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感觉记忆能够以特征形式构建对视觉对象表面信息的表征, 然而对于具有重要意义的潜在抽象信息, 尚未有研究考察其是否影响感觉记忆的视觉表征。结合掩蔽技术与部分报告法范式考察了感觉记忆的视觉表征中是否包含语义信息。以阿拉伯数字作为目标, 实验1与实验2分别采用正立与倒置的汉字大写数字作为掩蔽刺激, 比较其与白噪音刺激的掩蔽效应。结果显示, 汉字大写数字的掩蔽效应均强于白噪音刺激, 且正立汉字大写数字的掩蔽效果较倒置汉字大写数字更强。实验3采用汉字大写数字与汉字常用字分别作为掩蔽刺激, 结果显示汉字大写数字的掩蔽效果强于汉字常用字。上述结果显示, 刺激间的语义相似性带来了视觉表征冲突, 表明感觉记忆的视觉表征中包含了刺激的语义信息。  相似文献   

张豹  邵嘉莹  胡岑楼  黄赛 《心理学报》2015,47(9):1089-1100
本研究采用双任务范式, 通过定向遗忘任务操纵工作记忆表征状态, 分别在目标无关和目标相关条件下考察工作记忆激活与抑制状态对视觉搜索早期注意引导效应的影响。实验1与实验2发现当工作记忆表征只可能与视觉搜索分心物匹配时(目标无关条件), 处于激活状态的工作记忆表征会引导视觉注意偏向到与之匹配的分心物, 表现出注意引导效应, 而处于抑制状态的工作记忆表征则没有观察到注意引导效应。实验3与实验4发现, 当工作记忆表征有可能与视觉搜索目标匹配时(目标相关条件), 处于激活状态的工作记忆表征能捕获注意, 而处于抑制状态的工作记忆表征只有与视觉搜索目标匹配时, 才表现出对该搜索目标反应的延迟。这些研究的结果表明(1)处于激活状态的工作记忆表征能有效地引导注意偏向到与之匹配的搜索目标或分心物, 并且这种注意引导效应并未受到抑制动机的影响而被消除或反转; (2)处于抑制状态的工作记忆表征能将抑制状态传递到视觉搜索阶段, 并延迟对与之匹配的搜索目标的反应。  相似文献   

本研究区分了两类数学应用题:非视觉化题目与视觉化题目,采用数学测验与个别访谈相结合的方法,考察了54名小学四、五、六年级不同学业水平学生的视觉空间表征。结果表明:图式表征在非视觉化题目与视觉化题目上都极大地促进了问题解决,图像表征妨碍非视觉化题目的解决但与视觉化题目的解决无关,并提出图式表征和图像表征在两类题目上有不同的含义。六年级学生的解题成绩及图式表征有显著的提高,但图像表征与年级因素无关。差生的图式表征能力很差,而在视觉化题目上使用图像表征显著地多于优生及中等生。在非视觉化题目的非视觉空间表征与图式表征之间的转换灵活性上,优生表现了明显的优势。  相似文献   

本研究考察对他人可信程度的感知是否会影响对该人物面孔长相的表征及其潜在的机制。实验1让被试形成目标人物可信或不可信的印象。随后利用反相关图像分类技术将被试对目标人物面孔的心理表征可视化。结果发现无论目标人物是男性还是女性,高可信度的目标人物与更具吸引力和积极特质的面孔表征相关。实验2从一批新的被试中可视化了可信和不可信群体的面孔表征的特征,并与实验1中获得的目标人物的面孔表征的特征做相似性分析,发现被描述为可信(或不可信)的目标人物的面孔表征特征与可信(或不可信)群体的面孔表征特征有更多的相似性,说明当人们得知他人是可信(或不可信)时,会把脑海中的对应图式特征叠加到该人物的面孔物理特征上,从而重塑面孔表征。本研究说明自上而下的加工方式在面孔表征形成中扮演了重要作用。  相似文献   

