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采用校园欺凌/受欺凌量表、多重暴力暴露量表和自编基本信息问卷,对浙江省10所小学和8所中学的2462名青少年进行调查,探索不同性别青少年早期校园欺凌潜在模式,并分别考察暴力暴露对男女生卷入校园欺凌的预测作用。结果发现:(1)男女生存在不同校园欺凌潜在模式,男生分为4组:低卷入组(61.90%),中度卷入组(16.49%),高度卷入组(5.05%),受欺凌组(16.56%);女生分为3组:低卷入组(74.16%),中度卷入组(14.29%),受欺凌组(11.55%);(2)暴力暴露是校园欺凌的危险性因素,对校园欺凌的预测效应因情境和形式不同出现差异。从暴力暴露形式出发,亲历暴力均为男女生卷入欺凌的最大危险性因素;从暴力暴露情境出发,家庭及学校、社区分别对男生、女生卷入欺凌的预测作用更大。本研究结果有助于理解不同性别青少年在校园欺凌方面的差异以及暴力暴露对校园欺凌的预测作用,为校园欺凌预防和干预提供支持和依据。  相似文献   

采用特拉华校园氛围量表、特拉华欺负受害量表、心理弹性量表、病人健康问卷抑郁量表和广泛性焦虑量表对3543名中学生进行调查。探讨中学生感知的校园氛围与心理弹性在其欺凌受害与内化性问题间的中介调节作用。结果表明:(1)在控制中学生的性别、年级及父母文化水平后,欺凌受害能显著正向预测学生的内化性问题。(2)心理弹性在欺凌受害与内化性问题间起部分中介作用。(3)中学生感知的校园氛围在欺凌受害以及心理弹性对内化性问题的影响中均有显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

通过对1148名大学生进行历时3年6次的追踪研究,使用潜类别增长模型考察了网络欺凌受害的独立发展轨迹和网络欺凌受害与网络欺凌的联合发展轨迹的特点及其性别差异。结果发现:(1)大学生网络欺凌受害的独立发展轨迹为3条(高受害-下降组、中受害-上升组和低受害-稳定组);(2)网络欺凌受害与网络欺凌的联合发展轨迹为2条(中受害-低欺凌-上升组、低受害-低欺凌-稳定组);(3)网络欺凌受害的独立发展轨迹和网络欺凌受害与网络欺凌的联合发展轨迹均存在显著的性别差异,男生更多卷入网络欺凌及受害。研究结果为大学生网络欺凌受害的预防和干预提供支持和依据。  相似文献   

校园欺凌严重影响青少年身心的健康发展,教师是预防和干预校园欺凌的重要力量。本研究拟在考察学生感知的教师欺凌态度与学生欺凌行为关系的基础上,探究学生欺凌态度的中介效应以及性别的调节作用。本研究采用《校园欺凌量表》、《学生欺凌态度量表》以及《学生感知的教师欺凌态度量表》对来自北京市两所初中的698名初一和初二学生进行测查。结果显示:(1)初中男生总体及不同类型的欺凌行为及其欺凌态度均显著高于女生,而女生所感知的教师欺凌严重性态度则显著高于男生;(2)学生感知的教师欺凌严重性态度显著负向预测学生欺凌行为;(3)学生欺凌态度在学生感知的教师欺凌态度和学生欺凌行为之间起部分中介作用;(4)学生欺凌态度的中介效应存在显著性别差异,男生欺凌态度为部分中介作用,而女生欺凌态度为完全中介作用。  相似文献   

为考察冷酷无情特质与初中生校园欺凌行为的关系,探讨道德推脱和内疚是否在冷酷无情特质与欺凌行为之间起中介作用,以及这个中介过程是否受班级氛围的调节,本研究采用整群抽样法,以522名初中生为被试,采用冷酷无情特质量表、道德推脱量表、中学生内疚感量表、学生感知班级氛围量表和欺凌问卷进行调查。结果显示:(1)冷酷无情特质显著正向预测欺凌行为,道德推脱和内疚在该过程中均起部分中介作用;(2)良好的班级氛围可以降低冷酷无情特质对欺凌行为的正向预测作用,也可以通过提高内疚水平从而减少欺凌行为,亦可以抑制道德推脱对欺凌行为的诱发作用。这表明,冷酷无情特质是初中生校园欺凌行为发生的一个重要风险因子,学校教育工作者可以通过营造良好的班级氛围和干预高冷酷无情特质学生的道德认知以减少其欺凌行为的发生。  相似文献   

