strengthening, and generalization to determine how well their clients perform new skills. They assess what barriers are preventing effective skills use, in order to implement a focused endeavour to overcome any obstacles. This paper reviews principles of skills assessment within each treatment modality and provides therapists with checklists for identifying problems, and case vignettes illustrating helpful therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) prioritizes suicidal behavior and other self-directed violence as the primary treatment targets, and has been demonstrated to reduce self-directed violence in clinical trials. This paper synthesizes findings from controlled trials that assessed self-directed violence and suicidality, including suicide attempts, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), suicidal ideation, and accessing psychiatric crisis services. Eighteen controlled trials of DBT were identified. Random effects meta-analyses demonstrated that DBT reduced self-directed violence (d = -.324, 95% CI = -.471 to -.176), and reduced frequency of psychiatric crisis services (d = -.379, 95% CI = -.581 to -.176). There was not a significant pooled effect of DBT with regard to suicidal ideation (d = -.229, 95% CI = -.473 to .016). Our findings may reflect the prioritization of behavior over thoughts within DBT, and offer implications for clinical practice and future research concerning the implementation of DBT for acute suicidality.  相似文献   

Among adolescents, interpersonal trauma has been associated with severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and impairments across multiple domains of functioning (e.g., Derosa, Amaya-Jackson & Layne, 2013; Ford, Courtois, Steele, van der Hart, & Nijenhuis, 2005; van der Kolk, 2005). Such difficulties can include high-risk behaviors such as active suicidality (Middlebrooks & Audage, 2008) and nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior (NSSI; Hu, Taylor, Li, & Glauert, 2017). While there have been many advances in the treatment of trauma, treatment dropout for adolescents seeking trauma-informed treatment is predicted by diagnostic comorbidity and complexity (Sprang et al., 2013), as well as the number of traumatic events endorsed (Wamser-Nanney & Steinzor, 2016). Many traumatized adolescents with high-risk behaviors are referred to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT-A). However, DBT-A does not yet include a specific, evidence-based protocol for treating PTSD, without which treatment gains may not be sustained for traumatized adolescents (Harned, Korslund, & Linehan, 2014). While Prolonged Exposure (PE) is indicated as the gold-standard treatment for PTSD and has proven effective for adolescents (PE-A; Foa, McLean, Capaldi, & Rosenfield, 2013), it has not yet been validated with adolescents who are actively suicidal. However, PE has successfully been integrated within DBT for adults with co-occurring Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD (e.g., DBT-PE; Harned et al., 2014). Based upon this model, the current paper proposes the integration of DBT-A and PE-A to treat adolescents with interpersonal trauma who also present with high-risk behaviors. The paper discusses anticipated complications related to adapting this model for adolescents and provides direction for future research.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for treating eating disorder episodes and co‐occurring depression symptoms among individuals diagnosed with eating disorders. Separate meta‐analytic procedures for between‐groups and single‐group studies were conducted and yielded large effect sizes, indicating that DBT may be efficacious for decreasing disordered episodes among women diagnosed with eating disorders; medium to large effect sizes were noted for treating depression symptoms. Implications for evidence‐supported practice and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

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