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李佳洁  于彤彤 《心理科学进展》2020,28(12):2052-2063
在干预国民健康饮食行为方面, 更“隐性”的助推策略因其针对直觉思维系统发挥作用, 比传统的干预政策更具优势。基于助推策略对食物选择决策影响机制的不同, 健康饮食助推策略可构建为提供决策信息、改善决策选项、影响决策结构和提醒决策方向4个大类及9个小类的框架体系。助推策略在实践中仍存在争议, 因而在中国实施时需与传统政策结合使用, 充分考虑中国国情和消费群体特征, 并充分利用信息技术和大数据优势, 助力健康中国。  相似文献   

近年来, “助推”被越来越多地用于气候变化与生态环境治理实践, 成为促进人们环保行为的有效策略。但目前国内基于助推思想的环保行为干预研究和实践探索都还很缺乏。环保行为需要助推的根本原因在于人们在环保领域的决策存在认知局限和动机不足。相应的, 在认知和动机两大视角下主要有7种环保行为助推策略。认知视角的助推策略包括默认选项、框架效应和示范性规范, 动机视角的助推策略旨在激发家国动机、遗产动机、获益动机和自主动机以促进人们的环保行为。助推环保行为在实践中也存在争议, 实践工作者需明确助推环保行为的外部环境与传统社会治理思路的关系, 并掌握选择架构设计的技术要点。  相似文献   

我们人类当前的生活方式不是可持续的。提升可持续性的途径之一是发展更绿色的科学技术, 另一种补充性途径是改变人们的态度、习惯和行为。在本文中, 我们讨论了6种心理技术, 其宗旨是推动或助推(nudge)人们做出更环保的选择和行为。这些心理技术涵盖范围非常广泛, 有些可以远程使用, 如在通知公告中建构沟通信息, 有些则涉及对人们的决策情境做出的改变。因此, 本综述关乎到各行业从业人员, 如市场营销人员、政策制定者、消费者代表等。对于每项心理技术, 我们讨论了其认知和(或)情绪的理论性基础。此外, 我们探讨了目前文献中存在的空白, 并提出了可填补这些空白的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

我们人类当前的生活方式不是可持续的。提升可持续性的途径之一是发展更绿色的科学技术,另一种补充性途径是改变人们的态度、习惯和行为。在本文中,我们讨论了6种心理技术,其宗旨是推动或助推(nudge)人们做出更环保的选择和行为。这些心理技术涵盖范围非常广泛,有些可以远程使用,如在通知公告中建构沟通信息,有些则涉及对人们的决策情境做出的改变。因此,本综述关乎到各行业从业人员,如市场营销人员、政策制定者、消费者代表等。对于每项心理技术,我们讨论了其认知和(或)情绪的理论性基础。此外,我们探讨了目前文献中存在的空白,并提出了可填补这些空白的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

烟草危害是人类所面临的重大公共健康挑战之一。传统的控烟策略主要依赖健康宣教、烟草税和控烟条例等手段,但是较少考虑到吸烟行为的“非理性因素”及其心理机制,因此仍不能有效帮助吸烟者成功戒烟。行为科学的发展为助推吸烟者成功戒烟提供了新视角。以实施主体和干预的影响机制为划分标准,可将助推戒烟的行为干预策略分为由政府和公共健康服务部门执行的情境型干预策略和认知型干预策略以及吸烟者可自主执行的情境型和认知型干预策略,一方面便于吸烟者和相关部门选取可执行的戒烟行为干预策略,另一方面为进一步开发和验证助推戒烟的行为干预策略提供参考。虽然基于行为科学的助推干预策略已经取得了一定的进展,未来研究仍有必要进一步在真实世界中验证和评估戒烟助推干预策略的效果。未来也有必要进一步将行为改变技术融入到数字化的戒烟服务或应用小程序中去以提升其效果。未来也需要考察如何应用戒烟助推干预策略防止电子烟产品的负面影响并减少这类策略的误用和滥用。  相似文献   

如何做出有利于长期环境利益的跨期决策是一个重要的科学问题。4个研究探讨了为子孙后代的"长计远虑"对环境跨期决策的助推作用。研究1通过对比真实孕妇和未孕女性,探讨怀孕、长计远虑水平和环境跨期决策三者之间的关系;研究2通过启动育龄女性的怀孕状态,进一步验证了长计远虑在怀孕与环境跨期决策中的中介作用;研究3和4开发助推研究范式,探讨为子孙后代的长计远虑对环保政策支持意愿和实际环保行为的影响。结果发现:不管是真实怀孕还是实验室启动怀孕,都会提高人们的长计远虑水平,并且在环境跨期决策中偏好远期选项;将长计远虑作为一种助推手段,能够在实验室和现场研究中助推环境跨期决策。这些结论对于理解怀孕的进化功能和基于"长计远虑"开发长远环保政策具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本研究采用实验室和现场实验的方法检验了默认选项的助推策略是否能够促进慈善捐赠行为。结果发现:(1)相较于把被试费的“保留选项”设置为默认,把“捐献选项”设置为默认时,被试捐献的概率和金额更高;(2)在多个捐款选项情景中,默认选项的设置总体上提高了默认选项被选择的概率;将最大金额选项设置为默认选项有助于提高被试平均捐赠额。这些发现表明,应用默认选项的助推策略能够有效促进人们的捐赠行为。本研究结果对减少募捐成本、提高募捐效率有所启示。  相似文献   