何德娴  李金惠  周苗  陈雅珏  陈宇  何先友 《心理学报》2018,50(11):1249-1258
本研究采用图-词匹配的判断任务探讨视觉符号否定的加工机制, 设计3个实验, 分别探讨视觉符号否定在加工早期(250 ms)、中期(750 ms)及晚期(1500 ms)的心理模拟特点。结果发现, 在视觉符号否定加工的早期、中期及晚期, 与真实状态匹配的否定相关词的反应时都显著快于与被否定状态匹配的肯定相关词。该结果表明, 与文字符号否定加工的两步模拟假设不同, 在视觉符号否定的加工中, 被试在早期就模拟了事件的真实状态, 并在中期和晚期一直保持该状态的表征, 符合一步模拟假设; 此外, 被否定信息加工的抑制/保存假设得到支持。  相似文献   

视觉化表征是代数应用题表征的一大类型, 在问题解决过程中起着重要作用。视觉化表征的理论主要有视觉-逻辑二维模型、理解-转换模型、表象表征理论和图式-图像表征论, 四种理论模型各有其特殊的方法学意义。代数应用题的视觉化表征主要受到题目视觉化程度和认知负载等刺激因素以及自我效能感等认知因素的影响, 最后, 本文指出了在代数应用题视觉化表征理论、研究方法和影响因素探索中的进步以及发展空间。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍的缺陷本质一直是研究者们关注和争论的焦点。近些年, 有研究者提出了一种新的理论假设——噪音抑制缺陷假设, 并得到了许多研究证据的支持。这种缺陷在视觉和听觉通道中均存在, 说明阅读障碍具有多感觉/一般性噪音抑制缺陷。但也有研究者指出知觉噪音抑制本质上反映了注意的功能, 因而这种缺陷可能是由注意缺陷导致的。目前还缺乏直接证据支持汉语阅读障碍存在噪音抑制缺陷。最后本文对该领域未来的发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   

与任务相关的长时记忆表征在引导视觉注意选择的过程中扮演着重要的角色,它可以使人们在熟悉的视觉情境中快速搜索目标刺激,并偏离干扰刺激。但当长时记忆表征与任务无关时,还能否引导视觉注意选择?目前还不清楚。实验1采用眼动追踪技术直接比较无关工作记忆表征与无关长时记忆表征在视觉搜索阶段对视觉注意的捕获效应,行为反应时与首次注视点百分率的结果都发现,当无关工作记忆表征在视觉搜索中再次出现时能引导视觉注意偏向到与之匹配的干扰刺激,但无关长时记忆表征并没有表现出类似的注意引导效应;实验2探讨记忆表征由工作记忆系统转移到长时记忆系统的过程中对视觉注意的引导效应,结果发现,随着记忆表征的转移,注意引导效应消失了,实验3排除工作记忆表征的干扰后,依然没有发现无关长时记忆表征对注意的引导效应。以上结果表明,无关长时记忆表征并不能像工作记忆表征一样引导视觉注意选择,工作记忆表征和长时记忆表征对视觉注意的引导属于两个不同的认知过程。  相似文献   

脑科学研究表明,分类中对物体的知觉表征激活颞下叶皮层和颞中区等区域;语义表征激活前额皮层等。语义加工和知觉表征相互作用的脑机制表现为额区与视觉区域间信息的传递、提取。分类策略主要有规则策略和相似性策略两种。规则策略激活额区等广泛区域;相似性策略与视觉区域相关,包含着对个别样例的记忆过程。基于以上研究结果,本文从学习材料的表征和对材料进行表征时的策略两个方面为思维教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

大脑腹侧视觉通路知觉表征的神经机制是认知神经科学研究面临的基本问题。本文系统介绍了该问题研究中比较有影响力的理论模型,归纳分析了模型之间的分歧与各自的局限。文章分析指出大脑自上而下的调控机制是腹侧视觉通路神经表征机制问题研究的另一重要维度,如何有效整合知觉表征模型与大脑调控机制的相关研究是进一步深化知觉表征神经机制问题研究的关键。  相似文献   

With the introduction of the psychophysical method of reverse correlation, a holy grail of social psychology appears to be within reach – visualising mental representations. Reverse correlation is a data-driven method that yields visual proxies of mental representations, based on judgements of randomly varying stimuli. This review is a primer to an influential reverse correlation approach in which stimuli vary by applying random noise to the pixels of images. Our review suggests that the technique is an invaluable tool in the investigation of social perception (e.g., in the perception of race, gender and personality traits), with ample potential applications. However, it is unclear how these visual proxies are best interpreted. Building on advances in cognitive neuroscience, we suggest that these proxies are visual reflections of the internal representations that determine how social stimuli are perceived. In addition, we provide a tutorial on how to perform reverse correlation experiments using R.  相似文献   

