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南瑜  李红  吴寅 《心理科学进展》2020,28(10):1697-1712
睾酮是一种可以在男性的睾丸间质细胞、女性卵巢和胎盘的皮层细胞中合成并分泌的雄性激素, 它可以调节个体的各种生理、形态和行为过程, 对个体生存和繁殖至关重要。大量研究表明, 睾酮与社会行为的关联存在双向性, 睾酮可以调节社会行为, 社会行为可以反馈并进一步影响睾酮水平。我们将关注点聚焦于睾酮与人类攻击行为之间的关联。早期研究发现, 高睾酮水平个体表现出更高的攻击性; 近期的研究根据挑战假设理论模型和生物社会地位模型得出, 人体内的睾酮水平对竞争性相互作用具有高度反应性。此外, 通过对大量研究的回顾与分析, 我们总结出睾酮水平的变化可以通过增强杏仁核的反应性或减少前额叶皮质-杏仁核功能耦合来影响攻击行为。未来的研究者应考虑其他激素(如皮质醇)和人格特征调节睾酮和人类攻击行为之间关系的潜在作用, 以及相关的生物学机制。  相似文献   

较多研究支持睾酮和决策中的风险寻求行为呈正相关,但是也有其他的研究未能发现这种关系。基于决策的累计前景理论,本研究使用动态估计参数估计任务(DEEP),结合计算模型的方法,对120名双盲给药、有安慰剂对照的被试进行睾酮对价值加工过程作用的探究。结果显示,睾酮减少了个体的概率扭曲以及增加了损失规避,但是没有引发明显的风险寻求行为,研究结果表明睾酮对个体的价值加工过程产生了影响,使个体对概率的感知更接近于客观值并且增加了对损失的敏感性。  相似文献   

为了探索博彩行为与风险决策的特点,采用眼动研究方法对博彩行为中的风险决策任务进行了实验,结果发现:(1)外部框架表征虽影响决策者的内部表征,但决策者的内部表征方式表现出稳定的规律;(2)参与者在博彩中面对损失时,认知加工的决策时间比在面对收益的博彩任务的决策时间长,凝视次数也多比较多,决策者的瞳孔直径比面对收益任务下更大;(3)博彩参与者的内部表征方式,随博彩任务的外部表征的框架,金额、概率、备择项间倍数的改变而发生变化.结论:概率信息是博彩任务中的决策者稳定的决策权重;决策者在面对损失时会更加敏感,导致在决策过程中给予更多的加工负荷;博彩任务的外部表征对参与者内部表征有显著影响.  相似文献   

选择性信任指人们在面对不同信息传达者时,能依据信息的正误区分出他们的可信赖度,从而有选择地相信某些传达者。本研究探讨幼儿选择性信任与亲社会行为及决策判断的关系。研究一以75名3~4岁幼儿为研究对象,采用选择性信任任务与分配糖果任务相结合的模式,探讨亲社会行为与选择性信任的关系,发现3~4岁幼儿在选择性信任形成后,亲社会倾向更多地指向可信赖者。研究二关注选择性信任与幼儿的决策判断的关系,在对72名3~4岁幼儿的研究中发现,在众多颜色糖果的选择中,相对于对照组的均等偏好,实验组的3~4岁幼儿决策判断明显受到可信赖者的影响,即更倾向于选择可信赖者推荐的颜色糖果。  相似文献   

一切医学实践活动都是从决策问题开始。由于我们的决策面对的是需要治疗的患者,而患者的价值观是不一样的;同时,医学知识和技术是在不断发展和进步的,所以医生需要改变传统的决策方式,重视医学证据、可用资源和患者的价值取向。医患之间的相互信任是合理决策的前提。这种信任需在充分沟通的基础上达到互相认可。促进医患共同决策,将成为21世纪医疗服务的努力方向。  相似文献   

一切医学实践活动都是从决策问题开始.由于我们的决策面对的是需要治疗的患者,而患者的价值观是不一样的;同时,医学知识和技术是在不断发展和进步的,所以医生需要改变传统的决策方式,重视医学证据、可用资源和患者的价值取向.医患之间的相互信任是合理决策的前提.这种信任需在充分沟通的基础上达到互相认可.促进医患共同决策,将成为21世纪医疗服务的努力方向.  相似文献   