助推爱心:利用默认选项促进捐赠行为   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
宋官东 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1174-1179
本研究采用实验室和现场实验的方法检验了默认选项的助推策略是否能够促进慈善捐赠行为。结果发现:(1)相较于把被试费的“保留选项”设置为默认,把“捐献选项”设置为默认时,被试捐献的概率和金额更高;(2)在多个捐款选项情景中,默认选项的设置总体上提高了默认选项被选择的概率;将最大金额选项设置为默认选项有助于提高被试平均捐赠额。这些发现表明,应用默认选项的助推策略能够有效促进人们的捐赠行为。本研究结果对减少募捐成本、提高募捐效率有所启示。  相似文献   

基于心理学的研究, 自由家长主义者认为人们的思维有个体难以克服的、根深蒂固的系统性缺陷, 并难以通过教育来避免和消除, 因此主张因势利导, 仰仗外部专家的“助推”把人们的行为引导到正确方向。然而, 从生态理性的角度看, 人们依照自由家长主义者所谓的认知偏差做出的选择未必导致糟糕的结果, 而依照自由家长主义者所推崇的理性方法做出的选择也未必导致理想的结果。本文分析了自由家长主义者用来支持助推的证据后发现:(1)它们源于一些研究者对“何为理性”的狭隘定义, 误解了人类理性的本质; (2)它们对研究结果进行了选择性的报告, 忽视了与这些证据相反的证据。通过这些分析, 我们认为“人非理性且难教化”这一自由家长主义者的论断过于武断并有失偏颇。投入教育, 教会人们如何精明老练地处理风险不仅是可行的, 而且是替代助推的一个更为持久有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

社会善念是个体在人际互动中充满善意地关注、尊重并保护他人选择的需要和权利的行为,通过实施社会善念有助于提升他人的合作行为。为检验这一假设,本实验设置了“施—受”双方的互动博弈情境,采用“物品选择游戏”操纵实施者的社会善念水平,分别利用信任博弈和公共物品游戏测查接受者在互动过程中的信任水平和合作行为。结果发现:相比于低社会善念组,被试在高社会善念组中表现出更高的信任水平和合作行为。进一步路径分析也发现,信任在感知社会善念与合作行为间发挥着部分中介作用。由此可见,社会善念行为的实施为互动双方建立信任关系提供了重要线索,降低了人们时时“设防”的监控动机,使合作带来的利益双赢成为可能。  相似文献   

引导社会成员重塑日常良好行为习惯是增强公共政策有效性的重要路径和切入点, 洞悉并把握行为习惯的形成机制对具体培养策略的制定和实施大有裨益。行为习惯是指通过高频重复的奖励习得, 在记忆中形成的情境与反应之间的内隐联结。作为一种特殊的内隐记忆系统, 行为习惯具有自动化、情境线索依赖性、对当前奖励低敏感性等特征。行为习惯的形成机制包含两个独立且共发的习得机制, 即联结习得机制和奖励习得机制。在日常良好行为习惯的形成初期, 目标引导着个体对行为价值的习得。在培养社会成员日常良好行为习惯的过程中, 应将情境线索的稳定性、高频行为的低认知重复以及奖励的合理设置, 作为公共政策助推社会成员养成日常良好行为习惯的三大核心策略。未来的研究方向应着力于加强习惯研究的学科视阈融合, 更新行为习惯领域的研究范式, 重置公共设施以提升有益行为的易达性, 以及引入商业模式以共促社会成员日常良好行为习惯的重塑。  相似文献   

We review selected literature that examines how biases in decision making can be utilized to encourage individual health behavior, such as vaccination, and promote policy decisions, such as resource allocation. These studies use simple interventions to nudge people towards more optimal health decisions without restricting decision‐makers’ freedom of choice. Examples include framing effects, defaults, implementation intentions, position effects, social norm, incentives, and emotions. We suggest that nudges are an effective way to promote healthy behavior.  相似文献   

“行为经济学之父”Richard Thaler因在行为经济学领域的突出贡献而获2017年诺贝尔经济学奖。Thaler利用行为经济学原理提出了“明日多储蓄”项目, 助推美国养老金储蓄率的提高。在初涉养老金储蓄领域时, Thaler提出采取“自动加入”的方式提高员工养老储蓄参与率; 接着提出采取“自动升级”的方式提高员工的储蓄率, 最终形成了“明日多储蓄”项目。“明日多储蓄”项目具有自由家长主义性质, 不仅能提高员工养老储蓄参与率、储蓄率, 还能优化资产投资配置。该项目产生了深远的影响:在应用层面上, 英国、新西兰等国家跟进推出了类似的养老储蓄政策; 在研究层面上, 一批后继研究者受此启发展开了个体养老金储蓄行为背后心理学机制的探索。结合中国养老储蓄三大支柱发展不平衡的现状, 我们提出可利用框架效应、心理账户、默认选项、将损失程数由双程变为单程等行为经济学手段助推中国养老储蓄的发展。国家可以考虑通过制度设计和政策制定助推全社会养老金参与率和缴纳水平的提高。  相似文献   