In the Simon effect (SE), choice reactions are fast if the location of the stimulus and the response correspond when stimulus location is task-irrelevant; therefore, the SE reflects the automatic processing of space. Priming of social concepts was found to affect automatic processing in the Stroop effect. We investigated whether spatial coding measured by the SE can be affected by the observer’s mental state. We used two social priming manipulations of impairments: one involving spatial processing - hemispatial neglect (HN) and another involving color perception - achromatopsia (ACHM). In two experiments the SE was reduced in the “neglected” visual field (VF) under the HN, but not under the ACHM manipulation. Our results show that spatial coding is sensitive to spatial representations that are not derived from task-relevant parameters, but from the observer’s cognitive state. These findings dispute stimulus-response interference models grounded on the idea of the automaticity of spatial processing.  相似文献   

A successful vision system must solve the problem of deriving geometrical information about three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional photometric input. The human visual system solves this problem with remarkable efficiency, and one challenge in vision research is to understand how neural representations of objects are formed and what visual information is used to form these representations. Ideal observer analysis has demonstrated the advantages of studying vision from the perspective of explicit generative models and a specified visual task, which divides the causes of image variations into the separate categories of signal and noise. Classification image techniques estimate the visual information used in a task from the properties of “noise” images that interact most strongly with the task. Both ideal observer analysis and classification image techniques rely on the assumption of a generative model. We show here how the ability of the classification image approach to understand how an observer uses visual information can be improved by matching the type and dimensionality of the model to that of the neural representation or internal template being studied. Because image variation in real world object tasks can arise from both geometrical shape and photometric (illumination or material) changes, a realistic image generation process should model geometry as well as intensity. A simple example is used to demonstrate what we refer to as a “classification object” approach to studying three-dimensional object representations.  相似文献   

What information is used for sorting pictures of complex stimuli into categories? We applied a reverse correlation method to reveal the visual features mediating categorization in humans and baboons. Two baboons and 6 humans were trained to sort, by species, pictures of human and baboon faces on which random visual noise was superimposed. On ambiguous probe trials, a human-baboon morph was presented, eliciting "human" responses on some trials and "baboon" responses on others. The difference between the noise patterns that induced the two responses made explicit the information mediating the classification. Unlike the humans, the baboons based their categorization on information that closely matched that used by a theoretical observer responding solely on the basis of the pixel similarities between the probe and training images. We show that the classification-image technique and principal components analysis provide a method to make explicit the differences in the information mediating categorization in humans and animals.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a solution to the mirror reversal problem: Why does a mirror reverse left and right but not up and down? The paper first reviews past hypotheses and shows that none of them has succeeded in explaining all the related phenomena. It then proposes a multiprocess hypothesis based on the insight that what is called a mirror reversal is actually composed of three different types of reversal: The Type I reversal is produced by the discrepancy between an orientational framework that is aligned with a viewer’s body and the one that is assumed in the viewer’s mirror image; the Type II reversal is produced by the discrepancy between the mental representation of an object and its mirror image; and the Type III reversal is produced by a mirror’s optical transformation. The proposed hypothesis is shown to provide reasonable accounts for all the related phenomena disputed in the past literature.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine whether hope levels are predicted by social anxiety and social support and to investigate if the relationship between social anxiety and children’s hope levels is mediated and moderated by the social support of children. The Social Anxiety Scale for Children, Children’s Hope Scale, and Social Support Appraisals Scale for Children were administrated to a sample of 289 children (148 males and 141 females) enrolled in public school. To determine the relationships between variables, a Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized. Regression-based mediation and moderation analyses assessed whether social support mediates and moderates the relationship between social anxiety and children’s hope levels. Social anxiety and social support both correlated significantly with children’s hope levels; social anxiety had a negative correlation with children’s hope levels, while social support was positively correlated. Regression-based mediation and moderation analyses showed that social support mediates and moderates the relationship between social anxiety and children’s hope levels. The results of the present study emphasized the effects of social support on children; it had a positive effect on hope levels and a negative effect on social anxiety. Based on these results, it is recommended that the social support of children is increased via psycho-education programs for parents, caregivers, and teachers. It is further recommended that social-support-seeking behavior programs are developed in educational and mental health settings.  相似文献   