编制青少年校园欺凌行为量表,为校园欺凌的评估、分类、干预工作提供依据。采用文献分析、结构化访谈与问卷调查确定量表维度并编制初始量表,通过项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析形成正式量表。青少年校园欺凌行为量表包含26个项目,共5个维度,分别是身体欺凌、关系欺凌、财物欺凌、性欺凌与网络欺凌;量表具有较高的内部一致性信度、分半信度与良好的内容效度、结构效度、效标效度。青少年校园欺凌行为量表符合心理测量学标准,可作为测量校园欺凌行为的工具。  相似文献   

校园欺凌现象在全球范围普遍存在,为有效解决校园欺凌问题,研究一采用《特拉华校园受欺凌量表》、《简易应对方式量表》以及《社会情绪健康量表》对416名5~6年级小学生进行了调查,结果发现,小学生消极应对方式可以显著预测校园受欺凌,社会情绪能力在消极应对方式与校园受欺凌中起调节作用。此基础上,研究二开展基于社会情绪能力的校园受欺凌团体辅导干预研究。结果表明,社会情绪能力的提升可以显著降低校园受欺凌水平。  相似文献   

为了探究校园欺凌中班级欺凌规范、道德推脱与旁观者协助欺凌和置身事外行为的关系,研究1对4316名初中生进行问卷调查,研究2选取142名初中生进行实验研究。结果发现:(1)班级欺凌规范、道德推脱正向预测旁观者面对欺凌时的协助欺凌与置身事外行为;(2)道德推脱在班级欺凌规范与旁观者协助欺凌行为、置身事外行为中起中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨中职女生社交自卑感的特点及其与家庭功能、心理健康的关系,采用社交自卑感量表、家庭亲密度与适应性量表和中学生心理健康量表对来自河南省内2所中等职业学校的1066名一年级中职女生进行间隔半年的两次问卷调查。结果发现:(1)89.21%的中职女生有社交自卑感体验,中职女生的社交自卑感与家庭社会经济地位相关显著,农村生源中职女生的社交自卑感显著高于城市生源中职女生;(2)家庭适应性可以边缘预测随后的社交自卑感,心理健康可以显著预测随后的社交自卑感;(3)社交自卑感、家庭功能和心理健康的关系模式在城市生源和农村生源的中职女生中具有较强的稳定性;(4)来自再婚/离异家庭中职女生的心理健康对随后的社交自卑感的预测作用高于来自完整家庭的中职女生。本研究表明,中职女生存在比较明显的社交自卑感,社交自卑感与家庭功能、心理健康之间存在动态联系。  相似文献   

关于欺负类儿童自我概念的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用问卷调查法,对广州市2所中学的380名初中生的欺负行为进行研究。考虑是否受到家庭欺负,对学生自我报告的类别进行调整,然后考察欺负类儿童的自我概念。结果表明:(1)欺负类儿童与非卷入类儿童在自我概念的各方面均没有显著差异;而欺负/受害类儿童与非卷入类儿童除社交认知外,在学业认知、自尊方面均存在显著差异。欺负/受害类儿童具有较低的学业认知和自尊。(2)欺负类儿童与欺负/受害类儿童在自我概念的各方面均存在显著差异,欺负类具有较高的自我概念。  相似文献   

