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The effects of deep muscle relaxation on anxiety were studied in a systematic desensitization context. A Sensory Decision Theory analysis of anxiety ratings to controlled imagery showed that relaxed Ss were significantly more sensitive to phobic properties of the controlled imagery than nonrelaxed Ss. The results are discussed in terms of Wolpe's theoretical basis for systematic desensitization. Sensory Decision Theory is presented as a useful technique for measuring the effects of therapy on emotional states.  相似文献   

Centrally mediated or cognitive variables have received considerable attention in clinical research. With the establishment of the effectiveness of such specific treatment techniques as systematic desensitization (Paul. 1969a. 1969b). a question arises as to the influence of cognitions on process and outcome variables in such learning based treatments (Lang. 1971). Research investigating the influence of demand characteristics and subject expectancies has demonstrated such centrally mediated variables can significantly influence overt, behavioral and self-report measures of fear, stress, or anxiety (cf. Borkovec. 1972: Marcia. Rubin and Efran. 1969; McGlynn. Maelia and Nawas. 1969: McGlynn. Reynolds and Linder. 1971: Oliveau. Agras. Leitenberg and Wright. 1969; Rappaport. 1972: Rosen. 1974).However. Borkovec (1972) and Rappaport (1972) failed to obtain expectancy effects on physiological measures of anxiety. Neither investigation provided for an independent assessment of subjects' actual expectancies, or belief in the instructions, as recommended by Davison and Wilson (1973). Borkovec administered clinical procedures over four sessions and varied the information communicated about the ‘purpose’ of the treatments (physiological versus therapeutic instructions). Differential rationales for differential expectancies of physiological reactivity were not provided. After each session, subjects reviewed the same false physiological records depicting reductions in fear responses. Although these changes were explained either physiologically or therapeutically. the fact that such reductions were emphasized should have attenuated differences between groups. Rappaport (1972) exposed subjects to a fearful stimulus and varied the suggestion and rationale for the pseudotreatment: no expectancy (stress research): therapeutic expectancy (fear reduction); and negative expectancy (fear increase). The lack of an independent assessment of the expectancy manipulation, as well as the exclusion of a specific therapeutic procedure, make it impossible to interpret the results in relation to expectancy effects on physiological fear responses during the administration of therapeutic procedures. There is other evidence, however, that suggestion and instructional set can significantly influence somatic and autonomic response systems (Barber. 1961. 1965; Sternbach. 1964. 1965).The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of instructional set on physiological responses to stressful imagery. This was an early step in a research program investigating the effects of instructional and informational variables on physiological responses of clinical interest. One half of the subjects received abbreviated live relaxation training (R) as described m a manual by Bernstein and Borkovec (1972) and based upon the original work of Jacobson (1938). The other half received an inert placebo pill and undertook a target detection task (P). The latter procedure was similar to that used by Paul (1966). Although both procedures had previously been shown to have relaxing effects, the P task was included as an additional control for any potential effects specific to the tension-release procedure of R. In order to evaluate the effects of instructional set, one half of each of the above two groups received instructions designed to lead to an expectancy of response inhibition to stressful imagery by the respective procedure (Decrease Stress Response. DSR). while the other half received instructions designed to lead to an expectancy of an increased response to stressful imagery by the respective procedure (Increase Stress Response. ISR). Each subject visualized three individually specified items that were the most frightening scenes imaginable prior to training and four times after training visualized the scene producing the largest response. Considerable effort was devoted to eliciting from each subject the most frightening items possible for her. and it was clear from subject comments that the items did elicit negative emotional responses.Since previous research (Barber. 1961. 1965; Sternbach. 1964. 1965) indicated that instructional set can influence physiological reactivity, it was hypothesized the DSR) subjects should exhibit a greater reduction in emotional response from pre- to posttraining than ISR subjects.  相似文献   