Previous research has revealed that the inhibition of return (IOR) effect emerges when individuals respond to a target at the same location as their own previous response or the previous response of a co-actor. The latter social IOR effect is thought to occur because the observation of co-actor's response evokes a representation of that action in the observer and that the observation-evoked response code subsequently activates the inhibitory mechanisms underlying IOR. The present study was conducted to determine if knowledge of the co-actor's response alone is sufficient to evoke social IOR. Pairs of participants completed responses to targets that appeared at different button locations. Button contact generated location-contingent auditory stimuli (high and low tones in Experiment 1 and colour words in Experiment 2). In the Full condition, the observer saw the response and heard the auditory stimuli. In the Auditory Only condition, the observer did not see the co-actor's response, but heard the auditory stimuli generated via button contact to indicate response endpoint. It was found that, although significant individual and social IOR effects emerged in the Full conditions, there were no social IOR effects in the Auditory Only conditions. These findings suggest that knowledge of the co-actor's response alone via auditory information is not sufficient to activate the inhibitory processes leading to IOR. The activation of the mechanisms that lead to social IOR seems to be dependent on processing channels that code the spatial characteristics of action.  相似文献   


Underprivileged children are a relatively special vulnerable group in rural China, but the relationship between poverty and children’s mental health has been rarely examined. This study aimed to investigate the effect of poverty on children’s mental health and the mediating role of social capital in their family, peer, school, and community level. Data used in this study were collected in 2015 from a school-based survey of 1314 children in grades 4–9 through a multi-stage cluster random sampling method in Xiushui, a poverty-stricken city in Mainland China. The result of structural equation modeling indicated that poverty elicited a significant predictive effect on children’s negative and positive mental health. Family social capital and peer social capital played intermediary effects between poverty and children’s mental health. However, the mediating effects of school and community social capital are not significant. The implications of these findings on theory, social policy, and social work services were also discussed.


Although a fully general extension of ROC analysis to classification tasks with more than two classes has yet to be developed, the potential benefits to be gained from a practical performance evaluation methodology for classification tasks with three classes have motivated a number of research groups to propose methods based on constrained or simplified observer or data models. Here we consider an ideal observer in a task with underlying data drawn from three univariate normal distributions. We investigate the behavior of the resulting ideal observer’s decision variables and ROC surface. In particular, we show that the pair of ideal observer decision variables is constrained to a parametric curve in two-dimensional likelihood ratio space, and that the decision boundary line segments used by the ideal observer can intersect this curve in at most six places. From this, we further show that the resulting ROC surface has at most four degrees of freedom at any point, and not the five that would be required, in general, for a surface in a six-dimensional space to be non-degenerate. In light of the difficulties we have previously pointed out in generalizing the well-known area under the ROC curve performance metric to tasks with three or more classes, the problem of developing a suitable and fully general performance metric for classification tasks with three or more classes remains unsolved.  相似文献   

Many veterans with mental health problems do not adequately utilize needed care. Research has focused on identifying barriers to mental health care in veterans. The current study adds to existing literature by examining whether perceived need for treatment and social support affect treatment utilization in a national longitudinal survey of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans (n = 1,090). The Health Beliefs Model (HBM) postulates that a key reason why patients fail to obtain needed care is their belief “it’s up to me to handle my own problems.” This view was endorsed by 42% in the current national sample of veterans and was found in multivariate analysis to predict less treatment seeking in the next year. Mediation analysis revealed that veterans with higher ratings of social support were less likely to believe they needed to solve mental health problems on their own, indirectly equating to higher odds of treatment use. Simultaneously, findings indicated that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) had a direct effect on more mental health visits but was also associated with higher endorsement that one needed to handle one’s own problems and thus had an indirect effect of reducing mental health visits. Both social support and PTSD affected veterans’ perceptions of needing to solve one’s own problems, significantly predicted follow-up with mental health care. As a result, the findings indicate that clinicians’ should explore veterans’ belief systems about perceived treatment need as well as investigate the role of social support to improve mental health treatment utilization.  相似文献   

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