Patterns of engagement in cyber bullying and four types of traditional bullying were examined using latent class analysis (LCA). Demographic differences and externalizing problems were evaluated across latent class membership. Data were obtained from the 2005-2006 Health Behavior in School-aged Survey and the analytic sample included 7,508 U.S. adolescents in grades 6 through 10. LCA models were tested on physical bullying, verbal bullying, social exclusion, spreading rumors, and cyber bullying behaviors. Three latent classes were identified for each gender: All-Types Bullies (10.5% for boys and 4.0% for girls), Verbal/Social Bullies (29.3% for boys and 29.4% for girls), and a Non-Involved class (60.2% for boys and 66.6% for girls). Boys were more likely to be All-Types Bullies than girls. The prevalence rates of All-Types and Verbal/Social Bullies peaked during grades 6 to 8 and grades 7 and 8, respectively. Pairwise comparisons across the three latent classes on externalizing problems were conducted. Overall, the All-Types Bullies were at highest risk of using substances and carrying weapons, the Non-Involved were at lowest risk, and the Verbal/Social Bullies were in the middle. Results also suggest that most cyber bullies belong to a group of highly aggressive adolescents who conduct all types of bullying. This finding does not only improve our understanding of the relation between cyber bullying and traditional bullying, but it also suggests that prevention and intervention efforts could target cyber bullies as a high-risk group for elevated externalizing problems.  相似文献   

以491名初中生为研究对象,对其网络受欺负行为进行为期2年的4次追踪测试,同时测试其父母教养方式。采用潜变量混合增长模型探讨初中生网络受欺负行为的多种发展轨迹,并分析父母教养方式的影响。结果发现:(1)在2年时间内,初中生网络受欺负行为呈显著下降趋势;(2)初中生网络受欺负行为存在两种下降趋势,即快速下降与慢速下降;(3)父亲拒绝、父亲过度保护与母亲拒绝这三种教养方式可增加两组初中生的网络受欺负行为,同时也可降低其网络受欺负行为的下降速度;(4)父亲情感温暖可显著预测快速下降组的初始水平和发展速度,母亲过度保护可显著预测慢速下降组的初始水平和发展速度,母亲情感温暖可显著负向预测慢速下降组的发展速度。上述结果证实父母教养方式对初中生网络受欺负行为发展轨迹的预测作用,支持了Kowalski网络欺负模型。  相似文献   

Although research has suggested that youth involved in bullying as victims, perpetrators, or both are at risk for negative outcomes, less work has investigated different patterns in how youth are involved in bullying with consideration for both the role (i.e., victimization and perpetration) as well as type of behaviors experienced (i.e., cyber, verbal, relational, and physical). Using Latent Class Analysis (LCA), the current study investigated patterns of bullying involvement with a sample of 799 middle school students. Results indicated that five classes of bully-involved youth emerged, including a (a) not involved class, (b) traditional bully victim class, (c) verbal bully-victim class, (d) traditional victim-only class, and (e) cyber bully-victim class. Notably, the bully-involved groups demonstrated significantly more internalizing, externalizing, and school related problems than youth not involved in bullying. Implications regarding identification of youth at risk for social and emotional challenges and intervention planning for bully involved youth are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of reactive and proactive aggression in school bullying perpetration remains unclear. In this study, we explore the predictive value of an expanded model of aggression motives based on the Quadripartite Violence Typology (QVT), which distinguishes between motivational valence (appetitive or aversive) and recruitment of deliberative self‐control to derive four classes of motives: Rage, Revenge, Reward, and Recreation. With a sample of 1,802 students from grades 7–9, we assessed aggression motives via self‐report, along with self‐report of bullying perpetration and victimization, which were used to assign students into categories of Pure Bully, Bully/Victim (B/V), Pure Victim, and Uninvolved. Two structural models were computed to examine the relationship between these four categories of bullying involvement and aggression motives, using conservative and liberal bullying cutoffs. As predicted, B/V status was more strongly related to Rage and Revenge motives. However, B/Vs had higher scores than Pure Bullies for almost all aggression motives, including Recreation. We discuss the implications of addressing Revenge and Recreation, as well as Reward and Rage (which map most clearly to proactive and reactive aggression, respectively) aggression motives, for bullying prevention and intervention strategies, especially among adolescents for whom extant bullying prevention strategies may be ineffective or counterproductive.