Imagery is a powerful psychotherapeutic technique, but one that is potentially risky as individuals can mistake an imagined experience for an autobiographical one. Two experiments examined whether repeatedly imagining the same scenario influences the likelihood of such errors. Repetition increased the similarity between phenomenological ratings of imagery and autobiographical memory: After three repetitions, imagery ratings were equal to those for memories. However, repetition also increased recognition and source accuracy for both autobiographical memories and imagery, indicating that repetition may have contrasting effects when one is using heuristic versus systematic source monitoring processes. These results suggest that psychotherapists should not repeat imagery scenarios for legally‐relevant issues, unless systematic source judgment processes can be assured, to protect clients from potential memory errors associated with therapeutic imagery. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bizarre imagery effect, better memory for bizarre stimuli than for common stimuli, is now an established finding. However, the mnemonic benefits of bizarre imagery are subject to several constraints (e.g., the use of mixed lists and free-recall tests). A further constraint on the bizarreness effect is demonstrated here. In each of two experiments, subjects were given either incidental or intentional study instructions and were asked to rate the vividness of the images they formed from the bizarre and common sentences. Contrary to conclusions based on available evidence, the bizarreness effect in free recall was manifested only with the incidental learning instructions. This additional constraint on the effect is consistent with the item-order account of bizarreness.  相似文献   

Clients in treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) were compared to a control group to assess the extent and nature of imagery during worry or while thinking about a personally relevant positive future event. Two methods were used to assess mentation and were completed in counter balanced order within the worry and positive conditions. One method assessed the occurrence of imagery by requiring participants to categorize their mentation as verbal thoughts or images every 10 s. The other method involved participants estimating the duration of any imagery that occurred in the previous 10 s. Imagery during worry occurred less often than while thinking about a positive event for both groups, but GAD clients had a more pronounced deficit of imagery during worry than the control group. Images that occurred were briefer during worry than while thinking about a positive future event and were briefer in the GAD than the control group for both worry and positive conditions. The results thus confirmed that imagery is less common during worry in clients with GAD but also demonstrated that the imagery that does occur in GAD is briefer.  相似文献   


There is a growing popularity of non-pharmacologic treatments for hypertension; among them is exercise. This paper critically reviews the evidence for the anti-hypertensive effect of exercise, scanning both the epidemiologic and experimental research. It evaluates some of the literature on exercise adherence, briefly describes one exercise program designed to promote adherence, and draws conclusions based on the literature.  相似文献   

This study deals with the interaction between characteristics of stimulus-response encoding and the effect of response categorization on recall in an A-B, A-C paradigm. After a discussion of the results of previous experiments by the present author a ‘restricted-constraint hypothesis’ is formulated. It states that category information will be used if the stimulus provides for an amount of constraint that is not sufficient for direct retrieval but still enough for identifying the response after the list as a whole has been retrieved. In the case of a high amount of constraint however, direct retrieval of the response is possible and category cues are bypassed. This hypothesis is tested by varying the Imagery-value of the noun-stimulus. A first experiment is inconclusive since the categorization effect fails to materialize. The second experiment comes out as predicted.  相似文献   

Drawing on the mood-behavior model (G. H. E. Gendolla, 2000) and J. W. Brehm and E. A. Self's (1989) theory of effort mobilization, 2 experiments investigated the joint effect of mood, task difficulty, and performance-contingent consequences on effort-related cardiovascular response. Informational mood impact on demand appraisals and performance-contingent consequences had a joint effect on effort mobilization. When consequences were noncontingent on performance, mood interacted with task difficulty to determine cardiovascular reactivity in the shape of a cross-over interaction pattern. Yet when positive consequences were performance contingent, cardiovascular reactivity strongly increased only in the negative-mood/difficult-task condition--the subjectively appraised high necessary effort was now justified. Implications for the role of mood in motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

Data from two large undergraduate samples were used to develop the phobic stimuli response scales (PSRS). Factor analyses of data from the first sample (N = 380) led to the creation of several scales, two of which (Social and Blood-Injection Fears) demonstrated good reliability and convergent validity. Analyses of data from a second sample (N = 330) were used to modify the three remaining scales (Animal, Bodily Harm, and Physical Confinement Fears), which also showed sound psychometric properties. As predicted, the PSRS were differentially correlated with neuroticism and extraversion, which may represent predisposing factors for these phobic responses. These new scales improve our understanding of the individual differences that are associated with various fears.  相似文献   

A 300-item list of concrete and abstract nouns with varying frequency of occurrence was presented at a 1-sec rate to 144 subjects under imagery or nonimagery instructions. Subjects were then tested on 72 word pairs homogeneous and heterogeneous with respect to concreteness, where the more frequent member of each pair was to be chosen. Frequency discrimination was found to be a function of relative rather than absolute frequency differences between pair members. In addition, a subjective frequency bias for abstract items was found, with the best performance when the more frequent alternative was abstract and less frequent alternative concrete. The worst performance was for the reverse condition, while that for pair types homogeneous with respect to concreteness fell in-between, with better performance when both alternatives were concrete. The results suggest that the role of imagery may be to produce more discriminable subjective relative frequency differences between alternatives and that the imagery effect generally found in verbal discrimination learning may be reconcilable with frequency theory as it currently stands.  相似文献   