本研究考察生命和金钱问题下,获得和损失框架中决策任务类型对风险决策的影响。采用2(任务领域:生命、金钱)×2(决策任务类型:经验、描述)×2(结果框架:获得、损失)被试间设计,使用卡方检验及logistic回归分析后发现:生命和金钱问题下,个体在直接给出方案可能结果的描述性决策中仅表现出损失框架下的风险偏好;在通过自主查看方案可能结果的经验性决策中未发现结果框架作用。描述−经验差距一致性存在于生命和金钱问题中。  相似文献   

从博弈游戏看儿童经济决策行为的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外有研究借助最后通谍(UG)和独裁者博弈(DG)探查了儿童的决策行为,他们发现,随着儿童年龄的增长,他们分配给对方的金额呈上升趋势,即公平和分享行为随年龄增加。儿童的经济决策行为和社会化不可避免要受文化影响。研究探查了中国文化下小学三、六年级、初二、大学一年级四个年龄组学生在最后通谍(UG)和独裁者博弈(DG)中的经济决策行为发展。研究同时比较了个体决策和群体决策的差异。结果发现:儿童在两个博弈中的提议金额都显示出公平和分享行为,随着儿童年龄的增长,儿童在UG和随后进行的DG中的提议分配金额呈减少趋势。这个发现与以往国外研究结果明显不同。两个博弈的顺序对UG没有影响,但对DG有影响;儿童的个体决策和群体决策结果没有显示显著差异  相似文献   

儿童的决策行为   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
现有的研究表明,儿童早期就具有一定的利用概率和统计信息来做决策的能力,这种能力随着年龄增长,但和成人相比存在差异;儿童和成人同样运用启发式来做决策,且受许多判断偏见的影响。儿童的决策行为受到人格特征、性别、年龄、任务领域特殊性和信息表征等因素的影响。文中还介绍了决策的自我调节模型和“双过程”理论,从不同的角度解释和预测儿童决策行为的发展。最后分析了儿童决策研究的趋势。  相似文献   

药物成瘾者存在决策缺陷, 并表现出冲动性、风险寻求、奖赏失调、躯体内感信号缺失等特征。神经影像学研究表明药物滥用导致成瘾者背外侧前额皮层、前扣带回、眶额叶皮层、腹内侧前额皮层、杏仁核、脑岛等脑区受损, 这些损伤是引发其决策缺陷的主要原因。认知训练有利于提高个体的决策能力, 如目标管理训练和正念冥想等可以增强个体工作记忆、促进自我觉察和以目标为导向的行为; 而非侵入性脑刺激则可以直接改变与成瘾者决策相关脑区的激活状态, 从而提升与决策相关的认知功能。总体而言, 未来认知训练和非侵入性脑刺激在成瘾干预方面仍有广阔的拓展空间。  相似文献   

Although the decision to engage in prosocial behavior has received research attention, the literature offers a limited understanding of fairness and uncertainty as antecedents. We propose that one can encourage prosocial decision making simply by invoking the notion of fairness because of its effects on the perceived trustworthiness of the invoking party. We also elucidate the complex role of uncertainty in prosocial decisions in that it has a negative effect while also serving to strengthen the positive effect of fairness salience. Our ideas are tested in two prosocial decision contexts, including participative pricing (i.e., “pay what you want”) and charitable giving. Data from an archival study of a naturally occurring event and two controlled experiments offer support for our arguments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated a new instrument designed to assess investment risk tolerance, the Risk Tolerance Questionnaire (RTQ). RTQ scores were positively correlated with scores on two other investment risk measures, but were not correlated with a measure of sensation-seeking (Zuckerman, 1994), suggesting that investment risk tolerance is not explainable by a general cross-domain appetite for risk. Importantly, RTQ scores were positively correlated with the riskiness of respondents’ actual investment portfolios, meaning that investors with high risk-tolerance score tend to have higher-risk portfolios. Finally, respondents with relatively more investment experience had more risk-tolerant responses and higher-risk portfolios than less experienced investors.
James E. CorterEmail:

When allocators make decisions about distributing resources, they face a dilemma if the expectations for consequences that will flow from particular choices are incongruent with each other. For example, a certain allocation choice might be expected to make an allocator appear warm and likable but unfair. Previous research has found that culture can shape these perceptions and, thus, their congruence or incongruence. The present study further investigated these ideas. Differences between Turkish and U.S. students' perceptions of allocators who distributed resources on the basis of merit vs. need were investigated. Results revealed an allocation dilemma among the U.S. but not among the Turkish students. Specifically, the U.S. students perceived greater incongruence among allocation consequences for both merit and need choices than did the students from Turkey for whom perceptions of allocator's fairness were more aligned with perceptions of allocator's warmth.  相似文献   

Recent neuroendocrinology research has pointed out that testosterone (T) and cortisol (C) changes after social interactions can predict risk‐taking behavior in decision‐making, depending on the sex of participants. However, previous research has focused on the effects of the changes in only one hormone, rather than the interaction between them, even though C can suppress T activity. Our aim was to test, in men and women, the role of T changes moderated by C changes after competition in decision‐making. Thus, 48 males and 46 females completed the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) after a laboratory competition or a noncompetitive task (control task). Saliva samples were collected before and after the competition/control task. IGT was employed to measure risk‐taking decision‐making, considering the degree of uncertainty. Our results showed sex‐differentiated effects of T and C changes on risk‐taking behavior. On the one hand, men from both task groups (Competition/Control) who had higher C and T changes after competition showed more risk‐taking decision‐making (higher IG Risk). On the other hand, women from the competitive task who had high C and T showed conservative decision‐making. Therefore, these results show sex‐differentiated decision‐making profiles, which would help to understand how men and women behave after experiencing a competitive social context.  相似文献   

Decision-makers tend to change the psychological attractiveness of decision alternatives in favor of their own preferred alternative after the decision is made. In two experiments, the present research examined whether such decision consolidation occurs also among individual group members in a large group decision-making situation. High-school students were presented with a decision scenario on an important issue in their school. The final decision was made by in-group authority, out-group authority or by majority after a ballot voting. Results showed that individual members of large groups changed the attractiveness of their preferred alternative from a pre- to a post-decision phase, that these consolidation effects increased when decisions were made by in-group members, and when participants identified strongly with their school. Implications of the findings for understanding of group behavior and subgroup relations are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the process of shared leadership in 45 ad hoc decision-making teams. Each team member's leadership behavior (n = 180) was assessed by behaviorally coding videotapes of the teams' discussions. The within-team patterns of leadership behavior were examined using cluster analysis. Results indicated that the likelihood of a team experiencing a full range of leadership behavior increased to the extent that multiple team members shared leadership, and that teams with shared leadership experienced less conflict, greater consensus, and higher intragroup trust and cohesion than teams without shared leadership. This study supports previous findings that shared leadership contributes to overall team functioning, and begins to delineate the extent to which team members may naturally share leadership.  相似文献   

The aim was to develop a theoretical understanding of the decision-making process leading to appendectomy. A qualitative interview study was performed in the grounded theory tradition using the constant comparative method to analyze data. The study setting was one county hospital and two local hospitals in Sweden, where 11 surgeons and 15 surgical nurses were interviewed. A model was developed which suggests that surgeons' decision making regarding appendectomy is formed by the interplay between their medical assessment of the patient's condition and a set of contextual characteristics. The latter consist of three interacting factors: (1) organizational conditions, (2) the professional actors' individual characteristics and interaction, and (3) the personal characteristics of the patient and his or her family or relatives. In case the outcome of medical assessment is ambiguous, the risk evaluation and final decision will be influenced by an interaction of the contextual characteristics. It was concluded that, compared to existing, rational models of decision making, the model presented identified potentially important contextual characteristics and an outline on when they come into play.  相似文献   

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