A "sea change" in public attitudes, legislation, and political power at the end of the 20th century in the United States has helped set the stage in the early 21st century for the entry of people with disabilities into the labor force. Major pieces of federal legislation have altered national policy with the intention of maximizing the work force participation of people with disabilities. At the same time, a new theoretical paradigm of disability has emerged, which emphasizes community inclusion, accommodation, and protection of civil rights. This "New Paradigm" of disability can be applied in concert with rigorous behavioral science methodologies to shed light on the outcomes of recent federal policy changes regarding the labor force participation of people with disabilities. In so doing, social science can be used in more meaningful ways to understand both the intended and unintended consequences of federal policy.  相似文献   

Psychological science has a great deal to contribute to social welfare in all societies, because the world's most pressing social problems are behavioral in nature—violence, hunger, drug abuse, environmental pollution, low worker productivity, poor educational outcomes, and so forth. Thus, psychological research can inform public policies to improve approaches to these important social problems. The relationship of psychological science to public policy is often troubled, however, by misunderstandings about the role of science in the policy making process. Many scientists fear that their research results will be "misused" by others whose values differ from those of scientists. Thus, psychologists are reluctant to publish research results that can be used to support policies contrary to their own values and hesitate to ask research questions that can generate politically incorrect results. In this article, I argue that psychological science has a primary responsibility to ask dangerous questions and to report results honestly, without fear of their use; that research is not translated directly into public policies; and that psychological science should not be perverted either by fear of political consequences or by compromising truth in a quest for power. Three research examples are given to illustrate the different faces of temptation to pervert psychological science in a misguided hope that scientists' own values will be reflected in public policies.  相似文献   

This paper reviews evidence that behavioral family interventions are effective at improving child-rearing in distressed families and families with children exhibiting disruptive behavior. Essential therapeutic strategies offered within a collaborative therapeutic process are identified. Exemplary materials for parents and clinicians are identified. Differences between behavioral family interventions and two popular press parenting approaches are highlighted, including the lack of empirical support for these widely used programs and the advice they offer which runs counter to behavioral approaches. Recommendations are offered for combining behavioral family interventions with other empirically supported approaches, promoting more widespread use of empirically supported treatments, such as behavioral family interventions, and the need for a public health perspective on family functioning, involving collaboration among clinicians, policy makers, and researchers.  相似文献   

Dozens of studies show that bystanders are less likely to help victims as bystander number increases. However, these studies model one particular situation, in which victims need only one helper. Using a multi-player dictator game, we study a different but common situation, in which a recipient’s welfare increases with the amount of help, and donors can share the burden of helping. We find that dictators transfer less when there are more dictators, and recipients earn less when there are multiple dictators. This effect persisted despite mechanisms eliminating uncertainty about other dictators’ behavior (a strategy method and communication). In a typical public goods game, people seem to transform the situation into an assurance game, willing to contribute if certain others will too. Despite similarities, people do not treat a recipient’s welfare like a public good. Instead, people seem to transform the situation into a prisoner’s dilemma, refusing to help whatever others do.  相似文献   

摘 要:为探讨政策执行偏差情境下公众不公正感对公众集群行为的影响机制。采用问卷法对1756名社会公众进行调查,结果显示: (1)当局可责备性和愤怒情绪中介了公众不公正感对公众集群行为的影响。(2)公众不公正感还通过当局可责备性→愤怒情绪的中介链作用于公众的集群行为。  相似文献   

This study compared theoretical perspectives on the psychological and paid labor activity implications of mandating mothers initially on US welfare to participate in labor force activities. Data were collected that reflected these areas: government public policy interventions, family social ecology measures, mother’s psychological and human capital, and community capital. A quasi-experimental design was used, and multiple source data was collected over time. In the initial part of the study, 144 welfare mothers and one of their children between 9 and 13 years were interviewed. Results indicated that having high levels of individual human and psychological capital and lower levels of family social ecological barriers predicted higher levels of maternal paid labor market activity and psychological well-being. Using archival records, additional analyses involved a 32-month review of state records for nearly 1200 mothers initially on welfare. Results revealed that the lower one’s initial capital—either educational (lacking GED or high school diploma) or community-based (residents spending a high percentage of gross income on rent), the greater one’s economic dependence on public welfare, regardless of whether one was assigned to a welfare to work program or to a control group. Thus, mandating labor market activity as a government public policy was not effective as an isolated strategy to uphold employability over time. These results suggest that employers and government leaders need to provide individual human capital and community capital investments to sustain work force inclusion of low-income mothers.  相似文献   

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