In this experiment we investigated the effect of different instructions on the modification of attentional biases, and subsequently on worry persistence. Participants without excessive worry completed a modified dot-probe task, designed to train attention either to threat or neutral words. Half of each group was given explicit instructions regarding the relationship between word valence and target location, and half were given the more usual minimal instructions. Impact on worry persistence was assessed by categorizing the valence of thought intrusions before and after a period of instructed worry. Response latencies to test items on the dot-probe task showed that attention had been successfully manipulated in the expected direction, and explicit instructions led to more effective attention modification. Moreover, participants in the attend-threat group who received explicit instructions reported significantly more negative thought intrusions following instructed worry, as rated by an assessor, whereas participants in the attend-neutral group did not. These findings suggest that an attentional bias towards threatening information plays a role in worry persistence, and that explicit instructions may be helpful in modifying this bias.  相似文献   

Chronic, excessive, and uncontrollable worry is the defining characteristic of generalised anxiety disorder. Worry largely consists of verbal thought and it has been postulated that this predominance of verbal thought in worry may contribute to its perseveration. In an investigation of this issue, high worriers were trained to engage in either imagery or verbal processing. Mentation was sampled before and after a five-minute period of worry during which participants engaged in either imagery of the worry topic or verbal processing of the worry topic. Verbal worry resulted in a significant increase in negative intrusions, consistent with previous research. Furthermore, imagery was associated with a decrease in negative intrusions. The results support the theory that the predominantly verbal nature of worry may be responsible for the uncontrollability and maintenance of worry.  相似文献   

A 10-point rating scale, a pair comparison forced choice technique and a repertory grid were used to predict phobic behaviour in a standardized avoidance situation. The rating scale and pair comparison technique were significantly more accurate than the grid, but did not differ from each other. The results were seen to be consistent with others demonstrating that simple and economic self-report measures can often be more useful than apparently more sophisticated instruments. The results can also be taken to underline the need for including a variety of measures in validity studies of the repertory grid, and the caution necessary in the clinical application of this same instrument. The generality of the present conclusions to other situations needs, however, to be demonstrated rather than assumed. Social desirability, for example, is not thought to be an important variable in the present situation.  相似文献   

A four-year-old boy with a severe phobia for loud sudden noises was successfully treated with behavior modification utilizing muscle relaxation and in vivo conditioning in six sessions. The question of theoretical importance was whether muscle relaxation and systematic desensitization by imagining feared stimuli could successfully be employed to treat a phobia in a child this young. The literature does not, to the author's knowledge, contain any reports of the combined use of muscle relaxation and imagination of fear-producing stimuli for treating phobic children of such a young age.  相似文献   

Despite strong evidence that worry is a verbal process, studies examining linguistic features in individuals with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) are lacking. The aim of the present study is to investigate language use in individuals with GAD and controls based on GAD and worry theoretical models. More specifically, the degree to which linguistic elements of the avoidance and intolerance of uncertainty worry models can predict diagnostic status was analysed. Participants were 19 women diagnosed with GAD and 22 control women and their children. After participating in a diagnostic semi-structured interview, dyads engaged in a free-play interaction where mothers' language sample was collected. Overall, the findings provided evidence for distinctive linguistic features of individuals with GAD. That is, after controlling for the effect of demographic variables, present tense, future tense, prepositions and number of questions correctly classified those with GAD and controls such that a considerable amount of the variance in diagnostic status was explained uniquely by language use. Linguistic confirmation of worry models is discussed.  相似文献   

Behavioral conceptions of alcohol abuse often include the hypothesis that drinking behavior is a negatively reinforced operant, with ethanol intoxication viewed as alleviating aversive environmental and internal states. This hypothesis has not been confirmed or refuted by previous studies which employed mild stressors and limited assessment methodology. In the present experiment, 22 patients with severe phobias approached their phobic animal under two consecutive conditions—first while sober and second after drinking either a placebo or an intoxicating dose of ethanol. The severe anxiety induced was assessed behaviorally, physiologically and by the patient's self-report of fear. The intoxicated patients did not experience decreased anxiety, tachycardia or avoidance, compared to the placebo group. These results have clinical implications and suggest the need to reconsider tension-reduction theories of alcohol abuse.  相似文献   

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