Using a person-oriented approach the study examined whether bullying victimization at school continued into cyberspace victimization in a large sample of high school students in Lithuania (N = 1667, 58% girls), age 15-19 (M = 17.29, SD = 0.95). Three forms of traditional bullying (verbal, physical and relational) and seven forms of cyberbullying victimization through cell phones and computers were included in the analysis. The findings revealed that 35% of traditional bullying victims were also bullied in cyberspace. In particular, adolescents who experienced predominantly verbal and relational bullying at school, showed a higher risk of victimization in cyberspace a year later, while this was not observed for predominantly physical forms of traditional bullying. The findings point to the importance of a cross-contextual perspective in studies on stability of bullying victimization.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents’ cyberbullying, cyber aggression, and cyber victimization from an evolutionary perspective, extending previous research showing that traditional forms of bullying, aggression, and victimization are associated with reproductively relevant outcomes. Consistent with hypotheses based on theory and research linking bullying and aggression to intrasexual competition for mates, results indicated that cyber victimization was positively associated with a number of dating and sexual partners. Findings for cyber aggression were more complex, depending on the degree of cyber victimization experienced by the perpetrator, and the balance of power between the perpetrator and victim. Specifically, nonbullying cyber aggression by perpetrators with equal or less power than the victim had stronger positive relations with the number of dating or sexual partners when perpetrators experienced a high level of cyber victimhood. In contrast, cyberbullying by perpetrators with more power than the victim was negatively associated with the number of dating partners when the perpetrators’ exposure to cyber victimization was low. Although cyber aggression and cyber victimization are new forms of aggression that involve the use of modern electronic devices, the results of this study demonstrate the usefulness of viewing this behavior from an evolutionary perspective and show that adolescents are likely to use cyber aggression against rivals in the context of intrasexual competition for mates.  相似文献   


Research has shown that while traditional (e.g., physical and relational) and cyber aggression and victimization often co-occur, individuals may differ in terms of their experiences with aggression and victimization as well as social-psychological adjustment. The current study investigated whether there are distinct groups of college students who experience different forms of aggression and victimization using latent profile analysis (LPA), and whether these groups differ from one another in their maladaptive personality characteristics and psychopathology symptoms. Participants were 540 undergraduate students from a Midwestern university (53% female; 78.5% White; average age?=?19.27 years). Four profiles were identified: Non-Involved (80.7%), Traditional Victim-Only (10.3%), Traditional Aggressor/Victim (4.8%), and Combined Aggressor/Victim (traditional aggression, cyber aggression and victimization; 4.1%). Maladaptive personality traits and psychopathology symptoms differed across the four groups. Both the traditional aggressor/victim group and the combined aggressor/victim group, compared to the non-involved and traditional victim-only group, reported higher levels of narcissism, psychopathy, and callous-unemotional (CU) traits. The traditional aggressor/victim group, compared to the combined aggressor/victim group, reported higher levels of narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and CU traits. The combined aggressor/victim group reported higher levels of psychopathology symptoms (i.e., emotion dysregulation, depression, anxiety, and stress) compared to the traditional aggressor/victim group. These findings enhance our understanding of the heterogeneity in experiences with aggression and victimization among college students, and highlight the importance of developing interventions that target their specific mental health needs.


There is a paucity of research on developmental trajectories of bias-based aggression. We examined homophobic bullying victimization trajectories among high school students (N = 3,064; M age = 13.67; Girls = 50.2%) and how these developmental pathways vary as a function of factors like homophobic bullying perpetration, sex assigned at birth, and sexuality. Using data from a 3-wave longitudinal investigation over a 2-year period, we utilized latent growth mixture modeling to explore the aforementioned trajectories. Findings suggested that there were three distinct classes characterized by high initial rates and declines over time, low initial rates, and increases over time, and low, stable, rate across time. Furthermore, results indicated that homophobic bullying perpetration, sex assigned at birth, and sexuality all predicted class membership.  相似文献   

School climate has been linked to a variety of positive student outcomes, but there may be important within‐school differences among students in their experiences of school climate. This study examined within‐school heterogeneity among 47,631 high school student ratings of their school climate through multilevel latent class modeling. Student profiles across 323 schools were generated on the basis of multiple indicators of school climate: disciplinary structure, academic expectations, student willingness to seek help, respect for students, affective and cognitive engagement, prevalence of teasing and bullying, general victimization, bullying victimization, and bullying perpetration. Analyses identified four meaningfully different student profile types that were labeled positive climate, medium climate‐low bullying, medium climate‐high bullying, and negative climate. Contrasts among these profile types on external criteria revealed meaningful differences for race, grade‐level, parent education level, educational aspirations, and frequency of risk behaviors.  相似文献   

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